Flash & Flashes
Twice a year, Midtown High School in New York City took a field trip. One time it was Hammer Industries (Tony Stark's enemy) and another the school went to Oscorp (where Peter was bitten by a spider), there were museums and tourist locations but mostly educational trips. They never told the students where they were going until they arrived at their destination. It added mystery and ensured more students would go.
Peter Parker almost didn't make the cut. His permission slip (signed by his adoptive dad Tony Stark) was deemed a fraud and he almost got a detention until he had one forged by Nat under the late Aunt May's name and promised to stop with the internship 'lie'. The adoption was being kept under the wraps until Peter's high school graduation in 15 months.
And so the young hero found himself on the iconic (as Peter would say) yellow school bus to an unknown location on a chilly Thursday morning. As the bus rolled around the city and Ned chatted his ear off, Peter found himself zoning out and thinking about what he would do when he got back home.
It was a little weird thinking of Stark Tower as home but then again there were a lot of things about Peter that weren't normal. His schedule was usually the same everyday with rare variations. The plan was have Happy drive home, homework, work with Tony in the lab, cook dinner with his other dad Steve, hang/train with the Avengers, and then sleep.
Many would see the opportunity to design Iron Man suits with Tony Stark or bake lasagna with Captain America to be one of the most exciting things in the world, but Peter had been living in the tower for almost a year since he and May had moved in shortly after the Vulture incident before her cancer. By this point in time, Peter was used to it. He still thought it was a dream every time Tony or Steve called him son or when he called Dr. Bruce Banner (one of the most renowned scientists of this generation!) 'Uncle Bruce'.
Peter was jerked from his thoughts as the bus driver slammed on the brakes. They were at the destination.
Whispers and eventually shouts filled the bus as students learned their destination. Peter looked out the window to find his house.
The blood drained from his face as he realized he would have to put up with his entire family in front of his classmates. Flash was instantly by his side, taunting and teasing about the internship. Peter was technically lying because he really didn't have an internship. But he was adopted by two of the Avengers so it was better. And he worked with Tony anyway and most interns didn't even see Tony. So Peter got a better deal in the end.
While the unfortunate teen wished a giant meteor would fall and put him out of his misery, the students filed out of the bus and continued gaping at the surprisingly simplistic lobby. Most would assume Tony would have the grandest entrance money could buy but he preferred a minimalistic look to something crowded with clutter.
Peter turned out the numerous students (and staff) whispering about his internship lie and hoped to the gods the field trip would turn out alright. He turned to ask his best friend to pit him in a coma but instead found the tech genius fanboying. Which was understandable since he had yet to visit his best friend and his new living quarters.
The group stood (im)patiently for a tour guide as they waited in the lobby. After a few minutes, Happy arrived.
Of course. The tour guide just had to be someone Peter knew. Just great.
Happy saw Peter (despite his efforts to stay hidden in the back of the group) and decided to single him out. Just for fun.
"Hey, Peter. Long time no see"
Peter wanted nothing more than to crawl under a rock and die. But instead he responded with a wave and said "heyyyyyyy, Happy. Same time tomorrow?" He gave a small nervous chuckle.
The other teenagers (and teachers) were sister shook at the exchange. But nobody said anything. They probably just thought Peter wasn't lying and it was part of his internship. The young hero didn't reflect on their nonchalance and mentally shrugged.
Happy began speaking about what to expect on the tour and safety measures and NDAs and whatnot. Peter already knew all of this simply from living in the tower and helping out on tours (one of his favorite things to do in the tower). The exasperated chauffeur/tour guide/head of security began handing out ID cards and herding students through the metal detector.
Peter had not been paying attention and began walking on autopilot. Normally he would waltz through the detector without scanning his ID card (which was only for show and the Avengers Compound) since Tony had added facial recognition for the high ranking officials in the building. Those officials being Tony, Steve, Peter, and Bruce. The other Avengers still had ID cards but that was only because they weren't at the tower enough to warrant a faster entrance.
So heading FRIDAY welcome him personally brought Peter back to reality.
"Welcome, Peter. Level 10. I have informed your fathers of your arrival"
"Nonono! FRIDAY, don't-!"
"Your fathers have been informed. They request your presence in the penthouse"
The students began talking.
"The penthouse?"
"The AI recognizes him?"
Even the security guards manning the detector were surprised. One of them actually walked over to Peter and said "I have never seen anyone talk to FRIDAY before. They only respond when she talks".
So Peter had to explain. For once, he was fast on his feet and created a believable lie. "Well I'm Mr. Stark's personal intern so he programmed FRIDAY to talk to me"
Flash began to speak "there's no way you're Tony Stark's personal intern. Unless...you did something or him." Peter could tell by Flash's tone and facial expression (not to mention the blowjob motion) that he thought Peter used sex to get to the top.
Thankfully for Flash, Happy did not hear him and continued in with the tour, ignoring the questions Peter's classmates threw at him. Almost two hours, three labs, two mini-museums, and four lectures later, Peter and his class arrived at the cafeteria. Tony Stark has always been known for his science and technology (mainly Iron Man) but Peter thought his cafeteria was truly his greatest achievement.
The large eating area covered an entire floor and held 100 tables of various size, capable of seating up to 2,000 staff, guests, and any other visitors. There were two kitchens both employed with 100 chefs with shifts ranging from 30 chefs to all 100. Every meal served was at least three courses not including drinks. And of course, it was all complimentary. When questioned by magazines as to why exactly he provided delicious free food to his employees, Tony stated it was better for business if his workers did not go hungry.
The class of thirty easily fit into the grand cafeteria with the employees. After running up to the line to grab a food tray, the students found seats and began chatting with the staff of Stark Towers. Many questions were about the type of work they did there but all of Flash's queries were "do you know Peter Parker?" The bully was surprised when only the high ranking interns and staff members knew of Peter. They of course ruined Peter's cover and made sure to mention how he was practically a son to Tony.
The genius teenager in question was the last person to grab food (considering he had to sneak upstairs to obtain his specially made lunch from Steve). This meant he had no idea about what Flash (and his other peers) learned from his colleagues. When he entered the room, the majority of the cafeteria fought for Peter to sit with them. In the end, he found a spot with the main robotics team that he was currently working with. As they ate, they also continued discussing plans for the latest StarkPhone. Peter was still surprised Tony would allow him to do that but Tony said "I need a teenager's viewpoint. And looky here. You are a teenager"
It was almost the end of the lunch break when Peter left to use the bathroom. What he failed to realize was he was being followed. He felt his spidey-sense alert him to something but it was most likely only a slippery floor or Clint hiding in the vents (again). So he very stupidly ignored the warning. It was only when he was forcefully turned around and shoved into a wall that he wished he had listened to his newfound ability.
Despite the fact it barely hurt, Peter still pretended to be in pain. He opened his eyes to see none other than Flash holding him against the immaculately painted wall.
"What the hell are you doing?" Peter questioned.
Rookie mistake. Even though he wasn't a rookie. It was more like a stupid mistake.
He didn't see the punch coming so the sound of surprise and slight pain was real. Sure Peter had been hit harder by criminals, but he at least had adrenaline coursing through his body. God he would love to have some adrenaline right about now.
Flash leaned in close and the smell of fish and garlic fanned Peter's face. Poor Peter almost threw up from the smell with his enhanced abilities but he managed to keep it down as he struggled to concentrate on Flash, who began to separate his sentences with punches instead of periods. "I don't know what you're doing but I know it's bad. Are you on your way to suck off Tony? Huh? I know he's a player. That's the only way you'd be able to get here. You're just a nothing." Peter tried not to let the words affect him, but they did. He felt the tears welling up and he fought to keep them at bay. "You're worthless. Now I know why your parents killed themselves. They wanted to get away from you-!"
Flash suddenly screamed and Peter looked up to see Happy, Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Nat. It was the exasperated bodyguard who pulled the bully off of Peter but Steve, Bucky, and Nat (it was actually mostly Nat) who began threatening him. Meanwhile, Tony rushed over to inspect Peter for any wounds. Thankfully, there was only a black eye and some slight bruising. He quickly hugged Peter and whispered apology after apology before releasing him and joining the rest of the group in terrorizing Flash.
Peter was still dazed and only caught snippets of the conversation. But he could tell from what little that he heard that Flash was never going to even look in Peter's direction again. The teacher of course noticed the commotion and ran out of the cafeteria to intervene.
"What is the meaning of this?!" The archaic man demanded.
Tony turned to the teacher and gave no verbal mercy. "I want you and all of your students out of my building immediately. I was working upstairs when my AI alerts me to my kid getting bullied by this piece of crap. And while I'm running downstairs, FRIDAY mentions this has been going on for years! Have you seriously let this piece of garbage bully my son since middle school?!"
The teacher looked about ready to pee himself. Which was a feat in itself considering he had fought in Vietnam. He tried to defend himself and explain the situation but every sentence put more and more blame on himself. The remainder of the group stood behind Tony and in between Peter and Flash, looking as intimidating as possible (which wasn't hard to do).
Finally, Tony had enough of the elderly man's excuses and practically threw him out the door. Well, more like Happy practically threw him out the door. While he may not admit it, he really did have a soft spot for Peter.
Speaking of Peter...
The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging with his family. After recalling every encounter he'd had with Flash. It was a great day. He made a robot with Tony and lasagna with Steve and trained with Nat and Bucky and got rid of his bully (for good) and a whole bunch of other great stuff.
It was the next day that was hard.
Everywhere he went, he heard students and even teachers chattering and gossiping about his adoption. Word had gotten out and made it to the newspaper and TV. Peter almost had a sensory overload from the number of flashing flights caused by the obnoxious and trespassing paparazzi.
When he finally made it home later that day, Peter walked straight up to his fathers and said "let's have a press conference."
Tony and Steve turned to look at each, seemingly communicating without saying a word before swiveling back to their son.
"We're in"
Thank you thank you thank you for all the reads and votes and all the sweet comments. I have so many drafts that I'm working on and a few requests as well. If you requested something I promise I have at least started on it. I hope to have as many done as soon as possible. Thanks again and happy reading!
Also...part 2?
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