Hey. Sorry I've been inactive. I was going to wait to publish this on Christmas but with midterms I don't really have time so I just wanted to get something published so merry early Christmas or happy holidays!
Christmas at the Parker household had always been a huge event usually spanning for 3 days. Then Richard and Susan (a/n: I don't know they're real names but just pretend they are Peter's parents) died in a plane crash. And then Ben died in a robbery shooting. And then May got cancer. Peter missed them all so much. He thought of them everyday.
But now he was living at Stark Tower with Tony and Strange acting as his legal guardians. They hadn't talked about adoption yet and Peter doubted it would happen. He was almost 17. It made no sense to adopt him when he would be an adult in just over a year.
This would be the first Christmas Peter spent with the Avengers. He had saved up all of his internship money in order to buy presents for all of the Avengers, even the unofficial ones that didn't live at the tower. The young superhero had wrapped all night in order to place them under the tree on Christmas morning. He quickly webbed some boxes together with his super temporary webs and worked on carrying the towering pile of boxes and bags downstairs.
He yelled out a couple 'good morning's and 'MERRY CHRISTMAS's to everyone he passed along the way and managed to carry his gifts safely down the stairs. He placed them all on the couch and turned to look at the giant tree Tony had gotten. Peter was still in awe at the size. Tony, Peter, and Stephen has decorated the 16-foot tree all by themselves in only 3 hours.
But what really surprised Peter was the pile of presents under the tree. Tony had gone absolutely overboard. When shopping for presents, he has bought wrapping paper that matched each hero's secret identity. So Steve had Captain America wrapping paper and Bruce had the hulk and Strange had his presents wrapped with stethoscopes and other medical things. The majority of the presents though were covered in Spiderman wrapping paper.
Peter's jaw dropped. Tony had gotten all of that stuff for him. He was glad he had set down the presents. Otherwise, they would be on the floor. The young arachnid was so invested in drooling over the presents that he failed to notice Tony behind him. So when Tony placed a hand on his shoulder, Peter jumped and let out a startled scream.
Tony doubles over laughing and had to sit down. In between laughs, he managed to ask "FRI, did you get that?"
It was a miracle the AI understood him considering how hard he was laughing.
"Saved to file: My Son" came the reply.
That shut Tony up. "You weren't supposed to say that when Peter is in the room!"
Peter was speechless. Tony noticed the kid and cleared his throat. "I-uh. Um...let's open presents."
The teenager simply nodded and turned to the presents. On the inside, Peter was freaking out. In a good way. Tony Stark thought of him as a son!
Tony was not feeling warm and fuzzy though. He was cursing himself for scaring away hi- the kid. He had to get rid of one of Peter's presents without him noticing or Christmas was going to be awkward. The only problem was the present in question was buried at the bottom.
"You didn't have to get me all of this stuff, da- Tony."
Tony (who had failed to notice the kid almost called him dad) simply shrugged and replied "well I burned the receipts, kid. You can't take any back. Besides, you deserve to be spoiled every once in a while."
Peter smiled at that and was about to reply when the rest of the Avengers walked in. Well, the official ones did. The others like Antman and the Falcon (with the exception of Rhodey, Wanda, and Strange) we're going to stop by later. Clint was also absent as he was spending time with his family.
And then they began to open presents.
Two hours, thirty three minutes and twenty nine seconds later they had only finished about half the pile. Part of the problem was Peter was receiving about half of the pile. Tony had really gone overboard. But Peter loved it. He hadn't come from a rich family so he didn't get a whole lot of presents for Christmas. This head was a different story.
Another hour or so passed and it was Peter's turn to open a present again. Tony was distracted as he told a joke to Rhodey. So he failed to notice Peter had the present in his hands. As in the present Tony needed to chuck out a window. So when he heard Peter speak, his heart stopped (not literally, guys. It's an expression).
"You want to adopt me?" Came Peter's small voice.
All conversation stopped. And everyone turned to look at Peter and Tony. Tony was caught off guard and it took him a second to realize Peter had opened the present. The present with adoption papers.
It took a second to recover, but when he did all he could say was a quiet "yes"
"I- I mean yeah I want to adopt you but only if you want me to. It won't hurt my feelings if you don't want me to." Tony lied. He would be crushed like a bug if Peter said no.
What Tony didn't expect to happen was exactly what happened. Peter has launched himself into Tony's arms and screamed out a giant yes. For what seemed like the billionth time that day, Tony was caught off guard. But he quickly wrapped his arms around his son (HIS SON!). Tears were falling from both superheroes and everybody else in the room felt at least one tear drop as well. It was Dr. Strange who broke the silence.
"Do I get a hug too?" Peter looked over and realized that Strange would also be his dad. So of course he jumped into his arms. After a moment or two, Tony moved over on the large couch and joined in the hug. Peter and Strange both adjusted so that they could hug the billionaire back. And soon all of the Avengers joined in as well, practically ordering Peter to call them 'aunt' or 'uncle'.
Peter had never felt more loved.
Best Christmas ever.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! Happy Hanukkah or Happy Holidays or Happy Kwanza to everyone who doesn't.
I actually wrote this two weeks ago (I finished it on the 10th but I wanted to wait to publish it) thanks for all the reads and happy reading.
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