Peter had adopted numerous traits from countless hours spent in the lab with Tony. It was a side effect of moving into the tower with May (Tony's idea). Now some were good traits and others were bad. He was beginning to roll his eyes more (bad) and he had more confidence (good). He was standing up for himself against Flash more (good, although he still wouldn't fight back when things got physical) and he refused to sleep until all of his work was done, often neglecting food as well (bad).
Peter had also developed slight separation anxiety. This wasn't something he had just picked up from watching his mentor run into his run after a nightmare about losing the closest thing he has to a son. Peter hadn't learned it from all of the phone calls at random times, just to make sure he was okay. Instead, he had developed a separation anxiety. He was nervous about leaving behind his loved ones. Tony had it too.
Peter would text Tony at random times, 'just to check in' he claimed but really because he was worried about his mentor's anxiety and losing those he loved. It made sense considering Peter had lost 3 family members already.
But sometimes Aunt May was busy and couldn't respond to texts. Or Tony would be on a flight and couldn't respond. Even though both Avengers had changed each other's ringtones so that the calls and texts would stand out, they were not always able to respond.
So Peter baked. If Tony or May or Ned or even MJ wasn't responding, he would bake. Whether it be cookies or cake or cream puffs or brownies, it helped with the anxiety. And when he was finished he would have some treats to share with his friends and family.
He especially loved when Bucky joined. Bucky had loved to bake when he was younger and it helped him stay grounded. So the two quickly became baking buddies. Stark Tower was almost overflowing with various desserts and the smell of vanilla extract, cookie dough, and/or cake batter was almost constantly filling the air with the sweet smell of desserts.
It was on one such occasion that May was leaving for a business trip. It was only for a week. But peter was still nervous all the same. His parents had died in a plane crash and he has been involved in one on Homecoming Night.
Unfortunately, Tony and Pepper were both busy with meetings and conferences and paperwork. And while Tony would love to abandon all work to comfort hi-the kid, he was trying to do better with his careless habits. That and Pepper would have his head. As much as she loved Peter, this paperwork needed to be done.
All of the Avengers save for Bucky, Steve, and Bruce were out on a Hydra takedown mission. Bucky never went on this missions due to his past with Hydra and Steve always stayed behind to watch over him. Bruce was not needed for the mission and quite frankly didn't want to do anyway. The doctor would much rather spend time in his personal lab.
Peter was worried because he didn't have anybody to talk to about his fears. Plus with the bombing at the UN meeting only last week that killed T'challa's father, Peter was a nervous wreck. He wanted to check in on both of his 'parents' but couldn't for many reasons.
So he grabbed a box of brownie mix and began baking. He decided to make multiple trays considering the appetite of the Avengers. He had just placed the second pan in the oven when his spider sense went off. Peter could tell it wasn't a threat though and only turned around instead of screaming bloody murder and roundhouse kicking someone in the face.
No surprise there. It was Bucky. The two gave a silent nod and got to work. Bucky was in charge of adding the ingredients (cracking the eggs helped remind him he wasn't the Winter Soldier anymore) and Peter was in charge of the ovens. After only an hour and a half, the two had made an additional four pans, bringing the total brownie count to six pans.
The duo still hadn't said a single word the entire time. They had spent so many afternoons and late nights and early mornings baking together that they had a sort of twin telepathy. So once again without speaking the two heroes began to clean the kitchen.
Peter decided he didn't like the silence and grabbed his phone and a speaker. Seconds later, the Les Mis soundtrack began to play through the hidden speakers in the kitchen. Bucky was not surprised with Peter's music selection considering he played musicals almost every time they baked. In fact, Peter played his musical soundtracks so often that Bucky knew most of the words.
So when the tired group of Avengers accompanied by May, Pepper, and Ned walked through the penthouse, they found an ex-assassin and a mutated teenager dancing and singing (more like screaming) to the sound of "Do you hear the people sing?"
After a dramatic flip off the ceiling (Peter would be scolded later for getting dirty footsteps on the ceiling...again) Peter attempted a triple ballerina spin and face planted...right in front of Tony.
So after a half-assed attempt at getting up from the cold floor, Peter just laid there on his back in defeat. Until he saw Tony...and the Avengers...and Aunt May...and Ned.
"How much of that did you see?"
"Since 'Master of the House'. FRIDAY is programmed to send me videos of you doing stupid stuff" Tony responded, looking at Bucky who was still dancing.
While Peter blushed furiously on the ground at being caught, Bucky continued dancing. It was only when Tony stopped the music that he turned around, ready to complain about being cut off before the chorus of "Master of the House".
"Oh...hi" Bucky gave a small wave.
"Peter" Tony gave a faux angry glare towards his son-figure (if father-figure is a thing so is a son-figure).
"You're out of the will. No kid of mine is going to listen to Les Mis instead of AC/DC."
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