Attack Part 2
Peter woke up with a headache. He reached up a hand to touch the sore bump on the back of his head but was stopped abruptly. He turned his head to see his hands were chained to the dank wall he was leaning against. Memories flashed as Peter remembered what happened. One second he was on the subway taking a selfie with his dad and the next he was here.
The teenager quickly began searching for any signs of Steve. Despite the limited lighting, he was able to see with his enhanced eyesight. Thank you, Mr. Spider. The first glance around the room he missed it but the second time around he noticed a limp in the corner of the room. It could've been a blanket or anything really, but when Peter whispered "Dad?", it shifted.
"Dad?" Peter practically cried while keeping his voice down. He felt tears well up in his eyes as he heard his dad groan in pain.
Steve began moving, slowly bringing himself into a sitting position. It was obvious from his clenched teeth and narrowed eyes how much pain he was in. Similarly to Peter, he tried to touch his head but was stopped by chains. Unlike Peter's though, the chains were a little longer, allowing Steve more room to move about the room.
When Steve opened his eyes, he immediately noticed Peter, his kid bruised and scared and chained and worried. He didn't deserve this.
"Peter?" Steve's voice cracked, whether from emotions or pain it wasn't clear.
Both wanted to cry. But both tried their best not to. They couldn't let the other know how afraid they really were.
Steve stood shakily and tried to get close to Peter. He was only two feet away; he was so close. Peter stretched his hands out as far as he could, trying with everything he had to hug his dad.
The chains pulled taut. They were six inches apart. So close, but so far. That's when Peter started crying. Seeing his son's panicked state brought tears to Steve's eyes.
"Hey, Peter. It's okay" Steve tried to console his kid. "We'll be okay. Don't worry. Please don't cry. We'll find a way out of here. I'm sure Tony is on his way right now."
The tears didn't show any signs of stopping, though Peter tried. It didn't take long before his breathing grew shallow and frantic, his heart racing. He began to shake. A panic attack.
Shit shit shit shit shit, Steve thought. Peter needed to be touched, it was how he was grounded. The chains around both of their wrists prevented that. Steve's heart broke seeing Peter so afraid and vulnerable. He was so close. Just a couple more inches.
Steve's face lit up. He had an idea. "I'll be right back, Peter. I promise I won't leave you". It didn't seem like Peter heard.
The super soldier stood up and ran back to his side of the cell where the chains were attached to the wall. It was a stupid plan, but it just might work. Steve took off running. He had about ten feet of chain before he would be stopped. The hope was if he could gain enough speed he would be able to pull the restraints off the wall.
The chains stopped. Steve cried out in pain but tried to bury it down. He couldn't let Peter know he was hurt. What he didn't notice was the metal rings the chains were attached to had pulled off the wall slightly.
Cradling his sore wrists, Steve tried again. This time, he noticed he was getting closer. Not by much, but he was getting closer. Closer to his son.
One more time. Steve thought. One more time, he ran again. One more time. Again. One more time. Again. And again. And again and again and again.
Until the chains broke off the wall.
The metal made a loud clanking sound as it fell to the concrete floor but Steve couldn't bring himself to care. There was a possibility their captors heard the noise but Steve couldn't bring himself to care. His wrists were definitely injured in some way but Steve couldn't bring himself to care. All that mattered was Peter.
The second he was able to, Steve enveloped Peter in a firm hug. He stroked his hair and back, whispered soothingly in his ear, reaffirmed his presence. It took a few minutes but Peter's panic attack disappeared. His breathing grew slow and deep; his heart calmed to a normal pace, beating slower but stronger; his shaking stopped; the tears stopped falling.
For the first time since his panic attack, Peter looked up at his dad. He looked up in wonder and love and amazement. "H-How did you do that?"
"Do what?" Steve turned his head in confusion.
"You broke out of the chains. How?"
Steve smiled down at his son. "I couldn't bear to just leave you like that. I had to help you. You're my kid, Peter. I have to take care of you."
Peter returned his father's smile. "I love you" He burrowed his head into the crook of Steve's neck. Just being able to touch his dad was soothing and comforting. Steve opened his mouth, fully prepared to say "I love you more" but was stopped.
"Awww. How cute. What a pity neither of you will live through this" a deep, gravely voice spoke from the shadows.
Steve instinctively pulled Peter behind him, shielding him from the threat, protecting him from harm. Despite his fear, his voice was strong. "Who are you? What do you want?"
The mysterious voice laughed mockingly. "I'm hurt, Captain Rogers. Surely you couldn't forget me" he stepped from the shadows.
"Red Skull" Steve breathed in horror and surprise.
"That's right" the villain laughed. "I am Red Skull. And I want to kill Tony Stark"
Part 3 coming soon. Other requests are being worked on. Thank you for the votes!
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