Sorry for the late update. I finally managed to write something. I had trouble writing this one so it really isn't that good, but its better than nothing. So here it is...
Requested by SanneB04 I hope I did okay. It isn't my best, but I tried.
Peter had planned to spend the weekend with MJ and Ned, and maybe hang out in the lab with Tony. Peter and May were planning on going to the movies together, but noooooo.
He just had to get kidnapped.
Nothing ever seems to happen the way he wants it too.
Peter sits on the edge of a building, his legs dangling off the edge. He had been on patrol for the past two hours and nothing had really happened. Other than the usual muggings he stopped, things had been quiet. He was just about to home for the night when he hears it.
Peter doesn't hesitate. He jumps off the side of the building, shoots a web, and begins swinging through the city. He follows the voice until he comes to an empty street. It's odd, because it's New York. The streets should never be this quiet.
"Well hello bug boy..." A voice sounds from behind him. He spins around to see a figure emerging from the shadows.
"Who are you?" The teen asks.
"That isn't important. I only have one thing to say to you Spider-Man."
Just as his Spider-sense warns him Peter feels a sharp pain in his neck, and he's out before he hits the ground.
The young hero leans his head back and takes a deep breath before assessing his situation. He's still wearing in his Spider-Man suit, but his web-shooters are missing and his mask is gone.
He's tied down to a chair and his mind is still clouded. Any attempt at escape is futile, as he's still weak from the drugs in his system. Once he realizes he can't escape, he tries something else. The idea is stupid, but he tries it anyway.
"HEEYYYY! MR. BAD GUY! YOU THERE?!" He gets no response. "MR. CRIMINAL?!"
The door swings open and a man steps inside. Peter almost laughs at how un-intimidating this man actually is. He's incredibly chubby, incredibly short, and he waddles when he walks.
"Spider-Man. Glad to see you're finally awake." Despite his disadvantage, Peter makes an attempt at his usual banter.
"Hey Mr. Bad dude. How are things in munchkin land?"
"I recommend keeping your mouth shut you insignificant little bug." The man's face is bright red and his eyes are full of anger.
"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that I thought The Penguin was a DC villain. Sorry, wrong Cinematic Universe."
"No more warnings bug."
Suddenly Peter feels a fierce and powerful shock moving through his body, causing him to scream in pain.
"W-What the frickity frack was that?" Peter mumbles quietly.
"It's a little something my agents picked up." He holds up a small metal disk in one hand and an odd looking remote in the other. "This little device managed to bring down the god of Thunder himself. We have several of them, and right now you have at least three attached to you. That little shock was just one. You can only imagine the pain of all three."
"Who are you?" The hero asks.
"We're HYDRA. We have some questions we wish to ask you about your dear friend Tony Stark."
"Pfft Tony Stark? What makes you think I know anything about Tony Stark?"
"We've been paying attention. Now first, I want access codes. I want passwords to all the labs, research facilities, and databases. I want all of it." The man now stands directly in front of Peter.
"Sorry, no can do. Are you sure I'm the one you should be asking about this?"
"I know you know them."
"The passwords or the Avengers?" Peter asks. He know he should probably shut up, but that doesn't mean he will.
"The passwords you idiot!" The man back hands the teen, hitting him in the mouth. Peter can feel the blood as it begins dripping from his now busted lip.
"I told you, I'm not the one you should be asking. I don't know." Peter lied.
"Suit yourself." The man waddles out of the room and slams the door closed, leaving Peter alone for the moment. The kid allows himself to relax for a moment and think about things. He now knows what they want and he knows who they are. Now he needs to figure out where he is.
He's pulled from his thoughts when the door swings open once again. At first he thinks it's the one he now calls Mr. Bad Guy has come back, but when he looks it's the complete opposite.
This man is at least six feet tall, and he looks like his strength could rival Thor's. With a nervous gulp, Peter manages to speak.
"H-How about w-we talk t-this out."
The man says nothing, he only steps closer. He cuts the ropes tying Peter down and pulls him roughly from his chair. Peter lands on the ground with a thud, but before he can even try to stand the man begins dragging him by his wrists across the concrete floor.
Peter can feel the concrete underneath him as the rough material tears at his suit. The teen kicks and fights making every attempt to break free, but to no avail.
They arrive at another room and the giant slings Peter to the ground. Peter's head hits the concrete with a painful thud. The room comes in and out of focus, and a high pitched ringing is all he hears.
"What're you gonna do?" Peter asks weakly, not bothering to hide the fear in his voice.
Mr. Bad Guy appears in the doorway, the same evil look in his eyes as before.
"We're going to break you. One little bit at a time."
Peter had managed to stay strong. Well, kinda strong anyways. He had yet to give up the codes and passwords, but now he sat on the brink of giving up all together. Just sleeping for a while and not getting up.
He now sat bloody and beaten. His suit had been torn to shreds and what was left was stained with blood. He had been beaten, whipped, hit, shocked, drugged, and nearly drowned at one point. He was pretty sure his right arm was broken and he could barely focus. He had a concussion at best.
It had been roughly four days. Maybe...
He couldn't really remember. He hadn't eaten since before he was brought here, and his enhanced metabolism was wearing him down.
When Mr. Bad Guy walked in once again, Peter had nothing to say. No witty banter, no sarcastic comments, not even a plea for mercy. He was over half gone, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could last.
"Well Mr. Parker, we now have more information from sources inside Stark Industries.
Peter freezes. They know who he is. "Like what?"
"We know your name is Peter Parker. We know you have an Aunt that we would absolutely love to meet. We know who your best friends are. And we know that you have a close relationship with Tony Stark. You see him as your father, don't you Peter?"
Peter doesn't answer.
"We know Tony would do anything to protect his son. So we're gonna send him a little video."
Peter lifts his head a little to watch as a camera is set up in front of him. Mr. Bad Guy comes to stand beside Peter before pointing his gun at the teens head. Seconds later, Mr. Bad Guy speaks to the camera...
"Hello New York. Here we have your hero. Your beloved Spider-Man. His name is Peter Parker, and we have a message for a certain Avenger. Tony Stark..."
(At Avengers Tower)
Everyone had been worried sick about Peter. He had just disappeared a few days ago after his patrol and he hadn't been heard from since.
His AI, KAREN, had been deactivated along with the tracker in his phone and suit. Tony had done nothing but look for a lead to his kid's location, but with no success.
They had all been discussing things in the common room when FRIDAY's voice rings through the penthouse.
"Boss, I believe there's something you should see. This video is being shown throughout the city." The TV then flickers to life. What they see before them leaves them breathless and terrified.
Peter sits tied to a chair, half dead. A man stands beside him, a gun pointed to the kid's head.
"Hello New York. Here we have your hero. Your beloved Spider-Man. His name is Peter Parker, and we have a message for a certain Avenger. Tony Stark. We have your son and I have only one thing to request. I want all the access codes to your system at SI. I want them before midnight tonight, or Peter Parker will take his last breath..."
The video continues and everyone watches intently, tears rolling down their cheeks.
"Aces, he looks awful..." Wanda mumbles, tears streaming silently down her face.
"Remember Stark. You have until midnight. Hail HYDRA." The screen goes black.
"HYDRA is behind this?" Steve asks, gesturing toward the blank screen. Natasha walks out of the room, muttering something in Russian. She had gone to suit up, and Tony was doing the same. He began barking orders, not hesitating to take the lead.
"FRIDAY? Can you track the video?"
"Of course. One moment please." There's a pause from the AI as Tony's suit surrounds him. Seconds later he's ready to go.
"FRIDAY. Give me a location."
"He seems to be located here in New York. In the second basement level of Midtown School of Science and Technology."
"Midtown? You mean Peter's been trapped under his school the entire time?" Clint asks as he slings his bow over his shoulder.
"Yep. And that's where we're going."
No one knew what to do when the Avengers had burst through the front doors of the highschool. They had pushed through the sea of students in the halls, making their way down to the teen. The first level of the basement had been empty, filled with old school supplies and maintanence equipment.
The second level had been located when Tony found a secret trapdoor in the farthest corner of the room. As soon as the team filed inside a shrill alarm
began ringing, echoing off the concrete walls.
“The rest of you go fight some bad guys. Natasha, you’re with me. Let’s go find my kid.” Tony says. They move through the complex halls, checking every room and taking out HYDRA agents along the way. It wasn’t until they reached the very last door that they found him.
He was found lying in the corner, unconscious. Tony stepped out of his suit and ran over to his kid.
“Pete. Peter I need you to wake up!”
“C’mon little Spider, I need you to wake up.” Natasha says. Peter is completely unresponsive, and Tony tries to feel for a pulse. He finds one, but it’s barely there.
“We’ve gotta get him to Bruce. I’ll have to carry him.” Tony lifts the kid as gently as he can. It breaks the billionaire’s heart how light the kid is. It’s like he’s wasted away, fading into nothing.
They rush back upstairs, not bothering to wait for the rest of the team. All they can do is pray that the Spider can survive this…
“Five more minutes Aunt May. I don’t feel like going to school today…” Peter mumbles. His everything hurt, and he wanted nothing more than to sleep for six months straight.
“Underoos? Underoos are you awake?” Peter slowly opens his eyes, only to be met with a blindingly bright light.
“The lights…” the teen says quietly. He tries to open his eyes again to find the room darker this time, and his mentor standing by his bed. His Aunt May is asleep in a chair on the other side of
his bed, holding Peter’s hand.
“This isn’t my bedroom…” Peter whispers, trying to make sense of everything.
“No. You’re in the MedBay.” Tony says, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Why? What happened?”
“It’s a long story. One we’ll tell when you’re feeling better.”
“M’kay. Mr. Stark?”
“I’m still tired.”
“You can sleep. You need it.” Peter’s eyes flutter closed, and just before he drifts off he hears Tony speak.
“I love you Pete.”
“I love you too dad.” Peter mumbles before once again falling into a blissful slumber.
The news articles over the next few weeks were as follows:
This is unedited but it's better than nothing. Sorry for the long wait and I'm working on the next one. I hope to have it done soon.
I larb you all,
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