Aaaaand here's Part two. I hope this works out but if not that's okay. I tried. Oh well, here ya go.
Peter wanders around the empty tower, talking to FRIDAY and working on assignments for school. The team's been away for no longer than half an hour, and the kid's already bored out of his mind.
He'd tried calling Ned, but he was busy with a family reunion or something. MJ was probably reading and didn't want to be bothered. May was working. And Pepper had been called away for an important meeting.
Maybe I could call happy... The kid thinks to himself. Peter, immediately likeing the idea, sends a text first.
BugBoy🙇 : Hey Happy. It's Peter.
BugBoy🙇: Ya know, Peter Parker.
HappyHogan😤: I'm busy kid
BugBoy🙇: Happy I'm bored
HappyHogan😤: Then call your friend Ted or whatever his name was.
BugBoy🙇: Ned's busy
HappyHogan😤: Can't you just watch TV or something?
BugBoy🙇: No. I don't like watching movies by myself.
BugBoy🙇: It makes me sad. I don't know why, but it does.
HappyHogan😤: Well that's too bad because I'm busy. Now go bother somebody else for now.
Peter just sighs and tosses his phone onto the couch while looking around for the remote. While he searches, he decides to ask FRIDAY about the team.
"Hey FRI?"
"Yes Mr. Parker?"
"It's Peter. And when will the team be back?"
"I'm not sure. I can attempt to call Mr. Stark if you wish."
"Isn't he fighting bad guys or something?"
"They're currently still on the Quinjet, and will not reach their destination for another 15 minutes."
"Okay then. Maybe we should call him."
"Calling Tony Stark." There's a moment of silence before Stark's voice rings through the penthouse.
"Hey Underoos, you okay?" Peter tells FRIDAY to move to a video chat and Tony's face appears on the TV screen. He can tell Tony's using his Stark Phone and not his HUD. He can see Natasha and Steve sitting in the background.
"Yeah Mr. Stark I'm okay. Just feelin a little lonely. And I'm bored." Peter sighs and falls on the couch dramatically, but thanks to the absence of his Spider-Powers he manages to roll off the couch and onto the floor. He sits up awkwardly and moves back up to the couch again. He can hear Tony's laugh clear through the speakers.
"Yeah go ahead and laugh Mr. Stark."
"I'm sorry kid. I shouldn't have laughed." Tony replies, still laughing. "It's just odd seeing you this clumsy. I bet you're really missing Spider-Man right now."
"No kidding." Peter mumbles under his breath. He watches as Tony's attention is called off screen for a moment before focusing on the teen again.
"Well how about you go get some Ice cream from the freezer, and call MJ. Tell her she can watch a movie with you or something."
"But what if she says no?"
"You'll never know unless you-" Suddenly the power goes out, effectively ending the call with Mr. Stark. The entire Penthouse has gone dark. He's about to see if FRIDAY might be still active (She works on an alternate power grid for emergencies) when a voice rings through the room.
"Mr. Parker. It's nice to finally meet you."
"W-Who's there?" Peter asks, trying his best to sound confident. He subconsciously reaches for his webshooters, but remembers he left them in his room. He didn't think he would need them.
"You can call me Tombstone. We're not part of HYDRA, but we are working with them. They've distracted the Avengers, leaving you exposed. We know who you are Spider-Man. And you will pay for interfering with my plans."
Just then, the lights come back on revealing different men surrounding him. All of them aiming guns directly at Peter's chest. Peter slowly lifts his hands in surrender, thought in his mind.
Well this isn't good...
Peter backs away slowly, trying his best to think of an escape. At least 10 guys, all with guns. It wouldn't be a problem... If he was Spider-Man. But Peter Parker isn't sure what to do.
"C-Can't we talk this out?"
"Afraid not." Tombstone gives a signal and two men come closer. They grab the teen and throw him to the ground.
"Don't make me fight you guys." Peter says. "I don't wanna hurt you."
"Make one move and we shoot. Why do you think we attacked now? We know that Spider-Man is... Out of commission at the moment." Peter's heart speeds up as he scrambles to his feet. He tries to back away even farther, hoping they'll give him a chance.
"I said don't move! Put your hands above your head." Peter slowly lifts his hands up again, wishing he was anywhere else.
Peter watches as Tombstone gives a signal, and another one of his men moves to the wall to wall window. With a single shot the man shatters the window, broken glass sticking out from every angle. The fear causes Peter to shake where he stands, and he thinks he may pass out.
Suddenly he's pulled backward by the hood of his jacket, the material threatening to choke him. The teen struggles as the man drags him closer to the window, Peter kicking and fighting to break free. He's beginning to feel light headed, the material of his hoodie pressing against his throat.
The man continues to pull him along over the shards of glass that litter the floor, resulting in cuts and bloody gashes all over the teens body.
"You don't have to do this!" Peter's voice comes out panicked and strangled as he fights for freedom, trying desperately to reach safety.
"I'm afraid we do Mr. Parker."
The man holding Peter then tosses him toward the window, Peter sliding across more glass on the floor. It slices at his skin, leaving him bloody and beaten. Peter is dangerously close to the edge. One wrong move, and he would fall thousands of feet and hit the street below. The teen tries his best to move away but one of the men gives him a kick to the chest, sending him out the broken window.
Peter barely manages to grab onto the ledge, broken glass digging into his hands. A mix of blood and sweat make it difficult to hold on, and he can feel his grip slipping. He can also feel the hot tears streaming down his face as he tries to hang on.
"Someone Help Me!" He cries, though he knows no one would hear him. Or so he thought. A half second later the tell-tale sound of the IronMan suit reaches his ears. He can hear it inside the penthouse, the repulsors louder than the wind outside. Peter realizes the Stark may not know he's out here. Otherwise he would've been here by now. The teen attempts to pull himself up, but fails.
"MR. STARK!" he cries. "MR. STARK I'M OUT HERE!!"
"Kid?!" Peter can hear the sounds of the fight going on inside, but only focuses on keeping his grip. "I'm on my way!"
Peter can just see the hint of red and gold when he loses his grip completely, beginning the fall to the pavement below.
"DAAAAD!!" He yells in desperation as he falls closer to death. He closes his eyes and waits. His dad will save him. He has to, he isn't ready to die.
It's moments later when he feels an iron grip on his wrist and he comes to a stop, still dangling above the street. He feels a sickening pop and a sharp pain in his shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain. He slowly looks up to see none other than the IronMan himself lifting him up. Not soon enough, Tony is holding him like a small child as he flies them both back to the tower.
When they get back to the Penthouse, Peter is half-conscious, bloody, and beaten. But at least he's alive. The rest of the Avengers are in the common room, surround by unconscious hit men with Tombstone sitting near Natasha. She's holding a knife to his throat and looks ready to kill. The only thing stopping her from killing him is knowing that it isn't what Peter would want.
Everyone's attention turns from Tombstone to the Iron hero carrying a barely conscious teen.
"My маленький паук!!" Natasha yells as she sprints over to the two, immediately checking the boys pulse.
"H-Hey Auntie Tasha..." Peter slurs.
"Are you okay?!"
"I-I think so." Peter replies as he leans into his father's hold. "My shoulder hurts. A lot. A-And my hands. And my head..."
"BRUCE!!" Natasha yells as she turns to face the other Avenger. "Come fix him!"
Bruce is there in seconds, motioning for Tony to out the teen on the couch. The doctor checks him over and gives him some painkillers before speaking.
"His shoulder's been dislocated. His head managed to take a pretty hard hit, and his hands are gonna be hurting for a while. Needs stitches and there'll probably be a few scars. But he'll be okay." Bruce turns back to the teen.
"Peter, I'm gonna need to reset your shoulder, so be patient and it'll be over before you know it. On the count of three, you ready?" Peter nods, bracing himself for the pain.
"One...THREE!" With a sickening pop, Peter's shoulder is reset. The pain only lasts a moment, before it's turned to a dull ache. Simple pain medicine should take care of it.
Everyine else is now checking on the kid, still feeling worried for their youngest Avenger. As Bruce works on fixing his hands, the heroes bombard him with questions.
"Are you in pain?"
"What happened?"
"Who were those people?"
Tony and Natasha stand protectively over the kid, Tony having removed his IronMan armor. The billionaire holds the kid close, his heart still racing. And for more than one reason. Yes, his kid had almost died and he was now safe. But something else was stuck in Tony's mind.
He called me dad...
"ister Stark? Mr. Stark. Dad!!" Tony leaves his thoughts to see Peter looking at him with a worried expression. "You alright?" Tony can't help but let out a small laugh.
"Pete, you almost died and you're asking if I'm okay?"
"Well...yeah. You looked kinda, I don't know, spaced out. Did I do something wrong?" Peter asks, his mind instantly going to every possible thing he could've done something to upset the man.
"Not at all Pete. You did something great. And I'm extremely happy."
"Why? What did I do?"
"You called me Dad." The entire room seems to freeze as they look at the father-son duo.
"And you're okay with that? I mean, it won't happen again if you don't like it. I can always stick with Mr. Stark, I should probably go back to calling you Mr.-" He's interrupted when Tony pulls him into a fierce hug.
"No. Dad is perfect." Peter can't help but smile. And he's pretty sure his dad may have tears in his eyes. But he can't tell, because... Uh oh.
"What's wrong kid?" Tony asks.
"I think I lost my glasses. And I can't buy new ones." This throws everyone into a fit of laughter.
"Kid. I'm a billionaire. Don't worry about the dumb glasses." Peter just nods, joining in on the laughter and joy. This is perfect.
His heroic, dysfunctional, and amazing family. It's all he could ever ask for and more. And he wouldn't change it for the world.
And there's that. Okay so here's the deal. I want each of you to comment on the little star I leave below on what you thought about this chapter.
^This one. Whoever comments will get an automatic follow (If I'm not already).
Also, I might do spinoffs or extra parts for this chapter later. I'll let you know if I do. I think that's all my announcements for now.
I larb you all,
Later my amazing arachnids,
*grabs a Quinjet and takes all of you to Wakanda*
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