Ransom- 4
Peter has decided he's never leaving the house again. At this point, it's not worth the hassle if he's just going to end up on a basement floor with ropes poorly tied around his wrists, along with a black eye and a concussion.
If he were by himself, he'd get out of here- easily.
But no. He had agreed to take Morgan to the park while Tony and Pepper were busy with meetings for the day and of course, she'd been caught in the crossfire.
So if he fights, something could go wrong and she could get hurt. He's better off staying here waiting for someone to notice they've been gone longer than they agreed on. At least he can protect her while he's here. Make himself the target while they wait.
He glances over at his pseudo-sister, and she looks like she's going to cry.
"Morgan? You ok?"
"Peter, I'm scared," she whispers. "Who are they?"
"They're bad guys."
"Are they going to hurt us?"
Peter pauses.
"They're not going to hurt you. I promise."
Somehow, she looks more distraught.
"But are they going to hurt you again? I-I don't want to see you get hurt again, Peter."
His heart hurts at her panic, but he tries to offer her a smile,
"That doesn't matter right now. All you need to know is they aren't going to hurt you. I'll make sure of it."
"Dad says that to you and you hate it. It does matter- why are you saying that?"
Peter hesitates. He does hate that. He hates that Tony would sacrifice his life for him. Though, in a similar situation now, he kind of understands it.
"I'm sorry," he whispers. "I do hate when he says that. I'll try not to get hurt but you know I heal fast. I'll be ok."
"But you can still get hurt."
"I know. But listen- Tony's gonna come get us. I hear the guys talking out there and they're sending a ransom video. They're going to come in here, look scary so you look scared, and then they'll send the video to him. That makes it easier for us because the second he sees it, he'll trace the call and come get us, ok?"
Morgan soaks in his words, nodding.
Right on cue, the men slam open a door, already recording with a beat up camera.
"We have your kids, Stark," one of them narrates, panning it closer to the girl.
"Poor thing's terrified."
He jumps at Morgan, and she flinches with a small whimper.
Peter's blood boils,
"Hey! Hey, get the hell away from her!"
"Ah, the older one. Why'd you hide this one? It's a bit odd if you ask me."
He grabs Peter by his hair, tilting his head up towards the camera. He glares, wanting nothing more than to spit in his face. It's so close. And his breath stinks.
"What, are you the disappointment kid? And she's the do-over?"
Don't hit him. Don't hit him you don't have your web shooters. Don't hit him.
"Yep. That's exactly what this is," he grins.
The sarcasm earns him a busted nose. Morgan's crying loudly now, shouting his name.
What a shit show.
The man makes sure it's on video before panning it towards himself,
"Send the money, Stark. Otherwise you're not seeing disappointment or do-over ever again."
As soon as the recording stops, the man's shoulders relax, glaring at Morgan's shaking figure. He snaps his fingers,
"Hey, Jimmy, shut this one up."
Peter's heart leaps,
"What?! Nonono- what are you doing?!"
Jimmy unties her and picks her up, and Peter's about to loose it.
"Put her down! Stop!"
He only holds her for a moment before she grabs his arm and bites down.
Jimmy screams just as Peter rips out of the bonds and leaps into action. He blacks out in his anger but when he collects himself, he's panting and the two men are on the ground.
He looks down at his bruising knuckles and back to the unconscious criminals.
Morgan sniffs,
He snaps out of his trance and rushes over to the young girl, feeling awful she had to see that. Awful that she's even in this situation.
"Morgan." He drops to his knees and helps her up, brushing her off. "I'm so sorry you had to see that. I'm so sorry. Are you ok?"
"It's ok. They were bad guys."
She wipes her nose with her sleeve,
"I scraped my knee."
"Ok. Ok, we've hung out here long enough. Let's go home I don't think there's any more of them around."
Morgan suddenly wraps her arms around Peter's neck, squeezing him tight.
Peter hugs back without hesitation, sighing into her shoulder.
"What's this for, huh?"
"Keeping me safe."
"That was all you. You see that?" He points at Jimmy, crumpled on the ground. "There's a really deep bite mark on his arm. Who taught you that?"
"Aunt Nat."
Peter laughs, "Of course she did. Don't do that at school by the way."
"I won't."
"Good," he picks her up and begins their walk out of the abandoned building. "Let's go."
He makes sure to kick the two men before they walk out for good measures. It makes Morgan laugh so he assumes it was a good decision.
When they make it outside, it's already dark out but far away, he sees a familiar light he'd recognize anywhere.
The Ironman suit comes in hot and lands heavily, sweeping dust off the ground. He stumbles and runs towards the two faster than he's ever seen.
"Tony," he exclaims, shoulders dropping with relief.
Morgan turns in his grip shouting her father's name and allowing Peter to speed towards the man with her still in his arms. Tony envelopes them in a bone crushing hug.
"A little late," Peter jokes, feeling much more emotional than he likes.
"Yes. So late. This shouldn't have even happened."
He pulls away looking at his kids with an emotion on his face only a stressed parent could have. One similar to May when she lost Peter in Macys that one time. Oh, also when she lost him at the Stark Expo-
"Are you ok? Are you hurt," he looks between him and Morgan and laughs wetly, "God, I already know you're hurt. Always keeping people safe."
Peter rolls his eyes when Tony cups his cheek, but he leans into it anyway,
"It's not even that bad. Morgan has a scraped knee."
"Yeah, I have a scraped knee."
She kicks her leg out to show it off.
Peter grins,
"Practically saved the day biting that guy's arm."
Tony chuckles, pressing a kiss to Morgan's head,
"Lookit you. Already a superhero."
She beams.
"Alright. Happy's still driving here but I brought a first aid kit-"
Peter groans, "Ugh. I'm not even bleeding anywhere."
"Look at your damn knuckles- they're busted."
He looks down and yeah, they're pretty nasty-looking. He huffs and drops onto the ground, Morgan following his movements and ensuring she remains pressed next to him.
They're silent for a moment before Tony flicks his knee.
"Hey. I'm really proud of you. I'm sorry you had to make yourself a target to keep her safe, but thank you. I'm glad you're both ok. I don't know what I'd do if this had gone more south."
Peter smiles to himself.
"Yeah, well... at least you have a do-over right here. Just in case," he grins, leaning on Morgan.
Tony's jaw drops,
"That's not funny. Look how well behaved she's being. Not making any jokes about kidnappings and accepting the bandaid I so graciously give her."
"Right, yeah, I know, im the disappointment."
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