Nurse- 13
It's a dark, foggy night out.
A perfect scene for some anxiety and deep dark fears bubbling to the surface of Peter's mind after May stops answering his calls.
It's really late and she said she'd be home hours ago. It isn't unusual for this to happen- she could have picked up another shift but she always keeps him updated. Always.
Maybe she just got caught up- Peter was willing to be logical. Though, after staying up the entire night waiting for a text, he started to worry more.
It's 4am now, and even if she picked up a few more hours she should be on her way home now. She'd have texted if she was on her way home. That's just how they are- they text everything because they both fear the same thing.
He ends up texting Tony.
Kid Danger: hiii
Captain Man: what the hell are you doing up
Captain Man: what did you even put as my name??? This is so dumb??
Kid Danger: I keep getting those clips of this show I watched when I was a kid on tik tok with someone making slime on the side of the video and I feel like they're lowkey us
Kid Danger: I'm pretty sure I've watched the entire series through 2 minute tik tok clips by now.
Captain Man: Um I don't understand a word you're saying
Captain Man: The name is so unoriginal it's like if you put Steve and I's superhero name together
Kid Danger: omg it's kind of like a ship name 😭
Captain Man changed his name to Tony
Tony changed Kid Danger's name to Kid
Kid: aw :( boring
Tony: see, why would you say that to me?? In what world is this a normal thing to say to a person
Tony: my name in our chat will NOT be Steve and I's fucking ship name
Tony: you might as well be a kid danger though cause you're always in some kind of life threatening situation 🙄
Kid: mean :(
Tony: is that why you're texting me at 4 in the morning?? Why aren't you asleep?
Kid: no I'm at home just worried ab May. She hasn't texted me or anything she said she'd be home early and she never came home
Tony: oh. Maybe she picked up another shift.
Kid: idkkk we just usually text each other when plans change. I might go check on her.. the hospital isn't far away from me I could walk
Tony: I'm sure she's fine, kiddie. Maybe she's just on a hot date with our wonderful Happy Hogan
Kid changed Tony's name to Stony(THE SHIP)
Peter groans, throwing his phone across the couch.
He rolls over and stares at the tv screen, still on pause of the movie he'd had ready for them. He hopes she's ok but he'll feel a little bummed if she had just decided not to update him. He'd been so excited about tonight. They hadn't hung out in forever.
He grabs his jacket and walks to the hospital.
He lingers outside the door, intertwining his fingers together anxiously. He feels like he's being dramatic but he's had too many nightmares about situations like this. Where she doesn't call him and when he finds out where she was it's too late. What if she was walking to her car and got robbed? Got into an accident?
He walks through the automatic doors. He hesitates as they stagger open, seeming to get caught on the track a few times before finally opening.
The hospital is completely empty. No people in the waiting room. No staff- not even a receptionist. The place is an absolute mess with papers scattered everywhere and the section for people waiting has all the furniture tipped on its side. Most lights off besides a few flickering ones.
It looks like a scene out of a horror movie.
He walks down the nearest hall timidly, feeling uneasy at roaming around without anyone knowing he's here. Maybe they're doing construction on the first floor... and they're really bad at it.
Peter pauses.
There's blood on the walls.
Which could be bad but hey, this is a hospital, so... someone could've been hurt and... oh god he doesn't know how to be logical with this- this doesn't look good.
He begins running, calling May's name.
He knows she won't hear him- there's so many floors and way too many rooms to count so the chances of her hearing him are so very low.
He feels the vibration of something clattering to the ground a few floors up.
He pauses.
Maybe the chances aren't as low for him.
He takes a breath and closes his eyes, waiting for his senses to pick up anymore movement.
Just moments later he hears something heavy being moved, scraping against the tile floors.
Peter runs up the stairs and fully takes a guess on where he heard it, but he thinks he's found the floor. He'd continued listening until he was able to hear a heartbeat and it may have just been in his head but he thinks he recognizes the pattern.
Please, please be May. This is so creepy and he doesn't know what he'll do if he doesn't find her here.
He slips on something suddenly, gasping as he steadies himself.
"What the..." he mutters, pulling out his phone to point the flashlight towards the liquid.
Blood. Fucking blood. It's everywhere.
"Oh god."
Something grips onto his hoodie and pulls him backwards. When he shouts, someone reaches forward, pressing a hand against his mouth.
Then, he smells the perfume.
"May," he whispers, muffled by her palm.
Without a word they pull each other into a tight hug.
When they pull apart, she guides him into a closet quickly before looking at him with a hardened, frantic gaze and presses a finger to her lips.
They sit quietly, limbs tangled in the tiny space. He hears footsteps passing their room sluggishly and his first instinct is to go help, but stays still when her heart quickens.
He holds her hand and waits for the person to pass before he speaks.
"I'll call Tony," he whispers.
"No. You can't call Tony- he'll hear us."
"I- This patient came in a few hours ago. Jamie. He's crazy and he has powers and he's just killed half the hospital." She takes a stuttered breath, a tear running down her cheek, "Oh god, he's killed half the hospital. My coworkers- my patients..."
Peter squeezes her hand.
"It's gonna be ok. I'll just- I'll just text Tony."
She doesn't vocalise a response. Just sits there with tears dripping from her chin.
Kid: Emergency at hospital. Don't call bring avengers
"Let's get out of here."
"What? No- let's wait. Some people got out of here- they had to of gone to the police. And-and the avengers we can wait for them."
"I want you out of here. I've got powers too, remember? I'll keep us safe."
"That's not what I- I don't want you fighting him, Peter."
"I can hear him- I can sneak us out but if we stay here and he finds us, he could hurt you-"
"He could hurt you," she hisses.
A foot plunged through the door. They both scream and scramble into a corner, Peter pushing May behind him.
The patient- Jamie apparently, doesn't do anything other than rip his foot out of the door and laugh manically.
Peter kicks open the door to push him out of the way and shoots a web in his face before grabbing May's hand and dragging her out of the room. They run down the halls, slipping in blood and holding each other as steady as they can.
"Wait," May shouts before yanking Peter into another room.
A surgery room.
They grab every sharp object they can and she stuffs every single one into her purse.
As they run, surgery tools clanking in her purse, Peter makes sure he's behind her so she's safe. Before they make it to the exit though, he's tackled to the ground.
The man screams in his face angrily and Pete's never been so scared in his life. Big hands grip his throat and his jaw seems almost unhinged and their noses are just inches apart.
His ears ring painfully, his efforts to kick and punch and push him off remaining futile.
He's stronger than him.
Oh god, he's stronger than him- how is he stronger?!
He gasps for air, scratching at the man's calloused hands.
May screams and his heart drops at the sound, thinking she's hurt but then, Jamie screams louder, throwing his head back in agony.
She had plunged multiple surgery instruments into his back. He spasms in place for a moment, squeezing tighter at Peter's neck as if he were his personal stress ball before it seems to catch up to him.
The patient whips his arm around and smacks his fist against May's face.
When she hits the wall, Peter sees red.
Jamie lets go of him and limps towards her body, but before he can reach her, Peter shoots a web onto the back of his head and pulls, throwing him to the ground.
They're fighting again and Peter has the upper hand for a while, but once again looses his footing. Jamie holds Peter down and reaches behind himself to pull the tools out of his back.
It doesn't take a genius to know his next plan involves stabbing Peter with them.
With no other plan, he squeezes his eyes shut.
Only a moment later when he expects pain, he hears the sound of a repulser. It's loud and sound rattles painfully against his skull.
A weight is lifted off him. When Peter opens his eyes he sees the powered psycho practically fried and lifeless, lying on the ground across the room.
Peter looks towards the exit, panting. The action of breathing hurts every bone in his body. He grimaces as he leans forward,
"Guys," he chokes.
The avengers are standing in the doorway looking completely shocked. Tony, however, sighs with relief before running towards him.
He crouches down, hands hovering over his face, too scared to hurt him more.
"Pete. Are you ok? Where are you hurt?"
He thinks it's pretty goddamn obvious where he's hurt. Everywhere.
Peter, despite wanting nothing more than to lean into his touch, shoves his hands away,
"It doesn't matter! We need to get May to a- fuck, not a hospital- we need to get her to Medbay!!"
The adrenaline works in his favour, allowing him to run over to her before dropping to his knees when he reaches her still body.
"May! May- talk to me. Please talk to me."
She groans and turns over to face him. Despite everything, she laughs.
"I'm... I'm ok, baby. I'm good. Just a little bruised."
He hates that.
He hates that she's bruised. He hates that she deals with all this shit.
"We're- we're gonna get you to medbay, ok? Will you be ok until we get there?"
She smiles, "I'll be fine. I'm ok."
Happy picks him, May, and Tony up while the others wait for Fury. The entire ride, he stares at May and her bruising cheekbone. She'll definitely have a black eye. She probably has a concussion judging by the blood trickling down her temple.
"Pete," she whispers. "I'm ok. Don't be upset."
How does she always know when he wants to cry?
"I hate that you get hurt," he whimpers, voice cracking. "I hate that shitty things always happen to us."
She smiles, looking exhausted,
"Parker luck."
He looks away from her.
"I wasn't able to protect you enough. He was stronger than me."
"Kid," Tony says, twisting his body to face him from the front seat, "That guy had insane amounts of knock-off super soldier serum pumped into him. It should've killed him. Instead, it made him crazy."
It doesn't make him feel much better.
They get to hospital and she's fine- just like she said she was. Peter was right that she would be dealing with some bruising and a concussion.
"Are you sure you're ok?"
She sighs,
"Peter, I'm fine. You heard Cho. Nothing too bad. I got lucky." she combs her fingers through his hair, "you saved me."
"But you still got hurt."
"Peter, honey, I wouldn't have gotten out of there if you weren't there. You snuck us out to the exit and held your own for a really long time. You saved me."
He laughs wetly, leaning into her touch. "You saved me too. You too, Tony. Thanks."
"Yeah, whatever, it's what I do," he grins. "We can all pat ourselves on the back we all saved each other. Nice job, Pete."
He supposes he did an ok job. The guy was insanely strong and at least she's home. He doesn't think he'd have managed to get out there without either of them though. May using what she has to protect them and Tony making entrance right on time.
When Tony throws an arm around his shoulders, Peter rolls his eyes amusedly, leaning his elbows against the medbay cot cushion. He stares at his aunt, smiling as she and Tony argue playfully. It's what they do every single time they're together and he loves it.
They're so cool. He doesn't know what he'd do without them.
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