26) Organization of things
The next days he was at home. The whole family was.
Savin and his sisters were infected, too. The rest of his family got off lightly.
In the meantime, he got Riri's number, too. In her family, only she was infected.
On Saturday, Pepper drove to the lab and got some things for Peter. He called the lab the same day he called Savin. Peter had asked, if he could borrow some things. For research. They allowed him that and he got one of the microscopes and some equipment.
"Hello? Dr. Bryat here. What can I do for you?", said the doctor on the phone. "Ah, Dr. Bryat. It't Peter. Parker!" "Oh, Peter. What can I do for you?" "I got something on the Bryonium...", explained Peter,
"At first: It's spreading through the air.
Second: It's contagious.
Third: Savin, Riri, I and some of our family members are infected, too.
We won't come in the next time, just that you know." "Okay." "Yeah. I'm doing some research on it and I need a favor from you..." "Sure. Whatever it is!" "I need some blood samples and the test results..." "Okay... if it helps you. Sure. You can come and get it, on Wednesday, okay?" "Yes. Perfect. Thank you so much!" Then the doctor hung up.
Peter went downstairs and said to Tony, who sat on the couch: "On Wednesday, I can get something in the lab... Could you get it for me?" "Sure, kid." "Thanks, dad!"
Peter went back upstairs and went in Morgan's room. She didn't feel better, since she got infected. She puked a few times and her arms were almost completely flaked.
"Hey... How are you feeling?", he asked her. "Okay... I didn't puke! That's good." "Good. Wanna eat something?" "Yeah!" "What?" "Cheeseburgers?", she smiled. Peter laughed and said: "I'll ask Tony." Morgan laughed and lay back.
Peter went downstairs and said to Tony: "Morgan want Cheeseburgers..." Tony laughed and meant: "Did she puke?" "Nope." "Okay... I'll get some. Do you want some, too?" Peter just smiled and Tony nodded laughing.
He went outside and drove away.
Pepper wasn't here, so Peter and Morgan were alone. Peter went upstairs to Morgan. "Tony is getting some Cheeseburgers." Morgan smiled and stood up. "Do you have anything on the Bryonium?", she asked. "I'll get some more things on Wednesday. I'm coming near something. Don't worry." "Okay. If I can do anything, tell me, please. I'm so bored here..." "How's your skin?", Peter asked. "No change, since you last asked." "Hmm..." They talked a bit and then came Tony home. "Cheeeeessssseeeeeeeburrrrrrgeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrsssssssssssss!!!", he sang loudly. Peter and Morgan laughed and went downstairs. Peter supported Morgan a bit because she was still weak.
Tony put two Cheeseburgers on the table and went with the bag to the couch.
The adults needed to keep their distance from the kids, that they won't get infected.
They ate slowly and talked about the Bryonium.
"When I get the test results, I'll have mare informations. Maybe I'll find a cure... I dunno." "Let me know, if I can help, okay?", meant Tony. "Yea. I will..."
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