It was almost too easy how it ended up becoming a routine. Wooyoung would have sat in front of the huge iris field painting at sunset, waiting, lost in his world until San soft voice would rescue him bringing him to an even better one. Telling him stories, explaining the life hidden behind every work of art collected in that room. Wooyoung would have listened, bewitched by that voice and its owner with his dimpled smile and cat like eyes.
The weirdest thing was that they were at ease with each other just within the walls of that room. They could have spent hours, Wooyoung asking questions and San answering them, and be comfortable in each others presence, feeling so natural and beautiful, but every time they left the museum it was all coming to an end.
Weeks passed like this and sometimes Wooyoung wished San would approach him outside of their comfort zone but was too shy to ask or make the first move. On the other hand San was terrified to be rejected by a too scared Wooyoung that would have accepted his presence just 'til it stayed confined within those four walls, surrounded by paintings and sculptures he could teach him about.
Weeks passed like this until...
"I think I'm catching a cold" Seonghwa stood up wobbling on his legs after he had barely touched his food, "I'm not feeling very well" he was about to pick up his still half full plate when Hongjoong anticipated him.
"If you don't feel too well you can go and rest, leave the plates" he got closer to Seonghwa, a hand circling his waist holding him up while the other raised to his forehead to feel his temperature, "I think you are running a fever, let's go, you really need a good sleep" he turned to look at San who gave him a smiley nod before standing up and taking care of Seonghwa plate and cutlery.
"We've got this hyung, try to rest and get better, okay?" he smiled once again this time looking straight at Wooyoung who was still looking at Seonghwa with concerned eyes, "Tonight I'll help you with the dishes, Wooyoung-ah"
Hearing his name Wooyoung almost jumped on his chair, the fork he was holding dropped back on the plate as he looked at San and blushed, "T-thank you, San" he stuttered.
After Hongjoong and Seonghwa left the dining room greeting the two boys goodnight an embarassed silence dropped in the room, just the clinging of the plates being moved from the table to the kitchen could be heard.
"You know you don't have to help me, I can take care of it by myself" Wooyoung whispered while emptying the plate of the remainings of Seonghwa food in the bin.
San turned, "But I want to help you" he paused lowering his gaze for a second, "unless– unless you don't want me to" his voice dropping of an octave as he stated almost sadly.
"No! I mean– sure... I don't mind! Ehm– you c-can–" Wooyoung panicked, he didn't want San to think he wasn't welcomed, he didn't even realise he had walked closer to where the older was standing trying to help him with the remaining dishes he was holding, "I'll b-be happy, huh– I-if... You know! W-wait let me take this–" he tried to take the glasses from San hands but his hold was too shaky and he ended up making them fall to the ground, glass shuttering all over the floor.
"Fuck!" he swore and when he realised it he blushed even more crouching down to pick up the shreded glasses and hiding his face at the same time, "I-I'm so sorry, San!"
San noticed Wooyoung flushed state and immediately crouched down too to help him in his task, "Wait! Wooyoung, let me do it, I don't want you to cut yourse– ouch!" he couldn't even finish his sentence that he felt a sting on his index finger, blood starting flowing out from the cut, "Oopsie!" he chuckled taking his finger to his mouth preventing the blood from spilling on the floor.
"San-ah! Don't!" Wooyoung was quick to take the injured hand away from the other's lips, "Come!" he leaded San to a nearby stool making him sit down and wrapping a clean serviette around his bleeding finger, soon the white paper turning red.
"Stay here while I take the first aid kit" he said and San could just nod, too surprised by the sudden change of Wooyoung who had turned from a stuttering mess to a confident almost bossy person.
When he came back he went to stand in between San legs, he dropped the first aid kit on the counter next to him and quickly opened it taking a cotton ball and filling it with antiseptic.
"It will hurt a little, but I don't want it to get infected" Wooyoung said as he removed the serviette. When he touched the cut with the cotton San actually felt a little sting but it was nothing compared to the weird feeling getting stronger and stronger at the pit of his stomach.
He couldn't help but stare at Wooyoung face, he never had the chance to admire him from so close and he felt so attracted by his beautiful features that he didn't even realise that the younger had already placed a plaster on his finger.
"All done!" exclaimed Wooyoung as he raised his gaze, his eyes meeting those of San. He didn't realise how close they were 'til he felt that piercing stare on him: Wooyoung couldn't help the gasp that left his tongue as he quickly took a step back, immediately retracting his hand from San's, a ticklish feeling still ghosting against his fingers were their skin met.
San had himself back too, lowering his gaze to his bendaged finger, "Thank you for taking care of me" he whispered raising again his gaze and locking his eyes with the younger, that dimpled smile brighting his face, "I'll try to be more careful next time"
"It's the least I can do since all the things you do for me"
"But I did nothing" San looked at Wooyoung I genuinely confused.
"That's not true! You brought me here, gave me a room all for myself, you left me free of doing what I like, you introduced me to Seonghwa and–" he paused, his cheeks blushing once again, "And you're very unusual to me" it was just a whisper, like he wished San didn't hear it.
"Unusual?" San chuckled repeating Wooyoung's word.
Wooyoung cheeks had turned crimson red but still he opened his mouth to answer, "Yes, you're my owner you're not supposed to be nice to me. To talk to me either or treat me like– like... like you do, I don't deserve it"
"What are you talking about, Wooyoungie?"
Wooyoungie, Seonghwa had called him this before then why it sounded so sweet from San lips?
"I don't know what your previous owner–" the word leaving his lips with a shadow of despite, "–did or told you, but I'm not him, I don't want you to think of me as the person that bought you, because when I did I never had the intention to possess you. Actually I guess that what I thought when I raised that fan was that I'd loved to see you free and happy. Maybe we don't know each other that well, but I can tell that you're a nice person, you're smart and caring, and I really believe that you only deserve the best" San tried his lucky, carefully extending his hand 'til his fingers brushed against the other's. Wooyoung shivered at the touch but didn't move away letting San interlock their fingers and giving Wooyoung hand a gentle squeeze.
"I would never hurt you or impose myself on you, Wooyoungie" he paused, "and I hope we can be friends someday"
"Friends..." it wasn't really a question, Wooyoung repeated that word to savour it better, but San still nodded with a toothy smile on his lips.
Wooyoung couldn't help but smile back, "Friends!"
It was just a shy smile, nothing much really, but for San it meant the world. He felt like he was about to melt on the spot, his own smile growing in size as he kept staring at the other. He had never felt that way before, sure he had his number of hook ups, men and women, but he never felt so attracted by anyone, not like this. Were those the infamous "butterflies in the stomach" that so many people were talking about? He couldn't understand why he was feeling like that for a boy that he didn't even know, but he just couldn't help it. He wished he could hug Wooyoung, feel the warmth of his body against his, but he knew it would have been too much for the younger. Baby steps, San. He tried to ground himself from doing anything stupid and impulsive.
"Come on! Let's get finished with the dishes and let's go to sleep, I'm sure you had a long day" said San jumping down from the kitchen stool.
"Thank you, Sanie!" Wooyoung threw another smile to San and turned away. Just in time to not see the older becoming crimson red, that nickname making the butterflies flap their wings even faster.
Stolen smiles, a few words exchanged during dinner, learning each other's favourite coffees in the morning, and then the little touches. It could be just a small pat on the shoulder, or fingers brushing while passing the sugar, or knee resting against knee while they sat on the floor in front of a particularly beautiful painting. The change wasn't that evident from the outside, but Wooyoung could feel San much closer then before.
What hadn't change was their way of meeting each other at the end of the day, the museum after all was still their favourite place and in just a few months Wooyoung knew almost every piece of art contained in that room. But still San never failed to surprise him with a new story every night, leaving Wooyoung mesmerised and fascinated.
That night as well he was sitting in front of the Iris field, the sun had set many hours before but still he was waiting when he heard a soft knock on the wall signaling someone presence. San never knocked, so Wooyoung wasn't surprised when he turned and saw Seonghwa instead, leaning on the entrance.
"Wooyoungie, you should go to sleep, he won't be back tonight" a tender smile on his lips as he delivered the message.
"Oh!" he stood up with legs wobbly for the uncomfortable position he had been sitting for all those hours, "Ok"
He knew San was very busy, Seonghwa had told him that he was slowly taking over his father's place and it came with many new responsibilities, but still Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, almost sad when he heard the news.
San had never skipped a date. During the last few days he had been coming home much later then usual but he always came back at some point. Wooyoung had noticed the change in San face too: he looked more tired, a sad shadow glimmering in his eyes everytime he walked inside the room but soon disappearing when he met Wooyoung's gaze. Wooyoung had noticed but he didn't ask.
San never talked about his life but Wooyoung knew what he was and what he did. Seonghwa had told him everything with honesty a long time before, stating that since Wooyoung was part of the family he deserved to know. Good and bad. Wooyoung knew San was incredibly rich, he could tell just by walking inside the house, realising the truth came with a little shock though. The Choi family was very well known in Seoul and Wooyoung had heard about them before but he couldn't really believe than San was one of them. The boy was too kind and soft hearted to belong to such a bloody name. When Seonghwa told him all that he felt scared but then the dusk came and with it San, and as he sat next to the younger boy with his sweet smile and kind words Wooyoung knew he didn't have a reason to be afraid.
He knew what Choi San was and what Choi San did, but as long as he was in that house Wooyoung could see him just as Sanie.
The first night went on and then the second and the third. San never came back. On the fourth Wooyoung heard the front door creak open. He jumped up and ran to the main entrance with his heart pounding loud in his chest. But to his disappointment...
"Hey kid!" Hongjoong greeted him with a tired smile and walking towards the living room where Wooyoung was standing, "Do you know if Seonghwa's still up?" he asked. From up close he looked even more tired: dark circles were decorating his puffy sleepless eyes.
"I'm not sure, hyung" he whispered, Hongjoong nooded and moved to walk away but Wooyoung stopped him again, "Hongjoong-hyung! Where's San?" he didn't know where he found the courage to ask, but he did.
Hongjoong smiled again, his lips opening in an almost sad curve, "He had to stay behind, I'm sure he will tell you everything once he comes back"
"And do you know when it will be?" I miss him, I'm worried for him, he thought but he didn't say it out loud.
"I'm not sure, he still had some things to take care of since–" but he stopped biting his tongue, "It won't take him much longer!" he resumed after couple of seconds.
Wooyoung nodded, "Is he okay, hyung?" he thanked the darkness that was hiding his blushing cheeks.
"He will be eventually" the answer came quickly, smile dropping, "Goodnight, Woo!"
Wooyoung walked back to his room too, he changed into his night clothes and hid himself behind the thick blankets. It was almost midnight but he didn't feel sleepy at all. He kept thinking about San, about what could have happened. Was he hurt? Not knowing what was going on kept him turning in bed, worried and sleepless. It was around 4 in the morning when he heard it again. The main door creaking open once again, silent steps from far away. Was it San? Wooyoung sat straight on his bed, the cold winter temperature hitting his skin as he lowered the blanket. He waited hoping to hear San footsteps approaching his own room but the house felt silent and empty once again. He was sure though.
He slowly stood up and walked outside, the cold marble under his feet sending shivers all over his body. He tried to be as silent as he could as he walked to the living room. It was pitch black, just a tiny light entering the room from a tall window. The moon light reflecting on the couch in front of him, somebody was sitting there, head leaned back. Wooyoung could see San beautiful profile from that angle, his eyes closed, mouth in a think line, jet black hair falling on his forehead, some strands touching his long lashes. He moved a step closer and San opened his eyes, moving his gaze to his direction.
"Why are you up so late?" he asked, his voice sounding incredibly tired.
Wooyoung stopped, "I heard you. I wanted to check if you were all right" he didn't want to lie.
"My father died" his head went back to lean on the couch, eyes falling close once again.
Wooyoung didn't expect that. He walked a few steps closer, stopping at the edge of the sofa, his eyes uselessly searching for San's, "I'm very sorry for your loss" he whispered, "What was he like?" he couldn't help but ask.
"My father?" San sat straight once again opening his eyes, "Cold, heartless, completely disinterested to anything that didn't concern his job" he scoffed, "Not a big loss for the world, huh?"
"San-ah..." Wooyoung didn't know what to say so he just stopped, his hand moving to San shoulder trying to give him some solace without using any words.
San smiled gladly accepting that touch and putting his own hand over Wooyoung's.
"You look tired" Wooyoung whispered again, thumb brushing against the solid muscle.
"It's okay. I was ready to face this day. He had been sick for months, we were just waiting for him to exale his last breath. I've been preparing to take his place for so long, but still–" he paused and chuckled bitterly, "I don't wanna do it, Young-ah" he whispered, more to himself than to the other boy, his head lowering with a resigned sight, "But I guess I have no chance, if I leave everyone will be in danger"
"What danger?" asked Wooyoung.
San squeezed Wooyoung hand gently, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to protect all of you, as long as I'm alive nobody will try any move, Hongjoong and I made sure of it" the sudden look in San eyes made Wooyoung shiver.
A long silence filled the room. San breath soon becoming heavier, he was probably so spent that he was about to fall asleep.
"You look tired, why don't you go sleep in your room?" asked Wooyoung.
"It's fine, I'll have to wake up in couple of hours anyway" San sighted.
"Can I do anything for you?" that sad, resigned look didn't really suit him and Wooyoung really wanted to seen it replaced by that dimpled smile he grew so used to see.
"I'd really love a massage right now!" San joked, saying it out loud but not meaning it, but as soon as he finished to speak he felt Wooyoung moving behind him, his other hand moving to his free shoulder.
"I can do that, I'm very good at this. Just try to relax for me" he whispered as he started moving his fingers.
Oh, he wasn't lying. He really was good! Thought San feeling expert hands moving all around his sore muscles, soothing the tension on his shoulders and arms, massaging his scalp and temples. He couldn't help but completely relax under that touch. Wooyoung's touch. Those that were touching him with such intimacy were Wooyoung's hands. His fingers on his shoulders, locking around his muscles and making him feel good. He felt the touch moving to the spot between his shoulder blade and neck where he felt stiffer.
"There's so much tension here" Wooyoung had leaned a bit more down to put more pressure on that difficult spot, his breath caressing San ear and the older blushed when he realised he was getting hard, terribly hard, inside his pants. And then the younger was pressing down, fingers pushing with might on San sensitive spot, warm breath on his neck as he did, and San couldn't help it.
"Mmmmh" a loud moan escaped his throat.
Wooyoung fingers freezed. San freezed. A thick silence imposed between them.
"I-I'm actually– ehm... Yeah! I might actually go and sleep. Couple of hours better then nothing, huh?" San said embarrassed as he quickly stood up and moved towards the door, "Night, Wooyoung!" he didn't wait for an answer as he left the room, almost running away.
Wooyoung was once again left alone. The fast beating of his heart resounding loud in his ears as he looked at his fingers where he touched San hot body.
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