Tiny whispers to his ears followed by light kisses and caresses on his skin and hair woke him up. He slowly opened his eyes letting the light breach through his tired lids.
"Ehy" another soft kiss was left on his temple as strong arms pulled him even closer, letting his body press against a warm familiar hug, "You look even more beautiful while you sleep" the voice whispered again leaving more pecks on his skin.
He mumbled, face hiding against San naked chest, "Is this real?" his fingers traced long patterns on the perfect wide back feeling goosebumps raising where he touched, "I'm not dreaming am I?" he asked again inhaling San scent, the musky smell inebriating his senses.
"Can't get more real than this" San chuckled and Wooyoung felt fingers under his chin moving his head up.
He blinked, still blinded by the light coming from the window at San back, but almost immediately his eyes zeroed onto soft lips, lips that he had learned to know, that he remembered the flavor, the way they moved and smiled against his. He let San lean closer, one of his hands automatically flying at the back of his neck, fingers playing with the dark locks as he pulled the older closer and closer. Their lips finally brushing when...
Knock knock
Two loud pounds were heard on Wooyoung's door immediately followed by Hongjoong high pitched voice, "Choi San I know you're in there! Get out right now!"
San sighted, forehead leaning against that of Wooyoung before he whispered, "See? Can't get more real than this" he removed the blankets and stood up, "I'll be back in a second, don't you move"
Wooyoung nodded sleepily rolling under the duvet once again. He just heard San slightly open the door and close it at his back.
"What is it?" the annoyed tone immediately getting on Hongjoong nerves that raised his eyebrows and slammed an envelope against San chest before he spoke.
"First: it's 10AM and we should have been at the office one hour ago. Second: wear a fucking shirt next time, you're not gonna impress me with your toned abs" he scoffed, fingertip pointing at the six-pack aggressively showing before him, "Third: read that and tell me again we have everything under control and that I don't need to panic"
San was about to chuckle at the second point but the third one was enough to let him fall serious once again, his hands making a quick work as he opened the piece of paper and read it. His eyes following the black and golden letter as he tried to process, connect dots.
"What does it mean? A fucking gala?" he asked unable to understand, his eyes kept moving from Changkyun sign at the very end of the paper to the clear invitation written on the first line.
The golden words were unmistakable: Changkyun was inviting them to his villa for a sort of mob-reunion party, all the most influential families were invited, Choi's included. San read it again and again but he could really process only when Hongjoong spoke.
"Playing it at home makes it easier for him" he sighted.
"We're not going into the lion den! It's too risky" San stated without thinking twice, "We don't know what he has planned"
"If we don't go we better sign our own death warrant, it won't go unnoticed and everyone will think we want to oppose the Im family. Especially after you stood up against him at the auction. Nobody will support us if Changkyun acts after that. We will go"
"We have two weeks, what do we do?" San looked at how Hongjoong pinched the bridge of his nose thinking intently.
"We can't do much, we go, we act normally. He won't physically attack us in front of all those people" San nodded, ready to ask something else but Hongjoong raised his palm to stop him, "There's more we should discuss" three other letters appeared from the inside pocket of his jacket.
"Are those invitations to the same thing?" asked San confused.
Hongjoong nodded, "They are. This is mine, you have yours, this is for Seonghwa" he showed him an identical letter still holding the last one in his right hand, hesitating.
"It's not happening" San didn't even let him speak, understanding what Hongjoong was about to say even before he could open his mouth, "Don't even say it, I'm not taking him"
"San, you have to, it's not something you can avoid. We will be there too, he's going to be safe"
"Forget it! We're not going, he's not going!" San snapped, his voice raising with sudden rage.
"San-ah, Wooyoung received an invitation and we can't ignore it" Hongjoong snapped too.
"Hyung, I'm not taki–" but he was interrupted by the door at his back suddenly opening.
Wooyoung stepped before San, his eyes facing Hongjoong as he extended his hand to receive the invitation letter, "I'm coming" he stated.
His voice sounded different, so firm and convinced that took San off guard for a second, mouth agape and staring at the Lady Gaga t-shirt in front of him.
"I knew you were wiser than him" Hongjoong smiled and was about to leave the letter onto Wooyoung's palm when San finally regained himself pushing Wooyoung back and holding him by the shoulders.
"No!" he didn't raise his voice but it sounded so cold and scary that Wooyoung conviction wavered for a second.
"Yes!" he exclaimed back, he couldn't be weak, not now, not when he could finally do something for San. He removed his hands from his shoulders and immediately a cold feeling replaced the space where warm gentle palms had been, "If I don't go you will be in danger, did I understand it right Hongjoong-hyung?"
Hongjoong nodded but San didn't give him the chance to speak because he was already pulling Wooyoung back, "Woo you don't understand. Changkyun is dangerous. That place is dangerous and I don't want you there, if anything will happen to you, I... I–"
"But nothing will happen because you will be with me, will you?"
"I will, but..."
"That's it then, I'm coming and I won't change my mind San-ah, let me do this thing for you" his eyes met those of San that faltered for a second before they turned back into two cold dark stones.
"Changkyun knows" he stated, "He knows you are my only weakness and he will use you against me, if he hurts you I will never forgive myself, I can't let it happen"
"And what do you plan to do? What if it's all his plan? He knows you don't want to take him, he expects you to not accept the invitation. What if he had men ready behind that door the instant we drive away. For all we know his men could be infiltrated into our rangs and we won't know. You leave him alone in this house but you can't make sure he will be safe" Hongjoong intervened.
"Hyung, you don't understand–"
"I don't understand?" his yell made Wooyoung jump on the spot, he had heard Hongjoong raise his voice countless times but that one it sounded different, "Can you stop being so selfish for a fucking minute?" San was left speechless too, his mouth still open unable to say more.
"Do you think I do this lightheartedly? Don't you see I have four, for fuck sake, four damn invitations. Do you think I'm happy to let Seonghwa come, huh? Do you think it's easy for me to tell him that he has to face all that world once again? Do you think I'm indifferent to all that?"
"Hyung, I–"
"No! You fuck off! Just because years have passed you're not allowed to forget. He's not the only wounded one, is he?" he asked as his head pointed to Wooyoung's direction, "You know what Seonghwa past is, do you think it's easy for me to tell him that he has to come to this fucking thing? I don't even have the guts to face him right now" he sighted closing his eyes before his palms covered his face completely for a few seconds, when they came off his face was serious and composed once again, his finger pressed against San chest, "Wooyoung is coming and you'd better keep your shit together or I will do it for you"
A heavy silence fell between the three guys, just Hongjoong labored breath could be heard. Wooyoung had frozen, unable to understand most of the things the older had said but he was sure he brought up a sensitive topic because whatever he meant had an effect on San too. His fists were clenched and his faced showed a pain Wooyoung had never seen before. They stayed like that, looking into each other's eyes without saying a single word for long, it took a few minutes before San lowered his head and whispered.
"I'm sorry" his head stayed low as he spoke again, "I didn't forget. I will never! It's just– I don't like to face things unprepared. I want to make sure all of us will be safe before we get in there"
Hongjoong nodded, his eyes softening a little bit when he heard San worried voice, "We have two weeks to get ready, we will have everything under control by then" his hand reached San shoulder and unexpectedly he pulled him into a quick hug that San accepted gladly crossing his arms around the smaller body and giving his back a few pats.
When they moved apart again after a few seconds Hongjoong eyes almost instinctively looked at his watch before he sighted, "I guess we won't go to the office this morning, I'll just go talk to Seonghwa and make sure he's okay with it"
San face suddenly darkened with worry, "Do you want me to talk to him instead?" but Hongjoong immediately shook his head.
"He will be with me at the gala, you take care of your partner I will handle mine, I've got this don't worry" a hint of a smile appeared on his lips, Wooyoung didn't know Hongjoong that well but he could tell the older was definitely tense and anxious. He wished he had the courage to ask San what happened in the past to make them react the way they did but he couldn't: since he had arrived in that house it didn't matter how shifty he had behaved none of the guys had pushed him into giving an explication or tried to let him open up about an evident painful past. He wanted to be as good as them, after all he was sure that Seonghwa would tell him whenever he felt ready.
The house felt particularly silent when Hongjoong walked away. They stood in front of the room, Wooyoung shifting on his feet while San kept his head low completely lost into his thoughts.
"D-do you–" Wooyoung stuttered trying to get San attention that as expected immediately turned to look at him, "Do you want t-to get back inside t-to shower?" he asked.
"Mhm? Yeah, sure" San sounded a bit out of it as he walked back to the room and sat on the still undone bed.
Wooyoung noticed how his eyebrows frowned meeting in the middle. He sat down next to him, one hand immediately reaching out, fingers crossing with those of the older and giving them a gentle squeeze, "Everything will be fine" he whispered trying to reassure San.
"How are you so sure?" it didn't sound ironic as San fixed his eyes in those of Wooyoung waiting for an answer like the younger held the truth.
"I trust you and I trust Hongjoong" he didn't quiver as he held the intense gaze.
"You know, I've been in this world long enough to believe that I knew how it worked. I know how these people think, how subtle and greedy they can be. It never scared me though. I've always found a way to handle them and if I couldn't it wasn't a problem to risk it all. I learned that sometimes there's no compromise and either is kill or get killed. It's never been a problem, I've never been scared of death until a few months ago" he paused as his gaze fell to their hands still closed around one another, "I guess that's the problem: I'm fucking scared of death. I'm so terrified I feel paralyzed"
"You won't die Sanie, you're your family's leader now he would never–"
"I still don't care if I die, Woo. I would gladly give my life if it means you will be safe"
Oh! So that's what he meant. Wooyoung felt his stomach clench, a fear that he had never experienced diffusing through all his body as he thought at the consequences of San words. A life without San. Safe. A useless safety that he would gladly give away if it meant he could spend the rest of his life next to the only person that he had ever loved. But a life without San... and in that moment he realized how scary death was.
"Don't say it!" Wooyoung moved before he could even realize it, he straddled San hands flying around his shoulders pulling him in a firm hug, his face hiding in the crook of his neck.
His smell filled his lungs, that sour fragrance he got already so used to wake up to. How could a world without that musky perfume be considered safe?
"D-don't say it ever again" he felt tears prickling at the corner of his eyes, that horrible thought eating him from inside and hurting more than anything he had experienced before.
He moved away slightly just to make sure he could look into San eyes again, his hands holding his cheeks as he started to leave soft kisses wherever he could. He didn't want to stop. He wouldn't stop. He felt his heart hammering loud inside of his chest, a heavy weight pressing against it, "P-please–" he hiccuped pressing his lips at the corner of San mouth, "Don't ever l-leave me"
San hands flew to Wooyoung dark locks, fingers pulling him in as he pressed their lips together in a needy rush, "I won't–" he breathed between kisses. So precious, so pure, so deep. It came all rushing in a warm wave that ended up just above his heart and he suddenly knew that. Or better, San had known for a while now but in that second it became impossible to ignore: "It's yours–" he brought Wooyoung's palm against his naked chest, resting it above his beating heart, "I'm yours and I won't go anywhere until you want me to" he breathed against his mouth, erratic and short puffs coming out as fast as his heartbeats under those long fingers.
Days and nights passed. Days and nights where more kisses were shared, caresses on hot skin, moans of names whispered against soaked sheets, hands in hair pushing and pulling when lips opened in pleasured sights. It felt so easy to fall. Into each other embrace but also more deeply, inside and out, hearts so full it nearly ached. San learnt how to listen, how to touch, how to kiss, how to lead his hands so that hidden pain wouldn't show up, he learnt that patience always pays back. Wooyoung learnt that not all hands bring sufferance, that sometimes a warm body keeps us grounded and safe more than a tall wall, he learnt that pleasure is real only when shared. They learnt to understand each other better, inside and outside of their shared beds, but an unspoken fear remained.
They kissed and touched, whispered and moaned each other's name more than once but still they never got to the real thing. The pure act of making love, of being entangled in a deeper way, still felt too scary to actually be spoken of or to try an attempt.
Wooyoung wanted to but he was too embarrassed to ask, unsure on how to move and worst of all he still had those moments. They mostly happened when he was alone but sometimes it had happened with San too. There were days when just the reflection of his naked body in the mirror made him sick. A towel wrapped around his shoulders while soft lips brushed against his pulse point made him feel slightly better but it still felt itchy, it still burnt. On those days the light was always too bright, his scars always too clear even in the darkness of the night.
San also wanted to but it felt scary. Wooyoung never told him but he could see the way he turned away whenever he walked in front of a mirror, he could see the way he shook when his mouth brushed against those old scars, he could hear how his breath got stuck in his throat when fingers got a little too close to his entrance. He could feel it all. The terror, the pain, the tension. He could also feel the want but more than once he had wondered if it wasn't too soon, if Wooyoung really was ready. He craved the other, he would have lied if he said he hadn't dreamed about them making love almost every night. But at the same time he knew he could wait. He knew what fragility meant and of all things what he cared for the most was Wooyoung's safety and his healthy mental state.
So days and night passed and the end of those two weeks quickly arrived too.
"It's tomorrow" San whispered when he switched off the hairdryer, his hands finding their place into messy dark hair brushing them back as Wooyoung's head turned to face him.
"Everything will be fine. We won't be alone, Mingi and his boys will be there too and you will have part of your escort too" his chin rested on San knee looking up with eyes so tender and trusting that the older felt his insides melt.
"I can't help but worry" he let his back fall on his soft mattress, one arm covering his closing eyes as he tried to push those horrible thoughts away.
He felt Wooyoung move at the edge of his bed, the mattress bending under a new weight and soon a warm body was leaning on his, bare legs placed on each of his sides, hands roaming under his t-shirt mapping every inch of his skin and then ticklish breath teasing his ear.
"Is there anything I can do to help you relax?" hands moving up and bringing the soft fabric of the shirt with them.
San arm left his eyes finally able to drink in the sight above him and just one thought ran through his mind: did Wooyoung realize how stunning he was? He kept looking at him mesmerized, almost unable to move until the youger let him slightly lift his body to take off his t-shirt, quickly discareded to the floor. Their eyes met and even if Wooyoung looked like the most beautiful thing San had ever seen he couldn't help but notice how his eyes kept moving along San body with a look of adoration. His wide palms, the only bigger detail of Wooyoung compared to San, kept trailing up the warm planes of his skin. Neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, hips. Wherever his hands could reach leaving a feverish warmth spread all over San skin. No words. There never was need to speak for what was going to happen next: San hand reached the back of Wooyoung's neck pulling him down until their chests were pressed together and a sweet breath was felt against his lips before they closed the small remaining gap.
As their mouths found each other a stuttered sight left Wooyoung's lips. It happened all the times they kissed and San couldn't help but wonder if the boy realized he had the cutest habits. The little gasp made San heat ache, his arms closing a bit more around the younger's body, almost scared he would run away. But Wooyoung never did, always melting under San touch, allowing himself to feel vulnerble knowing that even if he let go there would always be safe arms to catch him. And those arms were suddenly moving down, fingers playing with the hem of his t-shirt, the only piece of fabric he was wearing besides his boxer.
"Can I?" San breathed a soft whisper against his lips, waiting for the quick nod Wooyoung gave him before he lifted his arms up to help him remove the garnment, "You're so beautiful" a gasp, another one was heard when San lips closed around a perky nipple, "The most beautiful" lips opening and allowing a wet tongue to lick a fat stripe to his collarbone, "My perfect Wooyoungie"
Wooyoung moaned, head thrown back just for a second before he sealed his eyes back on San. Even in the evening dim light it was impossibile to not notice and Wooyoung felt his heart skip a beat: San was really watching him like he was something beautiful, half-afraid to touch. It felt like a dream, a dream that you're afraid to open your eyes after, afraid that once the moment passes it might never happen again. And suddenly it felt too much, a feeling so overwhelming that he needed to pour it out.
"San-ah" his name resounded in the silence of the room.
San nibbled at the skin for a second longer before he hummed, hands bringing Wooyoung back down against his lips. Strong hands catching his jaw as his tongue breached inside of his mouth. It felt so easy to succumb as they kept kissing. Unhurried, lingering lips commiting the moment to memory. The taste, the scent, the faint scratch of San's stubble as he kissed him. And then hips, it might have been an imperceptible movement but Wooyoung felt like his world was shaken from his roots when he felt San pressing even more firmly against him. He couldn't ignore how hard he was getting, he couldn't ignore how hard San was. And it was for him.
"Sanie" he called again, the name leaving his lips like a prayer and that's when San looked up.
His eyes impossibly deep and dark searching those of Wooyoung in a desperate need, "I'm here" he whispered before a hand flew to his neck, fingertips brushing the ends of his sweat dump hair, "I'm here" he repeated in soft caresses, eyes never leaving him. And under that enamored gaze Wooyoung felt like he could suffocate with all the words stuck into his lungs. Words he couldn't say. Words that felt like an entangled mess inside of his head. Words that sounded dangerously close to I love you.
"P-please" he stuttered instead. His hips pressing down, heat leaking from his body when he heard San moan in response.
"What do you need?" San regained his voice, a smooth whisper rumbling against his bitten lips.
Wooyoung didn't answer, he couldn't. His body acted on his own unable to do much but respond with swift movements. Hands unraveling San pants and pulling them down. Soon each piece of remaining clothing came off their bodies, every inch of newly revealed skin showered in lingering kisses. Bare beneath him, the sight of San, naked and breathing erratically, took the air out of Wooyoung's lungs too. The oxygen feeling not enough and the only way for Wooyoung to breath again was against San lips as he leaned down once again.
"Wooyoung-ah" this time was San the one calling his name, hands on his hips pushing him slightly away as a small gap interposed between their naked bodies. Wooyoung whimpered, inches feeling like infinite space as he felt like San was trying to hold back, to keep himself from wanting him a bit too much, but Wooyoung didn't want to hold back anymore.
Want, want, want. His body was screaming in gestures all the words he couldn't push his mouth to say as only another soft moan left his lungs.
"My love–" San hands were tracing patterns on his thighs fingers pressing on the soft skin, "Oh, Wooyoung I want you so much" and with that confession he threw his head back, eyes closing shut like he was trying to prevent them to take a glimpse of a too sinful sight.
"Then take me" words slipped out of his mouth before he could even realize he had said them.
"N-no" San stuttered when hips brushed against his, leaking members touching in a lewd motion, "I don't want to rush–"
"I want this too, Sanie" he didn't understand where his confidence came from but he felt sure, calm in his feverish need. And San looked at him intently, eyes searching an answer to his unspoken questions.
"Oh god–" it sounded almost pained, hands moving up and finding place on Wooyoung's hips, pulling him in, moving his body in hot waves when he found the answer he was looking for, "Push me away now or I won't be able to stop" the growl delved under Wooyoung's skin making him shiver.
"Then don't stop" he whispered leaning back down and finally closing the space dividing them.
And, oh! It felt heavenly. San hands moved, mapped every inch of skin on their path leaving nothing unexplored, nothing unloved. Not Wooyoung's soft shapes, not the places where his heart could be heard, not the pale scars. But every caress felt like a healing swell.
It went on until another little noise was heard mingling with their soft moans and whimpers: the faint click of a bottle uncapping, and suddenly his breath became more erratic under the anticipation. His body shivering not sure on how to brace itself. He remembered it to be cold and unpleasantly viscous but when San fingers pressed against his opening it was nothing like that. Wet but warm tips circled his hole with patience, waiting for Wooyoung to relax before they pushed slightly forward. One to start, just the first knuckle and then it slowly sank a little bit further down.
The press of San's fingers against him felt impossibly gentle, careful and deliberate in every single way. He opened Wooyoung up slowly making sure he wouldn't fee any pain, like they had all the time in the world, like nothing existed outside of that moment.
He was so incredibly responsive, attuned to every hitch of breath from Wooyoung's throat, every twitch of muscle and pinch of brow. Pressing soft kisses to Wooyoung's chin, his jaw, his collarbones like an apology for his discomfort.
And there actually was a beginning of discomfort, a bearable burning on his lower half. But that discomfort soon turned into something sweeter, something that had fire igniting in the depths of his belly, and Wooyoung could just beg.
"M-more" he was falling apart so easily and it wasn't scary at all. It felt good to finally be able to let go, to forget everything but San. No pain, no anger, no fear. Nothing was left but San gentle hands on him, his lips kissing the breath out of him, calling his name in soft moans, "Sanie-aaah... n-need you! I'm ready" he could plead once again between whimpers.
Fingers were removed and then San was slowly sinking into him, eyebrows pinched together as he tried his best to hold back, to not rush something so beautiful, chest heaving and mouth hanging open as he looked at Wooyoung searching for any sign of discomfort, ready to stop the second he asked. But he didn't and soon San was fully inside him. It did burn a little bit but not in a painful way. He felt a wave of pride swelling inside of him: they were making love and he was enjoying it, he could finally give San everything he couldn't during those previous weeks, he could finally pay him back with what he was best at. He was sure San would have asked him to move, he remembered well how it worked, he remembered the burning of his thighs, how tiring it felt but he was sure that with San it would be different. He was about to start moving but strong arms wrapped around him pulling him down, chests pressed against one another, closer, deeper as San breathed against his ear.
"Sanie, I–" but then he looked up and whatever he was about to say died on his tongue when he met San eyes.
If he had to describe what he saw in them just one word came to his mind and it was love. Nobody had ever looked at Wooyoung the way San did, the adoration pouring out of him in every single breath and gesture. And in that second everything that had ever mattered to Wooyoung ceased to exist, only the urge to show San how he loved him back persisted and he did. He held his face between his hands and kissed him trying to pour in that sweet contact all his emotions. It felt deep and slow, passionate but also so sweet like any other before and San was all over him, hands leaving absolutely nothing unloved.
He felt so deep and warm inside him, his body so firm and soft beneath him, his lips so wet and tender, and his tongue intoxicating and eager and Wooyoung was sure he was drowning in the overwhelm of just how desperately he loved San in return.
"Sanie" his voice broke in the silence of the room, "Sanie, please–"
And as always San obliged, he moved in careful little thrusts that had the air pushed out of Wooyoung's lungs. It felt good like nothing had before, heat spreading through his body, his whole being feeling so full, full of love, full of San, full of everything he had ever needed. And then his muscles flexed trying to not break apart from that warm hug when San moved, flipping them back with a hand beneath Wooyoung's head, never pulling out. He couldn't help the gasp that left his lips when San rested his arms on each side of him, hips snapping against him with newfound fervour.
A hot wave exploded inside of him like never before, he was barely able to push his hips back against San, head numb for the overwhelming feeling as he just let San happen to him. The bed started rocking beneath them as San kept moving inside of Wooyoung, slowly and hard, punching little puffs of breath out of his lungs at every thrust, little noises that involuntary left his mouth but that he couldn't feel embarrassed about when they so clearly affected San too. His forehead came down, tenderly resting against that of Wooyoung as he moaned too. His hand moved to the younger's cheeks, thumb brushing against the thing layer of sweat covering his skin and San just kept looking at him with those eyes, so dark and full of love.
"Wooyoungie" he called, a whisper, a plea as his pace sped up, San's hips snapped forward, pressing flush against him, his size and width filling every inch of him. His hand reached between them, to take Wooyoung into his palm and giving him gentle strokes that only spurred more noises out of his throat, "So, so beautiful" he whispered leaning down to kiss him.
A velvety tongue breached inside of his mouth with expertise, licking inside of him in a way that had Wooyoung's head spin. San hips were never faltering, snapping against his skin with staccato slaps and when the tip of San member hit a specific spot inside of him Wooyoung had to detach from the heated kiss and throw his head back in a long moan.
He felt his orgasm approaching, mind blurring at the haze of the growing pleasure. Without thinking he took San cheeks into his palms, his eyes focusing into dark gems that were already looking at him. He wanted to make sure, like this he wanted to know that San felt how much it meant to him. He wanted to make sure San could feel it too, that he understood... And like he could hear his thoughts San slowed down, each thrust drawn out to its farthest extent, every inch of friction experienced one by one, savored, unrushed, and so painfully, achingly tender. Tomorrow didn't matter anymore, nothing existed but their bodies and hearts beating so fast for each other. Heat started spreading through his body every time San brushed just the right place, and he just couldn't help it when into his mind something started to form. Images of a future he'd never allowed himself to be so foolish as to hope for suddenly didn't feel so unrealistic anymore.
The way San held him, the way he sank into him almost desperately now, arms keeping him close as his face hid into the crook of his neck, breath getting erratic, everything felt so intimate and perfect that Wooyoung just couldn't stop feeling loved, feeling hopeful.
"Wooyoung, I'm close" breath tickled the skin of his neck as San spoke.
"Me too" he could moan in response.
And in that second San head raised up again and from the way he sank inside of him, from the way his eyes never left those of Wooyoung, eyebrows pinching together and mouth hanging open, Wooyoung thought that perhaps San really could understand. A silent moan, head thrown back and Wooyoung felt a sudden warmth spilling inside of him. It was all it took for him to climax too, semen dirtying his stomach and San hand as he came down slowly, helped by San still thrusting inside of him.
They laid in silence, San didn't pull out, bodies still entangled with one another as they listened to their breaths calming down. A kiss was left on his temple, San looked at him with sparkling eyes and his usual dimpled smile painted on his face.
"I'm sorry–" he started but his voice cracked in a chuckle.
"I don't see why you should be sorry" the laugh was so contagious that Wooyoung started giggling too.
"It's just that I didn't expect this to happen and I didn't wear a condom in the rush of the moment"
"Oh! That's not a problem, it was good to feel you" he managed to say, cheeks reddening under San gaze.
Wooyoung curled closer into San's warmth letting his body relax in that safe embrace, but San was already moving away, his arms bringing him up along, "Can't go to sleep like that, let's have a quick shower, okay? You will thank me tomorrow"
And he actually did, when he woke up to the sound of chirping birds outside of his window he was so thankful that he had at least washed. He buried his face against San naked chest, he smelled like his body wash, a perfume Wooyoung grew addicted to. But when he moved the warmth of San body wasn't the only thing to welcome him: the pain in his lower back made him flinch, a whispered whine unwillingly escaping his lips.
"Are you hurt?" a sleepy voice made his eyes look up finding San already staring at him with a worried look, "I was too harsh, I had to be more gentle, I'm sorry" he whispered leaving a soft kiss against Wooyoung's forehead.
"You were perfect Sanie, stop apologize" he smiled, "I will take a painkiller and I will be fine" he heard San hum as he closed his eyes once again trying to go back to sleep.
"San-ah" he whispered again, he wished they could spend the entire morning rolling under the sheets, maybe repeating what they did the night before but he knew that that day they weren't allowed to, "We need to get up" he brushed the dark locks away from his handsome face.
"Five more minutes"
"If I let you sleep for five more minutes we will end up being late. It's today San, we need to get ready and we both know Hongjoong has probably been up since dawn waiting for you"
He heard San grumbling and stir under his touch but he sat up, a long sigh leaving his lungs as Wooyoung noticed his back stiffen.
"Will you get ready with Seonghwa? I'll come to you when it's time to go, okay?"
Wooyoung nodded and before he could even realize it San was gone. His lips still tickled with the feeling of their last soft peck when he decided he'd better leave the bed too and look for Seonghwa.
"Give me your phone" Hongjoong extended his hand.
The morning had flew away in the blink of an eye. They wouldn't be allowed to bring guns with them, they knew they would be checked before they could get in. Hongjoong thought it would be wise to bug San so that wherever he would go, even if he found himself alone with Changkyun, they could hear and record what they said but San was worried about that too. The shirt of his suit was too tight-fitting to not notice the small mic applied on his chest and his rival wasn't stupid nor careless. So the bug idea was forgotten but luckily Hongjoong was smart enough to think of something else.
"It's not much but at least I will know where you are if we find ourselves divided" he finished to set the phone and gave it back to its owner, "Wooyoung will have one too so everyone will be able to see everyone's location, okay?"
"Yeah" San nodded hiding the phone in the pocket of his suit once again.
"San" Hongjoong called him once again as he stood from his chair, "Whatever happens don't give him reasons to attack you, do you understand?"
Easier said than done, he thought but he just nodded again instead, "Let's go, we're ready"
Seonghwa's room was at the upper floor, they walked through the bright hallway, knocked on his door and when it finally opened Hongjoong gasped. San was right behind him and could just take a glimpse of who was standing behind the little gap but when the door fully opened he could understand Hongjoong shock: Seonghwa was stunning!
San had always known that Seonghwa was handsome, he thought it the first time he saw him many years before but that day the word 'beautiful' wasn't probably enough to describe him.
"Your–" Hongjoong stepped forward, one hand moving dark locks behind Seonghwa ear, "Your hair..." he repeated in awe.
"I thought pink was too outstanding for the occasion, don't you like it?" his eyes showing sudden insecurity.
"I love it, Hwa! You're ethereal" fingers coming down to brush his cheek.
San couldn't deny it: Seonghwa really looked stunning, his back again black hair framed his face with long wavy locks, the ends reaching a little below his eyes and highlighting his sharp cheekbones. He was wearing a dark smoky eyeshadow with a thick eyeliner making his eyes look even brighter. And in the end his body: Seonghwa was tall and slim, his muscles weren't much defined but he looked good in his shapes. He was wearing a black tuxedo with glossy finishes matching the waistband highlighting his tiny waist. The shirt beneath his jacket was white, almost transparent under the light, with a not too sharp v neck line. To adorn it all luxurious jewelry was hanging from his ears and around his fingers, an also black thick choker tied around his long neck.
"You look gorg–" San was about to compliment his friend too but he suddenly stopped, his mouth drying as he forgot all the words he was about to say.
Wooyoung stepped in the frame of the open door, a shy smile on his lips when his eyes met those of San who couldn't stop staring at him with his mouth hanging wide open.
"Ehy!" Hongjoong broke the silence waving at Wooyoung, "Looking goo–"
"He's not coming!" San voice erupted without giving a chance to Hongjoong to finish his sentence.
"Are we really talking about this again?" Hongjoong sighted tiredly.
"Hyung! No! He can't, I mean–" he took couple of steps closer to Wooyoung who instinctively walked back scared by the angered look on San face as he approached him.
But it didn't take much effort to San that quickly cornered the younger between the wall and his body, eyes roaming all over him like he wanted to devour the poor Wooyoung. And probably that was the most concrete thought inside of San mind in that moment: Wooyoung was always beautiful but like that in a total black suit, with tight-fit pants hugging his juicy thigh, a silky shirt with a few buttons undone and a silver body chain disappearing under the V neck line, San was sure he would go insane if he looked for a second longer.
"I don't want him to see you like this" he whispered in a whine as he tried to close couple of buttons.
"YAH! YAH! YAH!" Seonghwa took two big steps and with a quick movement slapped San hands away, "What do you think you're doing? You know how long it took me to let him look this–" he gazed at Wooyoung with eyes full of love and pride, "–perfect! Don't you touch him or try anything weird San, I'm watching you. He looks gorgeous and you should be grateful to have such a beautiful partner at your side"
"I do" the answer came quickly, "I just don't want to share him with anybody else"
"You won't share him, you stupid!" Seonghwa sounded exasperated, "Can't you see that he has eyes for you only?"
"Hyung!" Wooyoung exclaimed, cheeks turning crimson red.
"It's true! Who cares if they look, let them. They won't be able to steal him from your side as long as he feels he belongs there"
"I love it when you scold him" Hongjoong chuckling voice was heard from their backs and Seonghwa grinned at the affirmation, "But we need to go now or we will be late"
Many expensive cars were already parked in front of a house that looked more like a castle than a villa. Their driver left them in front of a huge staircase when a valet completely dressed in white welcomed them asking for their invitation. They were instructed to not bring with them any guns, knives or other possible weapons, none of them had any but of course Changkyun was a scrupulous man and either way they got searched in front of the main entrance. It was common knowledge that the Im family was rich but when they entered the building a whispered gasp left their mouths.
They walked through the crowd as luxurious rooms opened in front of them. In each there were servants always dressed in classy white dresses offering champagne from sparkling glasses and small appetizers that looked way more complicated than any food Wooyoung had ever eaten, seen or cooked in his whole life. Soft jazz music was playing through all the house, the notes and melodies so similar to the one San had heard in the club in Itaewon, bringing with them unpleasant memories. The music wasn't bad though, or at least not as much as the voice that greeted the four boys a few minutes after their arrive.
"Nice to see that my favorite guests could make it" San turned just in time to see an irritating smirk raising on Changkyun's lips, "Park Seonghwa, it's been a while. Last time I think it was for a similar occasion wasn't it?" he paused waiting for Seonghwa's answer that never arrived, the former just kept staring at him with clear hatred in his eyes, "Oh well... I'll send your regards to Lee Minho"
Wooyoung who was looking intently at his hyung noticed how is face contorted into a painful stirred smile. He was probably about to finally say something but didn't have a chance because all of a sudden Changkyun had turned, facing San and Wooyoung instead.
"Now, now... I have to admit I'm a bit surprised" his eyes landed on Wooyoung, his gaze roaming all over his body in a malicious way that made the boy shiver uncomfortably, "You looked handsome from that stage, but now that I see you so close I regret not raising the stakes a bit more. Im Changkyun by the way, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Wooyoung-ssi" his mouth opened into a bright smile, so fake and slimy that Wooyoung unconsciously took a step back.
"M-my pleasure" he stuttered in a tiny voice.
"What is it that you want Changkyun?" San hand found its place on Wooyoung's lower back, pulling him close almost like he was scared that he would go away, "I'm here as requested. Cards on the table"
Changkyun expression turned into surprise, mouth hanging open and a hand dramatically raising to touch his heart, "Oh my! You're offending me, Choi San-ssi. I have no ulterior motives but wish for you to enjoy the party. We will have all the time to talk about business later" he snapped his fingers and a waitress immediately approached him with a tray full of champagne glasses, "Drinks on me guys" he lightheartedly laughed offering each of the boys standing in front of him a glass, "Enjoy life until you can"
Changkyun sent one last look at Wooyoung, indulging on his neckline a bit too long for San liking, he raised his glass in his direction and left with a smirk still lingering on his lips. As much as San wanted to chase after him and beat the shit out of that pompous asshole he limited himself to gnashing his teeth. His hand was still protectively placed on Wooyoung's back, hand that moved to cup his cheek and turned to face him.
"Are you okay?" he asked searching his eyes with worry.
Wooyoung nodded, "I am"
Soft lips pressed against his in a quick peck and Wooyoung felt his ears warming up, a deep shade of red creeping from his neck up to his cheeks. It was the first time San had kissed him in public and even if Wooyoung wanted to check Hongjoong and Seonghwa reaction he couldn't tear his eyes off the boy standing in front of him.
Time passed quickly and they tried their best to act normally, San stopped and was stopped by many people during the gala, many saying their condolences for his father death, others complimenting him for his capacity and talent at such a young age. Many talked to Seonghwa and Hongjoong too but nobody even tried to share a word with Wooyoung, despite from what he had expected nobody looked at him. Only one man after having indulged into a conversation with San turned to look at Wooyoung with a weird expression on his face.
"Isn't he the slave you bought at that auction?" he had asked all of a sudden.
"His name is Jung Wooyoung" San had spoken with warmth until that question but when he heard the other his voice became cold and aggressive, his eyes sending flares to the man's direction.
The man scoffed, "Jung Wooyoung? Since when you address slaves with–"
"Kang Eunbok-ssi, I know you just bought a little island in the Caribbean for your wife's birthday, you have to pass me your contacts because I just realized I can't live a day longer without owing a white beach kissed by the sun" Seonghwa chirped interrupting their conversation, his hand flew to Eunbok arm pulling him away to a long table when a rich buffet was waiting.
Even if no words were said between them Wooyoung could clearly see how tense San body was: his shoulders were taut and his clenched fists slightly shaking. Hongjoong looked as worried as Wooyoung as he pressed his hand on San shoulder that immediately flinched at the contact but relaxed as soon as he realized to whom that hand belonged. He was about to say something but suddenly the music stopped and a soft tinkling of many little bells echoed through the crowded rooms. One of the servants was standing halfway through a staircase.
"We would like to invite our guests to go to the dining room and take the assigned places since dinner will be shortly served" he announced before he retired probably heading back to the kitchen.
"Come on, some food will do us good" Hongjoong sighted pushing San and Wooyoung to the same direction everyone else was walking.
They found their names placed on the bigger table occupying the center of the room and they weren't surprised when they noticed San was seated right across Changkyun place. All the most important names of Seoul underworld were present at that table and Hongjoong and San exchanged a worried look before they sat down. Soon everyone arrived, only Changkyun chair was still empty. Despite the thick crowd seated in the vast room everything was silent: the music wasn't playing, people weren't talking and only muffled coughing and tiny whispers could be heard every now and then. The silence was soon broken by the loud bangs of a back door opening and Changkyun newly dressed in a red suit walked inside thanking everybody to be there. After a short speech he walked to his empty chair, eyes fixed on San as he sat down.
Everything was way too calm at the beginning, waiters were serving the food and refelling the empty glasses, Changkyun looked too engaged in a conversation with the beautiful girl on his left side to pay any attention to San and Wooyoung, but unfortunately it didn't last long. The lady soon left the table to powder her nose and immediately Changkyun eyes landed on San.
"Choi San-ssi, I've heard you had some truble going down with the Chinese in Incheon. I hope everything is okay now" his voice sounded polite and sincerely worried but San could notice the little smirk on his face before he brought the glass to his lips.
"Thank you for your concern, but I assure you there's nothing you need to worry about" San replied trying to sound as calm as possible, he didn't turn to look at the people sitting near them but he could tell their eyes were pointing at Changkyun and him.
"Sun Yixian is a problem though, I heard you didn't kill him when he turned his men against you"
"That wasn't necessary" San answer came quickly, "He's back in Beijing now and he won't undermine any business from there"
"Don't you think you would have set an example if you killed him? Now people might think you're a weak leader. After all Yixian got away with less than a scold and I'm pretty sure many of his friends would follow his example if you don't show your strenght properly"
San could hear approval rumblings raising from his surroundings, he wished he could just stand up and punch Changkyun in the face but before he could act Hongjoong spoke: "When a man gets killed it's anavoidable to fall in a vicious cycle of revenge. We didn't want to start a war with the Chinese so banish Yixian sounded like the smartest choice"
"Yeah, whatever the puppy says" Changkyun gazed at Hongjoong for a brief second with judjing eyes before he turned to San directin once again, "I still think you'd better find a powerful partner before another uprising starts in your territories. I came to Itaewon willing to help you and–" but he couldn't finish because his attention was stolen by one of the servants who whispered something at Changkyun's ear.
Changkyun listened carefully as he kept nodding every now and then, when the waiter stepped back his eyes gazed at San again, that smirk never leaving his lips: "I am needed somewhere else for a while, but please keep enjoying yourself. Choi San-ssi we will resume this conversation once I'm back" and with that he stood up and walked away.
When the red suit disappeared behind closing doors San felt like a heavy weight had disappeared from his shoulders as he released a breath of relief. Hongjoong moved one hand to his shoulder giving him couple of pats to show he was doing good, and San knew he was but it didn't make him feel good at all. Just picturing the face of Changkyun in his mind made him want to push over the table and scream in anger, he felt his fists shake, firmly closed on his lap. He tried to focus on something different as he looked up, roaming around the table trying to find something appealing for his closed stomach, but as he turned once again he noticed two big brown eyes fixed on him. The beautiful girl sitting at Changkyun's left was staring at him without any shame and when she noticed her gazed was reciprocated she leaned forward with a smile on his lips.
"I hope you will forgive me Mr Choi but as I came back I couldn't help but listen to the conversation you and Changkyun-oppa were having. My name is Shen Xiaoting" she pushed her hand forward for San to shake it.
"Choi San" he took her hand in his as he squeezed it lightly, "Shen you said?"
The smile on her face became even brighter, "Happy to see that my father's name caught your interest. I heard that you're the reason why Sun Yixian left Seoul. I have to say that thanks to that our family had it very easy in the last few weeks, we're taking over Incheon and if it's true that you're looking for allies I'll be glad to discuss with you"
San looked at her suspiciously, "Weren't you already discussing with Changkyun-oppa until a second ago?"
The girl scoffed, "What's wrong in wanting to test more grounds? I heard his offer, let's hear yours"
San wasn't sure he could trust the girl but he liked her attitude, he was about to turn to Hongjoong to ask his opinion when Wooyoung suddenly stood up smiling shyly.
"I'll go to the bathroom" he whispered fixing his shirt.
"Do you want me to come with you?" San asked, his eyes immediately zeroing onto the handsome figure standing next to him. Hongjoong, the business with the Chinese, Xiaoting... everything else was forgotten.
Wooyoung smiled before he shook his head, "It's okay, I'll be very quick, you'd better stay and finish this conversation"
San silently nodded following Wooyoung with his eyes as he walked out of the dining room.
"I've never seen someone looking at their slave the way you look at yours" Xiaoting chuckled when she had San attention once again.
"He's no slave, his name is–"
"And I've never seen a slave looking at his master the way he looks at you" Xiaoting interrupted once again leaving San speechless, "Whatever thing you have going with him I can tell that he feels the same for you. And he's cute, I guess I can't blame you for the way you stare at him" she smiled genuinely and San couldn't help but blush a little bit mumbling an embarrassed thank you, "But as long as your love life can be interesting I would like to go back to our previous discussion" she pressured, her eyes moving from San to Hongjoong.
Hongjoong smiled brightly and took over from where they left. Xiaoting looked incredibly younger but she wasn't naive like her appearance would have suggested. They talked for long, discussed different possibilities, but San wasn't listening anymore. Mingi followed by another tall man had arrived too and had joined the conversation, but San couldn't really understand what they were saying. He hoped Hongjoong had everything under control because his eyes and ears had been projected on the huge door at the edge of the room waiting for it to open again. But it stayed closed and as minutes passed San felt a growing tension radiating through his body.
Wooyoung had been gone for far too long.
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