Chapter Thirty-Five (Faith)
I walked with purpose, somehow positive I knew exactly where to go. There was no logical reason for that, but it was the truth. Something was leading me to the man who'd been watching me.
It probably is a trap, I thought, but it didn't matter. I needed to do this.
I ended up all the way by Pigeon Meadow Road. I'd always thought that was an odd name for a street, especially one that led to the cemetery I was about to enter. Now, I hoped pigeons were the only threat I'd encounter there. I hopped the fence and continued to follow my instincts.
I found my way deeper into the cemetery. A large tree loomed over several graves and a mausoleum. Standing against the mausoleum was the man who'd been watching me. His Greek tragedy mask seemed appropriate set against the backdrop of a cemetery.
"Who are you?" I demanded.
He studied me for a moment, but he didn't answer my question. Instead, he said, "You shouldn't be here."
"Says the guy who's hanging out by himself in a cemetery late at night," I retorted.
"You aren't safe here, Faith. Not at this hour."
The way he said my name was too familiar. "How do you know me?" I asked.
"That's not important."
"The Hell it's not."
"Go home, Faith."
"Creepy cult members in masks don't get to tell me what to do."
He sighed like it was taking a lot out of him to put up with me. "You don't belong here. Please leave."
"Well, since you asked politely... No."
"Faith Candice Edwards, you are as stubborn as ever!" He said in frustration, but he chuckled after the fact like I had amused him.
I stared at him, too stunned to speak for a moment. "How the hell do you know my middle name?" I finally demanded. "Are you stalking me?"
"I have known your middle name since the day you were born, Firefly."
I felt like someone injected ice water into my veins. "What did you just call me?" I managed to ask.
"What I've always called you, Firefly," he replied.
I couldn't believe what I was thinking. "Take off your mask," I demanded.
"Take off your mask!" I repeated furiously.
He slowly removed his mask. Time had aged him a little bit, but I still recognized him. "Uncle Deacon?" I whispered in disbelief.
"It's me, Firefly," he confirmed.
The world tilted sideways. I nearly collapsed, but Deacon steadied me.
"You're real..." I mumbled as he touched me.
"Easy, Firefly. Take a deep breath," he said soothingly.
"You died," I said.
"It's complicated."
"Complicated? You're dead, Deacon! Legally dead! Your bedroom was destroyed in the fire. You burned to nothing but ash. You can't be here." I shook my head.
"They saved me, Firefly. The fire started in my room, but they pulled me from the flames and saved my life."
"Who did?" I demanded.
"The Apostasia. They knew that, one day, the true leader would return and they've been waiting, ready to fight at his side. They saw my potential and they saved me."
I was furious as the truth sank in. "You joined a cult?" I snapped. "Dad ran back into the house to try to save you! He was killed because he tried to save you, and you weren't even in there!"
"I'm sorry about your dad... He didn't deserve to die like that," Deacon replied, "but these things happen in war."
"He was your brother!" I shouted. "He wouldn't have even run back if he wasn't worried about you! How could you betray him by working with an evil cult?"
"You don't know them, Firefly. They saved me. I was severely burned and shouldn't have survived. They nursed me back to health. They healed my scars and cured me of the infection I caught while my flesh was raw and exposed. Without their magic, I would have died."
"They're a cult, Uncle Deacon!" I protested.
"No, Firefly, we are the Apostasia... It's Greek for defection or revolt. We renounce the ruling deities in favor of the true destined leader. We serve Altheos, for he fooled every God, even Chaos himself, into bending to his will. He is the puppet master, the ruler of all."
"Like I said, it's a cult."
"It is a mutually beneficial movement, led by Altheos, Viktor, and another we believe will also return one day. In following them, we want for nothing. You deserve that, Firefly... You could have everything you have ever wanted if you join us."
"No thanks. I don't do scary cults." I sighed. "Uncle Deacon, you've been brainwashed."
"No, Firefly... I've been awakened. And it's incredible."
"We used to be so close... I went with you everywhere. You were fourteen years older than me, but you never minded having a toddler follow you around. I idolized you... I would have done anything you did."
"You still can. Think about it, Faith... You were my tiny sidekick when you were little. Let me guide you. The Apostasia is powerful. They can help your mom... They can cure her madness. You can go home, Firefly. You can have your mom back for good this time."
I felt a fireball forming in my hands. "Do not bring my mom into this," I said sharply.
"Just think it over."
"She said no," Emily said from behind me. "If you want to survive the night, I suggest you walk away." She glared her best glare at my uncle. And, trust me, that girl had glaring down to an Art.
Deacon smiled at me. "If you change your mind, you'll know how to find me," he said. "Lord Viktor!"
A portal in the shape of a door appeared in front of the mausoleum. Deacon vanished inside. The door slammed shut and vanished.
"Are you okay, Faith?" Emily asked.
"No," I admitted. "Why are you here at this hour, Emily?"
"Walking through cemeteries clears my head." She paused before asking, "What are you doing here? Who was that guy?"
"My uncle Deacon," I replied, "who I thought died over a decade ago in the same fire that killed my dad and destroyed my mom's mental health." I sighed and added, "Apparently, he's been off living his best life in a cult that worships our favorite enemy, Altheos. I wonder if he's recruited enough new members to earn a free toaster yet."
Emily took in my words. "That really sucks," she finally said.
Somehow, that was a lot more comforting than any cliche sympathetic comments would have been. "Yeah, it does," I agreed.
"Do you want to head home, or do you need to clear your head a bit?" Emily asked.
"I think I need a little time," I admitted.
"Then follow me." She led me through the cemetery. The more we walked, the calmer I felt. No one else was there, except for ghosts that only Emily could see. It was quiet, and surprisingly peaceful.
By the time we walked around the entire cemetery, which was larger than it looked, I felt a lot better.
"Let me walk you home," Emily said.
"Then you'll have to go home alone," I protested.
"I'll be fine," she replied. "I can handle myself, and Jake's stalking me."
"Protecting you," Jake corrected her from a distance before showing himself. "And you knew the entire time? I thought I was being stealthy."
"Sure, Jake. Whatever helps you sleep at night," she replied dryly.
We walked toward the group home together. Jake was perfectly content to keep the conversation going while Emily remained mostly silent.
"So, Faith, you're all about Fire, right?" Jake asked. "So am I." He waved his hand and a circle of flames formed around him. As it danced around him, he seemed to radiate with magic.
"Quit showing off before someone sees you," Emily scolded him.
"I'll just tell them I'm a professional magician," Jake replied casually. "I can make the fire do tricks."
"Nice," I said as the fire started forming patterns of stars and other shapes in front of him.
"He was Photeus, one of the Gods of Fire," Emily clarified. "This is how he entertained himself when he was bored."
Memories of the powerful yet playful deity flashed through my mind. "We were friends," I remembered. "When I was Tana... All of the Fire Nymphs adored you."
"I was fond of them, too," Jake replied.
"And you and Anastasia were-"
"Yeah, they were," Emily cut me off. "We are not."
"Got it," I said, although I wasn't sure Jake agreed with Emily's assessment of their relationship status. From the way he looked at her, his fondness for Emily was clear.
"Thanks for the company, guys," I said as we arrived at the group home. "And for your impeccable timing, Emily."
"No problem," Emily replied.
"It was my pleasure," Jake added.
I was mildly concerned about leaving them alone together, but I'd already missed my curfew. It wasn't the first time I'd done that, but I knew I needed to get inside before anyone started to worry. The last thing I needed was to have to explain my absence to the cops.
"Goodnight," I said before sneaking inside. I hurried upstairs unseen by the staff. When I reached my room. Genie was fast asleep. Artemis looked peaceful as she snuggled Baby Doll. I smiled at that sight as I thought, This kid can melt anyone's heart.
"Pssst... Artemis," I called softly. "Wake up, Gorgeous..."
Artemis opened her eyes and gently released Baby Doll, shifting carefully so she didn't wake her. She got out of my bed and followed me to what had always been Liana's bed. I couldn't bring myself to sit there, so I moved to the other bed that was currently unoccupied. Artemis and I sat close together and started whispering.
"My uncle Deacon is alive," I explained. "That's who was staring at me."
"He's one of them?" Artemis asked in surprise.
"He says they saved him from the fire. It seems like he's pretty brainwashed, and now he serves Altheos, and he tried to convince me to do the same."
"I'm dealing with it, okay?" I cut her off. "Was everything alright here?"
"Yes. Baby Doll was frightened, so I helped her fall asleep."
"She's got you wrapped around her adorable little finger just like the rest of us, right?"
"I wouldn't say that."
"You might not say it, but it's true. Don't feel bad; it happens to everyone she meets. It's the Power of Cute."
"She is cute," Artemis admitted. "She's also a little warrior. I can feel she has been through a lot."
"She's been here since she was two," I explained.
"What happened to her parents?"
"From what I've heard, her dad was never known, and her mom was a teenager. She overdosed. It's hard to believe no one adopted Baby Doll in the last five years. She's such a sweet kid."
"That little girl has magic inside of her," Artemis said. "It's hidden well, but I sense its presence."
"Is that why the Apostasia took her?"
"The Apostasia?" Artemis repeated.
"That's what the cult is calling itself," I explained.
"That may be the reason. They might have been targeting Baby Doll and only taken Genie because she followed her."
"How do I keep them safe, Artemis?"
"I'll ask Hecate to place protection on them. That should keep most threats away from them."
I nodded. "Thanks."
"Faith... About your uncle-"
"I'll deal with him," I replied firmly. "I just need to figure out how."
Artemis squeezed my hand. It simultaneously gave me strength and grounded me. "Should we move Baby Doll to her room?" She asked.
"No, let her sleep here tonight. I'll take over snuggling duty," I replied. "Unfortunately, if I get caught with my gorgeous Goddess girlfriend in my room, it might be hard to explain, so you should probably go."
"Of course. Call on me if you need me, Faith." She started to walk toward the window.
"Artemis..." I said softly.
"Yes?" She asked.
"I need you."
She walked back toward me. I pulled her closer and kissed her, focusing on how much I enjoyed doing that instead of on the fact that my uncle was alive and working for the enemy.
After a minute, I was calm enough to release her. "See you tomorrow," I said.
"Rest well, Faith," she replied.
I had a feeling I was going to need as much rest as I could get. I changed into my pajamas before climbing into my bed beside Baby Doll. She snuggled into my arms automatically. Soon enough, I drifted off to sleep.
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