TWENTY THREE: (Not) According to Plan
*Day of the Sports Festival*
"Okay...but...what if I don't participate, yeah? I could help you and Hiza with commentating and spare myself the trauma of defeat!" I trotted along after Aizawa, who was on his way towards the commentator booth. There was no way I wanted to be a part of the festival. Without having control over my only offensive quirk, I wouldn't be able to pass the first task, anyway.
"Your dedication to weaseling your way out of things would be put to a much better use if you directed it towards competing instead, (Y/N)." My brother sighed as he came to a halt in front of the door. "I know it's a lot to deal with, but you're strong. You've got this, okay?" His hand came down on my head and ruffled my (H/C) hair. With a defeated groan, I nodded and left him to go find the rest of my class.
Maybe Mina has her phone on her..?
I pulled out my cell and began to write out a text, all the while still wandering towards the waiting rooms.
"You seem to be doing well, Aizawa (Y/N)..." I nearly tripped on air when that familiar, flat voice called out from beside me, and I leapt back a good few paces and glared at Shinso, who was leaning against the wall.
Like fuck I'm answering you, you lavender asshole!
"Don't worry. I don't have any plan on taking control of you right now. I just want to become acquainted..." He gave me a lazy smile, but I still kept my distance. I had already figured out how his quirk worked, but I was still incredibly shaken by our previous meeting.
"Sorry...b..but I need to meet up with my class..." I murmured, hurrying off on stiff legs. He followed, of course, but kept his distance.
"Another time, then? You're just...quite interesting, (Y/N)..." I didn't hang around to hear anything else. I legged it to the waiting room, bursting through the door in a panting mess.
"Plan A failed?" Mina approached me, handing me a cup of water, which I guzzled greedily.
"We all knew it would...I'll just initiate plan B and throw the first round..." I chuckled smugly.
"Yet another reason why you don't belong in this school..." I heard Yaoyorozu mutter under her breath, I knew I was meant to, as she was only seated a few feet away.
I known don' don't have to rub it in...
I chatted with Mina and Hagakure for a while, speaking with an invisible girl is trippy as hell. I didn't know where to look. After I managed to break away from the conversation, I wandered over towards Bakugou, who was sitting and stewing in the corner.
"A wild Charmander appeared!" I gasped jestingly, and he rolled his eyes in irritation.
"Surprised a brat like you knows what Pokemon is..." He muttered, and I took that as an invitation to sit next to him.
"Well, it came out before I had my life pulled out from under me, so of course I do, fuckhead..." I sighed, resting my chin on the table. His expression momentarily dipped into pity, but not for long.
"Don't listen to here..." He murmured, before leaning down towards me, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. "...with me..."
"Attention, first year students! Please make your way to the arena entry tunnels! It's time to get yo hero onnnn!"
"Please shut up, Mic..."
I stared at the boy, cheeks flaring with heat, is he stood up and walked away without another word once Present Mic and my brother blared from the surrounding speakers.
I'll never understand his personality...I don't know what he wants...
Rising to my feet, I caught sight of Kaminari, gazing at me with a sad expression. The moment he realised I was looking his way, he switched to a grin and gave me a little wave. Guilt was weighing me down as I waved back, and I slowly trudged after the rest of the class, thankful that I'd be able to relax once I threw the first round.
*Time Skip, brought to you by Tetsutetsutetsutetsutetsutetsutetsu....tetsu*
Wait...what the fuck just happened?!
I stared at my name on the giant screen above us.
Aizawa (Y/N) - 9th place
"HOW THE HECK DID I GET NINTH?!" I screeched, feeling a sturdy hand slapping my back.
"I dragged you along with me! It wouldn't have been very manly to let you throw the competition, now would it?!" Kirishima laughed proudly whilst I glared holes into his frame.
"But...but...I wanted to! Why would you betray me like this, Red?!" I wailed, thrashing my fists into his chest helplessly. I had been plodding along, minding my own business, when someone had literally thrown me over their shoulder and bolted. I didn't even think it was within the rules, but somehow, I passed.
He must've heard me talking to Mina...
He just gave my head a friendly pat and turned his head to watch a fuming Bakugou. He looked about ready to blow the whole stadium to kingdom come after Midoriya had beaten him.
Do it...then I won't have to compete...
The students advancing to the second round gathered in front of the small stage where Midnight stood in all her erotic glory, and Kaminari came to join me and Kirishima. I spaced out, not really caring about the rundown for the next game. I kept stealing glances at both Bakugou and Kaminari. I felt like trash for allowing myself to become somewhat intimate with both blonds within the space of a week, even if one of them knew the situation.
I wished I was tucked away in the commentator quarters, assisting Present Mic in driving my brother insane. When I finally managed to pull myself back into concentration, I realised that we would be participating in a cavalry battle, of sorts. I felt a slight tug on my sleeve, and before I knew it, I was being pulled around by my electric companion.
"I wanna be on your team, Precious! Let's find some others!" His eyes sparkled with hope, and I just smiled and nodded as he led me around the bustling sea of teenagers.
"Kaminari." We turned to find Todoroki approaching us, along with Yaoyorozu and Iida. The taller female just glared at me for a moment before turning her head, and I shrunk back behind Kaminari.
"Yeah? What's up?" He asked curiously as the half-and-half student came to a stop a few feet away.
"I'd like to ask if you'd please join my team. We could use your electrification." He explained in his low, dignified voice. He gave me a small nod in recognition, and I reciprocated.
"Uh...well...(Y/N) and I were-"
"Go ahead, Sparky! Don't mind me!" I gave him a little nudge towards the others, already turning to make my escape.
"B..but...I wanted to be with you..." He looked dejected, like a kicked puppy, but I held my ground against that pitiful gaze.
"Canada here is a better choice, believe me. We can hang out soon! Good luck!" I grinned and hightailed it out of there, sighing once I made it to the edge of the crowd.
Now...I just need to find Midnight and forfeit...
"Hey! Uh...Whatsyourname! Um...Mini Aizawa!" I internally groaned as I turned to face the unfamiliar voice. I saw a tall, well-built boy heading towards me with flailing arms. He had platinum hair, and it looked like his eyelashes formed a mask around his eyes. I had no idea who he was, nor the two other students following him.
"Y..yes?" I cocked my head as he skidded to a halt, almost knocking me flying.
"Be on my team!" He grabbed my hand in his and squeezed it, his strength making me squeak out loud.
His appearance reminds me of someone...but who..?
"Please..." Another boy added with a sigh. He had ashy blond hair, kind of similar to Bakugou's colour, but his teeth were on the outside of his mouth.
Oh shit, this guy looks like he crawled out of a horror film! I love it!
"It would be ever so kind if you accepted our offer!" A girl said sweetly. Her thick hair looked like a wave of Ivy, and it momentarily took my breath away.
"S..sure...I guess..." I murmured in reply. I was still being clasped by steely hands, and I began to sweat. "...I..I'm Aizawa (Y/N)..." The rowdy boy released me and grinned wildly.
"I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! Class 1B!" He announced proudly.
Well, that's a mouthful...
"I'm Shiozaki Ibara. A pleasure! And this is Honenuki Juzo. We are also from the same class." The gentle girl said with a slight bow."Tetsu said you were pretty." Juzo said with a snicker, and I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Ehh?" I quirked a brow at Tetsutetsu, who puffed out his chest, owning the accusation.
"Well, she is! Plus she was all on her own! I wouldn't be a man if I didn't invite her to join our team, even if she is in 1A!" He exclaimed with a firm nod.
Oh my god, he's just like Kirishima...
"W..well, thank you...I don't know if my quirks are going to be any help, though..." I admired sheepishly, and again, my hand was swept up in Tetsutetsu's.
"We know about your weird snaky quirk thing! But we heard you have others too, right?! If we all work together, we can show those high class bastards we mean business!" He paused and coughed awkwardly, realising what he had said. " offence?" I just laughed nervously and pulled my hand from his. I still wasn't keen on being touched too often, especially by someone I didn't even know.
"I guess...I can disable quirks like my brother can? I could maybe use that to give you a slight advantage..?" I mumbled, casting my eyes to the side. Because I wasn't looking, I was taken by surprise as I was swept up into a bone-crushing hug by the platinum-haired student. Both of his classmates gave me an apologetic look as he squeezed the life out of me, and I tried to signal them for assistance.
"Sick! This is perfect! We'll advance for sure with that! It's settled! You're my new friend!" He cheered, and I gave up trying to escape from his hold, allowing myself to go limp.
Great...just what I wanted...not...
***Short update because I've been working on an animatic today for a friend.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu is love.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu is life.
(and also a bitch to type over and over)***
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