TWENTY SEVEN: Other Things Can Happen
When I had woken up, I'd managed to quietly slip from Bakugou’s hold to go and check my phone. Upon reading the group chat from the night before, I'd promptly thrown my cell at the ashen blond’s face, stressing over his audacity to answer it whilst I was sleeping.
“The hell was that for?!” He snapped groggily, rubbing the small red lump that was forming on his forehead.
“For answering my phone without my permission! Mina’s started a shipping frenzy on the chat and you're just a stupid head!” I hissed under my breath, flopping back down over his legs. “There's gonna be so many questions…”
“So what? I'll blast them all to hell…” Bakugou mumbled as he sat up, petting me on the head. It was still strange, having him be affectionate towards me, but I liked it. A lot. Probably too much.
Denki was upset, though…
“Even my brother?” I pointed out the one fact that had slipped his mind and he didn't say anything for a while.
“Did you wanna waste time at the beach, or spend the day with me here?” He asked in his strange attempt at a seductive voice. It didn't suit him at all.
“Beach. No buts about it.” I replied instantly, and he threw himself back down onto his pillow.
“Well screw you, then…” He huffed angrily. Rolling my eyes, I crawled up and sat on his stomach, sticking out my bottom lip whilst batting my lashes.
“Come with me?” I asked in my most innocent voice. He looked almost offended that I'd try to act so helplessly cute with him. Offended and flustered.
“Buzz off, Street Rat! I ain't gonna spend my time with those extras! It's too early for this shit…” He looked off to the side, but I grabbed his chin and forced him to turn back to me, cocking my head like a sweet little puppy dog.
“Pwetty pwease...Kacchan..?”
Oh my god, shoot me now! I'm making myself nauseous…
His crimson eyes grew wide, and he had no choice but to let me see the rosy blush grow across his cheeks as I held his face firmly.
“! G..god...d..don't call me that!” He stuttered out, yanking my hand away.
“Fine…” I muttered, folding my arms across my chest and gazing out the window at the rising sun. “...I'll just hang out with Kaminari and Kirishima all day...Tetsu’s coming, too…” I smirked to myself as I was dragged back down into Bakugou’s chest, his arms locking around me tightly.
“You're a bitch…” He grumbled against my lips before taking them in a kiss. It was slow and lazy, much unlike what he had given me the night before. Perhaps it was simply because he was still waking up?
“Takes one to know one…” I snickered, pressing my nose to his.
“Fuck you.”
“Nah, you might have explosive cooties."
*Time Skip Brought to You by Koda’s manly scream*
“YOU'VE GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DO, WOMAN!” I was quite literally tackled into the sand by Mina once I arrived at the beach. Bakugou rolled his eyes and glared down at the pink bundle of noise as I squirmed under her weight.
“I gathered…” I sighed, shoving her off gently and climbing to my feet.
Great, now I'm covered in sand…
“Mina couldn't sleep because of this big mystery. She's been more annoying than usual…” Jirou yawned, peering at me from over the top of her thick, black sunglasses.
Marvelous...just what I wanted...attention…
“As much as I dislike the whole gossiping culture...I must admit, I am incredibly curious as to why Bakugou answered your phone last night, (Y/N).” Iida pondered, and I realised basically everyone was surrounding us now.
Fuck my life…
“She's my girlfriend, so just shut up and get over it.” Bakugou growled, throwing his heavy arm over my shoulders and yanking me into his side. Both Mina and Hagakure squealed, but everyone else slipped into a stunned silence.
I didn't expect Katsuki, of all people, to come straight out and say it?!
“Holy shit, dude...congrats!” Kirishima broke the awkward quiet and slapped his friend on the back, and I was bombarded by all the girls in the class.
“WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! HOW LONG?!” Mina screamed in my face, her dark eyes wide and sparkling.
“Why him?! He's...Bakugou!” Yaoyorozu looked appalled at the thought.
“I swear I heard every male heart in class shatter in unison…” Jirou snickered. As I tried to answer everyone's questions, I found myself searching for a particular blond. Once my eyes settled on him, my heart cracked in two. He looked absolutely destroyed.
“Why aren't you in your swimsuit, (Y/N)?” I snapped my head around to look at Ururaka, then down at my clothing. I was wearing a pair of Mitsuki’s old denim shorts and as oversized T-shirt belonging to Bakugou, as I hadn't gone home before heading to the beach. I didn't even own a pair of swimmers.
“Uh...I don't have any? I was just gonna lay on the beach…”
“Nonsense! A body like yours needs to be flaunted!” Hagakure cut me off, bright pink bikini jiggling around in the air.
You can're invisible!
“I have an idea! Come with us!” Yaoyorozu grabbed my hand, which startled me, and began to drag me off towards the change rooms.
“Oi, where the hell are you going?!” I heard Bakugou shout after us.
“It's a secret! Go blast some kid's sandcastle or something!” Mina called back.
Don't tell him to do that...we all know he will…
Once we all squeezed into the small women's change room, Yaoyorozu turned to me and looked me up and down with calculating eyes.
“Let's see...bust...waist...hips...I know! Undress...give me a sec!” She instructed me before turning around. I knew exactly what she was doing, and I swallowed.
Oh shit...she's making me something to wear...oh, god...if it's anything like hers I'll have to drown Mineta before he gropes me…
I slipped out of my clothing, unphased by being naked around the girls, and nearly choked on air once Yaoyorozu turned around.
“Ta-da!~” She held up her creation for everyone to see.
“Wow, (Y/N)...Bakugou’s gonna have to watch out!” Tsuyu laughed, and I just stared in terror and awe. It was a bikini. Black bottoms, barely enough to cover anything, but it was the top that made me breathless. It was black as well, but the cups were so low cut that I was sure that if I even considered sneezing I'd pop right out. Still, it was stunning. High fashion stunning.
“Holy shit...Momo...I couldn' you..” I accepted it hesitantly, overwhelmed at both the fact that she willingly made me something so gorgeous, and that I'd have to wear it in front of so many boys. I tried it on, and it fit perfectly.
“Screw it...I'm a lesbian now!” Mina joked, honking my breast like a clown’s nose. Batting her away, I covered myself with my arms.
“'s much skin…” I felt my cheeks heat up, but Tsuyu placed a calming hand on my shoulder.
“There's no need to be self conscious, (Y/N).” She stated kindly, her tongue lolling out.
“Yeah, especially with a body like that...god, how did you get so fit?!” Jirou added, looking astounded.
Six years of relentless, abusive training and one meal a day does that to you…
“Come on!” She grabbed me by one arm, and Mina swept up my other. “I wanna see the beach turn red with all the nosebleeds!”
*Kaminari POV*
I couldn't physically breathe when I saw her appear. Her (H/C) hair bouncing with each movement, her beautifully curved hips swaying with each step, her dazzling (E/C) eyes flickering nervously to the ground as roses bloomed on her (S/C) cheeks.
She's perfect…
...and she's his…
Pretending to be okay about it was going to be the hard part. I was good at it, but damn, it was difficult. After the initial shock of her bikini-clad body died down, we all began our day at the beach.
I kept my distance, not exactly keen to have my face blown off by an angry, jealous Bakugou. I messed around in my faux persona, cracking dirty jokes with Mineta, building a sandcastle that Tetsutetsu accidentally destroyed whilst wrestling with Kirishima, then had a few rounds of volleyball, trying to avoid looking at (Y/N) at all costs.
Eventually, I found the chance to be alone and drop the facade, sitting down by the rockpools on the shoreline down the beach. My nails dug into the moist rocks beneath me, and it was nearly impossible to swallow the burning lump in my throat.
I told her it was okay...I shouldn't have done that...I didn't think…
“Bro, it's all gonna be fine.” I nearly slipped off into the rockpool when I heard a voice from behind me. Kirishima came to sit by my side and bumped me with his elbow. “I don't like seeing you sad, man.”
“I'm not sad…” I mumbled as I stared at the rippling seaweed. I truly wasn't. Sad wasn't what I was feeling at all.
“I'm not exactly thrilled myself, dude...but she chose him...not much us extras can do about that…” Kirishima smiled sadly, and it didn't look right on his face.
“He…” I turned to look over at the distant group of students, seeing Bakugou dragging (Y/N) along behind him like a travel-case. “...he doesn't deserve her…”
She doesn't belong to him...
“That's for her to decide...but don't let it get to you so much, okay, man? We're her friends! We support her with whatever she does! Like the manly men we are!” Kirishima grinned and squeezed my shoulder, and I threw on my cheeriest face, nodding along with him.
“Yeah, man. I'll get over it!”
No, I won't…
It was exhausting trying to keep up that happy act, but, finally, he left to go get rowdy with that Tetsutetsu guy from the other hero class. I ground my teeth together as I let a bit of my electrical discharge loose on the rocks, watching it dance across the waters surface. My jaw tightened as a fish turned belly-up, and I just stared at it's lifeless, bobbing body.
“A wild pikachu appeared!” I didn't jump this time. I froze solid. (Y/N)’s voice was nervous, but trying to sound playful as she came to sit down beside me where Kirishima had before.
“Oh...h..hey, Precious…” I had to force my words out.
“I saw Red come and talk to you about an hour ago...I was getting a little worried cuz you hadn't moved…” She admitted sheepishly, and I stopped to take in my surroundings for a moment.
I had thought Kirishima had only left a few minutes before, but the sun was now setting over the liquid horizon, and when I peered over the top of her head, I realised basically everyone had left already.
How long was I staring at that dead fish..?
“I..I'm fine...just tired…” I attempted another smile, but it was akin to a pained grimace. “W..won't Bakugou be mad that you're over here with me..?” (Y/N) shook her head and leant back, I had to avert my eyes from her perfectly toned abdomen.
“Nah...he went home earlier...his mum called and screamed about the state of his room…” She stared out into the ocean with her (E/C) Bambi eyes. “He wanted me to go with and I need to talk…” My chest grew tight, and I gripped the damp material of my board-shorts with shaky hands.
I'm in no state to talk...let alone about this…
“Nah, it's cool…” I coughed, avoiding her gaze.
“Kaminari Denki, don't lie to me...I...saw your face when we showed up…” I wanted to scream when her hand rested on my knee. It was warm and gentle, and I wanted to hold it in mine. “I didn't want to hurt just...happened…”
Just happened? Just happened? Other things can happen, (Y/N)...
“I'm not hurt...I'm just…”
Angry...Injured...Sick to my stomach…Ready to...
“...confused…” I finally turned to face her, and my sense seeped out the window like a gasleak. Her body glistened with droplets of salt water, and those worried eyes twisted my stomach like a dishrag. “He doesn't deserve you. You can't throw everything away for a lost cause like him, (Y/N). I could show you everything. I could give you everything…”
The switch in my demeanour made those (E/C) orbs widen, and they grew even wider when I grabbed her into a strong, urgent kiss. (Y/N) was stiff and frozen under my lips, but the second they began to move along with mine I took control, making it deep and proving of my emotions. Goosebumps rose along her bare skin, and I brushed the tips of my fingers against them, sending the faintest pulse of electricity across her nerves. I pulled back and stood abruptly, looking down at her shocked, flushing form; exposing her guilt and utter confusion.
“D..Denki…” (Y/N) stammered my name, and it was like a gospel prayer to my ears.
“I'm not going anywhere, (Y/N).” I said in a whisper before I turned and walked away, carefully stepping across the slippery rockpool wall. I didn't turn back until I was almost out of her sight, and my lips burned with the lingering taste of her mouth. It was intoxicating, and I craved more. More of her lips, her body, her smile, her attention. Every cell in my body was crackling with wild static as I watched her stare at her hands, and I flattened my palm to my thudding chest as a small smirk grew across my face.
I'll fight for's what I'm supposed to do...
***I regret opting to rewrite parts of this story. It's so much effort and I'm TIRED***
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