TWELVE: Electric Feel
*After School*
Escaping the clutches of Aizawa and Present Mic proved to be a challenge. I managed to convince them I was just going for a quick walk and wouldn't stray far from the street, but they were still iffy. I was now standing in front of the Bakugou household, fists balled and ready to face him.
"I'm coming...quit banging!" The ashen hedgehog opened the door with a sour look, softening once he realised it was only me. "Oh. Could'a texted me or some shit..." He motioned for me to enter, and once I had kicked off my shoes I turned to him.
"Look, I don't know what your deal is bu-" Before I could finish, my back was pressed against the wall and my mouth was covered by his. His forearm rested against my head on the wall, blazing from his sweater-clad body.
"Mmmfff...g..get off!" I shoved him back and he pouted like a broke kid in a candy store.
"What?" He grunted as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.
Is he for real?!
" spoke to me like trash today and then you just kiss me?!"
Bakugou? More like Baku-no!
"I told you before, brat...only when it's us." He said flatly, moving closer again, but not touching me. His presence had me sweltering, but I didn't want to give him what he wanted.
"What, so you'll only treat me like a person when we're alone?! That's fifty shades of messed up, Katsuki..." I hissed angrily and tried to push past him, but he blocked me with his arm.
"Well, what was with you and the dipshit, huh? Why'd you let him touch you? I'm the one who gets to be close to you..." There was jealousy oozing in his voice, and it only made me more ticked off.
"You can't act like a total knob-jockey and then get all jealous, you flaming bastard! He helped me up! Before that, he was out cold after someone got him to fry his sockets! I'm allowed to have friends!" My eye twitched as I barked at him, and I wanted to just give him a good right hook in the nose before storming off.
This isn't good...I need to calm down...I don't need to turn him into a Katsuki Shish Kebob...
He brought his hand to my face, and I don't know why, but I flinched. He paused, taken aback for a second before his lips curled into a forced smirk.
"What, you thought I was gonna blow your face off, Street Rat?" His hand felt like it had been in an oven for a good hour, slowly roasting, turning crisp and hot. "I don't want them touching you...That's for me..." He moved to kiss me again, and this time, I couldn't pull away. There was a dull ache in my throat, and he soothed it. Swallowing my pride, I kissed him back.
Why does he have this effect on me?! When I'm around him I don't know how to function!
"" I Pulled back a little but my lip was caught between his teeth. "Wh..what are we..?" He lunged back in, swiping his tongue across the soft skin under my bottom lip.
"We're...this...we're just this..." He mumbled as he tried to continue, but I finally found the strength to squirm out of his grip.
"I..I have to go..." I panted whilst reaching to dig through my backpack, pulling out his cleaned clothing and shoving them into his arms. "I'll...see you at school tomorrow..." With that, I raced out the door. He didn't call after me with a slew of insults like I expected, and I kept going until I reached the next street over.
He's probably using I even care? I'm used to it...but...I'm not gonna just give him what he wants of he's gonna treat me like he did in class...
My message tone buzzed out from my pocket, and I reached in to check.
Probably Sho telling me to get my ass home.
From: Sentient Powerbank
- Hey Precious,
- I was wondering if we could tlk???
I stared at the message for a few moments, remembering how he had tried to speak to me before the class had burst in. I didn't want to explain myself, but he had looked so concerned...
To: Sentient Powerbank
- What's up?
- Also your contact name is on point lol
People still use lol, right?
From: Sentient Powerbank
- Yeh Kirishima makes some pre sick names lmao
- Can we meet @ the park nearby UA???
- If ur not 2 busy
My phone felt heavy in my hand, and sweat began to bead on my forehead. I didn't want to face him. I barely knew the guy, and I had idiotically spilled my guts to him. It was starting to get dark, and Aizawa would be pissed off, but I knew that if I tried to avoid it I'd end up turning into an even bigger ball of anxiety.
To: Sentient Powerbank
- On my way
It wasn't a long walk to get to the park, but I definitely took my time. I had to think of an excuse, anything to try to cover up the truth of what I had told him. The air was becoming cooler, and I felt goosebumps tickle along my bare arms as the park came into view.
I need to make this quick so I don't freeze to death...
Kaminari had his nose buried in his phone, whilst sitting comfortably on top of the blue plastic slide. He wore a green, long-sleeved tartan flannel over a red T-shirt with a thunderbolt and black skinny jeans, his golden hair seeming brighter in the fading orange light.
"H..hey, Pikachu..." I called out as I stepped onto the wood chips surrounding the equipment, and he looked up with a start.
"Oh, got here quick!" He laughed, but it was awkward and forced, which made my nerves start to simmer in my chest.
"Yeah...I was nearby, so..." I came to a stop at the edge of the slide and looked up at him. Shoving his phone in his pocket, he seemingly didn't know quite what to do with his hands, so they fiddled around in his lap.
"" He was trying to keep eye contact, but he was finding it difficult. "...I...I wanted to know..."
You wanted to know what the fuck I was talking about when I thought you were asleep...yeah...I know...get it over with...
"...if you're okay..?" I hadn't been expecting that.
" I'm fine!" I said just a little too loudly. Kaminari began to fidget with a carob coloured woven bracelet around his left wrist and looked down at his feet.
"Then...why do you feel...caged..?" The poor boy was as nervous as I was, and it was strange to see him so mousy.
"You heard that much...huh..?" I sighed in defeat and turned to sit down at the bottom of the slide; facing away from him. "I guess I'm just the definition of teen angst..."
I really need to choose my words carefully...
"It sounded like a seemed so sad..." Kaminari said, and I knew he was frowning.
"Don't worry about me...I really am fine." I lied through my teeth and kicked at the loose chips of wood at my feet.
"You know, you're the first person who actually tried to take care of me know...when I zapped myself" He started quietly, and I just sat and listened to him as I stared off into the darkening horizon. "Everyone just laughs or lets me wander around like a potato...but...I guess they don't know that I do remember things when I'm like's fuzzy...but I remember..."
Surely I can't be the first to give him a hand...
"But were nice to helped me when I even wiped the slobber off my face..." I heard him shuffle, then faint squeaking sounds, like rubber against plastic. "...that's why I could never hate you..." I felt his back press against mine, and now we were sitting back to back at the bottom of the slide. The tiny hairs on my arms stood on end and I could feel the rush of static zapping through my clothes. really could...
"Things, if I wasn't looking out for you, you'd have most likely ended up falling out the window..." I tried to laugh, but it came out dry. I felt his head rest back against mine, and the tingly feeling grew into a kind of spark.
"Yeah, probs..." Kaminari chuckled softly. "...I know you don't know me very well can talk to me...I'm stupid, and I probably can't give you any advice...but I'm here for you..."
Oh my god, man, you're squeezing my heart! Stop!
I unconsciously leant into him and felt his hair tickle against the nape of my neck.
"You're not stupid, Denki..." I murmured, and he stiffened a little. "...I..I can't tell you what's wrong...I just...can't...but...I really do feel like I don't deserve, Mina, Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya...I spent a big chunk of my life being controlled...I don't know what fun is...I've never even had a real friend before..."
I yelped out as Kaminari seized my wrist and pulled me up from the slide. When I looked into his face, I was met by a brilliant, nearly blinding smile. All Might had nothing on this.
"Then I'll show you fun! C'mere!" He pulled me over to the swings and bowed whilst gesturing to the seat. "Your throne, milady!" I didn't know whether or not it was his failure of an accent or the fact that he called me such a corny name, but I had to hide my laugh behind my hand.
He's such a corndog...
"Hey..." I looked up to him, still covering my mouth. "...don't muffle your's s..super cute!" Even in the pale glow of the surrounding street lights, I could see his cheeks blooming pink, and I turned quickly so he wouldn't see mine do the exact same.
"I...haven't been on a swing since I was like, eight..." I confessed sheepishly, and I felt him start to pull me back a little, my feet leaving the ground.
"I won't push you too high!" The second he let go I squealed out in surprise, but once I had gone back and forth a few times, that squeal turned into a sound of delight.
"Higher! I wanna fly!" I called out with a wide, genuine grin.
"Then hold on tight, Precious!" I heard fast-paced steps before I felt the boy leap onto the swing behind me, and we went soaring up and out. Without even realising it, I wrapped my arms around his legs, giggling like a child all the while. The wind swept my hair up in a (H/C) flurry, and I felt like I was truly soaring. Free from the chains binding me to the earth. I didn't think about Aizawa, or Bakugou, or how I was supposed to be treading lightly. I was simply existing in the moment, and I was enjoying it.
"This is awesome!" I cheered, clutching to the tight denim around Kaminari's calves.
"W..well, if you think this is fun, I've got something that'll blow you away! But...we gotta jump!" His tone had returned to that excited, carefree pitch that I had missed, and I glanced up into his bright, boyish grin, looking a little concerned with his suggestion. "Don't worry! Just trust me!"
Trust you, huh..?
"O..okay...I trust you!" I braced myself on the back swing, and when we flew up into the air again I let go, flying off and landing with a slight stumble on my feet.
Ten out of ten for grace!
"Incoming!" I squeaked and leapt out of the way as Kaminari came shooting off, landing flat on his stomach in the loose wood chips. "Ow...well...that wasn't very manly..." He groaned whilst spitting out small pieces of wood and dirt. Giggling, I held my hand out and helped him up, not noticing how he paused and gave me a soft once-over with his eyes.
"You're starting to sound like Kirishima." I snickered, letting him continue to hold my hand and he pulled me towards his next exciting playground activity.
His hands...they's like I can feel the electricity pulsing inside of him...
"Viola!" He swept his hands out, presenting me with the small, colourful roundabout.
"Uh...I think you mean voila, Sparky..." I bit my lip, trying not to burst out laughing. He flushed with embarrassment, but his smile didn't falter.
"Y..yeah...that...I don't know Italian...but anyway! Hop on!"
D..did he just say Italian..?
He helped me onto the roundabout and then released my hand, dashing over to climb on opposite me.
"It's so sure this is safe..?" I asked as he adjusted his position. It was made for small children, and what was a snug fit for four children was easily taken up by us, with little room to spare.
"Nope, but it's fun either way! Just hold on tight and stay standing!" Before I could voice any complaints, he kicked off, sending us spinning. I held on for dear life as it turned faster and faster, but all the while I was still smiling.
How could I forget what this felt like..? Fun...not worrying about anything...
"Hey, grab my hands!" Kaminari held one hand out to me, and I stared at him as though he was insane.
"Are you kidding?! I'll fly off and die!" We were turning way too fast to be trying to do flashy stunts, but he was persistent.
"Trust me! I've got you!"
You've got me..? People keep saying that...
Slowly and cautiously, I placed my palm in his, and his grip tightened. Once he was sure we had a good hold on each other, he grabbed my other hand.
"Now, make sure you feet are close to the middle and lean back!" He sent me a wink and I almost did a trademark Kaminari and fried my own brain. I wasn't sure why I trusted him, but I did exactly as he instructed. I kept my (E/C) eyes glued on him, and before I knew it, we were both leaning backwards; supporting each others weight and letting the wind carry our cares away. It was the epitome of freedom. I couldn't stop laughing and grinning like a fool, and I missed the long, unknown look he gave me as he watched me let loose.
"W..wait..." I managed to say through my giggles. " are we gonna get off?!" Kaminari smirked and I instantly knew it wouldn't be easy.
"Simple! Slowly stand up straight, and once you're able to, grab onto the bar!"
"But what about you?! You'll be spat out like a bullet!"
"I thought you said you trusted me? I'll be fine!" He was right. I did trust him. I wasn't sure why, but I did.
" I go..!" I focused on moving as slowly as possible. I was already dizzy and wobbly, but somehow I managed to make it to a stand. Kaminari was now nearly horizontal and still grinning like a complete maniac.
"Now, let me go!" I had never reached for something is quickly as I had when I grabbed hold of the centre bar, watching the blond go flying off into the dirt.
"Denki, you liar!" I shrieked, unable to keep focus as I spun like a teenage hurricane.
"I did no such thing! I'm A-Okay!" I caught sight of him standing again and breathed a sigh of relief. "Now, when I say jump, you jump, okay?!"
Say what now?!
"Hell to the no no no! Are you crazy?! You might be made of iron but I'm fragile! I'll die!" I wailed as I held on tightly.
"I'll catch you! I promise! Tru-"
"Okay! Fine! I trust you!" My heart was pumping, and even though I was scared, I was having so much fun I couldn't even begin to describe it.
"Count of three! One..."
I swear to god...
...if you let me die...
"...Three!" I screamed out as I took the leap of faith, and I was prepared to break a bone before I felt myself land in soft, tingly arms. We fell back and landed with a thud, and I kept my eyes squeezed shut.
" killed me!" I laughed, borderline hysteric, and Kaminari was cackling like a maniac as well.
"You a w..whacky waving inf..flatable arm f..flailing man!" He wheezed, and I snorted loudly into his chest. It was then that I realised I was laying flat on top of him, and quickly propped myself up on my arms.
"S..sorry! I probably c..crushed you..." I stammered nervously, and my cheeks grew hot. The blond was red in the face, too, but he still gave me a cheery, contagious smile.
"N..nah! You're...light..." He trailed off into an awkward chuckle and I sat up, letting him lift himself off the ground to a sitting position.
"You were right though..." I mused. "...I really was, quite literally, blown away!" We started chortling again, and I felt my chest grow all warm and fuzzy. It was different, not like how I felt with Bakugou. It was a lighter feeling, and I found myself looking up into his flushed face.
He's...really sweet...
"H..hey...Denki..?" I called out to him meekly, and he stopped laughing, those golden eyes of his glimmering in the street lights.
"Y..yeah, (Y..Y/N)?" He tilted his head a little, but I couldn't miss the way his pupils dilated, just a tad. I was stuck for words, and I hugged myself, only then realising how cold it was outside. It was completely dark now, and the wind wasn't messing around. "T..take this..." Before I could look up, I felt soft, yet tingly material drape over my shoulders. It felt exactly the same as when I held his hand. I smiled gently as him as I pulled my arms through the sleeves and toyed with one of the top buttons.
"Th..thanks..." If I had known that my head and my heart weren't on speaking terms, I would have gotten away before the inevitable happened. It was only when it was too late that I realised that I had leant forward and was only a hair's width away from pressing my lips to his. I could see the crimson painted across his cheeks, and how our breath clouded and melded together, and my brain shut itself off.
It felt as though my tongue had come into contact with a live wire as I kissed him, electrical and startling. It lasted only a few moments, but it was indescribable. As soon as I realised what I had done, I pulled back abruptly and leapt to my feet, already starting to run in the opposite direction.
"S..sorry! I..I gotta go...Sh..Shota's gonna k..kill me! S..seeya t..tomorrow, D..Denki!" I felt like a complete idiot. "A..and thank you!" My feet couldn't carry me quick enough, and I didn't stop sprinting until I was already halfway home. Hands on my knees, I heaved and gasped for breath, trying to come to terms with what had just happened.
I kissed him...I screwed up and I kissed him!
I felt guilty, because of Bakugou. I didn't know what we were, but I knew I cared about him.
I felt ashamed, because I knew I cared about Kaminari, too.
I felt scared, because I didn't want to get close to anybody.
"Fuuuuuuuck!" I screamed out, kicking the nearest object, which happened to be a fire hydrant.
I don't know what to do, anymore...
***Oh, this was supposed to be a BAKUGOU x Reader? Not a KAMINARI x Reader?
Whoops, my bad!
Nah, this is majorly important, so enjoy the Discount Pikachu fluff!***
***2022 Edit Note: Remember that (Y/N) has lived a very sheltered life, so she has no idea how to handle her emotions or what's totally right or wrong when it comes to crushes/romance etc. She's not intentionally being a hoe.***
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