I'm sure it was an interesting scene for my classmates to stumble upon on their first day back in class.
Me, in all my non-existent glory, strewn up on the ceiling fan by Aizawa’s scarf.
I would say I didn't deserve it, but that would be a blatant lie.
I'd shown up to class half an hour early, and decided that the best course of action to cure my boredom would be to cause some mischief. It wasn't exactly something terrible, but I'm sure my brother was glad that everybody was focusing on my bound and gagged form whilst he rubbed the remainder of ‘Eraserhead loves Present Mic’ off the chalkboard, along with a highly suggestive doodle I had done of the pair.
“I see you've been keeping everyone busy, (Y/N)?” Ururaka giggled, and the material covering my mouth was finally pulled back.
“Nobody around here can take a damn joke!” I snorted, yelping as Aizawa let me fall a little before stopping me.
“Can I hire you to hoist the pinata at my next party, sir?” Sero asked jokingly, but shrunk down when the elder ravonet glared back.
“(Y/N)! I missed your face!” Mina sprinted from the doorway and jumped, grabbing hold of my dangling legs and, ultimately, nearly choking my brother with her additional weight. He released me, and we came crashing down onto the floor with a hard thud.
“Shota, you emo turd!” I snapped, before climbing off Mina and helping her up. “I missed you too.” She gave me a warm hug, and it made me realise just how much I had truly missed everyone. I copied my dear, pink friend when Kirishima sauntered into the classroom, dashing towards him and leaping into his arms. He caught me without a second thought, dropping his (thankfully empty) coffee cup and stumbling back a few steps.
“I knew I was a total chick magnet!” He laughed, flushing a little when I hugged his neck.
“I just missed my favourite sturdy hero!” I replied cheerfully before sliding out of his grip. Everyone seemed a little confused about my sudden affectionate change in mood, but nobody questioned it. Being trapped in the school grounds by myself was starting to make me lonely, and I wanted to be around them as much as possible when I could.
“(Y/N)!” I found myself smiling when I turned to find Kaminari waving to me, and I bounced over to give him a slightly more conservative hug. “I missed you…” He whispered those words into my ear and I stepped back, trying to fight back the heat spreading to my cheeks.
“I missed you too.” I admitted, more sheepishly than I had done with the others. He hadn't failed to call me every single night, listening to me complain about having nothing to do, or how my training sessions with Shinso were progressing.
No matter what I rambled on about, he always listened, and whenever I asked him about what he was up to, he only said a few words before saying he'd rather hear more about how I was doing.
He really is a sweetheart…
“Move it, Deku, before I burn you alive!”
“SERIOUSLY?! SERIOUSLY, BAKUGOU?!” I couldn't help but turn to face the ashen blond when I heard Kirishima and Sero begin to howl like asylum patients, and I honestly had to hold back a painful snort of my own when I realised why.
Bakugou’s hair was absolutely, one hundred percent ridiculous. It was slicked down, gelled to perfection, and it didn't suit him one bit.
“STOP LAUGHING! MY HAIR’S GOTTEN USED TO IT, SO IT WON'T GO BACK EVEN AFTER I'VE WASHED IT!” He barked back, hands shaking with anger as he threatened the pair. “HEY, STOP LAUGHING! I'LL KILL YOU!”
“I'd like to see you try…” I called out, my giggles filtering through my hand. “...YOU LOOK LIKE AN EGG..!”
“WHAT’D YOU SAY?!” Just like that, the heat rising in his body caused his hair to puff back up, kind of like an owl when agitated.
“IT'S BACK!” I was starting to worry about both Sero and Kirishima’s health, not just because they were laughing so hard that they couldn't breathe, but because Bakugou was ready to strike them down.
“Awww, it looked kinda cute!~” I snickered, wandering over to stand between them with my hands clasped behind my back. Bakugou was about to retort, when he paused, anger seeming to dissipate as he stared at me. I froze too, realising that it had been the first time I had spoken to him since I had basically ended our relationship.
“Whatever…” He growled as he turned to take his seat, and I did the same, feeling like a complete idiot. It had been so natural seeing him again that I hadn't been thinking.
“Alright class...welcome back. I'll get straight to the point…” Aizawa leant back against his desk and peered out from behind his thick, ebony hair. “...End of term examinations.” A series of groans and complaints echoed throughout the room, and I wasn't any exception. I already knew what it meant for me.
“Separate exam…” I muttered under my breath, and I let my forehead hit the desk.
“They will begin next week, and there shall be both practical and written components, as well as your general studies exams. Train, and train hard. Those of you who do not pass, shall not be permitted to attend the summer training camp.” If I had puppy dog ears, they would have pricked at the mention of a camp. I assumed it was discussed during one of the periods I'd skipped class, but it made me a lot less enthusiastic.
I'll never be allowed to go…
“(Y/N), come here for a moment. The rest of you can just do whatever.” Aizawa called me to the front and I let out a frustrated grunt as I lifted myself from my desk and trudged over.
“Give me the final blow and make it quick, Sho…” I said dramatically, and he rolled his eyes.
“I spoke to Nezu before class. It took a bit of convincing, but if you can prove that you've got a decent control over your quirk, you can come to the training camp.” He explained, and I nodded along, hardly listening to what he was saying.
“Yeah yeah...I thought as mu-” I cut myself off as his words registered in my brain, my eyes growing wide. “EXCUSE ME?! CAN YOU FUCKING REPEAT THAT?!” Everybody snapped their attention to me, the (H/C) girl who just grabbed their teacher by the shoulders and started, almost violently, shaking him.
“ your language!” Aizawa snapped at he yanked my arms away from his shirt. “I said...if you can prove you can handle your quirk, you can come. That will be your exam.” Again, everybody gawked as I flung my arms around his neck, basically swinging from the unimpressed man, and peppering his stubbled cheek with kisses.
“You're the best big brother ever, ShoSho!” I squealed excitedly.
“Yeah, ShoSho!~” A small chorus of voices mimicked my affectionate outburst, and I could've sworn I saw his face tinge the slightest shade of pink.
“Everybody out. Go train or something...I'm too tired to deal with this…” He mumbled, shooing me away and making a beeline for his sleeping bag. I was almost vibrating with excitement, and I jumped up and down, clapping my hands together.
Yes! I have a chance! But wait…
I stopped hopping about like a madwoman.
...who can I train with?
I knew I couldn't ask Shinso to train with me more than he already was. His quirk wasn't that suited to combat, anyway. I needed somebody who was strong, and, above all else, brave. Before my eyes landed on my victim, I already knew they were the only person I could ask. Like a bullet, I zoomed over to Bakugou and grabbed hold of his arm, startling him.
“PLEASE TRAIN WITH ME!” I didn't care about volume, but he winced at the sound of my voice.
“No.” He growled in agitation, ripping his arm away. “Fuck off and annoy someone else.” It hurt to have him treat me like that, but I knew I deserved it. I wasn't at all prepared to give up though, and if feeding his ego was what it took, I was about to lose a lot of pride.
“Please?! It has to be you! You're the only one who's brave enough to face me properly! Pleaaaaaase, Katsu…” I saw the fire in his eyes and swallowed the rest of his name. “...Bakugou...please?” He looked conflicted, just as he had the day he had overwhelmed me with his lips. It was when he started to walk away, I knew that I had to submit to him, no matter how irky it felt.
Oh god, I can't believe I'm gonna say this…
“You're number one...I wanna see how strong you are, Kacchan…” I stuck out my bottom lip and played the part of desperado. I truly was desperate, but not to such a pathetic degree as I was making myself out to be. Bakugou quickly spun his head around, and I was sure it was to hide his rising blush.
“F..fucking fine, Street me at the arena in twenty minutes...if you're late, forget it!” He barked before striding off, his ego a little larger than it had been moments before.
Great...I inflated his head…
What really bothered me though, was the fact that now I was going to be training with Bakugou alone. The two of us had so much we needed to get out into the open, and it was daunting, but he was the only person I felt comfortable training with. This was important, and as much as he seemed to resent me, and as much trouble it could cause me, I knew he didn't want to see me get left behind. I couldn't help but repeat Shinso's words in my head, over and over.
"Would you say you love either of them?"
"Interesting…but...which, I wonder?"
“Sure...twenty minutes...I'll be there…” I murmured to myself, giving a little nod before heading out of the room. What I didn't notice, though, was the intense, topaz eyes pinned to my back as I left. That was a whole other load of trouble just waiting to surface.
***Fillers seem to be my speciality***
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