THIRTY SIX: One Small Tap
Summer was right around the corner, and everyone was hyped about the training camp.
I felt bad for the poor few who failed their practicals, even though I knew long before they did that they'd be tagging along anyway, despite Aizawa tricking them into thinking otherwise.
I tried to cheer up both Mina and Kaminari as best I could about their poor results, and even gave a pep talk to Kirishima and Sato, who were a little down over their outcome. My pride, however, was focused on Bakugou and Midoriya.
They had successfully beaten All Might, and that was completely unexpected. It wasn't that I doubted the mismatched pair, I just knew that the number one pro was in a league of his own. I had teased my brother about letting Yaoyorozu and Todoroki win, but he flat out denied it, and Present Mic was living in fear after I began to hide plastic creepy crawlies around his desk.
“Hey, we should all go shopping for supplies together!” Ururaka suggested excitedly, jumping up in front of the class. “We haven't really done much as a group, other than our trip to the beach!” I nodded along with everyone, but slumped my shoulders a little.
And of course...I can't go…
“Count me out. Like I’d wanna waste my time with you extras…” Bakugou growled, turning his attention back to the sheet of paper he was carefully burning in his palms.
“I'll go if pretty girl goes!” I smiled as I felt that cool, almost damp, misty texture rub up against my arm, and I absently petted it on the head.
“Sorry, Shadow...I'm under lock and key, remember, honey?” I sighed, uttering a small giggle as Dark Shadow wrapped its arms...wings...spectral appendages (?) around me like a sooky five year old.
“Dark Shadow, what did I say about boundaries?” Tokoyami sighed, giving me an apologetic look.
“It doesn't bother're my favourite demonic entity, aren't you, Shadow?” The sentient quirk nodded excitedly before finally returning to its place. “I wish I could go with you guys…”
“Then let's go speak to the principal! C’mon, (Y/N)!” Mina yanked me from my seat and out of the classroom, Kirishima and Sero following.
“Do we have to see him? I think I'm allergic to his fur…” I complained, trying to free my wrist from her iron grip.
“He's a pretty chill dude, (Y/N)! I know he's being a bit over the top with your protection, but that just shows that he cares!” Kirishima pointed out, prying me free. I rubbed my hand and pouted at the positive red head.
“I would prefer if he didn't, honestly...he cares about his school, anyway...not me.” That I knew for certain. I was quite literally shoved into the room once we were invited in, and Mina stepped up to the metaphorical podium.
“Mr. Principal, Sir! We demand that (Y/N) be permitted to join us on a shopping trip tomorrow! Please…” Mina had such a strong, radiant aura about her, and her bravado never ceased to impress me. Nezu peered up from his paperwork and smiled sweetly, making me inwardly gag.
“My, what a splendid suggestion, Ms. Ashido! I would be happy to allow Ms. Aizawa to tag along!”
“...On one condition…”
Knew it…
“What's the catch, Sir?” Sero asked curiously, cocking his head.
“I must ask that at least one of you stay by her at all times, of course! Think of it as…”
“Bodyguards?” I deadpanned, rolling my eyes in annoyance.
“Precisely! Oh, how exciting!” The little white vermin clapped his paws together and beamed.
“Never fear, Sir! The (Y/N) protection squad has assembled and is ready for action!” Mina began to chop at the air with her hands, her legs swinging in every direction and almost knocking over Nezu’s porcelain teapot.
Great...a slapstick entourage…
After fobbing off multiple attempts by Bakugou to stop me going to the shopping district, I was finally outside of the school grounds. It was a major relief to feel like I was part of society again, despite having my three quirky bodyguards surrounding me.
“We should totally split up into teams and get the stuff! It'll be quicker so we can have time to chill!” Hagakure suggested quickly gaining the support of the class. As everyone began to part ways, I tried to sneak off after Tsuyu and Uraraka, but a firm tug on my sleeve ended my plan before it even began.
“Aw, come on, Red! I just wanna float around for a bit! Pleeeeeaaaaassseeee?!” I clasped my hands together and gave him my big, (E/C) puppy dog eyes, and he faltered, but only for a moment.
“D..don't try that stunt with me, (Y/N)! I'm a man of my word, and we promised Nezu we'd take care of you!” He released me before slinging his arm over my shoulders, leading me along behind Mina, Sero and Kaminari, who had apparently decided to join our little group.
“A real man wouldn't allow a lady to be treated like this…” I grumbled, and he shrunk down, pride taking a little damage.
“Brutal…” He frowned, before Mina waved us over to a store window.
“Guys! LOOK AT MY NEW CHILDREN!” She squealed, and we all wandered over to see exactly what she meant.
Puppies and kittens, pawing at the glass and whining for attention. My heart melted, just a little.
“Cute…” I whispered, sliding out from under Kirishima’s arm and crouching down to take a closer look. Down by the back, nearly invisible behind the toys and dishes, cowered a tiny kitten. It's fur was fluffy and white, apart from a ginger patch over the left side of its head and eye, and on its lower back, which was partially hidden.
I need it…
“You look like you're about to do a Mina squeal, (Y/N)!” Kirishima laughed before Kaminari knelt down beside me and smiled.
“Here, puss puss!~” He cooed, tapping the glass lightly. The cat stared at him in terror with huge, almost owlish heterochromic eyes.
“Dude, it's looking at you like you just insulted it's mother…” Sero snickered, and Kaminari huffed. Slowly, I reached my hand up and did the same thing the blond had done, except this time, I pressed my forehead to the glass.
“Come here, sweetie…” I whispered, ignoring the fact that the three boys were staring at me. Mina was too busy going apeshit over the puppies. Hesitantly, the cat began to creep forward, and my eyes lit up once its tail came into view, or rather, lack of.
“'s a bump rump!” Kirishima chuckled.
“Nah man, a bobtail I think.” Sero gave him a small nudge with his elbow and motioned for him to look back at me. I was smiling. Not just smiling, absolutely beaming from ear to ear.
“You like it, Precious?” Kaminari asked, his voice soft as I lowered my face to the kitten’s level.
“ looks like Todoroki…” I murmured, and the two boys behind us erupted into laughter.
“It totally freakin’ does!” Sero howled, whilst Kirishima was just gasping for air and clutching his sides. The kitten backed away a little, but came straight back once I tapped the glass again.
“I want him...he's my new son…” I murmured, ignoring the immaturity my other classmates were displaying. Kaminari peered around for a moment before standing up.
“Hey, let's let her stay here and watch the cat for a while, yeah?” He suggested, petting me gently on the head.
“Uh, bro, we're supposed to be with her at all times…” Kirishima said with a hint of uncertainty, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yeah, we're the (Y/N) protection squad elites! It's our duty!” Mina proclaimed proudly once she finally pulled herself away from the litter of puppies.
“Guys, look at her.” Kaminari motioned to me as I stared dreamily at the tiny feline, seemingly oblivious to their conversation. “She won't go anywhere.”
“Yeah...I wanna stay with Roki…” I murmured absently.
“Oh my god, she freakin’ named it…” Sero palmed his face before sighing in defeat. “He's right...I think she'll be okay here...she's hooked…” Everyone bid me farewell as they wandered off, Kaminari giving me one last fond pat to the head before I was left on my own. I smiled at the small kitten, wishing I could just scoop it up in my arms and cuddle it for hours.
I wonder if Nezu would let me have a cat? Probably not...he's probably terrified of them…maybe I could train this little fella to eat him?
A while went by, and I didn't move. I just played with the small creature through the glass until I felt a presence behind me.
“Remember when you brought that stray back to the base? It didn't even last an hour before it met quite an unfortunate end…” That crackly, spine-chilling voice made my heart stop dead. I forced myself to stare above my own reflection, and I immediately regretted staying behind.
“T..Tomura…” I stammered his name and stood up, keeping my eyes locked onto his hooded reflection.
“Creature. Let's catch up, shall we?” He took hold of my hand, leaving one finger sticking out, as to not activate his quirk. He led me to a nearby bench and sat me down, chapped lips smirking at my obvious terror.
This can't be happening…
“Your dad won't shut up about you running off on's pretty annoying...and here I was thinking that you were fitting in so well with the League…” Shigaraki sighed, slinging his bony arm over my form and dragging me closer to his side. “We miss you, kid. You were actually tolerable...even with that temper of yours…”
“You can't fucking talk with your short fuse, you creep…” I growled, trying to act like I wasn't scared out of my wits.
Someone find me…
“Come now, Creature...your dad entrusted us with your care. Now he's gone all iron fist and sent that deranged brother of yours in your place. He's one tantrum away from having Kurogiri send his ass to the pole!” Shigaraki chuckled, and continued to speak as though we were old friends. “You've got a powerful quirk...and it was generously given to you...why waste it with heroes? Come back where you belong…”…
“Tch...Not to rain on your parade, Fuckhands McMike...but I'm not coming back...I never wanted to be there in the first take your clammy, crusty hands off me before I flay you like a dead bunny rabbit…” I hissed viciously, squirming as his hand came to rest upon my throat. His face came dangerously close, and I could smell something nasty on his rancid breath.
“I'll be blunt. I was given strict orders not to kill you...but nobody said anything about maiming or disfiguring. I don't want to, believe me. You've got spunk, and I like you…but I could easily corrode your pretty flesh with one...small...tap…”
He flexed his finger, almost brushing the skin of my jugular, which bobbed as I swallowed. He used one of his placed fingers to tap my collar, snickering quietly. “Don't tell me you wanna be a house pet for the rest of your life?”
Just kill me, you dirty bastard..!
“(Y..Y/N)..?” My eyes snapped up and locked onto the blond, standing a few feet away. He was stiff, and his eyes were wide as he stared at Shigaraki. “You need to back off…” There was a heavy silence for a few moments before Shigaraki nearly threw me away from him, standing and smiling eerily.
“Ah, caught red handed! She's all yours Kaminari Denki! I just wanted to say hi while I was in town!” He turned to give me a sadistic smirk. “I'll be seeing you soon, kid…”
With that, he strolled off as though nothing had happened. I felt myself begin to shake, and I nearly screamed when Kaminari appeared right in front of me, cupping my cheeks in his hands.
“Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?!” Without a second thought, I grabbed hold of him and smothered my face into his chest.
“Th..thank you…” I whimpered, trying my best not to cry.
“H..hey! What happened?!” I heard Sero’s voice call out, and a group of racing steps approach.
“Uh...s..some guy had her...his hand was around her neck...I..I think it was that...villain from the USJ…” Kaminari tried to soothe me, his hand stroking my (H/C) hair and I clung to him.
“Dammit! I knew we shouldn't have left her!” Kirishima sat beside me and rubbed my back, and I heard Mina announce that she was calling the police.
“ did T..Tomura know y..your name?” I asked between pitiful hiccups, looking up with teary eyes. Kaminari looked just as confused as I did, and he frowned nervously.
“I...don't was fucking creepy...m..maybe from the Sports Festival..?”
“Makes sense...they're probably keeping tabs on all of us…” Sero added, hovering by my other side.
“I..d..don't w..want him to hurt you g..guys…” I sniffled, before falling back into a calming embrace.
“He won't,'ll be okay…”
Aizawa had picked me up not even ten minutes later, and now we were back at my place within UA.
He hadn't said a word about it being a bad idea, or that I should have stayed within the school. He just sat with me in a comfortable silence on the sofa, in front of the small box television, carefully removing the knots in my (H/C) with a fine tooth tail comb he borrowed from his lover. Present Mic was sprawled in the armchair, snoring away loudly.
“There...all done…” Aizawa announced quietly, fluffing my hair out over my shoulders. I turned to him and gave him a weak smile of gratitude.
“Can I plait yours, Sho? I wanna practice…” I asked hopefully, voice still meek after my earlier experience with Shigaraki. He didn't look impressed, but he simply nodded, shifting so I could do as I please.
*Knock knock knock*
“I'LL GET IT!” My ears popped as Mic awoke from his slumber and sprinted to the door. I didn't pay much mind and continued to play with my brother’s hair until I was nearly blown off the couch by a high pitched squeak. “IT'S SO ADORABLY CUUUUUUUUUUTE!”
“C..calm down, Sir! You'll scare it!”
Scare it..?
Confused and incredibly curious, I left my place on the sofa and wandered towards the commotion.
“Hey...what the hell is…” I trailed off as I rounded the corner. There stood Kaminari, nervously smiling, whilst he cradled the small, bob-tailed kitten against his chest.
“Uh...s..surprise?” He laughed timidly, carefully holding the kitten out for me to take. I felt my face begin to glow as I reached out and accepted the bundle of fluff, grinning as it began to purr in my arms.
“ bought him..?!” I had to literally tear my eyes away from the feline, and Kaminari began to shuffle his feet; face blazing.
“ seemed attached to him...a..and you had a bad day...a..and I already spoke to Mr. Nezu! He said it's f..fine!” My eyes prickled as I carefully handed my new pet over to Hizashi, who was more than willing to snuggle the tiny creature, before launching myself at the electric blond.
“You're the best, Denki! Thank you so so much! Thank you! I love him!” Both my arms and legs wrapped around him, and he stumbled backwards, barely catching me before I kissed his cheeks repeatedly.
“(Y..Y/N)!'re w..welcome..?!” Aizawa wandered out to see what all the fuss was about. He took one look at the kitten, then glared at us with a disgusted look.
“Ew, hormones…” He muttered, shuddering a little.
“Oh, go suck a pro, ShoSho…” I snickered before wiggling my brows suggestively. “...oh, wait…”
“Don't think I won't floor your ass just because you're my baby sister, (Y/N).”
***A friend of mine begged me to make a Todoroki Roki xD I'll draw him tomorrow, cuz I had a big day doing court crap today (my ex didn't show up and stuffed the whole appointment up for everyone so Yay...not). Hope you're enjoying Irascible!***
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