Everyone cleared a path for me as I hobbled towards my brother, who simply stared at me with droopy lids. My trio of overprotective boys lingered behind me, but Mandalay quickly blocked my path.
“Now now, (Y/N) did so well! Your progress with your quirk is astounding! I'm so sorry you got hurt...but it wasn't his fault…” She began to try to calm me down but I stamped my foot, immediately hissing at the pain I sent up the centre of my body.
“I'm not pissed about that! I'm pissed that I was stuck with these three for the whole day! Do you know how much they bitch?! Arghhhh!” I tugged at my hair and groaned before pinching the bridge of my nose. “I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm cool, I'm fine…” I chanted to myself before quieting down.
“Pardon me, Mandalay, but who is that child over there?” Iida asked after raising his hand, and I glanced over to the outer wall of the building. There stood a young boy, elementary school age, if I wasn't mistaken, wearing a crimson cap with two small, golden horns protruding from the front. He looked as agitated as I was.
“Oh, this is my cousin's son, Kota. He lives with us. Come on Kota, say hello! You'll be with them for the next week.” Mandalay tried to coax the boy to speak, but he just continued to glare. Midoriya began to approach him and I pulled my lip between my teeth.
I wouldn't do that if I were you, Shrub…
“Oh, um, I'm Midoriya, from UA High school’s hero course. Nice to meet you!” He extended his hand for a shake, and I had to stifle my snort as the kid busted him right in the gonads.
I warned you! ….Mentally…
The kid began to stalk off, and Iida went racing over to the groaning Midoriya, who was now crouched in the fetal position.
“Midoriya?! You brute of a nephew! Why would you do that to Midoriya’s scrotum?!” Kota turned around and snarled, a dark aura seeming to surround him.
“I don't intend on hanging out with idiots like you, who want to become heroes.” He hissed before leaving the vicinity.
“Just how old are you?!”
Wow...the kid has spunk…
“The kid’s got spunk…” Bakugou said what I was thinking, an impressed smirk settled on his scuffed face. Behind him, Todoroki raised a brow.
“He's like a mini version of you…” He pointed out flatly, and this time I couldn't hold in my chuckle.
“What the hell are you talking about?! You better shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell!” Bakugou spun around and was about to start another fight before my brother decided to step in.
“Enough playing around. Get your bags off the bus, and once your things are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you can bathe and sleep. Tomorrow, your training starts in better get a move on…” He ended with a sly grin, and there was a chorus of groans before we all began to trudge towards the bus.
“Oh! Kitten!” I was internally screaming as Pixie-Bob yanked me into a hug from behind, making my back seer with pain. “I already grabbed your stuff and set you up a futon in the girls room! You took out the most of my little babies, so it's the least I could do!” She nuzzled her face into my filthy, (H/C) hair and I clenched my teeth to deal with the pain.
“Thanks, Ms. Pixie...but...uh...could you...not do that right now, please? I'm in a lot of pain…” I admitted under my breath, so only she could hear. Gasping, she immediately began to lead me away from the others, her ivory-coloured paw making my hand swelter.
“Come with me, my darling girl! I'll lick your wounds!” She said loudly, and despite me knowing it was a figure of speech, I couldn't help but sweatdrop.
“Did I just hear the words girl and lick?! Count me in!” Mineta lit up and went to chase after us before Sero clonked him on the head, hard.
“You really are a disgusting little creep, dude…”
In the short time it took for Pixie-Bob to look me over, I had come to really like her.
She was overly exuberant sometimes, but she really was caring. She was like the mother figure I never got to experience. I sat there quietly as she dabbed the grit and grime off my face, humming a lively tune.
“How on earth is such a pretty little kitty like yourself related to a hobo like Shota?” She asked with a sigh, her tongue lolling out as she wiped the last smudge of dirt from my cheek.
“Beats me...he does scrub up quite nicely, though, when he tries…” I chuckled lightly, rubbing at my aching back. She had given me some kind of herbal medicine for the pain, and it had dulled down a little. Pixie-Bob snickered and brushed her nose with her oversized paw.
“So I've heard...from his lover boy…” She gave me a wink, and my draw nearly hit the floor.
“YOU KNOW?!” I was overly excited. I finally had someone to gossip with about my brothers secret relationship with Present Mic.
“Oh, honey, it's obvious!” She laughed, a breezy sound that made me feel completely at ease. “Plus, who do you think helped the poor fool last Valentine's day? I'll give you a hint. It was moi!”
We chatted and gossiped about Aizawa and Mic for a while longer before we decided to head towards the cafeteria. I was comfortably nestled under Pixie-Bob’s arm, and I tried to avoid eye contact with the three boys who had made my afternoon a nightmare.
“Oooh, which one of them do you like?!” I squeaked as the blonde pro whispered into my ear, and my cheeks felt hotter than Todoroki’s left side.
“N..none of them! Not right now, anyway…” I muttered the last part so softly, she didn't hear it.
“I think you'd look so cute with Goldilocks! The one with the streak! He's pretty cute...for a kid…” She giggled before nudging me off towards my class group. The second I realised the three troublemakers had spotted me, I completely changed my course and slipped into the seat between Shoji and Aoyama.
“Mind if I join you guys? Some intellectual company would be fantastic after the day I've had…” I chuckled nervously.
“Bienvenue! Please do!” Aoyama pursed his lips in a strange, pouty smile, and I immediately turned to Shoji.
“Shoji, my man, how’s life?”
Yep...when I said intellectual, I definitely didn't mean twinkle toes…
“It's fine, I guess. How's your back? I overheard Kaminari saying you hit it pretty hard during the trial.” I had trouble maintaining eye contact, as I was far too distracted by the mouth on his tentacle-like arm, speaking to me from a whole other direction.
“Hmm? Oh, my back! Yeah, it hurts...but Katsuki messed it up worse the last time, so no sweat! I'm just glad everyone else is okay!” I gave him a broad smile and rested my chin in my hand.
“(Y/N), you didn't get a plate?” I glanced up at Ojiro, who was seated across from me.
“Nah...I'm not hungry…” I replied, averting my eyes.
Not after today...I heard his voice again...and everyone was acting strange…
“You really should eat, chéri!” Aoyama insisted, offering me his own plate. I smiled at him, but shook my head politely.
“Thanks, Sparkle, but no...I really don't feel up to eating…” My eyes wandered the room, and were suddenly captured by crimson. Kirishima was staring at me, his face set in an unknown expression, which I found unsettling. After a few seconds, he seemed to shake himself out of it and gave me his regular smile, but I quickly turned away and stared at the table.
What the hell is up with you, Kirishima..?
“(Y/N)! We're done! Let's go to the bath!” I yipped in surprise as both Mina and Hagakure grabbed me from behind and began to drag me from the cafeteria.
What's with everyone dragging me around like a ragdoll?!
“I'm coming, I'm coming!” I laughed forcefully, pulling my arms from their grips and following them towards the room to gather our clothes.
“So, spill! What happened when you four were alone together!” Hagakure asked eagerly, nearly bumping into Jirou, who was already inside.
“They were just being annoying, arguing over who got to carry me and crap. Then the whole way back they were at each other's throats about trivial shit like class ranks…” I sighed, rummaging through my bag to find my (F/C) pyjama set. Jirou bent down beside me, her change of clothes already in her arms and a smirk on her face.
“So...did you already doBakugou, or what?”
“EHHHH?!” I reacted a little too quickly to do any good, and fell flat on my ass.
“OH MY GOD, YOU DID! YOU LITTLE FIEND!” Hagakure squealed, ducking as Mina began to swat at her hovering shirt.
“Quiet! Do you want everyone else to hear?” She whispered before turning back to me. “WE NEED THE DETAILS! NOW!”
Oh my god, save me.
“Shut it! Jesus! We didn't do anything like that! We dated, briefly, and w...made out a little, but that's it! Done. Nothing special…” I mumbled, letting my (H/C) hair fall into my face to hide my heated cheeks.
“Fine, but I expect a detailed recount eventually, even if it's not as juicy as I expected! Now, race ya to the baths!” Mina began to cackle like a lunatic and she and Hagakure went speeding out of the room, and Jirou and myself just strolled along slowly. She kept her pace slow due to my injuries, and I appreciated it.
“So...what about blondie number two? He made it damn clear that he's empty-head over heels for you…” She asked curiously, meeting me eyes with a cheeky grin.
“I know, but...I feel guilty. I like him too, but...Katsuki is...and I'm's complicated…” I groaned a little, shaking my head to clear my thoughts.
“Why feel guilty? It's not like you've hooked up with him, too.” Jirou laughed, and I just bit my lip and stared at my moving feet. The girl beside me gasped her earlobe jacks stiffening as she came to the sudden realisation. “OH MY GOD...YOU DIDN'T! DID YOU?! OH SHIT, YOU DID!” I squeezed my eyes shut and wished I could be sucked into oblivion.
Why why why?!
“Dude...that's rough. Your head must be reeling…” I peered over to her and felt a little less nauseous once I saw her gentle, apologetic smile. “You'll figure it out...just don't go getting physical with either of them ‘till you know what you want, yeah?”
“'re so blunt with advice, Jirou, but thanks...for not judging me…” I smiled back, and she linked her arm with mine.
“What are friends for?”
The bath had been quite the fiasco.
I was on edge after the incident with Mineta and Kota, not exactly comfortable with the knowledge that the young boy had seen me stark naked, not the mention that he had nearly fallen to his death.
If it hadn't been for Midoriya, he'd have a broken neck. It was late, now, and I was just laying on my futon between Yaoyorozu and Mina, silently staring up at the bland ceiling.
I need some air…
Carefully, I got up and maneuvered my way through the sleeping girls, slipping out the door unnoticed. The air was warm, and the sound of cicadas echoed through the trees like a summer symphony. It had been years since I had been able to listen to that sound, and I just sat down, a little way away from the building, and closed my eyes.
Katsuki or Denki?
Denki or Katsuki?
I shook that last thought out of my head. I didn't need another love interest added to the list. His behaviour had been concerning me, but I didn't want to focus on that. I needed to focus on my future, or lack of.
If dad’s coming for me...then I need to be prepared for immediate battle...he won't give me a chance to prepare…
The thought gave me goosebumps, and I began to absently pick at the blades of grass by my crossed legs.
I just need to land one hit...right to his head...but…
“Uh…(Y/N)?” I scrambled up to my feet and whirled around, ready to king hit whoever had snuck up on me. To my relief, or rather, not, it was Kirishima. “It's just me...sorry if I scared you...again…” He smiled tiredly, and I noticed the bags under his eyes.
“D..don't do that!” I whisper-shouted, keeping my guard up as he wandered over to me. He was shirtless, which didn't exactly put my mind at ease.
“Can't sleep?” He asked softly as he came to a stop by my side. I shook my head, staring out into the shady stretch of trees.
“Too much on my mind...You?” I flipped his question and he nodded, cracking his stiff neck a little.
“I'm the same...actually...I really need to talk to you about something…it's about…” He stopped, his brows furrowing and the small scar above his right eye twitching with the movement. “...actually...would you take a quick walk with me? It'd be better if nobody could hear us…”
Why? This...doesn't feel right…'s Kirishima...he's harmless…right..?
“Y..yeah...sure…” Just as we were about to start off towards the forest, our forms were wrapped in that familiar white material, dragging us backward until we were met with a grumpy, bed-headed Aizawa Shota.
“Not tonight. Bed. Now.” He grunted, obviously having just woken up from a restless sleep. I nodded, and he released us, and I sent a small, apologetic nod to Kirishima is I began to walk off after my brother, who was no doubt going to accompany me to my room.
“It has to be soon…” I spun my head around as I heard the red head mutter those words, but all I was met with was his back, disappearing around the corner of the building.
Soon? What...has to be soon..?
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