THIRTY FIVE: Truth or Dare?
That evening, Aizawa came to visit me. He brought along the ingredients to make me some (F/F) for dinner, and he was now tinkering around in the small kitchen, hair tied back into a messy bun.
"You'll make a fine bride for Hiza one day, Sho..." I snickered tiredly, peering up from the textbook I was flipping through.
"You and I both know that he'll be the bride, (Y/N)..." He sighed, a faint smile tweaking his lips.
"So..marriage is in the cards, then?" I dodged the metal spoon that came hurtling at my face and shut my book, leaning my head on the counter. "I didn't think you'd come visit me here..." It really had come as a surprise to me. He hadn't seen me outside of school since I'd moved onto the campus, and I didn't know what to make of it.
"I missed my baby sister. I know you hate me for forcing these decisions on you...but I love you." He stopped cooking and turned to face me, leaning back against the cabinet. "Also, Bakugou came to speak to me before he went home..."
He did what?!
I gritted my teeth and spun around on the stool so I wouldn't face him.
"Oh, really? What did he have to say?" My voice was stiff and cold.
"When did you come to the conclusion that you would die?" Aizawa asked quietly, slivers of anguish seeping into his tone.
I'll kill him...
"The letter..." I said flatly. "...When he said he was coming for me..." I heard my brother walk towards me, but stopped a few feet away.
"(Y/N)'re not going to-"
"What if I want to, Shota?!" I couldn't bear to look at him. Yet again, I was crying, and I hated it. I felt weak and pathetic.
What if I don't want to do this anymore?
"I...I can't live like this...I can't pretend I'll become a hero...I can't play along and act like I didn't kill so many people! When the time comes...I'll fight...and when I go against him...he's gonna kill me..." I faded out once his arms wrapped around me from the side.
"Shut up..." Aizawa whispered, almost angrily. " didn't kill people, (Y/N)...he did...he just used your body to do won't die...because I won't let that happen...nobody will..." He nuzzled into my (H/C) hair, stubble prickling my scalp.
"Stop caring about me,'ll just be harder when-"
"SHUT UP!" He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me back to look into his eyes. His dark, bloodshot eyes brimming with tears. "YOU'RE MY BABY SISTER, (Y/N)! YOU'RE BASICALLY MY DAUGHTER, BECAUSE I FUCKING RAISED YOU! I WILL NOT STOP LOVING YOU, YOU HEAR ME?! YOU. WILL. LIVE!" Not once had he screamed at me like that, and it terrified me. It shook me to the absolute core.
"Sh..Sho..." I whimpered his name, and he immediately softened, dragging me back into his embrace.
"'re gonna be okay...we'll figure it out...and don't worry about the exam tomorrow...I cancelled it..." He murmured as he rubbed calming circles around my back.
"C..cancelled? B..but...I..." I couldn't form a proper sentence, and my voice was muffled by his now soaked shirt.
"Bakugou told us how you controlled your quirk when you sparred together. He basically threatened Nezu, saying you shouldn't have to stress about showing it everyone agreed you should be eligible to attend the you just have to do your general studies exams, now..." I nodded along with him, relief flooding over me as I clung to him like a baby koala to its mother. "That boy really cares about you, huh..?"
He loves me...apparently...
"I hope you're using protection..."
"Yeah...wait, WHAT?!" I fell backwards on my stool, but Aizawa grabbed hold of me and kept me from hitting the ground. He gave me a tired smirk, the bags under his eyes crinkling and damp. I knew he was trying to avoid saying anything more about my supposed impending death, but I wasn't expecting that.
"You're at that age, so don't try to pretend it at least hadn't crossed your mind. Besides, Hizashi told me you two had gotten, well, closer." He chuckled, and my cheeks began to burn.
"I..I can explain! I...uh...he...uh...we...FUCK!" I covered my face with my hands and shook my head furiously.
"Calm think I'm so strict I won't let you be a teenager? You deserve to make your own choices, (Y/N)...just be smart about it." He clonked me lightly on the head with his hand. "Back when I was your age, Hizashi and I would sneak off to the locker room and-"
"D..don't paint me a picture! Jesus fuck..." I cut him off and cringed at the thought. "...Hiza's so loud, did you not get caught?"
"Simple. I'd just gag him with my-"
".....with scrunched up pages from my math book..."
"SHOTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....I never took you for a kink..."
"Shut up."
The next day was pretty breezy. I was confident in all my written exams, and I even got to hang out with Shinso during breaks. After our final test, he and I went back to my little corner of the campus and decided to play truth or dare.
"I pick dare." Shinso said with a yawn, stretching himself out over the carpet. I hummed for a bit as I thought, leaning back into the sofa cushions. "Remember...if either of us refuse anything, it's fifty bucks to the winner."
"I dare you...too...oh! I know!" I concentrated really hard, and my hair began to reach out towards the kitchen.
"Exactly how far can you stretch that, anyway?" Shinso asked curiously, peering up at my scrunched up face.
"Hundred metres or so...depending on my physical condition...there it is!" After some rummaging, my hair began to return with a small Tupperware container.
"Nice...and I see you've managed to control it..." He stated, warily eyeing what I now held in my hands.
"Damn's still temperamental though...anyway! I dare you to take a mouthful of this!" I handed him the container and he took it, opening the lid and lifting a brow.
"It's...salmon...and it's red...very red..." He lifted a piece to get a closer look before turning to me with a concerned expression. "(Y/N), why is it so red?"
"Just take a bite! Or are you chicken?" I proceeded to cluck like a hen, and he just rolled his eyes and stuffed the entire piece in his mouth.
The whole piece. "Oh fuck, I said a bite, not the lot!"
I erupted into a fit of laughter once his pale pace began to glow and sweat, eyes bulging as he frantically mimed to me to get him some water. I vaulted over the back of the sofa, landing flat on my face, before scrambling over to the fridge to get the jug of milk. I was still laughing like a maniac once I had handed it over, and he guzzled it down as though it was liquid heaven.
"Hah...wha...what the fuck..?!" He heaved and panted, and I plopped down next to him, snickering.
"Sho tried to be a master chef last night and made his own chilli paste...I was the guinea pig!" I gave him my most innocent smile and he just shook his head, pushing the container as far away as possible.
"It tasted like the devil dunked his molten dick in it..." He shuddered, fanning his still-burning tongue. "Toof oh dah?"
"I'll say truth, because stuff giving you a chance to get revenge." I leant back on my hands and waited for his question.
"Okay...who was your first kiss? I know for a fact it wasn't me, because you would have gutted me like a pig." He tilted his head and watched me as I flushed a little.
"Ah...Well, apparently I planted a big, sloppy one on Hiza...I mean, Present Mic...when I was nine...but my first actual kiss..."
Bakugou Katsuki...
"Flames for brains, right?" Shinso finished my sentence and I glared at him.
"Are you positive you can't read minds as well as control them?" I asked sarcastically.
"No, and even if I could, do you really think I'd risk seeing visuals of whatever weird crap you get up to?" He moved to lay on his stomach and rested his chin on his hands. "I pick truth."
"Who was your first kiss?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.
"One, you can't just recycle a question. That's cheating. Two, you know you were my first kiss. It's quite depressing to think about, actually..." He mumbled, smirking at me when I huffed loudly.
"Wow, thanks...Fine. Um...who do you think is the person who least deserves to be in my class?" I was genuinely curious about his opinion. I knew he resented most of my classmates, that had become quite clear during the Sports Festival, but I never really asked who he thought didn't deserve to be there.
"Honestly...either that purple gremlin thing...or the quiet guy that looks like his head was a rejectected sculpture...they do-" I smacked him up the side of the head with a throw pillow; making him yelp.
"How dare you talk about my precious Koda like that?! He's a blessing! He is my son!"
Well, we've barely even spoken to each other...but he is still my precious child...
"You asked, I delivered. Truth or dare?" Shinso grumbled as he used the pillow to lean on.
"Dare!" I announced boldly, puffing out my chest and mimicking All Might's flex.
"Brave...I dare you to kiss whoever knocks at your door next..." He replicated my earlier brow wiggle and I deflated.
"What the heck is with you and kissi-"
*Knock knock knock*
"You knew someone was about to knock, didn't you, you purple shit?" I growled, giving him the stink eye before standing up and heading towards the entrance.
I swear to god, this better be Katsuki or Mina...
The door creaked open, and I just stood there with a disgusted look on my face.
"Hey, (Y/N)! Everyone's finished their exams and wanted you to come hang out! I got to fight Midnight! You should'a seen her boo-"
I turned around and glared daggers at Shinso, before grabbing my wallet and throwing his winnings onto his back.
"Aw, don't be a bad sport, (Y/N)..." He chuckled with a shit-eating grin.
"Like hell I'm kissing that perverted tumour!"
***A little filler because I have some court crap to take care of tomorrow and it'll probably take all day - hope you enjoy some angst and humour x***
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