TEN: Ever-Loving
*The Next Morning*
I didn't know how long I had been staring at Bakugou’s sleeping face, but I didn't quite care. He looked so soft and calm for once, and even though his arms were wrapped around me like a death grip, I felt so relaxed.
“K..Katsuki..? H..hey…” I nudged his chin with my nose, smiling as he puffed out a rush of hot air into my face when he stirred.
“Mmhhhh...fuck off…” He slurred whilst pulling me closer.
Contradictory much?
“But...I have a problem..."
Oh my god, sleepy Katsuki is my new favourite thing…
“I don't care...just shut up and go back to sleep…” He rested his forehead against mine and I considered doing exactly what he said, but where was the fun in that?
“Right...well...what do you suppose should be done about...this..?” I lifted my leg up slowly to push between his legs, and never in my life had I ever seen someone wake up so quickly.
“YOU FELT NOTHING AND YOU SAW NOTHING, GOT IT?!” He tried to pull away, but this time it was my turn to cling, curling my legs around his and laughing slightly.
"I was joking! I just need to pee!" I laughed, one eye closing as his hair poked into it.
“YOU'RE WORSE THAN THAT HORNY GRAPE! THE HELL YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, MOLESTING ME?!” He barked in a major fluster as he stormed towards the door. I laid on my stomach and watched him, giggling at his reactions.
“Well...in my defense...It was hilarious, so...” I pointed out, ducking as one of the socks from the night before came flying at my head, on fire.
“SH..SHUT UP!” He bristled with embarrassment and he crashed out the door and slammed it behind him.
“FIGHT ME, YOU OLD HAG!” I sighed as I listened to the mother and son screech in the hallway, and nestled back into Bakugou’s pillow, my urge having dissipated for the time being.
This all just has to be some crazy dream...and I'll end up waking up...soon…
Closing my eyes, I nodded off again, mind busy with the thoughts of facing my brother. I hadn't even messaged him to tell him I was okay, and it wouldn't surprise me if he had every pro he knew trying to track me down. Time passed, and I awoke to the feeling of someone combing their fingers through my hair.
“You took your time fixing yourself, didn't you..?” I mused with a long yawn.
“I've been here for over an hour, you fucking dumbass…” He grumbled in return, sounding sour but not pulling his hand away.
“Oh...so a bit premature, then?” I teased, squeaking out as he shoved me off the bed.
“Get the hell out!” I rubbed my tailbone as I used the side of his bed to pull myself back up, glaring at him angrily.
“Fine...I gotta go back home anyway…” I muttered whilst heading towards my bag. “Turn around so I can get changed.” I pulled out the tank top from the evening before and shook out some of the wrinkles.
“You can't tell me what to do!” He didn't budge. He just stood there and watched me with that token stank face of his.
And you call Mineta a pervert…
“Fine. It's just skin, anyway…” I mumbled, knowing full well I'd be a blushing wreck if he saw me topless. Turning around so my back faced him, I pulled his (F/C) shirt off and placed it on his dresser, quickly replacing it with my own piece of clothing. I glanced over my shoulder and snorted, seeing Bakugou covering his rosy face with his pillow.
“Screw you…” He kicked his legs like a small child throwing a fit on the supermarket floor and I sighed, gingerly hoisting my bag onto my back and walking over to stand by him.
“I'll return your pants at school on Monday when people aren't around...and...thank you...for being there for me…” I bent down and lifted the corner of his pillow to leave a chaste peck on his jaw, and he peeked out, quickly grabbing my wrist and averting his eyes.
“Y..You're seriously going out without a damn bra?” I looked down and realised that it may be a problem. My (C/Size) breasts were obviously free, but Bakugou only really had a problem because they were so close to him.
“Yeah, it's not so bad...I'm a big girl, I can look after myse-mmmffff!” I was cut short by rough, slightly chapped lips meeting mine, strong enough to take my breath away.
“Just take the damn red jacket hanging by the front door, you bi...brat…” He ordered bitterly before pushing me away halfheartedly.
Todoroki isn't the only one that's Icyhot…
“Um...o..okay...th..thanks, Katsuki…” I gave him a small smile before making my way to his bedroom door.
“Also, don't call me that at school...only when it's us...got it, street rat?!” Chuckling to myself, I nodded and I glanced back through the door before shutting it.
“Got it, Bottlerocket...oh, and by the way...you used that one already…” I heard him hiss some kind of insult back, but I had already started walking down the hall. Once I had reached the bottom of the stairs, I ran into Mitsuki, who was shuffling around in her robe and slippers.
“Oh, (Y/N), sweetie! You leaving so early?” She gave me a warm smile that made me feel strange. It was so motherly, and that was something I had forgotten long ago.
“Uh...y..yeah...My brother is probably really worried about me...but thank you so much for your hospitality…” I bowed to her politely, somewhat nervous after hearing her explosive arguments with Bakugou.
“Oh, straighten up, my dear girl! You're welcome here anytime you need! Anyone who can stand to be around that lemon-faced prick is...so that's just you!” She laughed as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I didn't flinch, but it still felt kind of wrong. “Do you need a lift? I could drop you home if you'd like?” I smiled and shook my head, walking over to retrieve the red jacket Bakugou had insisted I wear.
“Thanks, but no...I think I need to really prepare my excuse before I get home...Shota isn't gonna be happy...at all…” I grimaced, knowing full well I was probably going to get my ass kicked, both figuratively and literally.
“Well if that brother of yours is being a pain, just call Katsuki again and I'll come get you, okay, honey? And please take care walking home! A darling little thing like yourself needs to be careful!” With that, I bid farewell to Mitsuki and walked out into the street. It wasn't anywhere near as cold as it had been the night before, but there was still a nip to the air. I managed to make it fifty metres or so up the street before I heard someone shouting out.
“I SWEAR TO GOD, YOU DRY EYED LITTLE SHIT, I TOLD YOU IF YOU DID THE TIT THING I'D KILL YOU!” I turned around and snickered to myself when I saw Bakugou hanging out his window, flailing the shirt I had been wearing around in the air. “JUST LOOK AT IT?! YOU TITTED IT UP, YOU DUMB BI-”
“SHE'S HOME! I TOLD YOU SHE'D COME BACK, SO GET YOUR SWEET ASS BACK HERE NOW, OKAY?! OKAY BYE!” I cringed as Present Mic screeched into his phone before tossing it onto the kitchen counter and sweeping me up into the third hug since I had gotten back.
“Hiza...chill, man...I'm fine...I just stayed at Bakugou’s…” I wheezed, prying myself from his arms.
“Hizashi I swear to...stop yelling…”
“SORRY! I mean..sorry…” He rubbed the back of his neck and took a step back. “We were so worried about you! ShoSho was up all night looking for you...and then he left again a few hours ago...he was terrified, (N/N)...” I felt guilty, but if I had stayed I knew that I wouldn't have been able to control myself.
“Well, I had to have some time to myself...and then I ended up calling Katsuki, and he dragged me back to sleep at his place...I know I shouldn't have run off...but you saw what was happening…” I leant against the table, running my finger along the deep, splintered scratches I had left during the argument.
“I understand...but ShoSho had every dark and dismal possibility racing through his head he just panicked...Also...Kat~Su~Ki?” His pissy moustache wiggled along with his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.
“Stop. First name basis doesn't mean shit...at least I don't call him something as corny as ShoSho…” Before he could retort, the door burst open and in came Aizawa, panting and looking like he had been without sleep for a good month or so. Without taking a chance to catch his breath, he sprinted over to me and yanked me close to his chest, burying his face in my (H/C) hair.
“I'm sorry for what I said but please...don't you ever do that again or I will quite literally drop dead…” He whispered shakily, and I hugged him back as tightly as I could.
“I'm sorry, Sho...I just needed to clear my head...I didn't wanna hurt you…”
“She totally crashed at Explodo-dude’s place!~” As usual, Present Mic spoiled the moment, and Aizawa tensed against me.
Hizashi, you loudmouthed traitor!
“You crashed whe-”
“ISN'T IT LOVELY THAT OUR LITTLE FAMILY IS BACK TOGETHER?!” Mic swept us both up in his thin, gangly arms and swayed us side to side like children.
“Remove yourself, Hizashi…” Aizawa growled, stepping back from our embrace, but keeping one hand on my shoulder. “It doesn't matter...just...don't run off like that again, okay? I won't punish you...but just...don't…” Nodding quietly, I took his hand and led him straight to his safe place, the worn out sleeping bag that was strewn across the couch.
“You sleep...I'll have lunch ready and wake you, okay? And I'll keep the slack-jawed yokel here quiet. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble…” I helped him zip it up and brushed a thick, wiry strand of hair from his face.
“Yeah...okay…” He mumbled as he shut his aching eyes.
I love you...I really do, Sho...and I'll be able to say it one day...I promise…
“Yamada Hizashi, I swear to god, if you don't shut that mouth of yours I will beat the ever-loving heck out of you!”
“What the hell did they teach you at that house?!”
***More like a filler chapter cuz I was out all day and trying to catch up with the Manga haha - plus migraine don't help much x
Chapter header © the artist***
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