SIXTY TWO: Fathers, Be Good To Your Daughters
The three of us searched high and low, but we couldn't find any trace of Slate.
We had ended up in the backyard, which, in reality, wasn't a yard at all. It was acres of land. I was weak and struggling, a lump in my throat that just wouldn't go down. The thought of him escaping was just downright sickening.
"He's gone..." Bakugou muttered, his injured arm being held tightly to his torso. "Let's just leave..."
"No...He's here..." I replied as I leant against the outer wall of the house.
I can feel him...
"M..maybe he's in there..?" Kaminari suggested, pointing to the large, glass structure that was standing a fair distance from where we had gathered.
"The greenhouse, huh..?" I mused, a sarcastic smirk flickering across my lips. "Of course..." After all, it had been the only place that Slate had ever shown me any kindness.
"Do you like it?" My supposed father stood before me, gesturing to the blooming array of colourful flowers. They were magnificent, bright and fragrant, and every shade of the rainbow.
"They're so pretty..." I said quietly, fiddling with the hem of my uniform skirt. I didn't quite know how to react. The man who claimed to be my father had approached me on my way home from school, smiling and kindly, offering me something that had been lacking in my life for the previous months.
"I really wish you wouldn't fear me, my darling." My father said as he crouched down a few feet away. "All I want is the best for you." His smile was gentle, and he really seemed genuine. I stayed put, but my hands had quit fiddling with my clothes.
"I..if you're my Daddy...then why didn't ever come visit me, mummy and Sho?" I asked sadly, watching his expression drop.
"Mummy decided she wanted you all to herself, sweetheart, and who can blame her? You're such a darling little creature..." He smiled again, and lowered himself so that the knees of his suit were being dirtied by the earth. "But I finally found you, and I'm so glad! You can meet your brother and sister, now, and some of my close friends."
"Can Sho meet them too?" I questioned, taking a small step forward.
"Oh, I'm sure Shota will get to know them very well..." He chuckled, and it was strange. It gave me a chill along my spine, but his face was winning me over. The thought of a real life father was winning me over.
"H..he might worry if I'm not home when he gets back, though..." I murmured, scratching the back of my ankle with my toes. My father pulled his sleeve up a little to glance at his watch, a short laugh soon following.
"He's probably already aware that you're with me. Now, won't you come give your old dad a hug?"
Something inside my mind told me to run. To stay as far away from this stranger as possible. But, the other part of me wanted to know the warmth of a father, someone who wasn't Shota or Hizashi. Something new.
Slowly, timidly, I inched over and into his arms. They curled around me carefuly, and I could feel his lips stretch into a grin as he rested his face in the crook of my shoulder.
"That's my girl..."
"Let's go." I announced, the limp in my step blaringly obvious as I started off towards the greenhouse. The pair of blonds stuck close by me, their presence helping me to feel just a fraction braver.
"It's too quiet..." Bakugou muttered, squinting his eyes and trying to see what was beyond the frosted glass.
"He's in there...I can feel it..." I said in a whisper, breaking away from them and pushing through the door. The ominous creak that sounded made my throat go dry, but I knew I couldn't back down anymore. This was the end.
The once vibrant ocean of flowers was now dull and dead. Crushed, broken petals littered the earth, and they made a sickening crunch underfoot as I moved deeper into the fray. I could almost hear my father's breathing, low and deep, awaiting our confrontation like a kid at Christmas. Bakugou was directly behind me, but Kaminari lingered behind at the doorway with a fearful expression.
You should've stayed behind, Denki...
"You truly surpass your siblings, Creature. I'm proud of you..." Slate's voice crackled like static in the air, and I spotted him almost immediately. He stood by what was once a lovely arrangement of chrysanthemums, now a wilting husk of browning stems, and his silver hair caught the light of the moon.
He didn't look real, yet he had woven the sorry story of my history. He was as real as they came. Bakugou took a step on front of me, his eyes burning through the ashen strands of his deflated hair.
"I'm gonna ram that fake fucking leg of yours so far down your throat you're gonna have to shit it out..." His voice was low and threatening, and the fact that it was so quiet only proved to me how angry he was.
Slate cocked a brow, seemingly amused at the threat. He hobbled a few feet closer and uttered a laugh, which caused goosebumps to dance across my clammy (S/C) skin.
"You'd make a great addition to my cause, Bakugou Katsuki. We just have to get rid of this passion you display. It's a bother..." His emerald eyes were haunting as they swept up and down our forms, and my mind went somewhat blank. Not from his quirk, but from sheer terror. Bakugou nudged me backwards a little more, small pops and crackles bursting from his left hand.
"It's three against one, you fucking bastard!" He snarled, ivories glowing. "Back down or I'll kill you!" There was a look on my father's face that chilled me to the core. One I knew well. He had an ace up his sleeve.
"Two versus two, actually."
I spun around, and the earth felt like it had crumbled beneath my feet when my eyes met with topaz.
"Sorry, Precious...but you should know the extent of my acting skills by now..." Kaminari sighed, back pressed against the now closed glass door.
"I SWEAR TO GOD, WHY IS YOUR LIFE THE TOP TEN FUCKING ANIME BETRAYALS?!" Bakugou raged, his back pressing flush to my chest as his head darted from one villain to the other.
Kaminari tutted loudly, the heels of his boots clicking in an echo. Each step was a countdown towards Bakugou's explosion point.
"Look...I wanna kill you, don't get me wrong. I'd love to mount your ugly mug on my wall, but I'll give you a chance to step away from my fiancé..." He held up his hand, the sparks of electricity highlighting the ring on his finger which matched my own.
Every single one of Bakugou's muscles tensed, and he gritted his teeth so hard I was sure they were about to shatter.
"(Y/N)..." His voice was so calm that I latched onto his waist in case I needed to use my quirk. He was about to lose it. "...It's your call...Can I hurt him..?"
"K..Kacchan..?" I leant up on my toes so I could hear him better, and he shifted so that I could only just see the flicker of pain in his crimson irises.
"Do you him...or can I take him down..?" It hurt. Either way, everything was going to hurt. I stile another quick glance at Kaminari, who smiled at me with such a sweet, loving face that it made me feel sick that I was even considering things.
"Please, Precious. We need you. I need you..." The cadence in his voice was so alluring, and I had to drag my sights to the black of Bakugou's costume to give myself the few moments I needed to mull everything over. Moments that I knew I didn't really have...
Do it? Stop? What do I want?! Who do I want?! What the fuck do I choose?!
***Rewrite Edit: I wanna go back in time to punch myself in the throat for this dribble***
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