So...this is what death feels like, huh..?
I couldn't exactly feel much.
A dull, throbbing ache where my head should have been, and an indescribable tightness in my chest.
My realm always changed to different shades of black, paler and darker, as time went on. I could only assume it was day to night, but I couldn't hear a single thing.
I miss someone...
A day, or night, I didn't have the slightest idea, came around when I felt pricks against my skin. I wasn't even certain I had skin anymore, but I definitely felt something sharp.
More time passed, and I thought I heard some beeping - darkness consumed me for eons after that occurrence. If this was death, I wished for life, but if this was life, I yearned for a swift death.
Is that...someone's voice..?
Yeah...that's a voice...and...I think I know it..?
The pain in my head was growing stronger with each moment, and so was my awareness. Faint beeps turned deafening, and feather-light pin pricks became unbearable. I eventually decided that the voice I continued to hear belonged to my brother, but everything else was still too muffled and discombobulated to make any sense of.
"She moved...!" That was the first clear sentence I had heard in forever, and I fought against my prison of shadows, reaching out towards it.
"Holy shit..! (Y/N)?! Come on, kiddo..!"
My mouth wanted to form coherent words, but nothing was cooperating. I could feel something twitching, likely my hand, but that's all I could manage.
"Please...Wake up..." My brother whispered, it was so close, and I knew it was the warmth of his breath I felt against my face.
I...I can do this...
I opened my eyes, slowly and painfully, to be met by a one-sided blur. It was too bright, but I immediately realised something was off. I didn't think too much of it once a haze of black and gold came into view, and my sight finally began to focus.
"Sh..o..." The sound that rasped out of my throat was horrific. "H..Hiza..." Tears streamed down their faces, puffy red eyes wide as wonky, relieved smiles became crystal clear.
"H..hey, sweetheart..." Aizawa murmured as he stroked my hair with a shaking hand. " are you feeling..?" Yamada just stood beside him, incapable of speech as he sobbed and sniffled into the sleeve of his cardigan.
"" I wheezed, blinking a few times before becoming slightly more distressed. "Sh..Shota..?"
"Yeah..?" He leant forward his raven hair tickling at my ear.
"Wh..why can't I..." I blinked a few times, just in case. "...see out of...left eye..?"
It's just...that same darkness...
Their silence frightened me, but my my brother's hand against my cheek seemed to soothe me a little.
" remember what happened..?" He asked, and I furrowed my brows as I tried to piece together my jumbled memories.
"I...was fighting...Slate..?" I questioned myself. "I think...I won..?" He nodded slowly, smiling, even though it was weak.
"Yeah. You sure did..." He took my hand in his and squeezed it gently. "After the fight, you...suffered what they called a Haemorrhagic Stroke. Due to Slate's relentless use of his quirk against you...and how hard you fought it. An artery burst inside your b..brain..." He trailed off, hanging his head as he tried to keep himself together.
" were o..out for th..three w..weeks..." Yamada stammered, finally finding his voice. "A..and your could be p..permanently l..lost..."
Blind in one eye..?
"Oh..." I swallowed, my throat dry and scratchy.
"Your motor skills could take a while to be back to normal, too...i..if..." Again, Aizawa faded out into nothing.
"If...they go" I muttered, struggling to even form a proper sentence. My tongue felt like it had a mind of its own, flopping around inside my mouth.
"They will." Both Aizawa and Yamada said firmly as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"" I mumbled, keeping a firm hold on my brother's hand. ""
"We love you, too..."
The next few days were simply me falling in and out of conciousness, then once I could manage to keep myself awake for more than five minutes, I was bombarded with tests.
Aizawa was with me almost every moment of the day, with Yamada coming along as often as he could. My memories were coming back in waves, and the moment I remembered about Bakugou was when I regained my fighting spirit.
"I need to see him." I stated firmly, the first full sentence that hadn't come out in a stutter.
"Not today, (Y/N)...Wait till you-"
" said that l..last time, Sh..Sho!" I snapped, jerking away from his hand. "I w..want to s..see K..Ka..Katsu..!" I grabbed my hair and growled loudly, beyond frustrated at my inability to speak properly.
I had questioned the whereabouts of both Kaminari and Hokuto as well, but nobody would give me any straight answers. All I could get was "They're alive", which wasn't what I was wanting to know.
"I just...want you to get better..." Aizawa sighed, raking a hand over his face. "Too much excitement or stress...It could hurt you more, and I could see what that boy did to you before..." I understood. I really did, but that didn't change my mind.
"P..please..." I gripped the stark sheets of my bed and hung my head. "...I need him..." That was an understatement. The second I had pieced the puzzle of my mind back together, he was dominating my thoughts. He was the last clear image I had seen, and I wanted to see him again.
"Fine...But I'm expelling him if he causes you any stress whatsoever..." My brother grumbled, giving me one last pat on the head before shuffling to the door. Once he had opened it, he stepped out, but left it wide open, which confused me. "Bakugou. You can see her now..."
W..wait...he's been there the whole time..?!
I heard the clunk of a chair hitting the ground, and my heart nearly leapt to my throat once I saw the familiar mess of ashy blond hair come into my room. He froze in place, his watery crimson eyes wide and striking, surrounded by thick, heavy bags of black.
"K..Katsu..." My quivering voice seemed to break him out of his trance, as he was by my side in a flash, his hands flying from my cheeks, to my hands, to my shoulders, until finally they wrapped around me.
"I..I'll kick your fucking ass if you e..ever scare me like that again..!" He threatened, trying to sound tough as he sobbed into the top of my (H/C) hair. "I thought I was gonna l..lose you..."
His warmth was rejuvenating, and I felt myself begin to cry along with him.
"I'm've you...I'm n..not g..going a..anywhere..." I soothed him, tenderly nuzzling into his chest, wetting it as I did so.
I missed this...
"The second you're're moving into the dorm right next to fucking buts about it..." Bakugou said gruffly, pulling back and wiping his eyes with the heel of his hand. I blinked a few times, still unused to the lack of vision in my left.
Oh, right...Shota told me about that...
"It'll have to be on the girl's s..side. B..but I'll still close..." I smiled tiredly, still holding onto the front of his shirt. He nodded, his eyes glued to mine as he swallowed audibly.
"I...know this is selfish as all shit, but...we never got a chance to talk about it back..." He coughed, pulling my hand from the fabric and holding it tight. "C..can I be your boyfriend, (Y/N)..?"
The way he worded his proposal, the way he struggled to get it out of his throat, and the way his cheeks bloomed a rosy hue, made me begin to cry harder.
"Y..yeah...I th..thought that w..was a given..." I chuckled, trying not to sound so pitiful as he leaned in and pressed a delicate kiss to my lips.
He was different. He wasn't acting as brash and feisty as usual, and it was strange. Pleasant, but still strange. We were silent for a while, enjoying each others company with only the mechanical whirs and bleeps of my vital tracker as white noise.
"A..Aizawa told me about your eye..." Bakugou murmured after a while, brushing a strand of (H/C) from my face. "It'll come back. If it doesn't, I'll blow the damn surgeon to shit..." His reassuring, yet slightly violent words made me chuckle a little, using the majority of my dwindling energy to shift over to the far side of my bed.
"I'm c..cold...C..could you s..stay for a wh..while..?" I asked hopefully, feeling my heart skip a beat, and also hearing it on the monitor as he began climbing in next to me before I even finished my sentence. He carefully pulled me under his arm, and I almost melted into his heat as he began to comb his fingers through my hair.
I knew I had needed him, but now I realised that need was a lot stronger than I had originally thought.
"Get some sleep...I'm not leaving your side. If anyone tries to make me, I'm gonna beat their asses..." He mumbled, his free hand moving to take mine under the coarse hospital blanket.
Closing my eyes, I felt myself falling back into the realm of sleep, though I knew for a fact it wouldn't be as dark as it had been before.
"I love you," I whispered, his heartbeat acting as my lullaby as I drifted away.
"I fucking love you, too..."
***This was rushed (like, half an hour rushed cuz I had a light bulb moment), but I'll hopefully update again really soon! Angst angst angst!***
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