SIXTY ONE: Ephialtes pII
The further we moved down the corridor, the more I was certain that my brain was about to start leaking through my nostrils. Even Bakugou was stumbling about like a drunken pub-dweller, crimson eyes squinted to try to stay focused.
"I'm never drinking...ever..." Kaminari whined from somewhere behind me, the sound of his wobbly steps scuffing the floor.
"Just try to keep yourself grounded. It's just gonna get worse when she's in the same room as us..." I warned, steadying myself on Bakugou's shoulder. "I have a plan, but I'm gonna need you two to try to keep her distracted...somehow..."
I didn't want to put them in harms way, but it was all I could think of. I didn't have the time to sit down and go through everything.
"It better not include that doped up quirk of yours..." Bakugou hissed, stopping in front of the daunting door. "You've already pushed yourself too hard."
"Sh..she's stronger than you think, Bakugou..." Kaminari piped up, suddenly extremely close to my side. "We'll provide the do what you need to do." I wasn't quite sure what I was searching for in his topaz gaze, but I knew I hadn't found it. I nodded slowly to him, then to Bakugou to give him the go-ahead to open the door.
The walls were like liquid, the floor, too. Everything waved and wobbled about like choppy surf, and colours began to mix together like oozing paint.
"SHOW YOURSELF, YOU PSYCHO CRACK-WHORE!" The ashen blond stormed in, teeth bared like some territorial beast. "I'LL...I'LL..!"
Before he could finish whatever threat was about to spew out of his mouth, he actually spewed. It ran down his chin, to the front of his costume, like old, clumpy porridge, and he looked furious. I swear I heard a slight snicker from Kaminari before he darted in after him, but I wasn't positive.
"Give it up! You're outnumbered, vi-" Now there were two piles of upchuck on the ground. The pair staggered and swayed, but they managed to hold their ground, eyes searching for the culprit.
Another thing I knew about my delightful half sister was that she was talented in the art of hide and seek. Somehow, I managed not to follow suit and vomit all over myself, but it was no easy feat.
Now...where are you, you trippy bitch..?
There was neither hint nor hair of her, but I knew she was there. I'd played her games enough to feel her presence.
"Got a thing for blonds, you little skank? Good boy and bad boy? But which one is good and which one is bad?!"
Memai's voice swirled around my like a vortex, and suddenly, Bakugou had his hands around my throat. It was like he had immediately squeezed every particle of oxygen from my lungs, and I scratched and clawed at his hands wildly, trying to speak. I felt another figure behind me and screeched into the melting room as two hands reached around, fingers curling into the gaps of my ribs and pulling with full force. One of those fingers had a matching ring.
D..Dad's got them?!!
I heard faint voices bouncing against my blocked ears, but I was trapped in that bloody crimson glare that suddenly felt so wrong. I felt desperate hands against my legs and ankles, but it was like a numbed itch.
"Look at this pathetic little girl, Chargebolt. Fitting so perfectly in our hands..." Bakugou snickered, a carnal aggression ruining his face.
"I think she looks kinda cute..! Especially when I do this!" I screamed as he tore at my rib cage, falling against Kaminari as he backed into the wall.
I..I c..can't breathe...b..but...I c..can't h..hurt them..!
"Let's rip out that hairy quirk of hers!"
"Flay her and wear her like a winter coat?"
"Oh! Let's slice her tits off and play hackeysack!"
The distant cries began to get a little louder, and I could now clearly hear two familiar voices calling my name.
...K..Katsuki's hands...
They were cold. They were never cold.
"Y. You're..n..not..." My voice was still ragged, but rather clear now that I had snuffed out my original panic. "...real..."
Just like that, they were gone. The fakes, anyway. The real, living and breathing boys were on either side of me, trying to snap me out of it.
"The fuck just happened?!" Bakugou growled, pulling me under his good arm before Kaminari had the chance. "You good?"
"Y..yeah...just Memai's tricks..." I murmured back, narrowing my eyes to survey the area again. My throat still tingled from the faux choke-out, and my heartbeat thundered mercilessly within the cavern of my chest.
"Uh...w..what do we do when we find h..her..?" Kaminari asked quietly as he grabbed my other arm, much to Bakugou's dismay. They both reeked of vomit, but I couldn't really care less.
Kill's what you're good at, Creature...
I shook the ghostly voice from my head and chewed my bottom lip to compose myself. Everything was still spinning like a psychedelic hurricane.
"We knock her out...then we find Slate..." I explained flatly, breaking away from the blonds. "Kami...Denki...I want you to let out a decent voltage across the ground...and Kacchan...if you're up for it...I need you to keep you and me up in the air as he discharges, using your'll only be for a few seconds, but...only if it won't hu-"
"I'm fine. It's just a few bones, so don't go underestimating me, Street Rat..." He grunted, that unnerving smirk touching at his lips.
You really are hero material...
Kaminari didn't seem willing to release my arm, but did so once Bakugou cleared his throat in threat. I pulled myself up onto the ashen blond's back and curled my arms around his neck, still worried about the state of his injuries.
"R..ready?" Kaminari looked to me and I nodded, bracing for it with my eyes squeezed shut. It was quick, and I could feel both the heat and static against my skin as I tried to block out all but one sound.
There she is...
The absolute second Kaminari's shock wave dissipated, I sprung from Bakugou's back and launched myself into one of the many piles of boxes that littered the room. I didn't often appreciate any of the intense training I had undergone whilst captive, but I couldn't deny that it came in handy once in a while.
"You little bitch!" Memai screeched as I knocked her into the far right wall, coiling my hair around her body in an attempt to keep her still.
"G..give up!" I ordered in a sad attempt at dominance. It was almost impossible with all the painful memories flooding back into my mind like a violent tidal wave.
"You wanna play, Creature?! Let's play! Remember this game?! Hmm?!" Her eyes were barbaric as I felt a familiar tickle inside my closed mouth.
Fuck...not this..! I gotta's not r..real! But feels real...
I opened my jaw as I tightened her restraints, feeling something crawl down my chin and neck. A whole lot of something.
"The itsy bitsy spiders, climbed down the Creature's face~" Memai sang giddily, excitement making her features glow eerily. Despite knowing that it was nothing but a surreal illusion, I couldn't help but freak out. Who wouldn't with hundreds of arachnids marching up and out of their gullet?
"Keep her still and I'll blow her brains out!" Bakugou was beside me now, his palm crackling vehemently. I couldn't respond with my figuratively full mouth, but I shook my head, nudging him aside hastily. I knew what I had to do. Violence would only spur my sister on.
One chance...just like with Hokuto...
I reached out with my hands and grabbed her head, pulling my brow against hers. She hissed like a rabid animal, and the spillage of spiders began to increase with her agitation. I really was beginning to despise the colour violet, but I knew it had a chance once Memai's movements became slightly slacker.
"You think you can win?! I know you like the back of my hand, you brat...Daddy's gonna kill you! You're weak! He'll kill all your little friends, first! Then that mangy freak you took down! Then I'll be the favourite again!" She sibilated, grinning at my retching form.
My head was screaming. It felt like it was being carved into slivers by a rusted knife, and my knees buckled beneath me as I continued to hurl spiders from the pits of my stomach.
It's's's fake...
"Step back and let me finish the bitch off!" Bakugou pleaded, trying to rip me away from my sister. Kaminari just stood back and watched, shielding his eyes a little from the intense glow.
"Listen to your lover boy, skank!" Memai stumbled backwards, catching herself on the wall and bringing me with her. "I...can show you how they'll die, yeah?! Make them scream like the little bitches they are?!"
I had to use every ounce of willpower I had in me to not spin around when I heard Bakugou hit the ground. The sounds of him hissing and clawing at the concrete floor was sickening, but I knew he could handle it. He knew it wasn't real, and I did too.
"Wh..when this is all o..over..." I started, a low, guttural whisper; trying not to choke on spider legs. "...I sincerely hope you can be fixed, Memai..."
Though...I seriously doubt you can be...
Her eyes were half-lidded now, and we slid down the rest of the way to the ground. The room was beginning to stabilise, and Bakugou's pained grunts were growing weaker, just like our bodies.
" really think th..that...Daddy used h..his quirk on me?" She laughed tiredly, head dipping lower with each moment. "He raised me, Creature. I ain't a pawn. I'm his fucking daughter. I don't need to be...urged like pathetic wastes of'm important to him..." idiot...
"He doesn't care...about any of us..." I knew that she would just block out anything I said, but I had to voice it. Even though she had made my younger years a living, breathing hell, she was still my sister. I couldn't help but want to save her.
"F..fuck you..." She slurred, spitting into my face as her head slumped forward.
That was the end of it.
As soon as I realised she was unconscious, the crawling sensation stopped and I released her, hands flying to my head as I tried to will away the intense pressure.
" okay, Precious..?" I felt tingly hands come down softly against my shoulders and I instinctively leant back into Kaminari.
" fine..." I said after a thick swallow, turning my attention to Bakugou, who was dragging himself off the floor. Sweat was beading his forehead, and I couldn't pull my eyes away from his arm. It was almost black, at this point. "K..Kacchan...are you-"
"Don't worry about me." He snapped, soft eyes turning fierce as they swept from mine to Kaminari's. "I want you to leave. Now."
"Because I can't let you commit suicide, (Y/N)!" He cut me off, voice breaking mid-way. The crimson of his eyes glistened like disrupted pools of blood, and I drew in a short breath as Kaminari pulled me just a fraction closer.
"She's made her choice, can't jump in and say that shit now..!" I could feel his heart beating against my shoulder blades, slow and steady.'re...
"I don't know about you, Thunderfreak, b..but I love her too much to just let her fucking die!" Bakugou snarled, activating his quirk and taking a step towards us.
"I love her too! But I believe in her!" Kaminari bit back, helping me to my feet. "She's not made of glass, and you know it! So either stand with her or screw right off!"
Stop fighting...
"That's it, you traitorous, dunce-faced bastard!" I somehow found the energy to step between the raging blonds, glaring at each of them in turn.
"No matter what anybody says...I'm doing this. You can come or you can go...but either way, I'm going to fight. You knew this, make up your mind...please..."
Don't go...please...
He stared at me for a while, his fierce expression melting into concern before he dropped his arm to his side and looked to the vomit-stained floor.
"Tch...Stubborn know I can't leave you..." He whispered in his gravelly voice, making me smile ever so slightly.
"I'm glad..." I sighed, turning to look at the door which lead back out to the hall. " fight the boss..."
I promise you, Katuski...Denki...I won't let either of you die, tonight...
***My plans for this chapter went down the drain but oh well...THE END IS NIGH!
I fail at fight scenes so...sorry xD
Also, a while back I mentioned I commissioned PrinceBunBuns (twitter) for a lineart of my baby boy Hyena, and I received the completed version the other day! I coloured it to the best of my current ability but the lineart itself is just...fucking beautiful. Please go follow them on twitter, tumblr, insta, everywhere! ***
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