SEVENTY THREE: Good News/Bad News
*TIMESKIP - second year (I know...I'm skipping out on so much...but I really just want to wrap up this story)*
"WHOEVER DOUBTED ME CAN KISS MY A..ASS!" I sprinted towards my brother and his gangly-limbed partner with a laminated card waving over my head. Much to Aizawa's relief, Present Mic stepped forward to scoop me up in a hug when I reached them, spinning me around in the air.
"Hope you're flexible then, kiddo! Cuz you're the only one who doubted it!" He laughed, snatching my brand new provisional license from my hands.
"Good job out there, (Y/N). A little erratic when it came to the rescues, but all in all, a good job..." My brother smirked as I turned to embrace him, butting my head up into his chin.
"At least I got it! Don't rain on my parade..!" I whined, pushing back and reaching for his pocket, where I knew he had stashed my phone. "I gotta tell Kacchan..!"
We began a strange, awkward dance, consisting of sidesteps and avoidance, before Aizawa held up his finger.
"Why not wait till we get home? I think he'd prefer to hear it in person, don't you agree?"
Ah, shit...You right...
"I guess you've got a point...Let's hurry up, then! I wanna rub it in his face that I got it first try..!" Grabbing his hand, I started dragging him towards the carpark, and in turn, he reached out and snagged his boyfriend's sleeve.
"Easy, dudette! We're coming! I would've thought you'd be out of commission after pushing so hard!" Mic laughed, and I rolled my lively, (E/C) eyes.
"I'm not a cripple anymore, Hiza! I'm just a little blind, and s..stutter a bit..." I scrunched my nose as my point was proven. "Fuck."
"Watch your language...You spend too much time with Bakugou..." Aizawa whopped me over the head with his pamphlet, which consisted of the student listing for the test.
He wasn't wrong. Sure, I spent time with my other classmates regularly. Having girls nights with Mina, Jiro, Momo and the others, and both training and studying sessions with most of the boys. Even with so much going on, I still always tried to be by Bakugou's side as much as I could. I wasn't being a clingy girlfriend, like others could have interpreted it, it was what he preferred. If I were to be having a conversation with Todoroki or Midoriya, he'd come up behind me and almost curl himself around me like a python. Jealousy was still present, but that was all he did. He knew better than to snip and snark when he wasn't my main focus.
The bombastic blond had also become like a guard dog for little Eri, even though she didn't really need protecting anymore. She'd ride upon his shoulders, hugging his head, and he'd pretend to hate it. I could see in his eyes, though, that it was melting his heart. It made me so happy to know that I was one of the only people to see his soft side.
The ride back to UA couldn't have gone slower, and by the time we were pulling through the front gates, I was twitching and fidgeting in my seat, tugging at my seatbelt, ready to dart into the dorms and tell everyone the awesome news. Once I had done that, I was going to call my other brother, who finally had access to a phone in the psychiatric ward. I knew he'd be proud of me, too.
I'm actually getting somewhere with my life..!
"Oi, slow down..." Aizawa called out to me in a futile attempt when I burst out of the car and began sprinting towards the dormitories. Up the steps, and through the door, I was calling out before I even set foot on the tile of the entryway.
"Best news I coulda ever asked for. Glad I got'ta hear it in the flesh..."
I skidded to a halt as I entered the common area, and my bag dropped to the floor with a soft thud. Messy brown hair, tanned skin, and a wonky smile was all I could focus on, and bright, topaz eyes crinkled as that smile grew.
"You broken, or someth'n? Come give me a hug!" My brother stood up from his place on the couch, surrounded by several of my classmates and a tea-sipping principal, and spread his arms out wide. Tears were already falling down my cheeks, and I nearly launched myself into his embrace.
"H..Hokuto..?!" I wrapped my entire body around him, legs and all, and he barely stumbled when he caught me and held me close.
"Surprise, kiddo..." He whispered, spinning me around the room rather recklessly.
" are you...Why are you...What the fuck?!" I could barely manage to complete a single sentence, and he pulled back to shoot me a lopsided grin.
"Got the clear, that's what! I mean...I'm still pretty messed up...but I ain't gonna cause much trouble now!" Having Hokuto home was the last thing I had ever expected. Now I had everyone who I loved and cared about right by my side.
Well...almost everyone...
Kaminari never quite managed to be put on the back burner of my mind. It had been a year since I had gone to see him, and I hadn't heard anything of him since. His name was almost taboo within the school walls, and he had even been blanked out on all photos he had been in prior to his arrest. It was as though people weren't only trying to safeguard my emotions, but their own, too.
Besides myself, I knew Sero, Mina and Kirishima were all almost irreversibly hurt by what he had done. A few months after I had managed to speak to the electrifying traitor, Sero had approached me, eyes flickering to everywhere but mine, and asked me about him. It had come as a shock, but I sat down with him and told him everything. We both had a bit of a cry, and it actually strengthened our friendship.
Now, having my brother back, I couldn't help but wonder if Kaminari was making any progress, even though it was the last thing i should have been thinking about.
"Got your license, then, huh?" I was dragged out of my mind by that rough, familiar voice, and I finally released Hokuto to grab hold of my boyfriend.
"Yes! And Hokuto's home! Isn't this the day ever?!" I beamed, though it quickly faded once I realised the way the two were glaring at each other. Bakugou, his arm still held by me, took a step closer to square up to the man, who was almost an entire head taller. He didn't say a word, so my brother decided to take the plate.
"I should probably say sorry for almost rip'n ya throat out..." He tilted his chin up a little, staring down his nose with dark, mismatched pupils. "...but that'll depend on if you're take'n good care of her..."
Ah, shit tits...
Of course, I should have known they'd both bring out their protective personalities, but I knew better than to interfere. Everyone else was quite, too, and the only sound I could hear was the rather obnoxious tea slurping coming from the white thing.
"Well...I didn't impale I'm pretty sure I'm doing a better job than you ever did, you creepy bastard..." Bakugou's lip curled back, and I yanked his arm hard.
"K..Kacchan..!" His complete lack of empathy horrified me, but before I could continue lecturing him, Hokuto began to laugh.
That was the moment I truly realised he would never be the same. That laughter was just like what I had heard during the hell of the year before, except he didn't look like he was going to disembowel the closest person.
"Heh, you're alright, Kapooki!" He slapped Bakugou's back, hard, and motioned his head towards Nezu. "The teddy bear got me an early out! I thought I was relaps'n when I saw that little fucker in the visitation room!"
"Need I remind you to watch your language, Mr. Imai?" Nezu placed his cup of tea back down on the table and hopped off the couch, scooching past Midoriya and Tsuyu to come and stand before us. "Yes, after I spoke to the head psychologists and staff, we all unanimously agreed that he was no longer a threat! We've got accommodation arranged for him right by the school, and have weekly classes organised so he will be able to properly assimilate with society!"
I never thought I'd say this about you, Nezu...but I could actually hug you right now...
"I..I just can't believe it..." I pulled away from Bakugou, who wasn't impressed, and hugged Hokuto again. "Thank you...I..I can't thank you enough..." The brunet squeezed me tightly, the sheer difference of height causing him to nearly envelope me from above with his entire torso.
"Thanks and thanks and thanks again, little furby man...but do ya think I could steal my little sis away for a hot minute? Thanks again!~"
Before anyone could say a word in response, Hokuto was whisking me away, towards the elevator.
"Oi, hold up, psycho trash..!" Bakugou made a move to follow, but I shook my head, smiling at him as my brother pressed the elevator call button several times more than really necessary.
"It's fine, Kacchan. I'll be b..back down soon, okay?"
He looked like he was struggling, but he hastily agreed, stomping off into the other room, with Midoriya trailing behind him, which made me glad I was being spirited away. When we entered, and the doors closed, I pressed the button and turned to my brother with a soft, emotional expression.
"I still can't believe it...Hokuto, you're actually here..."
"Neither can I, aye...Thought I was gonna rot in there for a bit..." He hummed, staring up at the mirrored ceiling and making strange, yet rather laughable faces. "Oh, 'n just for the record...You're the only one who can call me by that name anymore, 'kay? I ain't used to it one bit no more...but when it's ain't hurting. Everyone else can keep on goin' with Hyena. I prefer it." It surprised me that he would make such a call, and I stared at him as we walked out once we reached my floor.
"Could I ask why..?" He flopped his arm over me when I asked the question, and I only removed my eyes from him when I was unlocking my door.
"I guess it's like how your (L/N) pretty much died, though I remember you bitch'n 'bout people still using it instead of Aizawa sometimes. Imai Hokuto died in a cell all those years back. Hyena was born...and it was Hyena who got fixed, not Hokuto." The man raked a hand down his face and chuckled, following me inside. "Know'n my track record, I ain't making much sense, right?"
"I completely understand, Hoku...Hyena..." I gave him a soft smile as I shrugged off my jacket, flinging it onto the back of my desk chair.
"You can call me Hokuto. Just said that. Cuz it's you." He smiled back, and then proceeded to snoop around my room like he owned the place. "It stinks like C4 explosives in here. I ain't ready to be an uncle."
"H..hey! That is none of your concern!" I whined, batting at him playfully. "What did you want to talk about alone, then? Something on your mind..?" It was then that Hokuto's body stiffened, and he turned to face me with a darker, more serious expression. It didn't fit his face at all.
"You...might wanna sit down for this, (Y/N)..."
Oh no...
Worry creeped up my spine like a swarm of insects, but I slowly sat myself down on the side of my bed to listen to what he had to say.
"G..go on..." my stutter wasn't due to my impediment. It was just fear.
"I...uh...I may have had a visitor apart from you every now 'n then while I was locked up..." He started, and he began to pace around my room on his long legs. "Remember that lanky ashfuck?"
Wait...He means...
"Dabi..? spoke to Dabi..?" I was blown away by that discovery, so much so that I had to place a hand down beside me to keep myself from toppling over. " did he manage to get inside..?"
"Real creepy-like, actually! I'd be doin' my thing in the shower, then boom! Black shit and ugly-ass patchwork fucker appeared! The poor gangly shit copped a tonne of full frontal me!" Wheezing cackles erupted from his throat, and I tried not to flinch too hard. Noticing, Hokuto coughed awkwardly and composed himself. "Anyway...uh...he came 'round last week...'n told me someth'n you really need to hear..."
I...don't think I want to...
My mouth grew dry as he knelt down in front of me, placing a hand on my knee and catching my (E/C) eyes with his coruscating topaz. In that single moment, there was not a hint of instability within that man, which made me fear the worst.
"(Y/N)...Denki got out..."
***I've said this a thousand times...but I'm so stuck with this fucking story...I thought a Hyena-focused chapter was in order, after the end of the competition! Normally, I hate doing such lengthy time skips, but I just want this finished asap. I love it, and it's the reason I've gained and met so many wonderful friends on this app...but it's killing my soul xD***
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