"Then he went hyah! And fwa-pow!"
Tetsutetsu swung wildly at the air, his metallic fists glinting in the fluorescent common room lights.
"Nah, bro, he was more like..." Kirishima began to do the same, his jagged skin skimming against steel. "...bwah! Bah-bah-bow!"
Kendo and I snickered as we watched the pair of them show off how cool Fatgum was on their last shift at his agency. I sat on the floor between her knees as she played around with my (H/C) hair, combing it and twisting it into all kinds of little styles. It was nice to just chill out and spend time with people besides Bakugou, even though I loved being near him.
"So, (Y/N), how's your internship going?" The ginger asked curiously, using a thick strand of my hair to reach around and tickle my nose. Giggling and batting it away, I shrugged my shoulders, bringing my knees to my chest.
"It's not really going at all. Sho and Hizashi share the custody of my internship, and neither of them really want me going anywhere these days." I explained with a sigh, flinching as Kirishima nearly knocked over the television. "I get to join Hizashi at the radio station sometimes, though, which is cool."
It's fun torturing the public by playing (F/Song) on repeat until Hizashi cuts me off.
"Hey, A class girl. You have a visitor. Tell him to get lost." Monoma strode by, hands in his pockets and nose turned upward. Ignoring his petty attitude, I pulled myself up, quietly thanking Kendo for hanging out before heading towards the B-Dorm entrance. I hadn't expected to find Sero there.
"Hey, man." I greeted him, quickly noticing how he looked nervous. "You alright? You look a little pale." Straightening his posture, the ravonet looked around before finally letting his eyes land on me.
"Do you have a minute? I really need to talk to you..." Whatever had him spooked was big, I could tell that easily by his tone. Nodding, I allowed him to lead me outside, straying off the path and over to the treeline by the back of the school grounds.
This isn't going to be good...
Sero sat himself down on the grass, and when he looked up with me, I could see the faint red around his eyes, puffy and sore.
"You're gonna wanna sit down..." He warned, shifting over to give me room as I did what he told me to do.
"Alright...What's wrong..?" I asked him hesitantly, watching as he pulled an envelope from his pants pocket.
Playing around with it in his hands for a few moments, he took a deep breath.
"I..I got this yesterday...but...I wasn't sure if I should show it to you, tell the pros...or destroy it..." He held it out to me between two fingers, and all I could do was watch it quiver. I knew exactly who it was from.
"I..I don't reccomend reading it, (Y/N)..." Sero swallowed, not letting go as I took hold of the opposite end of the envelope. I knew I should have listened to him, but I couldn't stop myself. Now that it was in my hand, there was no way I couldn't read it.
"Will you s..stay with me while I..?" Biting my lip, I looked back to the boy, who nodded slowly.
"I was going to either way. You sure you don't want Bakugou here, too? I can go get him if you want?"
Flipping the lip of the envelope, I shook my head, already trying to psyche myself up for what I was about to deal with.
"It's probably better to just...not tell him yet..." I explained. "You know how he gets." Sero hummed in agreement, shifting a little closer as I finally pulled the paper out. Unfolding it slowly, I took a dizzying breath before beginning the first page.
"You can, uh, see it was more than just a second page..." Sero chuckled dryly, his eyes skimming over what he had obviously already read repeatedly. "You don't have to read this. We can hand it to Mr. Aizawa, and we can-"
"I'm reading it." For the first time in almost a year, my voice was clear of a stammer. There was no turning back. Moving the first page to the back, I began to read what had been intended for me.
The paper crumpled from the pressure of my grip, and I gulped as Sero placed a supportive hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently. I could feel him shake through that contact, and I tore my eyes away to stare at him, warding off tears.
"It gets..." He started, but quickly stopped himself from saying whatever he had originally intended. "I'm sorry that I read it before you...but...just...try not to freak out, okay?"
You know I can't promise that...
"Don't apolo..g..gise..." I murmured, kind of leaning into his side as I flipped to the next page, (E/C) eyes widening as my only functional one took in the inky scrawls that spread across the white sheet.
Bakugou Bakugou Bakugou...He's going to hurt Bakugou...
"The last's just..." Lost for the right words, Sero groaned, rubbing his gaunt face with the heel of his palm. When I got to that final section of the letter all the oxygen was knocked out of me. My head began to throb, and my eyes prickled with tears that just wouldn't stay back.
A choked sob tore from my throat as Sero snatched the paper away from me, dropping it onto the ground before pulling me under his arm, shushing and soothing me in a shaky whisper.
"I know...I..I know...He's..." Sniffing back his emotions, the ravonet shook his head, glaring down at the letter with a pained look. "What do we do..? Should we hand it in, o..or do we..? Where even is he..?"
Where I first put trust in him...That's...
"The park..." I whispered, my voice barely making it out of my throat as I realised exactly where he was, and just how close that location was to where we currently sat. "S..Sero...He's at the the par...Th..the park..." Turning my head, I was met with his wide, teary eyes, and we stayed completely silent for the longest time, unable to speak or move.
"I..It's your call..." Sero murmured, his fingers curling against my shoulder, balling up the material of my shirt. "What do we do..? Do we-" I spun around completely, teeth gritted as I watched him come to the realisation of what I was about to say.
"We do."
***Short chapter, my dudes. Denki is back! I wonder what will happen?
Next time: Recruitment***
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