NINE: Not Warm, But Hot
“ShoSho...don't be too hard on the poor little dude...She said she was sorry! Plus, less paperwork cuz she stopped that angry explosion kid from killing freckles!” Present Mic was standing by my side, arguing against Aizawa to stop me from being punished. The ravonette hung his head over his coffee mug and raked a hand through his matted hair before glaring at the two of us.
“I know that...but you heard what that rat bastard Nezu said...she doesn't have any room for mistakes...if she were to...go berserk...that's the end of it. We'll lose her for good. Do you want that?” I felt my anger bubbling inside of me and clenched my fists. I knew I'd screwed up, but what I did hadn't hurt anybody. If anything, I had diffused the situation and stopped Midoriya from getting killed.
“You know I don't! That's the last thing I want! But she's a kid, ShoSho…” Mic had pulled his glasses off earlier in the conversation, and was twisting them around in his slender hands absently.
“She's a kid with an arsenal of dangerous quirks, Hizashi. It's my responsibility to make sure that she stays in control and doesn't hurt anybody!” That was it. Stepping forward, I smashed my fists on the table and bared my teeth, which were becoming sharper by the second.
“I'm not an animal, Shota! I'm your sister!” I screamed in his face, my nails dragging against the wood. “Do you think I'm so dangerous that I'll just go ahead and kill somebody out of the blue?!”
Shit...he does have a point, there…
“(Y/N), I know you wouldn't intentionally do that...but-”
“But what?! I'm trying my best, here! Do you think I like being snapped back to reality and then thrown in with a bunch of wannabe heroes who I was conditioned to kill?! Do you know how much that hurts me?! It screws me up, you asshole!” The ends of my hair flickered around my face like dozens of (H/C) snakes, vibrating and eager to be used. I could feel tears threatening to spill, but I held them back as best as I could.
“She's really trying, can't just lock her in the house and only let her go to school…She needs at least a little freedom…” Mic’s voice was solemn and quiet, uncharacteristically so. Standing up, Aizawa leant across the table and looked between the two of us.
“I…” He looked so conflicted. “...need to do what's best for her...and for everybody else…” His words felt like bullets through my chest. The one person I completely trusted had shot me down and hurt me more than I ever had been with a single sentence.
“You know what, Shota..?” My blackening eyes met his, and I used every shred of willpower I had to fight my carnal urge to strike. “You should've just let them kill me. God knows it would've been better than this…” His face fell, and before he had the chance to say anything I had turned and raced out the door, snatching up my discarded backpack on the way out.
“(Y/N)! WAIT!” I heard both Aizawa and Mic call out after me, but I needed to get away. I needed to calm down before my abhorrent quirk overthrew my senses. The second I found a secluded side street, I crouched down and undid the zipper of my backpack, hands trembling and itching.
Please be here..!
I grabbed out the pills and shook three out into my palm, tossing them into my mouth and swallowing dry. The taste was horrific, but I could feel my quirk being beaten back into its metaphorical cage.
Shit...what the hell am I supposed to do?! I can't go back right now...but...I need…
I spied my phone poking out of my bag.
Fishing it out, I opened my contact list. Kirishima had kindly entered everyone's contact information, insisting it was something I needed.
Who do I call..?
I tucked my legs to my chest as I scrolled, taking a quick second to delete Mineta’s number, which had been set to ‘Perverted Shrimp’, before one name nearly jumped out in my face.
‘Rage Muffin’
Of course Kirishima had to put everyone down under least this one is easy to decipher…
Clicking the call button, I brought the phone to my ear and waited with bated breath.
“Who the hell is this?” I didn't know why I expected him to answer any differently.
“B..Bakugou? It's…(Y/N)...” I stammered out, praying he wouldn't be such a hot head.
“Brat? Why the hell are you bothering me?! Who gave you my number?! Was it Shitty Hair?!” He raged into the receiver and I had to pull it a little away from my face.
“I..I'm sorry…” My voice was pitiful and weak, I hadn't been able to keep my tears at bay, and my body still twitched and itched. “I..I didn't know w..who else to…” I used my free hand to wipe my face.
“....Are you crying..?”
Dammit...he's gonna call me weak…
“...N..never mind...f..forget I-”
“Where are you?” My eyes widened, and I nearly let my phone slip down to the concrete.
“I..I'm n..not sure…” I mumbled in response, peering around. It was getting dark, and I still wasn't used to the area.
“Turn on your freakin' location...and don't move, dammit!”
He hung up, and it took me a few moments to realise what was going on before I managed to do as he told me, turning my location on and tossing my phone back into my bag. Curling up in a ball, all I could do was cry and pray that my tears stopped before Bakugou arrived. I didn't want him to see me looking so weak. The chill air bit at my bare shoulders. I had changed into a black tank top and pyjama shorts before Aizawa had called me downstairs, so I wasn't dressed well enough to be outside. The dull droning of cars and people passing by was making my head pound, and my energy was slowly being sapped to oblivion.
I shouldn't have taken more than one of those pills…
“Oi.” I jolted and looked up, meeting a panting Bakugou, clad in a grey hoodie and baggy black sweatpants. His hair was a little damp, and the way the streetlights hit the remaining droplets made it almost sparkle. Sniffling, I rubbed my eyes and tried to give him a small smile.
“So...g..gonna blast my ass to hell for c..crying like a bitch?” I laughed pitifully. Clicking his tongue, the boy sat down by my side against the wall and stared at me.
“Better be a good reason for calling me, you dumb brat…” His words were mean, but his voice was betraying them. Resting my chin on my knees, I took a deep breath.
“S..Shota and I into a fight...a big one...and I lost it...and...ran off…” I murmured, knowing full well I couldn't give him the full explanation.
“That's fu…” Whatever he was about to say, he stopped, before clearing his throat to start again. “What was he on your ass about?”
Why didn't he scream at me for wasting his time?
“Stuff...that I can't say...but...he was basically gonna p..put me under arrest for the s..stunt I pulled yesterday…” He was sitting quite close beside me, and I felt myself wanting to edge towards the warmth he radiated. Everything else felt so cold.
“What, cuz you doped me up on that weird-ass quirk of yours? What's the deal with that being a secret, anyway?” He muttered, sounding annoyed, but not at me. I leant my head back and stared at the unsightly trash can across from us.
“It's...complicated...but he's just...overprotective...and he's trying to d..dictate my life...I've h..had enough of th..that before I c..came back…” I felt the tickling of my tears roll down my cheeks and I silently cursed myself. Everything was silent for a while, and all I could hear was Bakugou huffing beside me.
“Come on, then, you stupid girl…” He suddenly stood up and looked down at me; hands shoved deep into his pockets.
“Wh..what..?” I was confused as all hell.
“Get your shit and follow me. Your bastard of a brother can bitch at you can crash at mine tonight...I guess…” He looked away, missing my completely shocked expression.
He's taking me home...with him..?
Carefully, I tried to stand up, but my legs weren't having any of it. They felt like jelly, and I ended up flat on my ass again.
“Shit…” I cussed and reached out with numb fingers to grab the pill bottle Recovery Girl had gifted me.
I took too I'm basically drug-fucked...great…
“What the hell are those?” Bakugou swiped the pills from my hand and squinted to read the container, lips curling back a little. “Sedatives? Why the hell do you need this shit?” He looked back down at me for an answer and I hung my head in shame.
“'re not the only one with anger issues…” I mumbled, starting to feel a little queasy. “...I took more than I I don't feel too good…”
Just leave me here to rot, please…
“For god's're killing me, here…” I stared in shock as Bakugou tossed the pills into my open bag and zipped it up, hanging it over his front, before turning to crouch down in front of me. “Get the hell on, you dumbass…” I blinked at him for a few moments before timidly reaching around to hug his neck. With a grunt, he stood back up, bringing me along with him in a piggyback ride.
“ don't have to-”
“Shut it! I'll do what I damn well want, ‘kay?!” He snapped back, making me flinch closer into his body. His heat could only be described as a blessing, and I found myself resting my cheek against the nape of his neck.
He's so's hot…
“Shit, you're colder than Icyhot...don't touch me!” He barked angrily, tightening his hold on my legs.
“B..but you're the one who-”
“I know, dammit!”
“Oi, hag! I'm home, and I brought a stray!” Bakugou basically screamed out as he barged through the door, with me still hanging from his back.
Who the hell talks to their family like that?!
Oh...everything makes perfect sense now…
“NOT A REAL STRAY, YOU DUMB HAG!” Bakugou hissed, and a woman with scruffy blonde hair came stalking out of one of the rooms up the hall.
“CALL ME THAT AGAIN, YOU UNGRATEFUL TURD, I'LL-” She stopped dead when she saw me being carefully placed in the ground. “Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, honey! I thought my idiot son was just being a dick!” She rushed over and gave me a sweet smile, completely contradicting her previous outburst. “My names Mitsuki! Katsuki’s unlucky mother!” I bowed respectfully, still a bit shaken from their bickering.
“N..nice to meet you, Mrs. Bakugou...I..I'm Aizawa (Y/N)...Sorry for the intrusion…” I was nervous as hell, and I peered up to meet kindly crimson eyes.
“Oh, it's fine! And please, call me Mitsuki! You must be Katsuki’s new classmate, the one related to the teacher, yeah?” She asked, and I nodded slowly, feeling out of place.
“Y..yes…” I have her a weak smile, hoping she wouldn't ask questions.
“Aizawa was being an asshole so she's staying here tonight. Don't bother with dinner, cuz we're not hungry!” With that, Bakugou grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the stairs, nearly ripping my arm from the socket.
“If he's rude to you, (Y/N), just kick him in the nuts, okay, sweetie? My husband is away on business, and I'll be going out tonight, so feel free to use the shower and help yourself to food!” Mitsuki called out cheerfully.
“Thank y-”
“Whatever! I will!” Bakugou cut me off with a sharp bark.
“I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE PRICK!” I sweatdropped as Bakugou led me towards a room and slammed the door shut behind us.
“Fucking hag…” He muttered under his breath before turning to me. “You gonna shower, or what?” I just stared at him in shock before I looked down at his hand, which was still firmly clasping mine.
“Um...are you intending on accompanying me, or..?” I chuckled nervously before his eyes grew wide as dinner plates. Throwing my hand from his, he spun around and stomped over to his dresser.
“Wh..what the hell?! No?!'re...What the fuck?!” He stumbled over his words and I smiled faintly.
He's really not so bad…
Aggressively, he opened one of his drawers and pegged a few things at my face.
“You can use these so you don't freeze, dammit…” He growled before flopping down on his bed. I gathered the clothing he supplied me with and stood there quietly.
This child is going to literally kill me…
“Um...B..Bakugou...I don't know where your bathroom is…”
After showering and having listened to Mitsuki and Bakugou screaming at each other through the walls, I emerged from the bathroom wearing a large (F/C) t-shirt and oversized grey sweatpants. I still felt weak and dizzy, but now half of that was due to the fact that I had to spend the night with Bakugou, in his house, alone.
“Um...c..can I come in..?” I knocked on his door, which had been slammed at some point during the argument with his mother.
“Don't care…” He grunted in response, and I slipped in quietly. He was burning a piece of paper using tiny explosions in his palm, and the whole room smelt like burnt wax.
“Th..thanks for the clothes…” I murmured timidly, averting my eyes as he looked up. He choked a little before clearing his throat.
“Wh..whatever…” He mumbled. “ want food or some shit..?” Shaking my head, I kept staring at a single sock on his bedroom floor.
“ thanks...I..if you tell me where I'll be sleeping I..I'll just get out of your way…” I was nervous. I didn't want to annoy him more than I already had, and I certainly wasn't used to being a guest in another persons house. When that person was Bakugou, though, my nerves went through the roof.
“Couch or here.” He said flatly, and I felt my chest tighten.
A bed would be great because of my back...but…
“I..I'll go to the couch, then...Thanks again, Bakugou…” I turned to leave the room, but something small and soft hit me in the back of the head. Glancing down, I realised it was a balled up sock, the match for the other one on the floor.
“Your back’s still messed up, isn't it? Just shut up and lay down, already…” I turned to look at the ashen blond, who refused to catch my eyes. He had stopped burning paper and was now glaring at his phone. Unable to think of anything to say, I crept over and climbed up from the end of the bed, taking the place closest to the wall.
Oh my god...I'm in his this counted as a sin?!
“Did you use my shampoo, street rat?” I rolled over to look at Bakugou, who still wouldn't take his eyes away from his phone screen.
“Why are you smelling me, Flames for Brains?” I retorted in a murmur, watching his cheeks turn pink, like a certain exuberant 1-A student.
“You used that one already, you nerd.” He said with a low sigh, scrolling through his newsfeed.
He didn't get angry? Did I actually freeze to death out there?
Confused, I rolled back over to face the wall. It was slightly singed, probably from one of his little tantrums.
“Oi...did...someone hurt you...when you left your brother..?” I could hear that he knew he was stepping on eggshells with his question, but it didn't stop me from flinching. Something inside me burned with the urgency to spill my guts to him, but I knew that I couldn't tell him everything. He'd hate me. Anyone who knew the truth would turn their backs on me, and I was just starting to give a damn about everyone.
“'re pretty observant...aren't you, Tinderbox?” I chuckled sadly, feeling the familiar prickle of tears welling in my eyes. I swallowed as I felt him drag the duvet over us, and the soft clink of his phone against his bedside table before he turned the lamp off. The darkness was a godsend, meaning I could silently cry without him seeing my face.
“You gonna tell me or what? I ain't gonna tell anyone, ya know…” The bed creaked a little as Bakugou turned, probably now facing my back.
I want to...I don't know why...but I want to…
“Sh..Shota and I d..don't have the same…” I started, my voice strained as I tried not to let my crying shake my words. “...M..mine was...not a good've heard of...quirk marriages...right?” I could feel the heat of his body, so close yet so far, and it was making me feel strange.
“Yeah…” He said, urging me to continue.
“W..well...imagine marriage...j..just using the's what our mother was him…The o..only reason I exist, really…” It was getting more and more difficult to not break down, but I didn't want to shatter in front of the boy. My pride didn't need another blow like that.
“What did he do to you?” Bakugou’s voice had taken on a dark tone, and I could feel that heat rising in temperature.
“B..Bakugou...I can’t te-”
“Katsuki. And yes, you fucking can, so just tell me already...idiot…”
“K..Katsuki…” His name rolled off my tongue so well that I thought it had to have been a sin to say it. He edged a little closer, his breath warming the nape of my neck through my messy (H/C) hair.
“Just tell me.”
Fuck...why? Why can't I just tell you to leave me alone?!
I knew exactly why.
“Sho...didn't send me to anywhere...A..after our m..mum died...he raised me...even while b..being a hero...Present M..Mic was always there, t..too...helping day...I was like, ten...I was w..walking home from school...and my approached me...I d..didn't know who he was an the time…” I had to pause for a minute to compose myself, sniffing back the inevitable muck that always came with crying. Bakugou just stayed quiet, waiting for me to continue. “He told me...who he was...b..but I didn't believe him...Sho never t..told me we had d..different dads...a..and our m..mother never spoke a w..word about I panicked...b..but...h..his quirk...a..and I couldn't…”
Ending my sentence was impossible. I couldn't say it. How was I supposed to tell him ‘My father used his manipulation quirk on me and tortured me to be a villain for six years and I ended up killing and maiming people, not to mention I was used as a guinea pig for quirk transplantation by the league of villains’?
“He fucked you up and tried to use you as a pawn to get to the top, right?” Bakugou tried to finish for me, sounding solemn.
I wish I could tell you…
“P..pretty much…I just...I...I don't…” My hands flew up to my mouth to smother the sob that clawed its way up my throat. My body blazed with unfamiliar sensations as two firm, tense arms wrapped around my torso and dragged me backward, closing the small distance between us.
“He isn't here and he won't be hurting you again…” He spoke directly into my ear. “...I'll fucking kill him if he tries…”
“B..but...Ba..K..Katsuki...why...why do you care..? I..I'm just...a m..mess…” Hesitantly, I turned around to face him. Our noses were almost touching, and I could faintly make out his features. His skin seemed to glow in the faint moonlight, and the colour of his eyes were like drops of fresh blood on a stark white floor.
“Sh..Shut up, (Y/N)...” Slowly; almost gingerly, he leant forward and sealed his lips to mine. I didn't know how to react, but instinct quickly took over, and I kissed him back. My lips trembled against his, and his fingertips danced lightly over the fabric above the nasty bruises he had caused on my spine.
This was the one thing about Bakugou Katsuki that couldn't be interpreted as rough, and it sent my head spinning, forgetting the trauma and being replaced by foreign feelings I wasn't even close to being able to comprehend.
The kiss lasted for an age, but eventually we had to part for oxygen. Staring into each others eyes, crimson against (E/C), I was rendered completely speechless.
He kissed me...why did he kiss me? I don't deserve this...I don't want to hurt him…
“You're definitely a mess...but this mess belongs to me, shut your face and go to sleep…” He whispered against my lips, giving me another quick kiss before pulling me close to his chest. His heartbeat was betraying his calm voice in every way, thudding like a stampeding herd against the side of my face. Ignoring the warnings my mind was screaming, I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.
This feeling...for the first time in forever...I
***I somehow managed to write almost 4k words for this chapter in a few short hours so YEEEEET. I couldn't wait to make them kiss, but the story is only just prepared for endless angst, guys!
Also, this is the first time Bakugou has said your name! ~squee~ Now please excuse me whilst I go pass out and try to sleep off this never-ending migraine. It's 1:15am and I pushed myself too hard again***
***2022 Edit Notes: I hate how fast I pushed their relationship. Like? Bruh.***
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