"I can't believe I'm stuck with you..." I growled as we walked side by side down the dark, eerie path. Mineta was struggling to keep up, and was at a slow jog.
"At least I'm not stuck on you again!" He pointed out, and I shuddered at the memory. We were the sixth group to head out, and I was hoping that we'd catch up to Bakugou and Todoroki at some point. I didn't feel comfortable with the short, purple pervert.
"Don't get any ideas, you little bug..." I growled, narrowing my eyes as I spotted something shift in the shadows ahead.
Nice try, class B...
"Someone's waiting in the bushes up there...keep quiet and, for the love of All Might, don't scream..." I instructed, preparing to erase the quirk of whoever it was.
It doesn't help that I'm so anxious...
Slowly, I crept towards the shrubs, a slight movement in my peripherals making my head snap to the left. It was a shadow. A huge shadow, like gnarled, crooked claws, and I nearly cried out.
"OOGITY BOOGITY!" Both Mineta and I shrieked as cold, metallic hands touched our shoulders, and I spun around with a heavy left hook. A loud clang echoed through the forest, and I clutched my throbbing hand to my chest as Tetsutetsu erupted into a fit of laughter.
"Wow, I never thought that would actually work!" A girl with ginger hair climbed out of the bushes, her oversized hand shrinking back down to regular size.
"MAN, YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE! YOU WERE ALL LIKE...AHHH, SAVE ME!" I groaned as I stuck my tongue out at the platinum-haired boy, before kicking my leg to rid it of Mineta, who was still shaking.
"This is just cruel!" He wailed, and I couldn't help but wonder how someone as wimpy as him could expect to become a hero.
"Good job, Tetsu...and Co...Good luck with the next pair." I sighed, giving Tetsutetsu a pat on the back before continuing along the road.
"C..can we go back? I...d..don't do too well with being s..scared..." Mineta whined, grabbing my hand with his. I almost snatched it away, but the poor creep was really trembling, and I felt a little pity. Just a little.
"It'll be fine. Just leave it to me, you little weirdo..." I said quietly, keeping my (E/C) eyes peeled for the next group. We went a while without seeing anybody, until I nearly stepped on a severed head.
"WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Mineta leapt onto my arms, and I had my foot raised, ready to stomp the crap out of the zombified skull, until I recognised the face.
"Juzo, you turd..." I hissed, teetering on one leg as Mineta tried to scramble up my face.
"Yo." Juzo greeted us with a yawn before sinking back into the earth.
What the actual heart can't take this kind of shit!
I cursed under my breath as I stepped around the light indent in the earth and marched onward, just accepting the fact that Mineta was now riding on my back.
"Dude, chill. We'll be fine. It's a game..." I sighed, trying to at least coax him off of me. Just as he was about to reply, there was a loud whooshing sound, and everything suddenly became unbearably hot.
Blue flames flickered and danced around us, and I probably would have screamed if Mineta hadn't been choking me with his arms.
"WHAT'S HAPPENING?! DID TODOROKI EXPLODE?! WE'RE DEAD! WE'RE GONNA DIE!" He screeched as I pried his arms off my throat.
"'t his quirk...his...his flames aren't blue..." I spun around slowly, trying to spot an exit.
Every tree surrounding us was ablaze, and it was too dangerous to just run back the way we had come from. I felt Mineta sobbing into the back of my neck and I was scared, terrified even.
I can't believe I'm about to do this...
"Mineta, Climb around to my front. I'm gonna lift us up and out...just...please don't grope me..." I murmured, trying to keep my voice from shaking.
"I..I promise! i..intentional groping!"
He climbed to my front, surprisingly making sure not to grab my breasts, and held on tight.
"Don't let go..." I whispered as I activated my quirk, reaching it out to the highest branches and slingshotting us up into the air. Mineta squealed, and I just clenched my teeth as we flew over the treetops. The flames hadn't spread too far, but there was a strange, misty substance spanning out from the east.
We gotta avoid that...North is the only way we can go...
I wasn't sure if it was due to my panic, but I couldn't activate my quirk in time, and we came crashing down onto the hard, dusty ground. At some point, Mineta had come flying off and bounced just short of a bush, but I hit full force.
I distinctively heard a series of sharp snapping sounds when I landed, and a seering pain ripped through my torso and right arm.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay?! Oh god, you're dead, aren't you?!" Mineta came rushing over and began to panic, but I just rolled over and held my left hand out to him.
"I'm alive, Mineta...just help me up, please..." I groaned as he pulled me upright, and I knew for certain that it least one part of me was either sprained or broken.
"Wh..what was that?!" He asked, hands hovering over me as he tried to think of a way to help. I opened my mouth to respond, but stopped as I felt my head tingle a little.
"Everybody, try to stay calm! This is a villain attack! I repeat...villains are attacking! Try to group together! You have permission to fight!"
Mandalay's voice echoed in my head, and our eyes grew wide.
My father's voice replaced Mandalay's, but I shook it away, clutching at my hair with my good hand and staring into space.
"I..I thought they made doubly sure?! Why are there v..villains?! (Y/N)...we gotta find the others!"
This is it...
...he's coming...
"(Y/N)! P..please!" I blinked and regained what I could of my composure, standing up and grimacing at the immense pain. Mineta was sobbing, and I hated it. I wanted to cry too, but it wasn't all about me.
"We need to find-"
"Mineta! (Y/N)! Are you two okay?!" We leapt back as we heard a voice, but were relieved to see Ururaka and Tsuyu racing towards us through the bushes.
"We heard a loud noise! Are you hurt?!" Tsuyu immediately began to check me over, and I hissed as she moved my right arm.
"I..I'll be okay...I flung us over from the south...but I fucked the landing...I think I broke a rib or two, as well...but...I'm okay..." I took a step away from her and forced a weak smile. "I've had worse, remember?" She didn't look convinced, but nodded once to show that she understood.
"Come on...let's get back to the road...We can backtrack to find Deku and the others!" Ururaka suggested, leading the way through the thick overgrowth. Mineta didn't move immediately, he just stared at his hands and hiccuped with sobs. Despite my aversion to the little guy, I didn't like seeing him so distressed.
"Hey," I whispered, petting him on the shoulder and making him look up at me. "we're gonna be fine, short stuff." Again, I smiled. It was all I could do.
I gotta face this...I gotta protect everyone...
We walked slowly back along the path, keeping our eyes wide open, in case of an ambush. It terrified me that we hadn't run into anybody, and the scent of burning wood was only growing stronger.
"It's too quiet..." Tsuyu murmured, and we all hummed and nodded in agreement. Ururaka had offered to let me lean on her for support, but I had politely refused. I didn't want to burden anyone. I heard something through the eerie silence, and it sounded like breathing.
No...that was...a chuckle...
My arm flew out instinctively to stop the others from walking, and it sent a nasty pain up my shoulder to my neck. I scanned the area, until the faintest rustle caught my attention from above. Almost on its own, my quirk came to life and shot up into the leafy canopy, something slowly fluttering to the ground.
Brown fur..?
"Well ruined our big entrance!" My breath caught in my throat as two bodies leapt down from the branches, and I couldn't move.
There stood Hyena, a decent chunk missing from his furry shoulder-piece, and an excited looking girl with feline eyes.
"Oooh, she's your little sister?! She's so cute! I just wanna..." The girl pulled a knife from behind her back and ran her tongue up the edge, almost seductively. "...cut her up..."
"H..Hokuto..." My voice was dry, and I knew we were in great danger.
"And I'm Toga! Nice to meet ya, Creature!" My brother snickered again and licked his lips, topaz eyes flickering around our little group.
"We never got to finish our game! Oh, god, it'll be so fun now that you've gone through some character development!" He cracked his neck and knuckles loudly, signalling his preparation. "Count of three, or just have at it?"
"Guys, get back. Focus on...whatever her name is..."
"It's Toga!"
"Whatever! Just don't get between me and matter what..." I glared at him as I released my quirk again, letting it stretch out around my body.
"B..but (Y/N)! You're in-"
"I SAID DON'T INTERFERE!" I barked back at Tsuyu, swallowing my urge to throw up. "P..please..."
"Oh shit, this'll be freakin' epic! Sibling rivalry, huh?! Dad's gonna be thrilled when I drag you back, all bloody and mangled!" Hyena chortled sadistically, and his teeth glinted in the dull light as he raced towards me.
My feet moved automatically, and I flung my tendrils around wildly once I was sure everyone but him was out of my current range. He was quick, and dodged each one with ease. I obviously wasn't the only one who had been through training.
"You're in there somewhere, Hokuto!" I yelled, blocking his swiping claws. "Just fight it! You're not a killer!" He laughed in my face, something rancid lingering on his breath.
"Hokuto's dead! I killed him myself! Fuck, that was hysterical! Never felt more alive! I could kill (Y/N) too, yeah?! Let Creature take the reigns without having to fight for it?!" His voice was in a disturbing limbo, between delighted and vicious, and it was throwing me off.
Faltering, he landed a heavy, clawed strike to my damaged torso, and it sent me skidding backwards. I wanted to scream along with the pain, but I knew if I were to show any weakness that it would just kick my brother's psychosis into overdrive.
I'm not in any shape to fight him properly...I need backup...but I don't want anyone else to get hurt...
"Attention! We have received word that one of the targets is Kacchan! I repeat, Kacchan, avoid battle!"
"Katsuki..." His name left my lips, and my blood ran cold. I could only watch in terror and disgust as my brother danced his tongue across his bloody fingertips, eyes rolling back into his skull.
"We're gonna get your boyfriend!~" Toga sang gleefully from a fair distance behind me, her shrill voice slightly strained as she battled my three companions.
"What do you want with him, Hoku...Hyena?!" My throat hurt, but I no longer cared about my pain. Bakugou was in trouble, and that was all that mattered.
"Handyman saw him at that festival thing, and our guy on the inside said he'd be the perfect addition to the movement! If you wanna know more, come home and find out! But not until we finish our game! I wanna see some internal bleeding!"
Guy...on the inside..? K..Kirishima..?!
He dove at me again, and I countered with a fierce slash to his face, the skin tearing and seeping red. He paused and touched his wound with a dark snarl curling his previously grinning lips.
"Little sister mightn't make it home, after all..."
*Kirishima POV*
"I gotta go! I..I gotta help Bakugou!" I stood my ground in front of Vlad King, sweat beading my brow.
No...I seriously gotta hurry...
"Nobody is going anywhere! You heard what Eraserhead said! The others can fight as a means of self defence. You are all to remain here until we know it's safe or hear otherwise." The pro said sternly, his concern apparent in his tone. Both Kaminari and Sato stood by my sides, looking beyond nervous, and I couldn't help but glare.
"B..but sir..!"
I need to go! Now! I don't have time for this!
"Don't fight me, boy!" I took a step back as Vlad King narrowed his eyes, and I just nodded stiffly, trying to figure out how I could get out of that room.
"I hope everyone's okay..." Kaminari murmured, lip quivering slightly.
"The Pussycats and Mr. Aizawa are out there! I'm...sure they'll be okay..." Mina trailed off, eyes shifting around. There was a long silence for a while as everyone started out the window, watching the smoke rise from the forest.
Keep watching...I can...
"But...what if they aren't..?" Monoma whispered hoarsely, chewing at his nails. The air was thick with tension, and the dreaded quiet was only lifted when Sato turned around from the window.
***I wish to perish. This is taking forever to rewrite/edit***
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