FORTY SIX: The Visitor
"Uh..." I felt my body heat up to maximum temperature as I wriggled out of Kaminari's arms. "...I just wanna go to bed, own bed..."
The blond looked a little dejected, but he nodded in understanding, passing by me and opening the large door which led to my new room.
"Another time, then, I guess...Anyway, you know where the bathroom is, and I'm only two doors up if you need me...or change your mind..." Instead of leaving right away, he pulled me into another embrace. This one was tight and urgent, making me wince with the pain that pulsed from my injuries.
I don't think I'll be changing my mind...
"I love much, Precious..." He whispered into my hair, a shaky sigh escaping his lips. "Finally...I don't have to fight anyone to make you mine. There's a glass of water on your dresser. If you need anything else, just call me." I swallowed as he released me, cringing when he kissed the edge of my mouth.
He turned to leave, but I saw his body visibly stiffen before he turned around with a sharp glare, directed past my (E/C) eyes and into my darkened room.
"Hyena, get the fuck out." I jumped as I heard a loud, frustrated groan, and spun around to see my brother climbing out from under my bed.
"You're no fun..." He grumbled before flashing me a fanged smile. "I was gonna surprise you with a sleepover!" I didn't know how to respond, but I couldn't contain the startled squeak I made when he yanked me into a rough, one-armed hug.
"Watch out for things that go bump in the night, sister dear...cuz they can be awfully tempting..." He whispered in a low voice, and before I could ask him what he meant, Kaminari grabbed him by the scruff and smashed him into the side of the door frame.
"Let's get one thing straight, you mongrel. Threaten her...scare her...even look at her funny...and I'll sentence you to the chair!" He growled menacingly. My arm flew up to shield my face as a burst of electricity lit up the room, the smell of lightly charred flesh assaulting my nostrils.
"W..well, shit..." I peeped over my forearm to see Hyena, smoke rising from his freshly electrocuted form and a widespread grin on his face. "...don't excite me like that, Supercharge, otherwise I'll have to stop by your room next..." He gave a crude, sultry wink before staggering out into the hallway, and Kaminari just rolled his eyes and turned his gaze to me.
"Sleep tight, Precious." With that, he shut the door behind him, and I took no time in hurrying over to lock it.
I'm surrounded by psychopaths...Absolute fucking psychopaths..!
I clutched my chest as I turned around to view my new prison, and was slightly surprised. The colour scheme was (F/C), from the walls to the linen, and posters of my new favourite bands and movies were stuck up neatly around the room.
A vintage, gooseneck lamp was the only source of light, as there were no windows, and it shone right upon a small, leather-bound book on the bedside table. Hesitating, I slowly walked over and picked it up, studying the cover for a moment before opening the pages. this..?
Photographs. It was a photo album, made up of snapshots of me. Pictures of moments from the last few months that made my throat go dry. Some were blurred, yet some were crisp and clear. Some even had Kaminari smiling as he took them over his shoulder. He had captured everything.
He stalked me...all this time...
I flicked through images of myself with Aizawa, Mic, Kirishima, Mina and Sero. Everybody. Photos of me curled up against Kaminari in his bed, a soft smile on my face whilst he grinned widely. Things that should never have been captured were taped onto the pages right in front of me. Flicking through faster and faster, I finally came upon the last page. A class photo. I ran my fingers across the image, over my smiling face, standing between Kaminari and...
His expression wasn't visible. A large, dirty cigarette burn had replaced his face, and it took me a moment to realise tears were now dabbing and dampening the page. Below, written in scratchy, scrawled handwriting, was something that made me choke back a sob behind my hand.
'Remember when you said you wished you could be like me? Well, now you are. You're no longer caged, Precious. I love you x'
I threw the book back onto the table and shook my head frantically, grabbing the glass of water and downing it in a breathless gulp. It tasted like chlorine and bitter mildew. Gagging, I dropped onto the bed, curling up in a ball.
I felt more caged than I ever had been. In this prison, in this room, in Kaminari's love. The worst part was, I wasn't even sure if I was completely against it anymore. Blindly, I reached out to the side and flicked the lamp off, wriggling under my (F/C) duvet and covering my face. me...I'm not strong enough for this...
"He's a full on yandere, don't ya think?" I yelped out and froze, waiting for someone to hit me or grab me, but nothing came. "You know it's a myth when people say the boogeyman can't get you if he can't see you...right?"
Slowly, I pushed the covers down and squinted into the darkness. I couldn't see a thing, not until a controlled blue flame flickered to light at the end of my bed.
"D..Dabi..." I whispered his name and he watched me with curious blue eyes.
"You're a pretty little thing, I'll say that much...but that's not all you are, hmm? You're brave." He walked slowly around to the side, flicking the lamp back on before snuffing his fire. "So why is a brave creature sitting in the dark crying like a child?"
I tried to shift away as he sat down beside me, but my body suddenly felt so heavy. So tired.
"G..get out..." I said stiffly. "...p..please..." He ignored my plea and began to stroke my arm, his normal flesh feeling warm to the touch.
"Don't stress if you start feeling weird soon. I saw the mutt tampering with your water. Probably a little something something to hush you up while he played surgeon..." With his free hand, he lifted my glass and swirled it around a little before placing it back down.
Whatever drug or chemical that was in my system was making me feel dizzy, but I kept my hazy eyes locked on the patchwork villain beside me.
"'re gonna do to me...hurry it up..." I growled, trying to mask the obvious fear in my tone.
Dabi quirked a brow before laying down beside me, on top of the blankets, stopping his faint touch of my arm.
"Don't lump me in with the freak show, Precious..." He said firmly. "You're cute, but not hot cute. I'm not into kids. I'm just here because you peaked my interest..." He propped up on his elbow to look down at me, and I struggled to keep my focus.
"I...wanna go...home..." I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut.
It may have only been half a life...but I miss it...I'd rather be a pet than a pawn...
"Can't help with that. Just sleep now. I'll hang around till dawn to make sure he didn't dose you up too much. Can't have you choking to death...then you're scary little boyfriend'll come get you..." Dabi mumbled, quickly flicking the light off.
I wanted to fight sleep, but it was impossible. I wasn't sure if I felt safe or not, or if I trusted this disfigured man beside me, but I just couldn't win this battle.
"He' boyfriend..." I murmured, voice fading out along with my energy.
"No matter how many times people tell him that, he refuses to believe just play along for now, if you know what's good for you..." He replied with a sigh. It wasn't a threat, but more like a warning.
Denki...what happened to you? What broke you? Where's the sweet, selfless boy I care for? Where are you?
I clung onto reality with everything I had, just to ask one more question, but I wasn't even sure I'd be able to keep myself awake to hear the answer.
"D..Dabi..?" I whispered his name into the dark, as though he was inside my head, and not laying right beside me.
"Mmm?" He hummed, shifting to give me a bit more space as my head lolled to the side.
"Nice?" He finished my sentence, and his fingers brushed a (H/C) strand out of my face as I lost my battle. "Simple. us creatures need to look out for each other..."
***OOC Dabi? Damn straight. What lays ahead for (Y/N) as she starts her first day as the newest member of the LOV? Stay tuned!***
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