BONUS: Group Chat 2 - Freshly Baked Weeb
Chat Names are:
Alien Queen - Mina
Office Supplies - Sero
Manly 11/10 - Kirishima
Pervy Tumour - Mineta
Rocket Man - Iida
I Whip My Tail - Ojiro
King Explodo Kill - Bakugou
Fallout Girl - Jirou
Ghosty McGhost Face - Hagakure
Sugar Daddy - Sato
We All Float Down Here🎈 - Ururaka
One Punch Man - Midoriya
Thunderpants - Kaminari
Ribbitch🐸 - Tsuyu
Edgar Allen Yo - Tokoyami
Precious - (Y/N)
~Alien Queen:
~Alien Queen: Me when I realise how close the sports festival is.
~Office Supplies: Same.
~Manly 11/10: I feel ya
~Pervy Tumour: Can I feel you?
*Alien Queen removed Pervy Tumour from the group chat*
~Alien Queen: Ew no.
~Rocket Man: I hope everybody has been using their time wisely to train!
~Manly 11/10: I totally gave my stomach muscles a good workout laughing at this beautiful masterpiece.
~Manly 11/10:
~I Whip My Tail: I didn't take you for a weeb, Kirishima…
~King Explodo Kill: Shitty Hair = Shitty sense of humour
~Manly 11/10: eXcUsE yOu
~Manly 11/10: It's ‘Otaku’, you uncultured swine! And my sense of humour is top notch!
~I Whip My Tail: Weeb
~Fallout Girl: Weeb
~Ghosty McGhost Face: Week
~Ghosty McGhost Face: Weeb*
~Rocket Man: What is a weeb? This is not a word…
~King Explodo Kill: Thought you were supposed to be smart, glasses
~Alien Queen: Yo Toru, I have your gloves
~Alien Queen: I must've put them in my bag lel
~Ghosty McGhost Face: Ffs I've been looking everywhere for them! Can you bring them tomorrow, please? x
~Alien Queen: Yeee no problem
~Office Supplies:
~Office Supplies: I found this lovely pic of Mr. Aizawa
~Fallout Girl: SNORT
~Sugar Daddy: Bro that's gold
~One Punch Man: Omg stop
~Fallout Girl: I'll give you $10 to show him that tomorrow
~Office Supplies: Fuckin deal!
~We All Float Down Here🎈: Speaking of Aizawa, anyone spoken to (Y/N) since class ended? She seemed down so Deku and I were gonna take some cookies over to her place to cheer her up
~Manly 11/10: You want to willingly tread upon the lair of Mr. Aizawa?!
~Fallout Girl: You got guts, Ochako
~One Punch Man: He's not that bad…
~King Explodo Kill: Nobody asked your opinion, dEKU
~We All Float Down Here🎈: I shall do anything for a friend in need!
~Thunderpants: She's sleeping.
~Alien Queen: Wait…
~King Explodo Kill: How the F UCJK do you know that!?
~Rocket Man: I do not wish to correct your grammatical error...
~Alien Queen: ^^ yeh
~Thunderpants: Well she was upset and lookd really tired so I just assumedd she'd be sleping lol how would I know if she actually is or not?
~Thunderpants: Hahaha..
~Rocket Man: Looked* Assumed* Sleeping*
~Rocket Man: Your grammar is preposterous, Kaminari
~King Explodo Kill: K…
~Ribbitch🐸: She did look pretty drained today. Did she even talk all day? I don't think I heard a word out of her…
~We All Float Down Here🎈: That's why I want to bring her these cookies!
~Thunderpants: Maybe just leave her be?
~Office Supplies: Naaaaaaaw Kaminari’s got a crush!
~Thunderpants: I do not
~Alien Queen: *Protective boyfie mode activated*
~Thunderpants: Stop
~Edgar Allen Yo: You do hover around her a lot, Kaminari.
~Ribbitch🐸: Plus didn't you and Kirishima sit with her in the hall when she was upset? You two seemed pretty close, then…
~Sugar Daddy:
~Sugar Daddy: I got the proof, hehe
~Manly 11/10: Wow dude...your chat name makes it like double creepy xD
~Manly 11/10: You didn't even get my good side RIP
~I Whip My Tail: Sneak level - 100
~King Explodo Kill: What the actual fuck
~King Explodo Kill: Why are you so fucking close to her?!
~Thunderpants: She was crying...we couldn't just leave her there…
~Manly 11/10: It was the manly thing to do!
~Thunderpants: Yeh
~King Explodo Kill: She's not picking up her fucking phone
~Alien Queen: What's this I smell?!
~Sugar Daddy: Freshly baked apple pie?!
~Alien Queen: A LOVE TRIANGLE?!
~Alien Queen: What no
~Sugar Daddy: Oh.
~King Explodo Kill: No. You absolutely don't you pink bitch
~Thunderpants: Guys get off my back
~We All Float Down Here🎈: Well who's gonna eat these cookies we made for her?!
~Sugar Daddy: I volunteer as tribute.
~Precious: Sorry I was asleep... Heh...
***Mini group chat cuz I had an idea haha - not even 1k words RIP
Also the "photo" of them was just another left-handed practice I did when I wrote that part of the chapter the other day haha***
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