Bad Ending
1 month later- Karasuno High
It had been 1 month, 31 days since the passing of Yamaguchi Tadashi. And no one in Karasuno knew what to do with themselves. Everything felt empty, as though an important piece of a puzzle was just broken right before their eyes. The assemblies came and went, memorials in the name of the first year that not many people in Karasuno really knew. But those that did, were broken forever.
His parents obviously took it the hardest. Loosing their only child to something as brutal suicide, when neither of them had many other family members to rely onto with grief. Many of the people within their community agreed to help pay for the funeral, but there was only so much they could do for them. Tsukishima's parents stayed with them quite often, Tsukishima often saw the rapid ageing of those he had known for a good portion of his life. He cried into the arms of both his and Yamaguchi's mother as he remembered their comforting strokes in his hair during the first week. The whole team tried to be there for them, even Ukai and Takeda visited to pay their respects for the lost student.
Daichi kept his brave face throughout everything, the finding, funeral, all of it. The captain kept his head high, but everyone could see how difficult the façade was to keep. Whether it was his clenched fists when the number 12 uniform was found and returned to Yamaguchi's parents, or how furious he seemed when Yamaguchi's desk was emptied without his families permission.
Sugawara took on the role of trying to make sure no one else was even thinking about entering the same path Yamaguchi did. The guilt the setter felt about his lack of noticing the downwards spiral the first year must've been going through. The tears that spilt down his cheeks on the day of the funeral were felt by everyone around him. His once chaotic demeanour replaced by something of a mother who lost her son. The silver haired boy often visited Yamaguchi's parents, offering to help around the household, crying with his kouhai's mother as they packed away the boys things for storage, feeling as though they were trying to get rid of Yamaguchi forever.
Asahi surprisingly joined Daichi in the venture to remain strong over everything. Whilst he was a lot more prone to becoming emotional over anything, the ace was determined to be the emotional rock people could come to just to cry about anything and everything. As he would listen and even cry with them so neither person felt alone. He still felt like he wasn't doing enough to help. That as a 3rd year this should never have happened. Asahi should've been there for them...
Both Nishinoya and Tanaka seemed to be effected in a similar way. The second years both became a bit more cautious, less likely to barrel into the gym with excitement. The screams of Yamaguchi's mother in the waiting room being louder than either of them could. Obviously they did their best to keep spirits up, Nishinoya still screaming his 'rolling thunder' move as way to keep everyone laughing during practice. Even Tanaka kept randomly taking off his shirt whenever he scored a point.
Kageyama refused to talk for ages after the day. Even just arriving there sent him into such a state of shock that he had no idea what to do with himself. For the next 2 weeks he just kept quiet. Barely talked, barely moved. The only time he began to become more vocal was when he was having his arguments with Tsukishima. They both kept up with the quarrels they were so used to doing, it kept both the first years sane. Gave both of them a way to get out the anger they felt without hurting someone with their sharp words. There were times Kageyama felt he may have been a part in Yamaguchi's downfall, he never knew how to tell people to do their best if it wasn't by shouting at them in anger. And Yamaguchi was always frightened of that.
Hinata was a mess for a good while after finding Yamaguchi in his living room. He had been recommended to see a therapist after supposedly "Seeing something traumatic." The first year knows their correct, he had experienced nightmares for the first few nights, whenever he fell asleep he imagined being trapped in a corridor, behind every door was another dead body of a person he loved. It hurt so fucking much. He wanted to go back to bugging Yamaguchi about tests and buying him meat buns whenever the green haired boy gave him an answer for their homework. He wanted to see Yamaguchi become a captain in their 3rd year, once he was able to believe in himself and show off his potential on the volleyball court.
Tsukishima was hit one of the worst. Not returning to school for at least 2 weeks, only agreeing to go back when Yamaguchi's mother came to his house to talk with his own mother, kissing the boy on the head with tears in her eyes as she promised him that she would give him some of Yamaguchi's belongings. Both of their parents knew about the feelings the two held for each other. But Tsukishima wasn't aware that they were mutual. To think that if the blond wasn't so emotionally constipated and actually told his childhood best friend how he felt for once in his life. Maybe the green haired boy would feel comfortable to do so himself.
But he never did, and now Tsukishima was stuck with the several hoodies and shirts that could only just fit him. Yamaguchi always said he liked big clothing, said it made him feel safer. Tsukishima didn't feel safe wearing the hoodie, clinging onto the strings as he cried into it like he always did. Wishing he could bring back his best friend, his crush, his Yamaguchi
Everyone on the team wanted him back. Ukai was very held back with his comments to the team, Takeda refused to allow for anyone to take Yamaguchi's place quite yet, he doesnt think he ever will. None of them could forget the first year, none of them wanted to forget him. If anything they wanted to keep him in their life for as long as possible.
Kiyoko never knew Yamaguchi that well. They rarely met up apart from club activities due to their separate years, but the third year had always wanted to learn about him. She could tell he had potential to do something great for Karasuno, despite how bad he thought he was on the team. To see someone so great be taken away from her just like that. It hurt... Maybe is she made herself seem more approachable to Yamaguchi, tried to make it seem like he had someone to turn to on the team about how his position was guaranteed. But now Kiyoko would never know...
Yachi was a mess, it was hard to stop the short girl from crying for a good hour after the news was broken to her. Not that any of the others were dry eyed themselves. The blonde felt disgusted in herself. She was supposed to be there for the team. To be their manager and help the soar through nationals. Yachi, like the others, expected Yamaguchi to grow over the course of Karasuno, she wanted to grow with him and have them both become more confident together. Now she felt like a disgrace, as though she wasn't fit to be the new manager of the team. What good was she if she couldn't stop Yams from doing this?
If only Yamaguchi was here to realise how much they loved him. If only they were given the chance to show the kid how much he was missed.
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