(Teen)Darkiplier x (Teen)Reader
Stangers in The Night. Part Two
I wake up in the morning I rub my eyes, and stand up. I hunch over a little and sigh, knowing I have to start getting ready for school. I walk over to my closet getting out some clothing and go get ready in the bathroom.
I head downstairs and grab two granola bars ,and a personal bottle of orange juice. Beginning the walk to school I shut and lock the door behind me, and head down the path. As I pass one of the houses in the neighborhood, I open up one of the granola bars, and take a chomp out of it.
Looking around at the small street I have lived on for my entire life, I see two kids come out of a house across from where I am. I pull my back pack on a little more and continue on eating my breakfast.
My curiosity gets the best of me and I look over at the two boys. One is younger, most likely going to the junior high a street that forks off from the high school. As I get to the four way forked side walk I see the older one of the two pat the younger one on the back and say good bye. Inspecting the older one I see that he is from one of my classes. I don't remember his name. I begin to think as I take notice of his looks. Black converse, black t-shirt, jeans, a classic look. Although he looks like one of the popular kids.
I sigh and finish up the last of my breakfast. Passing through the front gate of the school, I look to my right and see the guy. He smirks and waves at me. I blush a little and wave back. I rush through the front doors of the school and go to my locker.
Opening my locker a note falls out onto the floor. I pick it up and read it. "Dearest Beauty, Your eyes sparkle so bright in the sunrise of the morning. ~Secret Admirer~"I blush and put it back into my locker. 'I wonder who is leaving me these notes. It could be a prank though.' I think to myself. I put my book bag in and grab my first periods binder and textbook, and head on my way.
I pass a familiar face on the way, causing me to accidentally crash into some one. "Oh, I'm sorry!" I exclaim then immediately looking down. 'Good job (Y/N).' I think to myself sarcastically. I don't bother getting up yet. I can feel everyone staring, and hear them beginning to laugh at me.
"Oh! No! Its okay don't worry about it!" Its that guy that lives on my street. I look up and realize, in fact that he is the popular kid, or at least one of them.
"Here let me help." He says standing over me. He offers me a hand and i hesitantly take it. After pulling me up, he helps me collects my things. Before leaving he says.
"You have beautiful eyes by the way." My eyes widen and I blush profusely. He smirks, waves, and walks away. I raise my hand to wave, but he is already. It is then that I realize, the bell is about to ring. I bolt to my class not caring about all the people laughing at me anymore. I make it to the door way, just in time. The bell rings and I go to my seat.
I continue my day going to classes, and completing most of my morning classes work at study hall. Once the bell rings for lunch, I get out of my seat and go to my locker to get my bag. Making it to my locker I grab my bag and inside my locker I see the note from earlier. I pick it up and read it once again. Not wanting to eat at the cafeteria, i go and sit on a bench out in the court yard. Everything seems so peaceful today. Opening my bag I take out a sandwich and a snack bag with assorted snacks inside, along with an apple, and a water bottle. I begin to eat by myself in the peace and quiet, until I hear some scampering. Like a little animal. I look around and hear it once again. I look down and see a little squirrel approaching me. It moves so close, it is sitting on my feet. I grab my snack bag and take out a little pretzel. I put it into the palm of my hand and allow him to inspect it.
"Aw, you're so cute! You want this? I'm sorry I don't have anything else." I smile and put my hand close to him. He swishes his tail, and grabs the pretzel. He then scampers away, leaving me with a smile.
"I didn't know you were so good with animals." Someone says, causing me to jump and gasp. I look over and see that, it is the guy from earlier.
"Oh, Hey! I didn't hear you come in." I say and smile sweetly at him, with a light blush painted on my cheeks.
"I saw you out here all alone. I thought I'd ask why." I look down at my feet, too embarrassed after earlier.
"I don't like to eat in the lunch room. My friends don't have the same lunch as me. It's more peaceful out here anyway." I smile once again. and he has a bag of his own I now am noticing.
"Mind if I sit with you?" He asks, I nod and take my bag and prop it on top of my feet. The boy, whom I still don't know the name of, sits down next to me. I shift myself to the side a little bit, so that I can talk to him. I take a bite of my sandwich and he begins to eat as well.
"So what is your name?" I ask him. He looks at me quizzically. I smile a little awkwardly. 'Am I supposed to know his name?' I think to myself. I look down and continue to eat.
"My name is Dark. What is yours?" Slightly shocked by him actually saying something. I reply back.
"My name is (Y/N). Thanks for sitting with me by the way." I say and finish up my lunch.
"Oh, its no problem. I didn't want to sit in the cafeteria and way. I always get bombarded with questions." I pause for a moment and think. 'He must be one of the popular kids.'
"Oh, really? Why would you get questions?" I ask honestly curious at this point.
"I am a popular kid. I don't like the girls who always question me. Considering the one that always sits next to me, and puts her hand on my shoulder. I don't like her, she doesn't care. My only real friends in the group are, Anti, Mark and Sean. We actually talk and spend time together." I smile at him. He is really nice. I am glad he is not stereotypical.
"You are welcome to join me out here. You could even bring your friends. I wouldn't mind." I state sweetly. He hugs me and says thank you over and over again. I am shocked but, I hug back, I love hugs.
"Thank you again. I doubt, the phone junkie popular people, will come out here. They'll freak out cause there is no internet access!" He states, then pretends to freak out and scream like a girl. I can't help but laugh and hold my side, soon enough he joins in laughing. I am so happy he joined me out here. I hope we get to spend more time together.
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