Iceiplier X Reader
Since That Moment
Iceiplier x reader
(No one's) POV
A girl walks down the recently snowed upon path. The snow continuing to fall, and get stuck in her hair. Her ear buds playing the familiar tunes she knows and loves. She tunes out the world as she take in the white wonder of this night.
A boy walks along the same path. The two unnoticing each other, his lightly colored electric blue hair dusted with the snow that falls from the sky. He finally looks up from the ground, and sees the girl that is about to slip on black ice.
The girl feels everything start to moves slower, time, her movements. She knows what is happening, she slipped. But before she can fall any further forward, she feels someone catch her. Her face mushing into the person's chest.
Seeing the girl about to fall, he propels himself further with his powers, catching her. The two fall into a convenient nearby snow bank. Snow shoots up around the two. The girl doesn't want to open her eyes as she feels very embarrassed about this happening. While the boy is worried about her well-being. She wasn't paying attention; she wasn't opening her eyes. Was she knocked out, was she sick?
I finally open my eyes, and try to move to only feel some one straddling me. I look at the persons face and see electric blue eyes. I now realize that this man tried to save me from falling onto my but, but successfully knocked us both into the snow bank.
"Thank you for helping me?" I say and laugh. I am guessing he thought it was funny that things didn't go exactly as planned, due to the deep voiced laughter, ringing like sweet sounding bells in my ears. He begins to get up, but all he does is get into a push up position. He manages, after some time, to get into a sitting up position on his knees, with my legs in between his legs.
After a bout of awkwardness between the two of us, just trying to get out of the snow back. We finally are standing, and I am just making sure my phone didn't break from that fall. Then again the snow broke my fall.
"Do you maybe want to go get hot cocoa?" He asks, I look up at his face and see his eyes full of innocence. Aw, who could say no to those eyes?
"Sure, I am cold. I could really go for some any way." I say flashing him a sweet smile, he blushes and breathes out, the cold air making steam with his hot breath. We head towards the near Dunkin Doughnuts and order ourselves some hot cocoa. I hold it with both hands to try and warm up my hands from the cold air.
After getting hot cocoa, we made our way to the local park. Taking notice to the bunch of kids taking advantage of this snow day. I smile reminiscing of the time when I was a child. I would wake up early just to play with my older brothers outside in the snow. I had fallen in love with this time of year, it may bring problems, but it's a beautiful and fun time of year.
"You have a beautiful smile; you know that?" The guy says, I look down and my hair covers the forming blush that paints my face. He chuckles at my shyness. We stop walking and he bends over a little and looks at my face, I am still looking down so he wouldn't see.
"Thank you, your eyes are pretty you know that?" I say and stick my tongue out at him.
*1 year later* (Still your POV)
One year ago I was 'saved' by someone on the street before I fell on my bum. I only think about this moment because of the fact that we now lay in the same bed each night and fall asleep.
"Did you wake up early again?" My Icy powered boyfriend says in his deep gravely just-waking-up voice. I roll over in bed and look at him, then nod, giving him a silent yes to his previous question. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses my lips, then rubs his nose against mine, knowing that is my weak spot for tickling. I giggle as he does this, making him smile as I squirm in his grasp.
"You're evil for taking advantage of us being to close." He lets out a full on laugh at my silly claim and kisses me deeply. I go to pull away but he flips us over in bed, and laughs as I pout at him.
"I have stuff to do today, and you sir are in my way." He puts a hand over his heart and looks at me.
"Oh am I?" He says in a sarcastic voice; this makes me burst out laughing.
After a lot of convincing he let me get out of bed. I make my way downstairs and get a bowl of cereal and eat it quickly. I spent a half an hour of my time with him instead of getting ready, I don't regret it at all. I head upstairs and shower quickly then thrown on my work clothes. I look at the bed and don't see Ice in bed. I shrug and pass it off as him getting ready for his day, before he goes to work tonight.
I head down stairs and see him leaning against the counter, casually eating a bowl of cereal. I jog over to him quickly and kiss his cheek. I never leave without saying goodbye.
"Love you sweetheart! I'll see you tonight before you leave for work." I say then get pulled into a hug after hearing the familiar clank of a bowl hitting the counter while he puts it down. I return the hug and feel kisses being placed lightly on the top of my head.
"Love you Ice Boy!"
"Love you Crazy Girl!"
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