Fireiplier X Reader
Sitting at a bar, well more so a club, with my friends, I wait patiently for my drink to be made. I am actually very fascinated by the bartender, his fire colored hair and the way he makes drinks. Some of the get set on fire then served, it is like I am in a trance by his movements. They are smooth never missing or forgetting anything when he is making a drink, whether it be a simple beer, or a fruity special one.
I made my way out to the dance floor after a drink. My friends and I are dancing together, not caring who sees because, it's not like we will see them again. Some guys trying to grind us from behind, I am not a fan of this so I avoid them.I will admit it I am kind of asking for it, I am wearing a cocktail dress with no sleeves, to some what cover my chest.
It's been about ten minutes, the girls disappeared in the crowd. I don't like being alone, so I retreat towards the bar stool I was sitting at before. I haven't had much to drink, only one beer. Thank fully we didn't drive here I will just call a taxi when we decide to go. This is a weekly thing, we go out, I sit at the bar after a drink and dancing, and get hit on by men looking for a one-night stand. It is nice to go out with friends, but I am not as big of a fan of drinking as they are. The bartender that is really good at making drinks comes back to the bar, and comes to my end.
"Hey Sweetheart can I get yah' anything?" I nod my head and just ask for a simple soda. I don't want to drink anything else, just in case my friends need me. He nods and goes to work making my drink. He slides it to me on a coaster to me with a small wink. Making me blush, upon looking at the white paper coaster I can see something written on it. Thankfully the glass hadn't had started creating condensation, and I was able to look at the message on the coaster. In a slightly messy writing I read.
'Save me a dance later?' Along with the note there is a number on it with a fail of a winky face. I giggle to myself knowing exactly who has written this message to me. I flick my eyes up and give a flirty look at the bar tender. He smirks and goes back to doing his job. I take out my phone and put in the number, I personally would love to get to know him.
I finish my drink and wrote my number on white paper coaster and hold it in between two of my fingers, showing I am done. He comes over and looks at the coaster, then takes out his own phone and does the same. He smiles and leans over the bar towards me.
"Would you like to go out on a date some time Miss Beauty?" He says with a flirty smirk on his face. I smile and nod, speechless because of this man. He hops over the bar next to me, and takes off his apron and tosses it to someone, who looks like he could be his twin except he has icy blue hair. I feel someone take my hand and tug it, successfully getting my attention. My gaze follows up the persons arm and I see the man with fire hair. I stand and we walk out to the floor filled with sweaty, drunk people. His hands were like fire as they lulled me while we danced, his eyes having a burning gaze in them the while time. When he pulls me close and we dance to the song playing, the occasional roaming hand of his hands. He learns quickly I don't like that from the look I give him. He puts his hands up in defense and I just place my arms around his neck whilst he intertwines his hands around my hips. This place is going to close soon; it is almost two in the morning. I ignore all the noise from the other people, and I just focus on him and our movements. The color changing lights in the background hitting our faces, making them shine because of the sweat.
We just dance until I feel something vibrate in my bra. My phone lights up with an incoming phone call and one text message. He stops dancing and looks at me, I just read the message and decline the call, I wouldn't be able to hear them. Besides its just one of my friends. I head off of the dance floor where my friends are, and now take notice that the fiery hair guy follows me. I sit next to my friends at the bar, they start to talk about heading home and just walking instead of calling a taxi. I nod seeing that they have only had one or two drinks, hey you got to look out for your friends.
Upon more inspection I can see they both have guys lingering behind them, much like the bartender is behind me. The guy behind my friend Hazel speaks up.
"We will just walk you girls home, this part of town aint' pretty at night." They all seem to know each other, weird but I don't care.
We decide to head out, dropping off Hazel and her new friend, then Atlas and his new friend. Soon enough it was just me and the guy with the hair. I was walking along the path to my home, with him behind me. It was a decent night out here. I live in one of the apartments buildings, it's a half an hour walk to my home. I will agree with what Hazel's friend said, this time of night you don't want to be walking alone, especially with what I am wearing. People might get ideas and I'd prefer to not have anything happen. Soon enough we reached one of the areas I would have to be careful in.
"So what's your name stranger?" I ask trying to make conversation.
"It's Fire, believe it or not." I nod at him, and look down at my feet as I walk.
"What is your name?" He asks, I figure it's only fair to return the favor.
"My name is (Y/N). Thanks for making my night fun by the way." He chuckles and runs a hand through his hair.
While walking I was just listening, and I took notice to a third pair of footsteps being added. My head shoots up as I feel something wrap around my arms and torso, binding my arms to my sides.
"What the heck?!?!" I shout with wide eyes. I hear dark chuckling and see someone come out of the shadows. I start to try to release myself form the binds holding me. I then feel Fire come over and try to help me.
"Not please don't freak out." He says, then his hand lights up on fire and he burns the binds, giving me a little burn. Fire then looks at the person that did that and growls.
"Dark, what do you want!?" He shouts, he got angrier and he quickly became engulfed in flames. Before he was able to do anything, Dark disappeared and re appeared behind me without me knowing. He uses his magic and the rope wraps itself around me again, through further inspection, I can see that its glowing with red. I then feel two arms wrap around me.
"You found a pretty one didn't you little brother?" The man known as Dark says. He puts his chin on my shoulder and puts his hand on my chin.
"Why don't you come with me sweetheart? We can have lots of fun!" He disappears holding me and I find myself on top of the nearest building with Dark holding me towards himself. I am right at the edge, he tauntingly holds me over the edge.
"You want her?! Come and get her!" He pulls me back when he sees Fire start to look for a way up. I now take my chance to look at his face. He is wearing a mask that covers his mouth and nose, but not his eyes. His eyes are pink with X's on the middle of them, as if they were his pupils. The mask itself has is red with a big X covering it. He wears a ripped sweatshirt that shows his muscles and a pair of black skinny jeans.
"Don't scream, you'll regret it." He says looking right at me. I nod vigorously too scared to do anything else, he chuckles at my quick surrender.
I hear the sound of someone trying to open the door to the roof, and Fire comes out as Dark pushes me over the edge, but holds me with his ropes. I stay completely still and silent, due to my petrification from looking at how high I am up. My hair whips my face from the wind that is no picking up. It makes me swing a little, this entire time I didn't take notice to the flaming fight next to me.
Fireiplier POV
My brother just had to come in and ruin my night. I don't live with them anymore, only my twin Iceiplier, he doesn't bug me. I fire myself up, and start to throw punches at him. After a few, he finally brings (Y/N) back onto the roof, through closer inspection, she is in shock. I would expect this we are really high up. Dark just chuckles and looks at me.
"I understand why Wilford didn't want you to stay on our team. See you later pyro." He says then teleports somewhere, most likely home to tell them that he successfully terrorized me and Miss Beauty here.
"Fire?" She says still shaking slightly, but spearing to be fully aware.
"Yeah?" I reply quietly. She sits up and hugs me tightly, she feels very cold. I radiate heat off of me and onto her so that she can warm up and feel better. She and I just stay there like this for a while.
Until I feel her muscles stop tensing and can hear her breathing regulate. I stand up and then pick her up bridal style. Then proceed to make my way off of the roof top and towards my home. I will explain everything that happened when she wakes up.
When I got home I laid her down on my bed, and then I laid down next to her. She snuggled into me and we didn't wake up until morning.
"What happened last night?" She asks lying in bed, she obviously remembers me or else she would be freaking out most likely. I sit up next to her and she leans on me, trusting me more than I expected.
"I saved you from my brother, whom is a bastard." I say and she hugs me, most likely remembering hanging from the roof of the building.
"Don't worry he won't do that ever again, I will protect you." She looks up at me with the most innocent look on her face. 'So adorable' I think to myself. Not realizing it I lean down and kiss her on the lips. She kisses back and shifts position. I pull away and she has cheeks almost as red as my hair. I chuckle at her and she sticks her tongue out at me.
"I think you'll be a great protector." She says then pecks my cheek, successfully making my cheeks burn.
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