By the Waters Markiplier X Reader
Every night after the work, I sit here sometimes take a swim. I like my time alone, this spot by the calm waters. The occasional breeze that runs over the water, making it seem like its choppy. No one really comes here at this time, that's how I know it's safe. It's ten at night, only once have I ever seen someone else here. He seems to always leave right before I get here. Sometimes I will see him a few minutes before he leaves. I am curious about him, only once have I seen him way before he leaves.
I decide to close my eyes, and lean back against the docks wooden panels. My feet hang over the edge as I feel the light sea breeze tug on my loose tank top. I listen as the waves begin to pick up. I open my eyes, only to see the boy. He is staring at the water, until he notices me staring. I wave towards him a little. 'He looks hot!' I think to myself, as I look at his facial structure. Damn you thoughts! He sits down close to me. But far enough away. His hair has a dyed part at the top, and he appears to be wearing only swim trunks. 'A nightly swim, later than normal. Hm...'
I get up and go to my bag which is next to me. I take off my short-shorts and tank top, revealing my bikini. I bend over to place my phone in there as well. As I do this I hear a splash, turning around I no longer see the guy with red hair. Well he was wearing swim attire. I decide to jump in myself, obviously. Upon jumping in, I feel the familiar feeling of water spinning around me, causing my legs to be replaces with a (F/C) and (2F/C) ombre colored tail. Then a rush of water goes in front of me, and I see the red haired guy. 'Oh No!!' I didn't think about this, what if he sees me?!" Although when I look at him He is looking at me, my eyes widen and I go to swim away, he is somehow faster, and he wraps his arms around my waist. He holds me there, and no I take notice now that he has a black and red ombre tail. He looks at me sternly, lets me go, and then I hear a deep voice.
"All this time I thought you were a threat, seems that you are the same as me." He says, telekinetically. I nod and look away from him, he has no shirt on and it is making me blush.
"I thought you were just someone who liked to take late night swims." I think blindly and then send it to him. He raises an eyebrow at me. I chuckle lightly and I think of a plan.
"Wanna race?" I ask. He nods and I take off, not giving him a chance. I smirk as I flick my tail faster. I can hear him getting closer
"No fair girly!" I hear him practically scream, causing me to laugh to myself.
"To the reef and back?" I ask him. He agrees and we continue. I make it to the reef in my best time yet, and I take a few moments before starting again. I can see the red haired guy making his way towards me. I decide to move, when I see him stretch out his arms towards me, and makes grabby hands like a kid would. I giggle at his actions, and stick out my tongue at him, and then take off. This is no longer a race; this is now a game of chase.
As I make my way back to the docks, I can tell he is still on my tail. I look behind myself only to see his face, and his hand barely reaching my tail. I flick my tail up and down abruptly, and out of rhythm. Messing my swim pattern up, but definitely worth it. He flinches back and I spin around to look at him. Sticking my tongue out I turn and continue on my way. He stays there with a dumbfounded look on his face. I wish I could see it again. Due to my thoughts I slow down, without thinking about it, only to be abruptly grabbed by the buff guy. I try to free myself in his arms, no fair I couldn't tell he was coming so closely. I can feel the vibrations through his chest when he laughed.
"I'd like to get to know you more." I hear him say. I point up, because I would like to resurface. He nods and he takes us both up.
"What don't want to let go?" I say smirking at him. He chuckles and lets me go. I look around me, and I can see moonlight flickering off the top of the rippling water.
"You know, you caught my eye. Since the first day I saw you sitting on the docks." He says, surprising me greatly.
"I was curious about you. I'll admit that, not to mention incredibly hot." I say then immediately blush profusely from embarrassment.
"Oh gosh! I just said that out loud." I look down, and my wet strands of hair fall around my face. I am just laughing at myself. He takes my hand and looks at me.
"I think you're beautiful." He states, causing me to lift me head and look at him. We both go under water and we look at each other. The cool salty world surrounding us. The water causing my hair to float around me, his dancing like fire on his head. We both move closer to each other, and he wraps his tail around mine and pulls me closer. I put my hands on his chest and he wraps his arms around me and kisses me. It feels nice, the cool water around us, and the feeling it just being him and I here. No one else, just us. I love it.
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