Chapter 22: Idiot Speech
"No. There's gotta be another way!" Thomas repeated for the fifth time.
We all stood around the room, a table in the middle with all the maps of the city laid out. Bucky had locked the doctor up and stationed a man outside the door. He didn't trust me to do it. He was right not to. I would have killed her with no regrets. I was leaning on the wall in the corner. Jorge had made me some tea, and the gingery taste was helping settle my stomach.
"Okay...Like what?" Gally asked, again. We were going in circles with this conversation.
"You've seen the building. She is our only way in."
"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas countered.
"I don't plan on asking for her permission." I spat from my dark corner. Heads turned in my direction.
"Am I missing something here?" Brenda spoke up. She was leaning on the table, looking at the maps, she finally looked up and around at the team. "This is the same doctor who strapped half y'all down and fucked with your heads, correct? Hijacked miss assassin over there? Same dick?"
She straightened up and folded her arms. Gally let a small huffed ha. And smirked at her, pointing a finger at Brenda he said, "I like her."
Brenda smirked. Her eyes flicked to me in the corner. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at her surprised and smug face.
"What's going on?" Newt spat. Every head turned in his direction, I frowned. "What, are you afraid your hero complex will be ruined? Hmm? Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?"
"Wait, what are you talking about?"
"That damn doctor! She's the reason that half the team is jacked in the head." Newt hissed as he straightened up. He was glaring at Thomas. I straightened up, it's true, but Newt's comment cut deep.
"She's the reason Jessie can't go 10 minutes without crying like a shuck baby."
I slammed the cup of tea down, and I took a step forward when Winston threw a hand out and stopped me. I glanced at him, my jaw clenched and my eyes narrowed. Winston shook his head and held a hand up to wait.
"She's the reason my buggen' sister has to sleep beside me every other night. She's the bloody reason Minho tried to off himself and drinks himself stupid!"
I actually growled. What was wrong with Newt all of a sudden. This definitely was not the gentle kind hearted Newt. He had walked up to Thomas as he hissed these things. He was jamming a finger into Thomas's chest threateningly. Thomas had slowly backed up, his face had paled and he was looking at Newt in shock.
"Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back and use the slinthead....And what? You don't want to because of your damn hero complex? Because deep down inside you still care about her, don't you? You worked for them. You care about those damn creators! Just admit it!
Thomas opened his mouth a few times, and finally managed, "Newt, I..."
Newt was inches from his face, he gave Thomas a shove in the chest, "Don't lie to me!" He hissed. He gave him another shove and pinned him to the wall. "Don't lie to me!"
Thomas was frozen in shock. And so were the rest of us. We had never seen Newt act out like this.
"New" Sonya's small voice cut through the silence.
I watched as Thomas's shock turned to concern, when Newt lowered his head. Thomas slowly reached a hand up and raised his head.
"Sorry. I'm sorry." Newt whispered, his voice shook.
Thomas and Newt weren't a very touchy couple but Thomas pulled Newt into rough quick kiss. He pulled away whispered something to Newt who nodded and then hurried out of the room his head down. Thomas watched him go with a frown. I didn't know what to think.
"What the hell was that" I whispered to Winston. He was frowning after his friend as well.
"Let's take a break." Bucky called. "I gotta talk to Vince anyways. Back in thirty."
I glanced at Winston and indicated with my head. He nodded and we left the room. And went to find Newt.
We found him ten minutes later sitting up on the roof. Walking up to him Wi stone sat down beside him, looking off into the sunset. Winston didn't say anything. I however was not the gentle one. And my hurt and anger came out.
"What the hell was that?" I demanded. "I'm the mean and vulgar one in this group, your Mama Noot with the words of encouragement and exhaspiration when I do dumb shit."
Newt sighed. And ran a hand through his hair. He looked up. "Sorry about that. Back there."
"Sorry doesn't cut it. Spill." I snapped.
"Jay. Slim it."
"No. I don't have to slim it. He said some hurtful shit. And I wanna know why."
"I guess I can't hide this anymore." Newt sighed again as he pulled the sleeve of his jacket up. On his arm were a few big long cuts, they were red raw and infected. Black veins were starting to work their way up his elbow.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?"
"Didn't think it would make any difference. It happened in the tunnel, when that crank jumped me."
"What?" Winston asked frowning.
"All I know is that WICKED must have put me in that maze for a reason. Maybe it was literally just so they could tell the difference
between immunes like you and people like me."
"Uhh, Newt?" Winston frowned even more, he glanced at me, with a confused look. "You know we can still fix this, I was-"
"Don't worry about me." Newt cut him off. "This is about Minho. Now he needs us. So if there is even the slightest chance that we can save him, we can get him out of there, then we have to take that. No matter what the cost."
"Newt?" I asked, finally exhaspirated with him.
"Yeah, Jess?" I asked heavily.
"Shut up. And listen. 'Cause this," I waved my hand in front of his face, "must be the crank talking."
Winston and Newt both sputtered. I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up and listen." I snapped.
"Is this some big hero speech your about to give us?" Winston asked with a smirk.
"No. It's an your all a bunch of fucken idiots speech. Now shut up and listen."
Winston sniggered while Newt looked shocked and hurt. But they didn't say anything so I continued.
"I don't know what's going on up in that shuck head of yours Newt? But, how long have you been with Nana Ann and Mary? How long have you been with the Right Arm? 'Cauae you know they have a fucken cure, right? Even Hans here, has it! So march your British ass downstairs and get some! You idiot. You're gonna let yourself die because didn't tell anyone? You forgot? Dude, look at who's beside you! If Winnie can come back from the dead and cranking out, those few scratches are a walk in the park."
"Yeah....yeah your right Jess."
"Of fucken course I am! I wasn't strapped down and tortured for a damn cure for nothing."
"Uh Jay? That wasn't for a cure, that's cuz RatMan is fucken insane and wanted you to kill Minho..."
"Meh," I shrugged, "it's all in the name of science, right?" I gave him a twisted smile.
Winston laughed. And Newt let a small chuckle out.
"Okay. I hear you." He said quietly. "Thanks Jessie."
"Anytime you need me to tell you your an idiot. I'm your girl."
"Yes. Quite clearly."
"Now come on." I stood up and held a hand out for Newt. I pulled him up and together, Winston and I marched Meet to Doctor Hans.
Newt sat in a chair the runner band around his arm as Hans took a vile of blood. They had to check his blood type and enzyme type to match him with the proper donor and serum. He had also taken some from Winston and I, see if we were the right match.
"Alright it will only take a minute, son. Hold that gauze there."
Hans walked away with the vials. I went gone to tell Bucky and Jorge we would be late to the meeting again. Bucky was still on the coms with Vince they were working out some plan. So they said it was fine. On the way back I had to take a detour to the bathroom to throw up. I leaned against the wall and groaned. Holding a hand over my stomach.
"Dammit you little parasite! This is going to be impossible if you keep this up! How the hell we gonna rescue your daddy if I'm constantly throwing up?"
Clearly the baby didn't say anything. I groaned again and leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes, willing the nausea away. Once my stomach settled a bit more I rinsed my mouth and went back to the medical wing where I had left Newt and Winston.
I pushed the door open just as Hans came back from the lab. He had papers in his hands. I plunked down in the chair and propped my feet up when Hans stopped dead staring at the paper.
"That can't be right." He muttered to himself.
"What? I'm not immune and the cure won't work?" Newt asked.
"And you say I'm the dramatic one!" I rolled my eyes.
Winston laughed at me. Hans glanced up and looked shocked there were people in front of him.
"What? Oh, no, son you're an easy fix. I already have your vaccination. It's these numbers...something doesn't make sense."
Newt visibly deflated in relief. "But... uh what numbers?" He asked, pulling his eyebrows together. "Whose numbers?"
"Hormone levels..why would they be so high?" He said absent mindedly.
He frowned for another second and then his eyes went wide. I had a gut feeling. He was looking my numbers. He was reading my chart. And my suspensions were correct when he looked up and stared at me. I stared back, my face as impassive as I could make it. I could feel Newt and Winston looking back and forth between us. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my jaw.
"Of course this won't affect the serum. But I wonder how it would if..."
"No. I'm not a fucken science experiment. You can use what parts of my blood you need to save Newt. That's it." I said dangerously quiet. "Leave the rest of me alone."
I could see Hans deflate a bit in disappointment. But then shook his head and put the papers down and turned to Newt.
"Okay son, sleeve up."
The guys still looked confused and curious, and kept trying to catch my eye, which I ignored. Hans cleaned Newt's shoulder with some sterilizer and then injected the needle amd administered the serum.
"You should start seeing results in a few hours. It might make you a bit sleepy and your arm might be a bit stiff. All normal. You'll be right as rain by tomorrow."
Newt exhaled heavily and smiled. "Thank you. And Jess, thanks for the kick in the arse."
"Any time."
The guys got up and headed for the door. I stopped suddenly, "I'll be right there. Give me a second guys." I closed the door on them before they could ask questions. I turned around and went back to Hans who was cleaning up.
"Ahh. Jessie. What can I do for you?"
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Is there anything I can take to help with the whole constantly throwing up thing?"
Hans straightened up, looking me up and down. "How far along?"
"According to Ann, her results said ten weeks two days. I only started to feel sick anoit a week ago."
He hummed and nodded. "Morning sickness never did make much sense, dude to it being an all day thing."
I hugged a laugh. "Ain't that the truth."
"Well. Small meals throughout the day, not big meals, that never helps. Drink lots of water and rest. But yes, I can get you something to help. Once a day, in the morning. Did Ann give you an extra vitamin supplement for iron and such?"
"Uh, no. We didn't get that far..."
"No matter I have some."
He scurried off to find them. He rummaged through the cupboard and came back with two bottles, which he handed to me.
"Directions are on the label. Though...I do advise you...this mission is not a good idea. It's dangerous. Especially for a woman in your...condition."
"Thanks doc for your concern." I snapped, "But I'll be fine."
I turned on my heel and left. In the hall I grabbed my water from my backpack and took one of the pills and threw everything back into my bag.
"Okay, Pup...that should hold you. Now let's go kick some WICKED ass and get your daddy."
Back in the meeting room, Newt was just giving an apology to everyone.
"Jessie gave me quite the speech..."
"You were being an idiot. I pointed it out. Now your better." I shrugged sliding into the room.
Winston gave me a look, and raised an eyebrow but I ignored it. He didn't need to know. I wanted to tell Minho, he needed to know first. Well, Jorge and Brenda knew, but no one else. They didn't need to know. And if they did, they would all treat me different and try to force me to stay behind. Out of everyone here, I needed this the most.
"Well...thanks..." Newt said sheepishly. "Sorry for interrupting the planning meeting.
"It's fine Newt. As long as your good now." Sonya smiled.
"Bucky, your call with Vince?"
"Okay, I got through and there is some new developments."
"Which are?" I asked, shoving my hands into my pockets.
"They got the kids and what they can loaded into the ship, Vince and Laurence both agreed, on this. This is our chance. Right now. No more hiding. Now more playing games. Their loading all the Soilders we have, they will be meeting us here by tomorrow morning. It's time to take this fight to WICKED."
"Fuck ya!"
"It's their last strong hold, and it's already overrun by cranks and the Flare. We're going to take them down. It's war. And it's time we fought back, in the open and end them."
"On one condition." I said, my eyes narrowed.
"Which is what Ma Hija?"
"I kill Janson."
"I would expect nothing less, Jelly Bean."
"Finally." I whispered with glee.
× shorter chapter. ×
× we're getting into the
Mocking Jay war part now! Whoop. ×
× No more cranky Newt. ×
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