Chapter 17: Plans made in Secret
I left the warehouse, the door slamming behind me. Walking back into the night, the cool air felt good on my flushed face. My stomach had started turning again, inside the warehouse. I wasn't sure if it was because of the anxiety or baby. I laid a hand on my stomach. As I leaned my back against the building. I took a slow shaking breath. I knew going after Minho was dangerous, but I also knew staying behind was dangerous. Trying to live without him was dangerous.
"Come on little cub." I whispered, "let's go kick some WICKED ass and find daddy."
I wrinkled my nose, calling Minho daddy... that was going to take some getting used to. I shook my head, pushed off the wall and started down the block towards the hangers and garage. I just got to the end of the block when every light in the town flicked off. I froze and spun around. I felt the vibration before I heard it; the louder thunderous hum of a few huge burgs came closer. I shrunk back into the shadows. Pressing into the wall, and placing a protective hand over my stomach. It felt like the whole town held their breath. Everything had gone silent and still. Nothing moved. The only sound was the wind hitting the buildings.
I watched, head tilted up as a few huge Bergs with the spot lights swept the surrounding around. They missed the town, just searching the hills nearby. It took a few minutes and then the Berg slowly moved on.
I guess Vince was right, we had stayed in one place too long and it was time to get these kids to a safer place. If those bergs are sniffing around, then that meant two things; one WICKED must be relatively close, so Thomas's theory of where they took Minho was probably right. And two the rumor of starting up the Maze Trials again was true. I growled, that vengeful feeling bubbled up again, I could feel the anger and resentment and every other negative emotion surge to the front.
I waited in the shadows for a little bit longer. I heard the warehouse door bang open and voice arguing. I couldn't hear who it was or what was being said, but there was definitely some heat in the argument. I could make out Thomas's frame, and possibly Laurence, or Vince...I could quite tell. I watched from the shadows as Thomas turned and stormed away. The other person stood there and then turned and walked the other way. I decided it was time to get moving. I crept from the shadow and continued down the street towards the Berg and helicopters where these shipments were supposed to be going.
I slid into the cargo hold area and behind a box. I crouched down and watched. There were Right Arm members marching up and down, some had clip boards and others carried arm fulls of supplies. I watched as someone came hurrying down the row of crates.
"Yo! Boss says to hold up. The shipment is gonna either have to wait or it ain't going at all. We're supposed to wait for instructions. But they ain't going tonight."
The woman with a clipboard tossed it down on top of a crate with a wild groan. "All the work for nothin'!"
"Sounds like we might be moving to Safe Haven officially. There's some details their trying to sort out, but he says to hold up for now. He's trying to patch threw to Hans."
The woman turned and cupped her hands to her mouth. "All right! Stop! Shipment is a no go. Works done for the night."
There was some whoops and few groans, but the people filed out, and the lights were flicked off. I turned and sat on my butt leaning against the crate in the dark. I bit my lip trying very hard not to cry. This was my shot. I didn't know what to do now, the Berg wasn't flying, and I had no idea how to drive. No way I could walk all the way there. I needed Ryan or Jorge to teach me how to drive. But we hadn't gotten to that point yet.
I heard the door creek open. I sat up straight, drying my tears on the sleeve of my jacket I held my breath. I hadn't seen anyone actually come in, but the door opened. Slowly I got my feet under me, staying in a crouch, I slid one of my knives out. My hand shook and my chest felt tight. But I held it so tight, even in the dark I could see how white my knuckles were. I hadn't held a knife in a very long time. Swallowing my rising panic and slowly made my way around the row of boxes and crates.
I heard shuffling. Staying in my crouch I slipped to the next shadow. I heard a whispered argument. I silently rolled my eyes. I straightened up and stepped up behind the two and cleared my throat. There was a yelp and a scream. Sonya and Thomas turned around.
Sonya had her eyes narrowed, but Thomas looked sheepishly between Sonya and me.
"That scream came from you?" I asked, sliding the knife away.
He cleared his throat. And faded his arms, "not the point."
"Why are you two here?" I asked, folding my own arms.
"Looking for you." Sonya said, "and we found you."
"You were the one who told me the shipment was going out tonight!"
"I know," she said with a smirk, "why do ya think I found you?"
"I found you. You guys are so shucken loud! A tap dancing ox is quieter then you two!"
"Hardy har har." Thomas rolled his eyes.
"Why are you on board? Also where is everyone?" Sonya asked, looking around.
"Shipment is delayed." I spat. I ran a hand through my hair trying to relax my wound up muscles. "Something about taking everything to the permanent Safe Haven? So why bother sending supplies there only to ship them somewhere else."
"Well, we figured after the WICKED bergs and their sweeps. Won't be able to take them unless it's absolutely necessary. So we're taking the jeeps." Thomas shrugged.
I narrowed my eyes. "Who's we? I thought Vince and Laurence didn't want to go?"
"Who says they are?" Sonya grined. "Thomas, Jason me and you."
"Are you sure?" I asked Sonya.
She clenched her jaw and ground her teeth for a second, then nodded.
"Jason is going, no questions asked. So, so am I. I'm going to take down WICKED. He bloody fucked with my head, I want a piece in taking it down."
"This is why we're friends. A vengeful little thing, aren't you?" I smirked.
"Okay, come on. Let's go before people start to realize we're missing, and we're not even out of town." Thomas waved for us to follow. He cracked the door open and slipped through.
"Aww, Thomas! You still thomas small spaces!" I cooed. Thomas groaned and flopped me off while I sniggered.
"To the garage."
Sonya and I followed him around the corner and down the street to the next garage where the jeeps and trucks were parked. Thomas opened the door and slipped inside. As soon as the door clicked, a light flicked on.
"Where do you think you're going then?"
Newt was leaning against a jeep, his jacket on a backpack by his feet. He had turned on a flashlight. I raised my hand up to shield my eyes.
"Newt..." Thomas started.
"Don't be a twat about it. I'm already in. Come on." He pushed off the jeep, and picked his backpack up.
"No. No, not this time." Thomas said shaking his head.
"Look," I said slowly, "even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this. They're leaving for Safe Haven. You guys can have your happily ever after."
"Well, Jay, their is no happily ever after if you and Minho aren't there." Winston said as he came around the back of the jeep, holding a backpack and a shot gun over his shoulder.
"And, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't ya'?"
Newt turned and opened the front door, Frypan was already sitting in the drivers seat. He gave us all a grin and a small wave. Thomas let a small huffed laugh out. Newt turned back to us folding his arms with his smug little smirk.
"Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too."
"He's my CoKeeper. Where he goes, I go." Jason came waltzing over, spinning a set of keys around his finger. Sonya skipped over and he placed his arm around her shoulder.
"Okay." I said, feeling slightly hopeful.
Thomas glanced at me, I nodded once and he nodded back, our silent conversation.
"Okay. Let's go get him back." Thomas confirmed.
Our two trucks pulled up to the entrance of a tunnel through the mountain. Frypan was leading, and he slowed to a stop, Jason followed and turned the truck off. Frypan, Newt and Thomas got out. I glanced at Winston.
"Everyone out." Jason said and opened the door. "If anyone's gotta go it now, cuz we ain't stopping again!"
Frypan snorted. And I let a small smile apear. We all walked slowly to the edge of the tunnel. The only road for miles led straight inside.
"You want us to go in there?" Frypan asked, glancing at Thomas who was holding a map.
"I don't wanna come across as too negative-"
"You're always negative Winnie, that's why we get along."
"True. But." He indicated with his head towards the tunnel, "if I was a Crank, that's exactly where I would be."
"I don't want to come off as harsh-"
"Jay, you're always harsh, that's why we get along."
"Facts. But." I motioned with a hand towards the tunnel, "you almost were a crank."
"True. I was. Sorry to disappoint you."
"Maybe you could ask for directions?" I smirked at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Pfft. Men don't ask for directions." He waved his hand, and rolled his eyes. I had a ghost of a smile on my face. Sonya was giggling, a hand clamped over her mouth. Newt just groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Your Jeep must be bloody awful with those three." He muttered to Jason.
"I don't think we have much of a choice." Thomas said absently, looking at the map and back up to the tunnel, he clearly hadn't heard Winston and my conversation. Newt glanced at the dark creepy tunnel again.
"All right. I get shotgun." He called, turning back to the jeep.
I stayed for a moment. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. It had been a long night of driving. The sway of the jeep lulled me to sleep, and I only woke up when Winston shook me away. I had a hard time waking up. The exhaustion hit hard. Winston looked at me with sympathy for a moment.
"We'll get him back." He said quietly.
"I know. Just what expense?"
"He's a friend. He's family. He's your family, Jess. He would do the same for anyone here. We all know the risks and yet we're here. Because he's family."
I nodded, and wrapped my arms around my waist, holding myself tight. Taking another deep breath. I shoved all my fear and anxiety and worry deep down. I couldn't afford to be scared or doubt myself. I needed to be the assassin one more time. I needed to take down WICKED, I had two more targets and then I could hang that life away. This one last job. Be the Assassin, from The Wolf Pack and then I could live happily ever after with Minho, raising this baby of ours. I took one last long slow deep breath closed my eyes and let it out. Once it was done my eyes flew open and I could feel the fire burning in my chest.
WICKED took something that belonged to me and I wanted it back. Janson was going to pay. I wanted him dead, I wanted him to die a slow and painful death. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands, I wanted to watch the life leave his eyes. I straightened my back and lifted my head. Slowly I pulled my hair back and into a pony tail.
"Alright Winnie. I have a shuck face to rescue and a rat to kill."
"And assassin JayJay is back." He grinned at me.
"One last time. And then it's time to hang that life."
"Let's go finger paint in some blood."
I grinned evilly at him.
"Let's cause a scene, shall we?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, and holding his arm for me to loop.
"Winnie?" I asked as we turned and headed back to the trucks. "Have I ever told you, I like the way you think?"
"Ya know? You might have mentioned it."
Smirking I climbed into the back of the jeep. Jason turned the truck on.
"Well, here we go." Thomas called out the window from the first jeep. "Yeah, we'll just take it nice and slow."
Jason gave him a thumbs up. He looked back at us, "this is going to end in disaster, ain't it."
"Oh fuck ya. It's Thomas leading this, of course it is." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"Windows up, and weapons out." Sonya added.
We all rolled the windows up as Jason slowly pulled forwards, Frypan right behind us. We slowly made our way into the tunnel. It was dark, foggy and so far empty of anything living. There were abandoned cars, other garbage and debris everywhere. Jason kept going, everyones eyes were on the swivel. I could feel the apprehension. The tension was high. Jason's knuckles were white as he grinned the wheel.
Out of the gloom a thing appeared. It showed up so fast we all jumped, Sonya yelped. It was a human, but barely. It was slumped over, his jaw slacked open, drooling black. Veins the size of ropes wrapped around their arms and neck. The crank didn't move, Jason slowed down.
"Don't slow down. Keep going." I said, moving forwards.
"If it doesn't move, too bad." Sonya agreed.
"It might be a diversion. So I agree. Keep going."
I looked around to the side windows. There was definitely something moving out in the fog.
"Jason step on it!" I said more urgently.
He didn't need to be told twice, he picked up speed, the crank didn't move fast enough. It shrieked as the side of the jeep clipped him and he went flying. It must have been the sound of the animal shriek because now, out of the Fogg out of the darkness came a hord of cranks. All of them definitely passed the Gone.
"Floor it man!" Winston cried.
Jason slammed his foot down and the jeep shot forwards, right through the middle of the wild frenzy of cranks. Cranks flew left and right. Some tried to jump onto the jeep, some managed to get on, but slid off immediately.
"Watch out!" Sonya screamed, pointing out the window.
Jason swirved around an upside down car. I slid across the seat and slammed into Winston. I grabbed the seat in front of me and my other hand flew to my stomach protectively. Jason avoided the car by inches. We had made it passed the cranks, and now it was a matter of avoiding the garbage and cars and other things that lay as obsticales on the road. Jason slowed down slightly. I could see the glow of the tunnel ending ahead. I looked back to see where Thomas, Newt and Fry were.
To my horror, I saw their jeep swerving, a crank had managed to hold on and was almost through the front window shield. Fry swirved, and managed to drive close to some scaffolding, and the crank disappeared with a scream. But he over compensated on the steering wheel, the jeep swirved out of control. It hit the middle barrier and the jeep flipped.
"No!" I screamed, as the jeep landed upside down with an earth shattering crash.
× trying to mix THG when Katniss goes to the capital and TMR in Denver/the last city together. I hope it makes sense. ×
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