Chapter 13: The Hunter and the Wolf
We walked back to the little village, hand in hand. I shivered, my wet hair made me chilly. Minho wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into this side and kissed my temple.
"I still can't believe I get to call you my fiancée." He whispered into my hair.
I hummed happily. Tipping my head a bit, I looked up at him trough my lashes and gave him a smile.
"Just think, a month ago I was trying to kill you."
He chuckled. "Wasn't the first. Wont be the last."
"True, who says romance is dead." I grinned cheekily up at him.
He laughed, his dimple showed and his eyes creased, and kissed my forehead. "Love at first sight is over rated. Love at first attempted murder."
"Swept me off my feet."
"I did quite literally swipe you off your feet."
I frowned and pulled my eyebrows together. I chewed my lip trying to figure something out.
"Out loud, Baby."
"" I frowned and stopped walking. Minho stopped and turned towards me, his hands on my arms. "In the made me trip." I looked up at him, my forehead scrunched. "Real? or Not real?"
Minho's concerned look slid into a cheeky one. I cocked my head, even more confused.
"Real." He said, his smirk made me confused.
"On purpose?" I asked.
"Real." He smirked again, his voice was light, and full of a mischief that made the corners of my mouth tip up, despite how confused I felt.
"Explain. I...remember...yelling at you. And we argued. I hurt my ankle."
"It was greenie day. We didn't like greenie day. I had to carry you back to the glade. I didn't mean to actually hurt you, but...It worked out." He chuckled and pulled me closer, his arms snacking around my waist. "I got to help the mighty savage, and then Newt and Winston got together and made us share a room."
"We kissed at the fire. That was real.." I whispered.
"Yes. It just happened. We were...arguing. It was kiss you or shake you. Dang Jess you made me feel so...." He trailed off.
"Wild." I said quietly.
"Yeah. I felt so uncontrollable around you. Still do."
" showed me that tonight."
"I'll show you again." He raised an eyebrow at me.
I gasped and smacked his chest. "Dude. Control yourself."
"Can't. You make me wild." He growled, and nuzzled his face into my neck, making me shriek, and try to wiggle away. He just pulled me closer, grabbing me around the waist, and threw me over his shoulder. I yelped.
"Minho!" I cried.
He just slapped my ass and laughed.
"Put me down!" I cried again, trying to wiggle away.
"Is everything alright here?" A deep stern voice asked. Jorge slid out of the shadows, followed by Vince, Ann, and Bucky. The guys had their arms crossed, and frowns on their faces.
Minho stopped walking, a smirk still on his face, and turned towards them, I was still thrown over his shoulder. I stopped fighting him.
"Are you two alright?" Jorge asked again.
"Never better, actually." Minho smirked. I finally managed to wiggle down, I glared at Minho, but the smile kept trying to push through.
"What happened? Where did you guys go?"
"Down the beach." He shrugged.
They all flicked their eyes towards me.
"What?" I asked. "What's the problem?"
"Just...just worried- concerned for our She Wolf." Ann said, frowning, as she stepped closer to me, holding my face gently in her hands.
"Nana. I'm great." I smiled. "Minho is my home."
She frowned, her eyes searched mine. I felt calmer then I had before I ran.
"You look look look happy, a flush on your pale face..." She asked, her eyes slid to Minho. I glanced over my shoulder to Minho, he stood with his arms crossed, and a smug smirk on his face. My stomach flipped, and I felt my face heating up, I smiled. He winked at me. I bit my lip.
"Nana. What are you asking?" I asked, looking back at her.
She raised her eyebrows, "I was young once little wolf." She said quietly, and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "You are still healing healing, recovering."
"Nana, he is the only reason I am as good as I am."
"I know, little one." She smiled again, her eyes sparkling, "Little wolf's hunter is one who will stay to protect his pack."
"Yes. Yes he is." I nodded, "He's going to stay forever beside me." I said quietly. I felt my stomach twist again with butterflies.
She raised her eyebrows, "Did the young hunter catch his wolf?" Her eyes slid back to Minho, asking a silent question. Minho stepped up beside me, and slid his arm around me again. He just looked down at me, his eyes full of joy.
"Yeah, Nana. I sure as shuck did."
"Ma Hija...are you saying what I think your implying?" Jorge asked, crossing his arms and stepping up beside Ann.
"Depends on what you thin were implying...." I said with a small smirk.
"Hija, I haven't seen you this relaxed and happy...since you and your boy-"
"Fiancée." I cut him off, with a smile.
"You heard her." Minho smirked.
All four of them looked back and forth between Minho and me. Ann was the first to move, she squealed and pulled me into a tight hug. It made me laugh. She grabbed Minho and pulled him into a hug.
"Mama would be so happy for you!" She pulled away, holding a hand on both our cheeks. She gasped loudly, and her eyes flew open. "Stay here here here! Do not move!" She cried, she turned on her heel and sprinted down the street.
Minho and I furrowed our eyebrows and shrugged.
"So...what's this, are we planning a wedding?" Vince asked.
"No. Not yet." I shook my head.
Jorge was looking at Minho, his eyes drilling into him. But then his face broke into a huge smile, pulling him into a hug, slapping his back. The other two also laughed as they pulled us into hugs. Ann came running back down the street. She was breathing hard was was out of breath, she bent over, hands on her knees.
"I am not as young as I was." She huffed. Jorge placed a hand on her back, concerned . She straightened up with a smile. In her hand clutched tight, was a small package. " Young Hunter, " She looked at Minho, "I know he doesn't have a mother for heirlooms." She took his hand, flipped it, and placed the small package in his hand and closed his hand around it. "But Every Young Hunter needs something."
"What..?" He asked, but trailed off, looking down at his hand, his eyes wide.
"I have there," she indicated to the small package now in Minho's hand, "what your Young She Wolf's daddy gave her mama." Ann said gently.
I gasped and threw my hands to my mouth.
"When I went back to find find find- look for them...their secret home was ransacked. A struggle. Mama was taken back, baby girl was taken and placed in a place where He could find her when He wanted. I found found found Daddy, I couldn't save him. He gave me this this this. Said too keep it. I did what daddy asked, she was my friend. I didn't think..." Ann looked away tears in her eyes.
Jorge's hand didn't leave Ann's back. Bucky had stiffened as Ann talked about The Handler. I listened intently, I had never heard this about my parents before.
"I give it to you now, Young Hunter." Ann said quietly. "He would want you to have it. For his baby pup."
With shaking hands, Minho slowly opened it slowly. He ripped the envelope open and dumped what was inside into his open palm. His eyes went wide and he looked up at Ann, his hand closed into a tight fist. He took a shallow shuddering breath. He pulled Ann into a hug. I frowned watching, not know what was going on. He was saying something to Ann. She nodded and pulled away, holding his cheek.
"I am proud proud proud of you." She said quietly. "Your wounds are healing, and you are healing your mate."
He gave her a smile. She whipped the tears from his cheeks. She then made a motion with her head. She stepped back, and Jorge put his arm around her shoulders. Minho turned to me, his back towards Ann and Jorge, Vince and Bucky. In the middle of the main street in the little village The Right Arm had used as base camp, Minho stepped up even closer. He tipped my chin up, and paused for a moment.
"Jessie. Will you let me love you for ever and ever? I want tell you how much I love you every day. I know we have a long healing journey ahead of us...but I ain't going anywhere."
"Minho...?" I whispered, looking up at the young man who held my very fragile heart in his hands. I looked into his eyes, his dark eyes looked down at me like I was how whole world. He hummed in answer.
"You proposed. Real or not real?"
"Very very real." He whispered, "but this time...."
He broke his intense eye contact and looked down, grabbing my hand and slid something onto my finger. I opened and closed my mouth a few times. He pulled my hand up to his mouth and brushed his lips against my knuckles. Sitting on my finger was a simple silver band. My mouth dropped open.
"Apparently it was your mother's."
"Yeah...." I managed to squeaked.
"So?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "whatta say?"
His smile stretched across his face, his eye disappeared. He let go of my hand, grabbed my hips and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his shoulders.
"I love you so fucken much Minho!" I whispered.
"You just whispered it."
"I said it to my whole world." I whispered, my forehead against his.
He chuckled, tipped his head, kissing me as he threw a fist into the air. There was suddenly a lot of wild cheering and whooping. I pulled away startled. Looking around I saw everyone coming out of the shadows. Winston, Newt, Thomas, Sonya, Jason, Teresa, Fry and Jeff, Harriet and Gally, Ryan, Aris and Brenda. Jorge, Vince, Bucky and Ann were already there. Everyone who I counted as family came running down the street.
"What...? What's going on?" I gasped. Minho let me slid down, and turn to see everyone. Minho slid his arms around my waist and rested his chin on top of my head.
"I may...have run run run right into someone and they might have told a few people." Ann smiled.
"JayJay!" Winston yelled as he slammed into me, knocking the wind out of me. "Who woulda thunk it, hey Jay? You've come such a long way!" He smiled fondly at me.
"This calls for bone fire!" Frypan called.
"And moonshine!" Gally cried.
I sat on the bed, the blanket wrapped around my bare torso and watched as Minho pulled on his boots and jacket. He had to go out on a information recon mission. It had been weeks since Minho had proposed. I had been doing really well with my recovery. I was slowly getting better with crowds, but still couldn't get myself to go to the mess hall for meals, it was still too many people and too loud, but Vince had allowed me and the group to use a room off the hall.
Every morning Minho, Jason, Sonya and Teresa would go running with me. I still would get winded faster then I wanted and I would get frustrated with myself. I would sit with Mary and Ann for the morning working through my trauma. In the afternoon I would work with Teresa, Aris and Bucky, slowly getting my strength and my skills back. It was slow going and I was frustrated with myself. Everyone around me kept telling me it would take a long time. It was a year of captivity and it was only a few months of being freed.
During my two months of healing and recovery, The Right Arm had stayed quiet, bidding their time; Vince, Laurence, Bucky and Jorge had gathered more information about WICKED, Janson and Ava.
It sounded like they were starting to gather immunes again, trying to start up another round of Maze Trials. So this was the intel mission that Minho was going on with Gally, Thomas, Frypan, Jason Ryan, Aris, Harriet, Brenda, Jorge, Bucky and Vince.
I watched anxiously as Minho stood up and shrugged his bag on. I had chewed my thumb nail down to just about nothing. I was nervous for him to leave. He was leaving for a few days. I still wasn't at the point where everyone thought I was good to go out on missions. I was ticket off, I agreed deep down, but still it pissed me off. Of anyone here, I had more reason to go out and take down WICKED.
Minho turned to look at me. He sat down and tucked some of my messy bed head hair behind my ear and held my face. He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead, and then my nose and then my lips.
"I love you Baby Girl." He said quietly.
"I love you too." I said quietly, I bit my lip a few times, I twisted the blanket in my hands, blinking hard, trying not to cry.
"Out loud. What's going on?"
"I'm...I just..." I started but stopped. I felt myself shrink. "What am I going to do while your gone? What if something happens? What if I need you?"
"Jess." Minho sighed. He lifted my face, my eyes burnt with tears. And I bit my lip to keep it from quivering. "I love you so much. I trust you, you're going to do amazing. I heard Winston planning something. Nana Ann is here, Winston is here and Tess is here. Newt and Sonya are here."
"I know...but they aren't you."
"I know. And I'll be back before you know it."
"What if something happens to you?" I choaked, my voice caught as my chest heaved.
"I'm with Bucky. And Gally and Aris. Those guys are scary in a fight."
"So are you." I whispered, trying to smile.
"Then you know I'll be just fine. It's just gathering information." He smiled gently at me. With one hand holding the blanket around me I crawled closer and into his lap, facing him.
"I'm going to miss you!" I pouted.
"Me too. Winston snuggles aren't as good as mine, but I'm sure he'll due until I get back."
"True." I whispered, and leaned closer, "and who's gonna kiss me good night or food morning?" I let go of the blanket and dug my hands into the back of his hair and dragged my nails down his scalp.
"Jess!" His voice had dropped and his eyes rolled for a second as he tipped his head back. "Imma be late if you keep this up!" He growled, "I just got dressed!"
"Then your crew will have to wait." I purred in his ear, and gently but his ear and tugged.
His chest rumbled and I felt his hands trying to dig through the tangled blanket around me. I smirked. I knew I had him. I slowly and deliberately rolled my hips.
"Fuck it." He growled against my neck. "I'll be late."
He shrugged his backpack off and kicked his boots off. He wrapped his arms around me and flipped us, making me shriek and then giggle. He ripped the blanket away from me, making me gasp as the cool air hit my bare skin.
Minho rushed into the garage where the others were milling around, pulling me with him.
"Ahh there he is." Gally rolled his eyes, "finally!"
"Oh please." Minho rolled his own eyes, "it's only ten minutes passed, and your still loading the trucks."
"Wouldn't be loading still, if you were here to help instead of shucking your girlfriend."
"Fiancée." Minho corrected him.
"Whatever." He waved a hand, but there was a small smirk on his face.
"Also." I said, looking around, "I don't see Sonya or Jason...."
And just as I said that the door flew open and Jason and Sonya came flying in, looking way more disheveled then Minho and I. I smirked back at Gally smugly. He groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Now that everyone is here, load up!" Bucky called.
Minho turned to me and pulled me into a hug. "I love you Jess. See you real soon. Have fun with Winston...just not too much fun."
"Definitely not as much fun."
I watched with my arms around myself as the team loaded up. I bit my lip trying to keep myself together. I felt an arm around my shoulders. Winston had pulled me into his side. Newt had pulled Sonya into his, and I reached for Sonya's hand. Teresa also came over and took hold of Winston's hand. The five of us watched as the trucks left. I felt an uneasy knot of anxiety in my chest.
"They will be fine, Love."
"I know." I whispered. "I know."
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