Chapter 12: Did...did you just..?
🌶️🔥Spicy kissy scene 🔥🌶️
Minho and I sat in the sand on the beach, listening to the waves lap against the shore as the sun slowly set. Minho had his chin resting on my head, and I had my ear pressed to his chest, is arms wrapped around me, and mine under the hem of his shirt, my hands pressed against his bare skin, I felt for the first time in months, safe. I kept exhaling deeply, like I was trying to get rid of all the fear from my body.
"Hey...wanna go back and have some supper?" He finally broke the silence.
I whimpered and turned my face into his neck.
"We wont go to the mess hall. We'll eat somewhere quieter. How about we grab a few guys and have a bonfire?"
"That sounds better." I said quietly, "There was too many people all at once."
"I understand."
"I'm sorry I'm so difficult."
"You are not difficult." He pulled away and lifted my chin, so I had to look at him, his nose brushed mine gently. "Jessie, you are healing and recovering. I wouldn't have it any other way." His voice was quiet and gentle. He kissed my nose and then both my cheeks, and slowly left little gentle kisses up my nose to my forehead, and then all over my face. They were gentle and soft, and tickled. For the first time I giggled. It was small, and nervous, but I made a noise that wasn't a whimper or cry. He smiled against my lips.
"I missed your giggle. I haven't heard it in so long." He muttered.
"I forgot I could make that sound."
His hands slid to the side of my neck, his fingers buried in my hair, he tipped my head back. He looked down at me. His eyes were intense, gentle but focused. His goofy lopsided smirk, slid into a serious and solum look. His eyes flicked back and forth between mine. He just paused and looked at me with such a passion it made my cheeks flush. I could feel the heat in my chest and rise up my neck and into my face. I felt the tight note in my chest and the ache in my gut loosen even more. The Minho in my nightmares never looked at me like this, the nightmare Minho screamed and spat horrible things at me, he never spoke gentle and reassuring, he never looked at me like he actually cared.
"I love you so fucking much Jessie." He whispered, it was quiet, but full of emotion. "Like... I- I... don't know how to put it into words."
"Then show me." I whispered back, my voice shook. I was nervous, and felt flustered, my heart had jumped into my throat, and my stomach was on a wild roller coaster, not from fear or feeling sick, it made me hot, and tingly, it made me not want to move, the feeling made me want to kiss him again, and giggle.
"For the rest of my shuck life.'d let me."
I opened my mouth but no words came out. I had to blink a few times.
"Minho..." I managed to squeak.
I just felt his chest rumble in response. His hands still cupped the back of my head, his thumbs gently brushed my pale skin.
"Yo- you just...just purpose. Real or...not real?" I managed to finally get out. My heat was slamming into my chest so hard it almost hurt. I felt really hot and dizzy all of a sudden. My hands had to grab onto something, which happened to be his arms. I held his arms tight, trying to keep myself grounded. A smirk slowly appeared on his face, his eyes softened from their burning intensity,
"And if I said real? What would you say to that?"
I opened my mouth but had to close it. I tried to swallow, but there was a lump and my mouth was dry. I felt a sudden rush of emotions, it was so overwhelming it came out in the form of a stifled sob, and my eyes filled with tears.
His smirk slid off and his eyebrows furrowed together in concern. "Baby?" He pulled away slightly to look at my face.
"I...I love- I love you!" I finally choaked, "But I'm such a hot mess!"
His smile reappeared. He gently kissed my cheek, where the tears were making their way down my face, "You are my hot fucken mess!" His lips ticked my skin.
"I'm...a lot to handle. Especial right now!" I breathed, terrified he was going to change his mind.
"I can handle you all fucken day, I got two hands for a reason." He whispered back. "I love you Jessie, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to love you forever and ever, so get used it. You get tired of me, too bad, take a fucken nap. 'Cause I'm not going anywhere, your fight is my battle too. You're struggle is my fight. I'm with you, always."
The tears still slid down my checks. He gently brushed them away with his thumbs.
"So...again. Jessie, I love you. I want to show you how much, and tell you every day for the rest of my shucked up life."
"Yo- you just proposed. Real or not real?"
"Very real." He smiled down at me, his eyes disappearing into half moons, and his dimple showed. "I know were young. But..." He closed his eyes for a second. "I can't...I need you. I want you. Remember back in the Glade, when I said if they took you I'd burn the world? Well... I just about did. I just about ruined myself, to the point of no return." He shuddered slightly. "I want you. I want you beside me, and on top of me, and under me, I wanna feel your heartbeat, I want to run my hands through your hear, and hear you breathing, and your thoughts. I wanna see your eyes lit up when you laugh, and I wanna wipe your tears, and hold you when your scared. Jessie...I just I wa-"
"Yes." I interrupted his little speech.
He stopped talking, his mouth open. "What?"
"I said yes, shuck face." my hands finally let go of his arms, and snacked into his hair. I closed my fists, slightly. I pulled his head closer. I pressed my lips to his still slightly parted mouth. "Yes." I repeated.
"Shut up and kiss me."
And he did. He pulled me closer and kissed me like he was drowning. This time, it wasn't so gentle. He forced my mouth open, and slid his hand from the back of my neck down my back to my butt, and he pulled me closer. It made a small squeak escape. The wild beating of my heart was worse now, and there was a turning in my stomach. It was hot and fanning into a wild fire. I felt my confusion and hesitancy clear. I felt alive for the first time since The Handler took over my mind almost a year ago. I felt free, and safe and loved. I tried pulling him closer. My legs wrapped around him, my hands grabbed and pulled. Our kiss was wild, passionate and deep. I could feel his heart beating wildly, I hear him moaning and growling. I yanked his t shirt up, breaking our kiss long enough to pull it over his head.
"Jess...your okay with this?" He panted.
I pulled my shirt up and off. He growled and pulled me back into another deep kiss. We were both wild and needy, and couldn't get everything off fast enough. He lowered us down into the sand. It wasn't the most comfortable, but I didn't notice it much; my mind was too busy trying to not float away of the wild tingling and burning filling my body. I broke our kiss and threw my head back, arching my back, pressing into him. He was breathing just as wild and heavily as I was.
"Minho!" I gasped, my eyes flying open, only to have them flutter closed again as he made me moan.
We lay panting and breathing hard, covered in sand. I hadn't felt that a live, ever. Minho rolled onto his side, propping his head up on his hand, looking down at me. His free hand slowly traced my skin, making me shiver. My hand found the back of his head.
"That was fun." He snickered, his signature lopsided smirk on his face. His eyes bright and full of his mischief. The sun had disappeared, and the moon and starts were coming out. The bright stars made his eyes sparkle.
I rolled my eyes, but puled his down for another kiss. He growled as I pressed my lips to his. He rolled more and crawled on top of me. I kissed him for a while, just enjoying his closeness, his body against mine. He slowly pulled away.
"You're my fiancée now." He smirked at me.
"That's a new one. Never thought I'd live long enough for that." I whispered.
"Well...we're almost there. Remember our conversation at Jorge's safe house? I want happily ever after with you. A home, with you, maybe kids one day, a dog? I want a life with you Jess. And it's almost there."
"Rat Man is still alive though." I whispered. "I don't know if I'd be able to relax and feel safe until I know he can't ever do that again. To me or anyone."
"Then lets kill him, and then we can live happily ever after." Minho growled into my neck.
"I like that plan." I agreed, as I ran my hands through his hair. He shifted slightly, to kiss me again, but I yelped.
"What?" He pulled away, "What'd I do? I'm sorry!"
"Sand is scratchy." I whined.
"Then lets go swimming. A moon lit swim, with my shucken badass fiancée."
He got up and pulled me to my feet, and tugged me down the beach and into the ocean. I expected it to be cold, but it was surprisingly warm. I don't remembering swimming, but somehow I knew what to do. And I enjoyed it. Minho was just a goof, he kept splashing and diving into the water. This time he dove and swam closer, and grabbed my legs, making me shriek. His head broke the surface, and I felt his hands sliding up my legs to my hips. He picked me up, and I'd wrap my legs around him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Minho just held me, looking at me in the moon light. He slowly leaned in closer gently kissing me. I sighed in contentment. Just as I did, he tossed me backwards into the water while I shrieked. My head broke the surface with a wild gasp.
"Minho!" I shrieked.
He threw his head back laughing wildly. His child like joy made me smile. I hadn't had the chance to be silly in what felt like my entire life. Seeing his huge smirk, hearing his big belly laugh, it made me want to. I wanted to hear that laugh more, see that smile more.
"Oh, it's gonna be like that is it?"
"Oh absolutely it is, my Duchess."
He swam over. I felt his hands on my waist. I jumped, pushing his shoulders down, forcing him back under the water. He still managed to pull me down. He pulled me closer, stood up, tossing me back into the water. got to the surface, sputtering wildly.
"Minho!" I shrieked again.
"Yes, Baby?" He asked me cheekily.
"You're awful!" I cried.
"Awfully amazing, good looking."
"All true, but still." I pouted. "That was mean!"
He chucked, as he came closer. I backed away, splashing him, He lunged at me, grabbing me, and I shrieked. He just pulled me into a kiss again.
"Shuck sakes I love you, Jess!" I murmured against my lips.
"I love you too."
He pulled me closer, I wrapped my legs around his waist, his arms wrapped around my back, and mine around his shoulders. I slid my tongue into his mouth.
"There you two are!"
Minho ripped away. And looked to the beach. Standing there was Winston and Newt, Jason and Sonya. They all held flashlights turned towards us, blinding us. I held a hand up, shielding my eyes. They moved the lights, and I saw the smirk on Winston and Newt's face. I heard a high five.
"So...I guess we shouldn't be worried." Jason said.
I let go of Minho and slid lower into the water, crossing my arms across my bare chest. Minho however, turned towards them.
"Can we help you shanks?"
"Well, after JayJay's freak out, we figured you had it covered, but then you didn't come's been a few hours, a few...leaders started to get worried."
"Shuck no." Minho rolled his eyes.
"Are you two making smart bloody choices?" Newt asked, pointing a hand towards us.
"Fuck off Newt. I'm a big girl." I rolled my eyes.
The others chuckled. Sonya had such a big smirk on her face. "I don't think I have ever heard a shriek like that from you Jess." She teased.
"I did. Once, in the showers." Winston nodded.
"Shut up Winnie." I growled.
"Come and make me Jay!"
I scowled at him. I wasn't moving, the four of them stood over our clothes. Maybe if Jason wasn't around. I knew Winston and Newt swung the other way. But no way I was comfortable enough to walk around fully naked. Minho however felt differently. He started wading closer. Sonya threw her hands over her eyes with a shriek.
"Dude!" Jason cried, also throwing a hand over his eyes.
"Then get lost ya shuck faces!"
Winston cackled, throwing his head back, Newt just pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.
"Scram you shuck faces. We'll come back when were good and ready!" Minho rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. The ocean waves lapped at his hips. It was a great view, but the moment was definitely ruined. The four of our friends smirked and turned away.
"Enjoy yourselves!" Sonya called.
"I think they already did!" Winston laughed. Him and Sonya high fived.
They continued to walk back down the beach, laughing. I waited until I couldn't hear them anymore, and only then did I venture back to the shore line. Minho had already pulled his pants on, and then watched wit ha smirk and I quickly pulled on my shorts and bra. My hair was dripping wet, so it made a huge wet spot on the back of my shirt.
"Come on, I was promised a quiet supper."
Minho got up and slid his hand into mine. We walked down the beach, hand in hand.
"Thank you, Min."
"For what?" He asked, looking down at me.
"I finally felt...happy. Safe. I felt like...maybe that could" I paused trying to think through my feelings, get my thoughts organized. He didn't rush me. "I don't think I've ever felt...silly. I don't think I've ever had the opportunity. I've been fighting and surviving for so long, I forgot what it was like."
He hummed and I saw the smile on his face.
"I love you Jess." He raised our hands and kissed my knuckles, "And Imma wife you up so hard! And then its happily ever after!"
× A fluffy chapter! AND FIANCEE?! WHAAAAT? ×
× We'll do a bit of THG Mocking Jay in the capital city mixed with
Death cure and then bam into safe haven. ×
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