Chapter Twenty-Two
Delaney's POV:
"I was more worried that you would give up your position at the school because things would be too awkward between us." said Brantley as he sat on the other end of the couch from me. After the kiss we'd shared, we made sure to keep a little distance between us, a conscious effort on both our parts to ensure that things didn't move too quickly.
"I won't lie. I thought about it." I said, drawing my knees under me and settling my back into the crook of the armrest and the back of the couch, turning so that I was looking more in his direction. "But then I knew that I would not only be punishing myself, but the kids that would attend –mine included."
"You know, you amaze me," said Brantley. "If i was in your position, I don't think that I would work with someone that had hurt me in such a way."
"I knew it wouldn't be easy but because of the kids and the education that they would receive, I knew that I had to deal with my feelings and hope that I could do the job. Plus, you won't be around all the time since I know your fans are practically salivating at the mouth for you to get back out on the road and touring."
"They are." Brantley said with a sigh. "I just don't know if I'm ready for that. Going out on the road means missing time with the kids and if losing Amber taught me anything, it was that time is the most valuable thing that we have."
"I agree there. Time is the most valuable thing we have since these kids seem to grow up way too fast. But you have to think about the fact too that what you are doing with the school, the kids can be with you whenever and wherever you want them. You really won't be missing that much time when you think about it."
"But I'll miss you." He said, his words seemingly slipping out, him not meaning to actually say them aloud. My suspicion of that was confirmed when he was quick to add "I shouldn't have said that."
"No B, I want you to always say what you are feeling, whether it be good or bad. I don't want you to feel like you have to bottle up your feelings because you are worried that things are moving too fast or whatnot."
"So you want total honesty?"
"Yes. It's one of the only rules I have with Layla and Amanda. I want them to be totally honest with me about everything in their lives. If i piss them off, I want them to tell me. If I overstep, same thing; I want them to tell me." I said. "And it's not always easy for them since they have different lives that I do being married to who they are married to but I told them that I never want them to feel like they have to censor what they say because they are scared that I might run to the press with it looking for some big pay-day because they said something I didn't like."
"Well, in that case, I have a confession to make." Brantley said. Upon his words, my curiosity peaked. "The other night when we went to the Pool Room and you were talking about being friends with Chase and his wife, I left out the part where I should have said that I am friends with Chase too. I don't have to tell you that people who have the star-status that I do have some pretty well known friends. Like I told you that night, I talk to Jason, Luke, Chase, and Riley. But it was kind of a cop out to let you believe that I was only talking about Chase Rice."
"So you know Clyde and Amanda?" I said, referring to Chase by his middle name, a name that only those close to him would ever call him.
"Clyde has sent me all-access passes to every race at Atlanta, a few to Nashville, and ones to Charlotte and Dega every single year since he made it onto the cup series.I've never used them, insisting on buying my own tickets and choosing to gift the tickets to someone waiting to get into the gates at whatever track." said Brantley, shocking me. I knew about Chase leaving tickets for a handful or races at the ticket booth for people, but I never suspected that one of those people would be Brantley. But what shocked me more –and maybe it shouldn't have since it was obvious that he was so caring– was the fact that he so selflessly gave away those tickets and gave someone else an experience that they would never forget.
"How did I not know that you two were that close?" I asked.
"I'm not sure. I guess you didn't know just like I didn't know that you are friends with Amanda. The universe didn't want us to connect until the moment that it wanted us to. Which is crazy when you think about it because I was at the hospital the day after Gannon was born, same with Maisie. Both kids were mere hours old the first time I held them."
I played with my ponytail as I looked at him, remembering the days that followed Gannon and Maisie's births. I'd spent every moment possible with Amanda at the hospital but with Colton and Chloe being so young and wanting to get into everything, I'd stayed a little while and left before coming back sporadically throughout her stay. I knew that there had to be some higher power intervening between me and Brnatley, not wanting us to run into one another until it saw fit.
But then, a memory washed over me, one where Gannon had mentioned his 'Uncle B'. Gannon had been young and just starting to talk clearly. Since he'd spent so much time with Layla and Ryan and most people referred to Ryan by his last name, I'd assumed he was talking about him. Never would I have guessed that he was talking about Brantley.
"Well, I guess if things move forward with us, there won't be any awkward introductions between you and my closest friends then, huh?" I said after a few moments.
"No," he laughed. "It won't be awkward.
"Well, that's a good thing because if you know Amanda, then I don't have to tell you how she is."
Brantley laughed again. "No, you don't. I know that she's a damn spitfire. And honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't shown up at my door ready to kick my ass over what happened between you and I."
"Oh, she wanted to. Believe me. But, since she's pregnant, Chase has her on a pretty short leash."
"Chase called and told me the good news a few days ago." Said Brantley. "Makes me a little envious that they are getting to experience the joy that comes with a newborn baby again, if I'm being honest."
"Would you want more kids one day?" I asked.
"Well that had always been the plan. But then life happened." he said, the tiniest bit of sadness in his voice. Hearing it made me regret asking the question. But then Brantley added "But to answer your question, if I found the right woman, then yes, I would want more kids."
All I could do was nod my head at his answer.
"What about you? Would you want more kids one day?" he asked.
I sat for a moment, thinking about how to answer that. After the twins were born, I'd worn that I was done. With me teaching and Alex being on the road with William, I was struggling with raising two kids and I knew that it would be more work to have more. When Alex and I had talked about trying for another kid, he'd shot down the idea, saying that two were enough since we'd gotten lucky with the twins, one being a boy and one being a girl. He claimed he didn't want to disrupt that balance by adding another kid. After that, I'd pushed the possibility out of my mind, choosing to appease my baby-fever by spoiling Gannon, Maisie, and Rayna every chance I got.
But now that Brantley was asking the question, the possibility of feeling a child growing inside, to get to experience being pregnant again, I knew that there was only one answer. I knew without a doubt that if I ever found someone that I was serious enough with to get to the topic of having kids with, that the answer to that question would be the only one thing.
"Yes." I whispered, locking eyes with him as I did so.
As I said the word, I saw something dance over his eyes. I wasn't sure what it was, but it sure looked a whole lot like desire. And damn, it did something to me. It made me want to throw caution to the wind, to straddle his lap, and get right down to it, to see how fast we could make a baby. But the lingering effects of that night in the barn, the two weeks of hell, and the promise to myself that if he and I ever worked things out that I would take this slow and wait for him to make the next move kept me from acting on my wants. That and the fact that I didn't know if I was ready to see if what happened last time would happen again.
"Well, I hope you get everything you want and then some one day." There was a hopefulness in his tone, one that made me wonder if he hoped that he would be the one that made my dreams come true.
"I do too, B."
Our eyes stayed locked for a while, each of us quiet as we both processed one another's wishes. But it was Brantley that broke the silence finally, asking what I had planned for the rest of the day.
"Nothing really. I told the kids we could watch a movie and eat popcorn later."
"How about I set you the projection screen in the backyard, you bring the kids over, and you, me, and all the kids can watch something under the stars?"
"That sounds nice actually. Chloe and Colton have been begging to come over."
"Barrett and Bray have been asking about them too," he replied. "And you as well."
Knowing that his kids were asking about me made my heart flutter. They were amazing kids, kids that had been through something that would impact them forever. But knowing that they were asking about me told me that they were closed off to the idea of another woman being in their fathers life that wasn't their mother; not that they knew the logistics of it all or anything. It just showed how resealant they are and how open they are to change.
"Brantley, I– I don't know what to say."
"Just say you will bring the kids, that we can all watch a movie together, and maybe, when the movie is over or the kids aren't paying attention, I can cuddle can steal a goodnight kiss." He said, his voice growing deeper as he spoke, telling me that the thought of kissing me was turning him on.
"I can do that." I smiled gently. "You just have to carry me home so I can go get the kids."
"Easy enough."
We sat there chatting for a few more moments before Brantley and I headed out to his truck so that he could carry me home. I had hoped we'd take the motorcycle since it had been so fun to ride but when I'd asked why were taking the truck, Brantley had said it was because I was in shorts and flip flops and that even though he was confident in his skills, he didn't want to put at risk of getting hurt. And that just made me fall a little more for him.
"So we're falling for him now?"
There goes that voice again, the same one that had been fueling the doubts I had over Brantley really liking me and not the fact that I reminded him of Amber. As it was, I was struggling with it enough on my own. Add in that harpy bitch's voice, and well, it was enough to make you think you were going crazy.
But for the first time since that night two weeks ago, I was willing to admit that yes, yes I am falling for Brantley...
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