Chapter Forty-One
Brantley's POV:
After getting Chloe and Colton back into bed and sleeping as soundly as possible considering their little brains were most likely running a million miles an hour, Delaney and I relaxed in our bed, her naked body pressed against mine with her head resting directly over my heart. My body wanted me to act on her nakedness beside me, but the gentlemanly part of me knew that tonight wasn't the night for me to ravage her –even if my body craved it. So instead, my hand roamed up and down her naked back, soothing away the tension in her body, enjoying the feeling of her laying beside me.
Between the stress of Alex's passing, the funeral, the kids' pain, and the rumored pregnancy for Dillon, it's all taken a toll on my girl; it's taken a toll on all of us to be honest. Every day for the past week, I have watched Delaney go through all the emotions that grieving people deal with. I'm comfortable enough with myself and the depth of my feelings for her and the knowledge of her feelings for me to know that her grieving isn't because she wished things had ended differently between her and Alex. I knew that she was struggling with this simply because of her kids and the fact that they would have to live out the rest of their lives without their father.
I knew that pain all too well. Dealt with it myself with Barrett and Braylin after losing Amber. Hell, I was still dealing with it when Delaney showed up in Jefferson a short time ago. And there was no doubt in my mind that if Delaney hadn't showed up in my life, I would still be a shell of a man.
Knowing that she was responsible for me moving on with my life and learning to live with the pain of losing someone I thought I would spend the rest of my life with made me want to do the very same thing for her. I wanted to see her smile again –one that wasn't forced or simply for the sake of the children. I wanted to see her relaxed, not worrying about if the kids were having a good day or a bad day. And in order to do all that, it meant that we all needed an escape.
And I knew just where to take her and the kids.
"Hey, Baby. Look at me for a second" I said softly, tipping her head back so she was looking into my eyes. Her normally glowing green irises were puffy from crying and it only solidified my plan to take her and the kids away from it all for a little while. "What do you say to all of us getting out of town for a while? We can take the kids, make some new and happy memories, and try to take away some of the pain that we've all been dealing with lately."
"B, there is so much going on–"
"Baby, you need rest." I said, lowering my hand down to her stomach. I rested it over the spot where the baby was growing and let my thumb trail over it lightly. "I'm looking out for you, the kids, and for the baby."
"About that..." said Delaney, shifting on the bed. Her body was still pressed against mine but I noticed that the semi-relaxed state she had been in was no longer present. I watched as she worried her bottom lip, her teeth sinking into it plumpness, obviously worried about whatever it was she was about to say and how I was going to react.
"Babe, what is it?" I said, my mind already jumping to the worst case scenario.
In my head, I was already asking myself if I had waited too long to take her away, had I missed that the stress was too much. And with that came the fear that if the worst case scenario was what she was about to tell me turned out to be that she had been so stressed that she miscarried. And I knew that if that was the case, I would never forgive myself for doing something sooner.
Delaney must have gotten a glimpse at the thoughts running through my head because one minute she was lying beside me and the next, she was straddling my hip, looking down at me as I lay flat on my back. "No need for you to get that constipated look on your face. I'm fine and so is our little peanut."
I let out a heavy sigh of relief before placing my hands on her hips. I let the tips of my fingers dig into the flesh there slightly. "Then baby, you got to tell me what's going on because the things running through my head right now–"
"There's a good chance that I'm pregnant with twins, B." she said in a rush, cutting me off.
I must have given her a 'what the fuck' look because she smiled at me –a real smile for the first time in a week– before continuing. "When I got pregnant with Chloe and Colton, it wasn't an easy time. It involved lots of doctors, but not for me or the kids. But for Alex." Her voice cracked as she said his name but she managed to hold it together. "We saw specialist after specialist. And in the beginning, I thought that the problems we had with getting pregnant were my fault. But then we found out that it was actually Alex's."
"I'm sorry, baby." I whispered, locking eyes with her.
"Well, when I finally conceived, the doctors found that if I was to ever get pregnant again, there was an extremely high possibility that it would be multiples. And I don't just mean multiples as in twins. I mean multiples as in the possibility of triplets and even quadruplets"
"Quad– Laney, that's four." I said.
My thoughts were now running a million miles a minute. Don't get me wrong, I am as excited as anyone could be to know that they are expecting a child. But the possibility of one child turning into the possibility of becoming four? Well, that was going to take some time to wrap my head around.
"That's right, B." she said, leaning down. She pressed her lips against mine in a soft kiss that made my cock twitch with interest. I feel rather than see her smile spread across her face as she kissed me once more briefly and sat back up, looking me in the eyes.
"Mama and I were actually talking about it that day at the house right before, well, you know what happened that day." said Delaney, the smile on her face fading briefly at the memory of the phone call she'd gotten that day. "Anyway, mama knew immediately that I was pregnant, said she was happy for us, but she was worried that it might be too much too fast given the condition that I have and you having just recently finding your way in life again. I told her that I would tell you when I thought the time was right. But then, well, the past week happened and I just haven't gotten around to telling you. Just please, don't be mad at me for not telling you this sooner. I really didn't want to get your hopes up that I could be pregnant with multiples and then it trun out to be only one. You deserve–"
I moved fast, sitting up and pressing my back to the headboard. I slammed my lips down over hers, cutting off whatever she was about to say next, pouring every once of love I felt for her and all the joy that was threatening to slip me in half into it. And when I broke the kiss, I rested my forehead against hers. "Delaney, I don't care if there is one or four or hell, even eight in there. Whatever the good lord gives us, I will be more than happy with. It's just, if it turns out to be multiples, then well, we're just growing our family a little faster than most."
Tears streamed down Delaney's face at my words. And for the first time in a week, they were tears of joy and not of sorrow.
"B, I love you so much." she said through her tears.
"And I love you."
"Do you mean it?" she whispered.
"That I love you? Laney–"
"No, that you will be fine if it's just one baby and not more."
"Absolutely." I said. "I told you, I always wanted more kids. I'll gladly take whatever we are given."
Delaney shifted on my lap then, just enough that my cock that had been standing tall and hard between us notched against her folds. The caveman side of me wanted to shout with joy since my cock was once more in the place it craved to be. But the gentlemanly side of me told me to wait it out, to let Delaney do this at her own pace.
And I should have known what that pace was going to be.Because within milliseconds, the head of my cock was pushing through her wet channel and sliding deep, hitting the bottom of her effortlessly.
"I've missed this." I said, the words falling from my lips before I had the chance to hold them back.
"I have too, B."
Delaney spent the next hour showing me just how much she had missed the sex between us while I repeatedly told her that I loved her.
Delaney's POV:
"Where did you want to go?" I asked, snuggling tightly against Brantley's naked and warm body, going back to the conversation he'd started before we got side tracked with talk of multiple babies and sex.
"Well, Chase has a place out on the coast of North Carolina that he's been begging me to check out. He says the fishing is some of the best in the world. Since it's in a remote village that's mostly locals that stay to themselves with a few celebrities that stay there and fly under the radar when they do, it would be the perfect place to get away for a little while. Barrett and Braylin love the beach so I was thinking that it would be the perfect place to go." said Brantley.
Salt water does do wonders on the soul." I said. "And Chloe and Colton love the beach as well. It's crazy though, in all the years that I lived in North Carolina, in all the trips we went on to the beach, we never went to the beaches in our state. We always went to South Carolina or Florida."
"So you would be fine with staying at the beach for however long you want to?"
"Honestly B, it sounds like the best news I've heard in awhile." I smiled. "I do have one stipulation first."
"What's that, baby?" Brantley said, a smile on his face.
"That we go to the doctor and see if we can tell how far along I am and if we have multiples in here." I said. As I did, I grabbed his hand and rested it over the little bump that only I could tell was there. Whether it actually was or not, I don't know. But I just felt like I saw one when I looked at myself in the mirror. "That way, we can tell the kids while we're there and hopefully make that trip one that they remember for the rest of their lives."
"Fine by me, baby." He said, rolling me onto my back. He pressed his lips against mine and kissed me deeply. When he broke it, he looked down at me with hooded eyes. "I promise that this trip will be one that they remember. I know for a fact I will and we haven't even gotten packed yet."
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