TW! Mentions and depictions of eating disorders.
this is now a willow sandler fan account😍😍
TAGGED: @sandywillow
LIKED BY sandywillow, OscarIsaac, LenaHeadey, AND 1M OTHERS
this is the best good morning you've done so far
may there be a million more
AHHH stop they're so cute my heart
Still hate her lol
@User90092 good thing your opinion's irrelevant then!
@pascalispunk we just want what's best for you!!! She's not a good person!!!! Stay!!! Away!!! She should be in jail!!!
!!! No!!!! Matter!!! How!!! Many!!! You!!! Have!!! To!!! Use!!! You!! Still!! Sound!!! Like!!! An!!! Idiot!!!
(pascalispunk and OscarIsaac liked this comment)
Convince her to bring you to dinner...could be fun😏😂
@adamsandler I'm 100% up for that.
Great! See you both soon! ❤️
@pascalispunk @adamsandler WHAT IS HAPPENING RN
So happy for you P💓
you make me happy Lena!!!
(Liked by sandywillow)
God she's so ugly what are those brows
No deadass. Have you seen her weight lately? I think James is right 🤮 she's so toxic and ugly #pillowisoverparty #dobetterpedro
@sandywillow did you know our couple name is pillow??? I love that 🥺
pillow 😍
(Liked by pascalispunk)
omg it's my baby ilysm
Not these celebrities acting along 🤪 please we all know it's fake you don't need to keep lying for them lol.
It's so stupid like what is even the point? He can do better and she's literally not even that talented. Or pretty.
@User661782 thats not what your mom said last night
(Liked by pascalispunk)
Stfu whore
(Comment under review.)
"The Living"
Group Chat
Lincoln Logs
I am very upset with you.
I Will Survive
what did I do????
he's mad because he didn't
know you and Pedro Pascal
are dating
Andrew literally how did
you not know ????
it's been everywhere for months man
Lincoln Logs
thought she'd tell us :(
Skull Crusher
She told me 🤷🏻♂️
Guess she prefers her
other tv family
(Lincoln Logs disliked this message)
Lauren Co-HOTTIE
Wait Andrew
You literally liked her Instagram post
(I Will Survive emphasized this message)
I Will Survive
No literally?
Do you not remember that?
Also JDM stfu
I didn't tell you
Jared brought it up
Don't lie to Andrew!!
(Lincoln Logs liked this message)
I'm happy for you will.
You deserve it.
James is the absolute worst human.
Doesn't deserve anything.
You deserve someone good for you.
(Lincoln Logs emphasized this message)
I Will Survive
Thank you
I love you guys 💕
I knew the whole time
I Will Survive
That's true.
He remembers liking my photos
Andy man wyd
She responded and everything
Lincoln Logs
I forgot
Yeah that's right
I'm so sorry will
I'm not mad anymore
Apologies love
I Will Survive
Okay 😂😂
love y'all gtg
favorite character you've played?
Too hard
Next question
Okay fine
Favorite fish?
What 😂😂😂
Why would you ever need to
know that answer 😂
I don't need to.
I want to.
There's a difference.
I want to know everything
there is to know about you,
Probably clownfish.
So basic smh
You gonna come eat?
There's leftover chicken
and rice if u want some
No I'm okay
I'm not feeling great rn
Message read at 12:24PM
Willow frowned, hearing a knock at her trailer door. There was at least another twenty minutes before she had to be back on set.
She opened the door, surprised to see Pedro standing there, a plate of food in his hand.
"Hey, pretty lady."
Willow smiled, looking down at the food and back at him.
"I'm not hungry."
"That's fine," he shrugged, moving past her and setting the plate down on her small table. "This is for later. When you inevitably do get hungry after a long day of filming."
"Oh," she blushed, touched by the action. It was simple and sweet — and half made her want to dive into the food right now. But she knew she wouldn't. "Thank you."
He nodded, tucking his hands into his front pockets, glancing around the trailer.
"Yours is definitely smaller."
She snorted, agreeing with him. "Well, I'm not the star."
He shrugged. "Once people see your character, you'll get promoted. I know it."
A blush creeped on her cheeks at the sincerity in his voice and she watched him, his eyes moving across the small trailer casually.
"Damn," he swore with a shake of his head, glancing down at his watch. She stared at him in confusion and he moved closer to her. "I have that stupid urge to kiss you again." Her eyes widened in surprise and he let out a breathy chuckle. "I have a good eighteen minutes and fourteen seconds to do a lot more than kiss you." Her blush deepened and she felt her body tightening at his words.
Bergamot and cedar wood filled her nose again, damn that citrus scent, and a dull ached blossomed deep within her.
"But I guess I'll stick to hugging you," he finished, watching her closely, his head just above her own. "Is that okay?"
She nodded, breathless by his blaze words and a smirk tugged at his lips. He knew exactly what he was doing. And he liked it.
Narrowing her eyes, she raised her head defiantly and pouted her bottom lip.
"No, I'm fine," she answered casually.
His expression didn't change, but something flickered in his eyes, a fire she hadn't seen before. A challenge.
"Oh, really? Okay. Well, I'll leave you to it then."
She watched as he took the few steps to the door and tried to stop herself from —
"Wait!" She blurred out, not wanting him to leave her just yet. He turned around slowly, expectantly, as if he hadn't planned the entire situation.
He knew exactly what she wanted.
"Yes, Princesa?" He drawled.
"I..." she faltered. On one hand, she wanted to win, to prove that she was stronger than him. But his cologne clouded her senses and she wanted nothing more than to be engulfed in him.
"That's what I thought," he finished with a low chuckle, walking back to her and pulling her close to him.
She couldn't help the sigh of relief. A sense of security washed over her, and she snuggled closer, breathing him in deeply.
She felt him laugh again, holding her close, his arms wrapped around her upper back, one hand cradling her head to his chest.
Willow could hear his heartbeat, drumming rhythmically against her ear. It wasn't sporadic like her own, he was steady. Everything about him was steady, secure, safe.
His grip tightened a fraction and she felt him inhale deeply — was he breathing her in too? Was he benefiting from this as deeply as she was? — and she felt a soft kiss being pressed to the top of her head.
"I'm so happy to know you, Willow Sandler," he mumbled into her hair. "You're a breath of fresh air in a world full of smoke."
Her heat clenched at his words, and she heard his own speed up as he finished. Did he mean that? Did he truly feel the same about her that she did him?
"Like no one I've ever met before," he continued quietly, kissing her head again. "Me estoy enamorado de ti, corazón."
"What?" She pulled back her head back, confusion dancing across her face.
"Nothing," he smiled down gently at her. "You smell like coconut."
"Oh." Willow sighed, a crease between her brows. "Spanish really does make everything sound romantic and pretty."
He chuckled, the sound reverberating from his chest. He squeezed her tighter, closing his eyes gently.
I love you, Pedro said to her, in a language she didn't understand. Like a coward. He wanted to tell her, to shout it from the rooftops.
He wanted to tell people publicly, with confidence, that they were together. He wanted to make their "relationship" official, to hold her hand in the street and take her out.
But he'd said it carefully, painfully aware that she couldn't know. He wanted to be with her so much it hurt, but he couldn't jeopardize her well-being for a selfish motive.
She wasn't ready for a relationship, and though one day he was sure she would be, he didn't know if she'd want him when the time came. He was far older than her, as everyone so graciously liked to point out, and he wasn't half as attractive as her.
She could easily have anyone she wanted when the time came. What on God's green earth would make her pick him?
So he'd taken the chance to say it now, before he'd never get the chance to again.
To communicate his feelings at least once. And it was okay if she never knew, if she got better and moved on and found happiness in someone other than him.
He'd love her anyway and watch from afar as she thrived and lived her life to the fullest.
She adjusted her head, moving it closer into his chest, if that were possible, and his heart tightened. He was sure it would beat from his chest now; with her head that close, she could definitely hear it.
He pressed another kiss to her head, wishing he could tell her. Wishing he could let her know that she was quickly becoming everything to him and he never wanted to let her go.
But he didn't.
Instead, he moved his lower hand — keeping his left firmly on the back of her head, holding her close — and ran it gently along her back, relishing in the soft gasp of contentment that escaped her lips.
If he wasn't sure before, he definitely was now. He'd fallen for her, and he'd fallen hard.
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