I wanted to pounce on Ashton right there and kick his ass. But I was stopped by a Calum pulling me away from him.
"What the hell was that Mikey?" Calum asked from behind me.
"He fücking kissed Addi that's what's up!" I screamed trying to break away from Calum's hold.
"Dude! Chill. We didn't do anything. At least we stopped!" Ashton started yelling at me just the same as I was to him.
"Don't 'dude chill' me. I can't chill. You knew I loved her but you still kissed her."
"HOW I REMEMBER IT YOU BROKE UP WITH HER!" I broke free from Calum's hold and tackled Ash onto the grass. I threw punches at his face. He wasn't even trying to fight back. Then I stopped. I got up realizing what I had done wrong. I reached my hand out to grab Ash's.
"Common man. I can't do this. I'm sorry." He grabbed my hand and we walked inside. I grabbed some frozen peas from the freezer and handed them to him. Something was missing though. I couldn't put my finger on it. What is it.
Oh. My. God. Where's Addi?!
"Addi?" I started towards the stairs. I was quickly stopped by the only breadstick I know. Luke.
"She doesn't want to see you right now man."
"I need to talk to her Luke, come on. Let me go up there. Please." I was begging at this point. There was nothing else I could do. He wouldn't let me past though.
"Nope. Whenever she's ready you can see her." Why is this happening to me!
Michael jumped on Ashton. I couldn't watch this. I immediately ran for my room. I couldn't handle the fact that i still loved Mikey and thats never gonna change. I wanted Mikey to stop torturing Ashton because of a mistake that we both made. If Mikey was gonna punish Ash he need to punish me also.
When i got to my room I texted Luke to tell him not to let anyone up. I had a window that faced the front yard where Mikey was on top of Ash. He wasn't hitting him anymore. He was just siting there. He eventually got up and said something else to Ash helping him up.
Five minutes after everyone was inside i heard Mikey yelling my name. I went outside my door so I could hear what he was saying. I was where no one could see me, but I could still get a good ear on the conversations.
"She doesn't want to see you right now man." I heard Luke say sternly.
"I need to talk to her Luke, come on. Let me go up there. Please." I was silently wishing Luke would let him up.
"Nope. Whenever she's ready you can see her." Luke whyyyyyyyyyy. I wanted him up here, but Luke was doing what is best for me.
I walked back into my room, cuddling up on the bear Mikey got me for valentines last year. I missed him. I wanted everyone to leave so we could finish our cuddle session he had started earlier. I knew I would eventually have to be the social butterfly I dreaded,and go down stairs. I chose sooner rather than later to go down.
As I walked down stairs I could hear the conversation in the kitchen.
"So you really like her?" Ashtons voice rang through my ears. Who were they talking about? Was it me? Wait who were they talking to?
"Yeah I do. I just can't seem to find the right words to say to her." No not Mikey. I can't have this happening. I went back to my room hoping no one saw me. I grabbed my phone and texted Luke.
Addi- Is it safe to come down now???????
Lukey- Yeah give me 2 mins......
Addi- Kk... Ill be down in 2 minutes exactly. I'm setting a timer.
Lukey- Of course you are. So punctual.
Addi- stfu and get them to stop talking so i can come down.
Lukey- Addi i didnt know you liked that kind of kinky stuff
i just stuffed my face in a pillow and screamed softly into it at my annoyance with Luke's dirty minded 'humor'.
Ass Hat- Okay you can come down now.
I left the message on the screen just scanning it. I then walked slowly down the stairs, making sure they were done talking. When i had assurance, I busted through the kitchen doors.
"Honey I'm homeeeeee!" Everyone broke into a fit of laughter. Mikey then came over to me and welcomed me with a famous hug of his.
"Welcome back to the social world babe." He whispered into my ear. My breath hitched as I could feel his skim across my ear.
"So what are we talking about." Trying to ignore the little voice in my head telling me to kick everyone out so that I could talk to Mikey by myself.
"We were talking about you-" Calum started and was then interrupted by Ashton.
"Tube. We were talking about youtube and how fun it would be to start a channel." All lies.
"Yeah. I thought it would be a good idea." Luke finished off there sentences to make some-what sense of what was happening. I put my phone on the island everyone was surrounding.I then placed my short cover butt on one of the skinny barstools. My phone then went off showing the message Luke, who is sitting next to me, sent 2 minutes earlier. Of course he had to say something.
"Why am I an Ass Hat Addi? Is it cause you want ass to be a hat? Hmm? Hmm?" He started doing his famous eyebrow raise thing. How can he move his eyebrows that fast. It confused me so much.
"No Luke. It was because you are an ass that needs to get a hat to cover up that flop of hair you have." Mikey stated coming up with a come-back for me.
"Harsh clifford."
We sat in the kitchen talking for hours before Mikey's parents finally came home and asked if everyone could leave. Thank the lord. All i wanted right now was to go upstairs and cuddle with Mikey.
"Where do you two think you're going?" Karen asked before we could even get to the stairs.
"To our rooms mom. We've had a tiresome day." Sassy Mikey is back and active.
"Well come into the kitchen we need to talk." Oh god. Do they know about me and Mikey? Is that why they come home early? Is that why they want to talk?
"Mikey, Addi. Theres no easy way to say this. We're moving in 4 months."
So that's the end of this chapter.
Guys I'm so bored...lmao I need friends. 😂 but anyway... How did you like this chapter?
This is a sucky chapter but I'm trying to update.
If y'all have anything you wanna talk about you can dm me or smthn Idek. Okay I'm gonna stop
Follow me on Twitter @ summer_monkeyyy
Instagram is @ summer.monkeyyy
Snapchat Hannah.cattt
Bye babes
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