(a//n) I think I'm gonna make this chapter a little bit longer. So it may take me longer to write this one. There will be a lot of switching in between times... Watch for the *flashback* or *flash forwards* okay.
*flash forward*
6 months later
Mikey had finally pulled up to the new apartment. For the last few weeks we have been living in a hotel room. We worked until school ended and for the past two months we've been working in a restaurant about a block from where we are moving.
"Mikey open the door. It's soooooo hot and i need air conditioning!" He wasn't opening the door and I was about to stab him with a knife.
"Calm down Mrs. Im-gonna-wear-jeans-today. This is your own fault." All the sudden we see Ashton sprinting up the stairs to his apartment across the way, "Ashton get Addi to shut up. I need to concentrate."
"Dude she's your girlfriend not mine. You know how to shut her up." I was about to run away 'cause I knew exactly what was gonna happen.
"Oh yeah. Your right." He grabbed my waist and pulled me in and started tickling me.
"Will you stop complaining?"
"Yes. Now open the door." He took out his keys and we walked inside.
*flashback to 9th grade (the end of the last chapter)*
I went straight into my bathroom. Mikey followed right behind me.
"What did you want to tell me. You're worrying me Addi." I didn't say anything. I just looked down at the ground. "Goddamn it Addi just tell me!" I looked up at him. My eyes had tears coming out of them. Mikey looked at me with pure and deep concern.
"Mikey, I'm so sorry." He looked at me and I was just pulling up my sleeve. I had 3 or 4 cuts but I had about 10 scars from previous cuts.
"Addi." He whispered softly and pulled me into a hug. "I'm here for you. Always. Never do this again. Promise." I simply nodded my head into his chest and felt his tears fall onto my forehead.
I grabbed the razor and put it to my wrist. I just left it there for a minute. I was about to run the sharp metal across my wrist when there was a soft knock at the bathroom door.
"Addi. Can we talk?" It was obviously Mikey wanting to talk to me yet again.
"Mikey if we talk you're gonna want something that I can't deliver. I can give you anything but friendship. That's all I can handle right now."
"Addison. You need to hear me out. I need to talk to you. I know you need to tell me stuff and I need to do the same." I shuffled through the bathroom trying to hide the razor. I put it under the sink and noticed that my arm was bleeding. When he knocked in the door I guess it jumped and cut myself. I quickly cleaned off my arm and put a band aid on. I opened the door to my room and he was sitting in my bed.
"You wanna talk. Let's talk." I walked over and sat next to him.
"Where do you want me to start?" He started nervously playing with his fingers. I did the same with my hair.
"Start from the beginning."
"Okay." He paused and looked at me. Before he said anything else be quickly grabbed my hand. "I just want you to know that I did this all for you." I nodded my head and he pulled me into a hug. "Okay so it all started at the beginning of the year. I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and looking through the suggested friends. I quickly saw some one who looked almost exactly like you." He paused again. "I clicked on her page and she had pictures of her and her friends. I scrolled through till I found a status update about her being adopted." He had tears rolling down his face. "She lived in California but her parents only live a few hours away. When i found out I messaged her. We got to talking a lot and we found out that. Well. Um–"
"She was my sister?" I questioned him trying not to make it too hard for him to finish.
"Yeah. We kept talking trying to figure out how to tell you or how to get you to meet her. She suggested that you met her over the break. This was all before you suggested that we go to Nashville. When I found out that we were going she was gonna be close. I met up with her that day and it was when I thought you were gonna break up with me." He kept rambling on and I had tears coming from my eyes. He had been crying the whole time.
"Michael." I said trying to get him to stop.
"No. I want to tell you everything." I nodded my head and he continued, "so after we met up I started rambling about you and the whole thing and I kept drinking and drinking. When Rayna finally cut me off I was already drunk. She suggested that she just take me back to the hotel. I agreed with her and we walked outside. I wasn't watching where I was going and that's how I ended up getting hit by a car and all." He tried to keep his words as full and steady as possible, but his voice was shaky.
"Mikey. You don't have to keep going. If this is too difficult–"
"I was unconscious for a while and when I woke up Rayna was on the phone with you. She was telling you how you needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. I tried to get her attention but I was so tired that I ended up falling back asleep. When I woke up Rayna was gone. About 5 minutes later you walked into the room. After you left I started crying and I got really upset. Rayna came in and asked what happened. I told her all about it and she just said that she was really sorry. I was released a few hours later and that's when I started going home. I really wanted to avoid you at first so I went to Luke's house think you were at Ashton's or here, but you obviously weren't." I snuggled closer to Michael as we started laying down on the bed.
"Rayna and I came back to the house and I stayed in my room. I guess Rayna didn't want to bother me so she stayed downstairs for a little while. When she came up I was crying and she wanted to make sure I was okay. She kept asking me all these questions about what happened." Mikey paused. He hesitated to tell me the next part. "When I finished telling whe everything, I-i um I kissed her." He mumbled the last part but I knew exactly what he said.
"It didn't mean anything. I was hurt and she was there. When I pulled away we knew it wasn't meant to happen. She just reminded me so much of you. I needed you to be with me. Not her. She was just there." I was hurt by the fact that Mikey kissed my sister.
"Mikey. I-I need to tell you something." I needed to tell him about me and Ashton. He just opened up to me about everything that has happened. I was going to forgive him for kissing my sister cause it meant nothing. And the thing with Ashton to me wasn't anything. To Ashton I feel like it was more. "When I l-left I went to Ashton's. We were watching movies all cuddled in his bed and h-he was comforting me." I started crying even harder than I was before. "He kissed me. And I kissed back. But we pulled away and that's when I went to Luke's. It meant nothing." Mikey had hurt in his eyes.
"Y-you ki-kissed him?" He was stuttering.
"Yeah.. Do you hate me?" At this point Mikey was not longer cuddling me. We were no longer looking at each other. He was in his own world.
*flash forward*
Mikey and I walked into the apartment and it was beautiful. It had 2 rooms and one bath. It also had a small kitchen and living room. Ashton, Calum, and Luke's was the same except it has an extra bath.
"Awe Mikey it's so cute." Mikey and I had been getting along a lot better than we had before. He was still upset with me about everything that happened over spring break a few months back.
"I know. Now I get the bigger room!" Mikey ran back to the room being the child that he was and he claimed the room as his own.
"But what if I wanted the bigger room?" I looked up at him puppy dog eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"That sucks. I get it. Maybe you can sneak over though... Like old times." He gave a a sheepish smile and pecked my lips, then he walked away.
"You really suck Clifford."
"And you swallow Fly!" I threw my flip flop at Mikey hitting him in the head. He then slowly turned around. "What was that?"
"I have noooooo idea."
"Hey guys. Ashton now stood in the doorway of the apartment with a smirk on his face.
"Don't tell me you're already checking out the girls at the pool." Michael then grinned at his friend.
"Nooooo. I would never. But speaking of the pool. We should so go."
*back to the present!*
"Mikey communicate with me. Tell me what I need to do." He was still in shock from my confession earlier.
"I need to talk to Ashton. I need to punch his face in."
"You will do no thing Michael. He's still our friend after everything that's happened." I grabbed the car keys before Mikey could take them.
"Addi give me the keys."
"No. You can't just bash his face in because he kissed me."
"Oh really watch me." Of course being short would not help in this. He quickly grabbed the keys and started for the car. I quickly followed after him.
"I'm coming with you."
"No Addi. I need to do this on my own."
"Mikey you don't need to do anything. You need to come back inside."
"No Addi. I love you, but I need to do something about Ashton."
"Mikey. Listen to me. I need you to come inside and let me handle everything. Ashton and I already talked and figured everything out. You don't see me going and punching Rayna in the face? Do you?"
"Fine." He took the keys out of the car and handed them to me.
"Can we go inside and finish talking now?" He nodded his head and we both headed inside.
We finished talking about we need to wait till we got out of school and figured our lives out before anything could happen between us. The fact that there was only 2 months of school left helped that detail. We were about to fall asleep when both of our phones went off.
Luke🍕: Have u 2 made up or out yet?
Cal-Pal- yeah? Where's that happy couple we all love and adore.
Mikey💕- you all need to shut up. Me and Addi have made up. No making out tho. You wanna come over mates?
Addi: I never agreed to this?!
I lightly punched Mikey's arm after seeing that he invited them over.
Mikey💕: hurry up mates. I feel like I'm about to get My ass kicked.
Addi: you're 100% correct.
"I'm about to pounce on you Clifford. What the fück was that?" He starred at me.
"Can I not invite our friends over anymore?"
"Whatever." We hugged me and kissed my forehead before walking down stairs.
I really do not like the update on my phone. Why Wattpad why? It's almost 2 in the morning and I'm about to throw my phone because Wattpad is being very stressful
Anyway. This chapter is over 2000 words. I was very proud of my self. Jkjk. But anyways what did y'all think?
Btw I'm sorry if there was any confusion about the flash forwards and stuff. The flash forward to the apartment is before the beginning of the book just so you guys know.
Bye babes
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