1 week later
The house is filled with boxes. They're pilled up in the living room, my room, the kitchen, and anywhere else you can think of. Yes we still have a couple months till we actually move, but Michael and I have finals so we have to prep and it's hard to prep while packing. Michael and I think we've found a place for the boys and us. All we need is jobs.
"Ad, where's the tape?!" Michael started screaming from the other room. God Michael I'm in the next room not across the glob. I got up and grabbed the tape from my dresser.
"It's right here. You know you don't have to yell." I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against his door frame.
"I'm sorry did I damage the angel's hearing?"
"Ha ha you're so funny." I walked out of his room and back to mine to finish the study guide I was making to help us. I was making us a study guide because Michael was too lazy to help.
"I know I don't see why people don't appreciate my humor more often." Michaels sarcasm was on a high today.
"I don't understand why you think you're so funny when it's obvious you're not." I got back up after writing 2 more sentences and made my way to his room.
"Oh but I am the most hilarious person in the world. Ask the boys they think I'm funny." Michael walked up to me and grabbed my waist and pulled me close, "what's it gonna take for you to think that I'm funny?" I then put my arms around his neck and stood on my tip toes to make us meet eye to eye.
"I don't know Michael. Do you really think you can convince me to think you're funny?" I leaned in and dodged his lips and whispered in his ear in a seductive tone, "I believe I'm the funniest person in the damn world." I escaped from his grip and went back to the study guide.
"You know that you need to pack the pictures in your room?" He picked up the picture next to my bed. It was of him and me at a school bonfire last year. We were laughing. I wish I could've stayed in that moment forever, "maybe you can keep this one out." He set the picture back down and sat next to me on the bed.
"I just don't want to get rid of the memories right now." I had everything in my room pack up except for pictures and music. I couldn't get over the fact that we're leaving.
"I understand Ad." He paused "if you're not ready don't do anything." I looked up at him while he looked down at me.
"Thanks Mikey." I rested my head on his chest. It was the middle of the day and we had been working all weekend. We have school tomorrow which means I can't fall asleep right now. "I need something to keep me awake. This study guide is just wearing me out."
"Do you wanna pack me room while I do the study guide?"
"Can we?" I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip.
"Yes we can." He kissed my forehead and shooed me away from his work area.
"Where the hell did the tape go. I gave it to you 10 minutes ago!" I found myself yelling and now understand why Michael was going it earlier.
"It's in my dresser." I saw the tape next to a smaller box. Not like the boxes that we were packing. It was a jewelry box, the ones get after buying something from the store. I quickly grabbed it and slowly opened it. "Just don't tou- oh shit. Damn it Addison. This why I can't leave stuff laying around."
It was a necklace with a small diamond pendent. "What is this Mikey?" He didn't answer he just played with his thumbs, "Michael! What the hell is this?!" I found myself yelling yet again.
"You weren't supposed to see that yet. It was a surprise for after the finals." I looked at him but his head was still down.
"If this is for me I'm not accepting it."
"Oh yes you are. I bought this as a gift for you and you're gonna accept it if I have to force it around your neck!" I guess he really wants me to have this.
"Damn it Michael why do you have to do this?" I hadn't noticed but happy gets were falling from my eyes.
"Because you're my favorite person right now. I love you." With those three words I tackled him. This was the perfect moment and nothing could ruin it.
We've been packing for about 4 hours now. His parents called about an hour after he gave me the necklace and asked us to pack the living room for them. All the pictures and China. They had it laying around the house. In little plate holders. They have been collecting it for a while.
We finally decided to finish for the night when his parents got home with Chinese take out. "So have you guys found a place in Nashville yet?" Of course his mom has to ruin the good day by bringing up Nashville.
"I think I've found a place but we just have to get jobs and earn the money for the rent." I stated jabbing my chopsticks in my box to show my annoyance with the subject.
"Mom I think that's enough talking about Nashville. We have about 3 and a half months before we move out. I think we'll be fine." There Michael goes, trying to save the day like always.
"Okay honey whatever you say. I was just trying to create conversation."
"Wanna finish this upstairs Ad?" He gestures towards his food and I nodded in response.
When we finally got upstairs he went in my room and plopped on my bed. "Thanks for saving me."
"Saving you. I think my dad was even annoyed with the conversation." For the next 15 minutes we sat in silence.
"I'm pooped. Wanna go to sleep?" He nodded and left. He came back in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt he cut the sleeves off of. He got under the comforter and gestured for my to cuddle with him. I accepted and his cuddles.
"Good night angel." This was the perfect way to end a perfect day. But everything can change in an instant.
Sorry it took a little bit to update. It feels like forever since I have. This was kinda just a filler chapter. I feel like I've been doing those a lot. Don't worry the next few chapters will have big things happening and the title of the story will come into play a lot. Anyway GO READ THE BOOK The Boy in the Back by my good friend thebandom109 and the sequel The Girl in the Front. SHE HIT 10k on her book today. Good job.
Bye babes
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