Michaels pov
"Well... Um." I stare at her with pure concern. She seems tense and jumpy lately. She's never like this. It makes me wonder what's wrong with her. "Michael I don't want you to kill me. Promise you won't kill me?"
I hold up my pinky "I pinky promise I won't kill you." A smirk doesn't grow on her face as it does mine.
"You have to Power Friends promise." She states this in a monotone. She is being one hundred percent serious. The fact that she is making me power friends promise means that I will most likely be mad in the end.
"Power friends promise." She links her pinky with mine and starts to speak again.
"Okay... I'm just gonna show you because I can't say it verbally." I looked at her confused, but stay silent. When she rolls up her sleeve I see when a bandaid had been and then I see a scar. And another. And another. "I knew you would hate me." I don't notice till a tear falls off my nose that I'm crying.
"I don't hate you. I could never hate you. But why?" She looks confused at my question and never answers so I speak again. "Why did you hurt yourself after being clean for so long? Why would you want to hurt yourself? I love you and Luke, Ashton, and Calum love you too. We are here to support you and I may not understand and you may not want to tell me why, but I will support you. You have to promise me that you won't do this again. Okay?"
Her head is hung low and I can see the tears slowly falling to the floor. She nods slowly. "Okay." I take her in my arms and hug her. We stay like this for what seems like hours, but it's only for a few seconds. "Do I have to go back to school Mikey?"
"Yes. You have to take finals or you won't graduate." She makes her way to the bar stool and her head hangs even lower. Her small sobs start to get louder. I stand beside her and hug her. "How about this. You go to school, take finals, leave and we go to Nashville. You, Luke, Calum, Ashton, and I all leave after we finish the final one. Straight from school. Eh?"
"What about graduation?" She asks between sobs.
"We don't have to attend that. We'll tell the principal that if we're passing after finals that we are leaving and we aren't going to be at graduation." Her sobs begin to slow down.
"Does this mean that the plan is on its way?" I ask with a little of excitement.
"Yes." A small laugh escapes her perfectly plump lips. "Now get Luke, Calum, and Ashton here so we can tell them the plan. I'm gonna go clean up my make up."
I nod and immediately start texting the group chat.
Michael: get your asses over here now!
Ashton: okay? But why?
Luke: yeah me and Calum just left.
Calum: and he told me about Addi
Michael: okay that's great that'll make this easier to explain when you get. Your. Fucking. Asses. Over. Here. Like... NOW
Luke: why you gotta be so harsh?
Calum: we'll be there in 10
Ashton: same here.
Okay, now that they're coming we need to find jobs, apartments, and other shit we'll need.
"Addi what the fuck are we supposed to even do?"
"Tell them the plan. Get jobs to pay for rent and shit. Pack and leave." I was about to say something then she gasps, "Oh and we need to study!"
"That was a pretty mighty gasp for needing to study." I laugh.
"No, I stepped on a Lego?" That sounded more like a question.
"Why is there a Lego in your room?"
"Probably from one of your old Lego kits from when we were 10." She starts laughing.
"Are you ever gonna come down stairs? You're so slow."
"Shut up Clifford." I heard soft foot steps coming down the stairs quickly. "How many days till schools over?"
"About a month. So, twenty or so days of school." She groans at my response to her question.
"Do I really have to go?"
"If you wanna pass, yes, yes you do." She flops onto the couch face first.
A car pulling into the drive way pulls Addi's attention to the door as 2 giraffes walk in.
"Wow don't even knock, why don't you?" Addi said sarcastically.
"We know your not pissed. This is what we always do." Luke states.
"So why are we here?" Calum looks to me.
"Wait for Ash." Addi chimes in.
As if on cue "hey guys!" Ashton walks in.
"Alright, now can we start?" Calum asks getting slightly annoyed.
"Okay," I started. I explained what happened with Addi and her cutting last week and what happened at school, then I started on the plan, "Addi and I have planned to move to Nashville after we take the last final." Addi grabs my hand as she is now sitting next to me on the couch. Somehow we ended up in here halfway through me explaining what happened at school.
"Okay? Why are we being included in this plan if it's just you and Addi?" Luke asks. The breadstick finally speaks up.
"Well, we were thinking that we could all move to Nashville!" Addi says excitedly. The boys looked at her confused, so she elaborates some more, "me and Mikey will leave the after finals are over since we're already mostly packed. We'll find jobs and start working. Well live in a hotel till we can afford an apartment. You guys will come down about a week after school, or we could all leave after finals. There's a month until schools over that'll give you time to pack and–" Addi started getting really excited till Ashton cut her off.
"Woah woah, slow your roll Addi. Let's discuss this."
Hey guys... Sorry it has taken me a while to update. I have big plans for the next couple of chapters. So be ready.
I am trying to update as much as possible but we have finials starting next week and then I have a school dance Friday. Life guys... Every time I get into the zone of writing I get interrupted.
Anyways here's y'alls chapter hope you enjoy...
Bye babes
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