Ashton just said he loves me. What am I supposed to say? Am I supposed to tell him that i love him too? No cause then he'll know I heard him. I don't know honestly, And i can't talk to anyone about it. I would talk to Ash about it. But Ash id the subject. Fuck Addi. Your ugly ass just screwed up. I was driving to Luke's house listening to Twenty-one Pilots and Green Day. American Idiot came on and I swear that song was written for this moment. Go ahead rip my heart out. Ashton and Michael both loved me. Did I love Ashton? I know I love Michael... I've loved Michael since 5 grade. I only met Ashton 4 years ago, and he's older than all of us. He's about a year older. I love Michael and there was no question about that. I'm done thinking.
Stop. Your. Madness. Brain.
I pulled into Luke's driveway. I just sat there for a minute. Collecting all my thought. Wait. I dint tell him Ash wasn't coming. Shit. What's my excuse now? I stopped questioning myself and got out of my car, Michael's car. Oh I think I need to get back in there and cry for a while. I stopped myself from going back to the car and walked to the front door. Remembering what he told me earlier, I just open the front door. His parents were out of town... Yes this is our senior spring break and we are sitting in our hometown doing nothing.
"In my bedroom thinking of ya, Her pictures in my private folder, I know one day that I will hold her, I'll make my move when I get older, Make my move when I get older." I heard Luke quietly singing. It sounded AMAZING!!! I mean he could be in a band or something. I knocked on his bedroom door and walked in. He didn't have a shirt on. WHY. ARE. THEY. KILLING. ME. TONIGHT. I cannot believe I'm dying now.
"Nope! I'm gonna need a drink. Where's the beer Luke?" He pointed to the kitchen.
"It's in the fridge. Where it always is." He chuckled. I walked out of his room and into the kitchen grabbing all the beer in the fridge and bringing it back to Luke's room. "Woah! So I'm guessing we're talking after the beer." He grabbed one of the 6 packs from my hands.
"Yes. I need a couple before I can talk to you like that." I said pointing to his bare chest and chugging down the first beer.
"You do know that we're going to have to come up with some stupid excuse as to why those are gone."
"They fell out of the fridge and splatter all over the floor. There excuse. Now give me another beer." Said reaching my hand out for another one.
"Do you really think you need all of these?"
"After we have this little conversation well have to get our fake ID's and get a lot more... Maybe we should go now, while we're still sober." Luke grabbed his keys and motioned for me to get in the car. we went to a liquor store about 30 minutes from his house because no one over there knew us.
On the way back to Luke's house I explained what happened with Michael after we left a week ago. Luke listened to every word I was say like I was a priest and he was the worst sinner you have ever seen. When we finally got to his house he opened his first bottle. We kept drinking. It was now 2 in the morning. Luke and I had migrated to his room. We sat on his bed watching the little mermaids and talking about the ocean.
"The ocean is so big. It never ends!" He said way to over excited.
"I know!" I yawned, "It takes up a whole 2/3rds of the world is covered by water."
We both started to yawn and we ended up falling asleep. Luke had put a shirt on before we left and he ended up never taking it off again. He was really sweaty.
I woke up the next morning and Ashton was texting me non-stop telling me not to tell Luke about the kiss, and honestly I don't remember anything I said last night. I didn't want to wake Luke up, so I had to squirm my way out of his bed without waking him up. I lifted the covers off my body to find Luke's arm wrapped around it. All I was wearing was one of Luke's T-shirts and some shorts. I lifted his arm off and walk to the kitchen trying to find some aspirin. When I walked into the kitchen the lights were really bright so my head ache finally decided to show itself.
"Everything okay here?" Luke asked walking into the kitchen shirtless.
"When did that happen?" I asked pointing to his bare chest.
"It was hot so I took it off." He started walking towards the island in his kitchen, "Are you looking for the aspirin?"
"Yeah. Do you know where it is." That was a really stupid question. He lives here of course he knows where it is. He walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a bottle out of the cabinet, and handed it to me. I mumbled a "Thanks."
"No problem." He walked back into his room. I poured 2 pills out of the bottle and gulped them down. There was a knock at the door, "Can you get that Addi?" Luke yelled from the other room.
"Yeah!" I walked to the door to see Michael standing at the door. He looked me up and down.
"Addi! Who is it?!" He walked out of his room still shirtless and Mikey looked at him then back at me.
"No. No, no, no, no, no!" Mikey turned around and ran back to a mysterious car.
"Mikey! Wait!" I yelled running after him.
So I'm not at school today...
Sorry Bailey...
You can't kill me now!
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