Michael (surprise bitches)
Addi left. She left town because I told her too. I'm sitting in the hospital getting ready to be discharged and I told her to leave. What is wrong with me?
"Hey Mikey you okay?" Rayna walked into the room, "I saw Addi leave and didn't know what was going on. She looked really upset." She was upset. I just told her to leave. To finish the break without me.
About an hour or so after she left Rayna came into the room with 2 duffle bags. She set they down on the chair in the corner of the room. "So she left? Why didn't she stay?"
"Because I told her not to." I was facing the blank white wall in front of me at this point. I couldn't see the expression on Rayna's face but I knew she was staring at me. She was staring right into me soul.
"You love her though. You were gonna–"
"I don't want to talk about it Rayna!" I shouldn't have snapped, but if she brought up with I thought she was I would've cried. No matter what I tried to do I'm going to cry in this situation. "She told me that if she knew–" I paused trying to soak the tears back into my eyes, "If she knew about you when the crash happened. She would've liked to live with family." I looked Rayna in the eyes. She saw the pain that i was feeling in my heart, "She wanted to live with you not me."
"Mikey if she would've known me back then you know that she would've–" I stopped her knowing exactly what she was talking about.
"I know, I know.... But what if she didn't hate you what if she helped you?" She stared at me with sad eyes.
"Let me go sign those papers to get you out of here." She walked out of the room. I closed my eyes and laid my head on the stiff, hospital pillow.
"Mikey! Mikey get up we're leaving. GET UP!" I was being violently shaken by none other than Rayna herself.
"What the hell Rayna! I'm getting up get away from me!" She was screaming right in my ear. I got out of the bed. All of the cords and tubes that used to be connected to my body were gone. I grabbed the stuff on the chair. We walked to the desk on this level, got my medicine and left. 4 hours in the car was going to be torture.
I decided that I didn't want to talk to Rayna about anything that happened earlier today. It was early like morning early. We got back around 12, so we got up and left at 8. I didn't want to go home because I figured that since I told ash I knew he was with Addi she went home. I ended up at Luke's thinking he was home alone. I walked to the door and rang the door bell and knocked on the door.
The door swung open and I was surprised by what I saw. I saw a half dressed Addi standing in front of me. She wasn't even wearing her own cloths. She was wearing Luke's shirt ,and as far as I could see no pants either. She was also surprised to see me. If didn't say anything. I turned around ignoring her plea to come back. I got in the car and Rayna drove me home.
I cried in the car and when we got home of course my parents weren't home. Rayna helped me get my stuff out of the car and I went to my room. After a few minutes of crying into my pillow there was a soft knock at the door.
"Mikey? May I come in?"
"I don't care anymore!" Rayna then walked in. She sat on the bed.
"Do you need anything?"
"Yeah. I need to forget this whole thing ever happened." She looked at me with a concerned look painted all over her body. I stared right back at her.
"Mikey you know I'm here for you if you ever need anything." At that moment I didn't know what came over me but my lips smashed right into hers. As soon as I noticed what happened I pulled away.
"I'm so so so sorry."
"Mikey I know that was an accident. And I don't want it to happen again anymore than you do. You have become a little brother to me."
"I know. You have become a sister to me. You just reminded me of Addi and I want to have her in my arms so badly right now."
"I'm going to go. I hope everything works out with you guys."
"Thanks Ray." I couldn't get the 'na' part of her name out of my mouth.
About 10 minutes after Rayna left there was another soft knock at the door. Even after Rayna left I cried the whole time. My eyes were red and blood shot.
"Mikey? Can I come in?" I didn't answer. Hopefully she would just leave. But she didn't. She slowly opened the door, walked over and sat next to me on the bed.
"Why did you do it Addi?" I really didn't want to know why she slept with Luke. But I needed to know.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean why did you sleep with Luke?!" I turned to look at her. My eyes were red and puffy. I had been crying since I left Luke's house.
"I-I didn't! I stayed at his house because I couldn't come over here and have your parents asking question." I stared her in the eyes hoping she was telling the truth. If not I would never have survived this.
"Are you serious?" I sat up still staring into her bright blue eyes.
"One hundred percent serious." She looked at me and I hope that she was telling the complete truth because I was head over heals for this girl. I felt like she was keeping something though.
"I came back for you Addi." I paused before saying anything else and just looked at her for a full minute, "I didn't mean anything at the hospital.... I was drunk and emotional, and I don't know–" I kept babbling and I guess she couldn't take it. She grabbed my face and kissed me. Is this really happening. I want it to happen. But is she going to be all in.
"Mikey?" She started breathing heavily.
"Yeah Addi?"
"Do you still love me?"
So this is Michaels point of view from the hospital. Sorry it took so long to update but I had lots of school work and a birthday party.
Anyways hope y'all have a good Sunday tomorrow.
Bye babes
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