Both Micheal and myself slowly walked to the door. His parents weren't home so it was just us. I was scared. Like actually scared. It was midnight and some one was banging on the door. Who could possible have the energy to come out here and bang on the door?
Micheal opened the door, "HEY BUDDY!" It was Luke and Ashton. They slurred their voices, there were obviously drunk.
"Seriously guys! Why do you have to come to my house when you get drunk?" Micheal seemed mad. They always. And I mean always come to his house.
"Guys we were trying to watch a movie." I said trying to motion them out, but just drawing them farther in.
"What movie is it. Oh wait were you two getting funky on the couch?! Were we interrupting a make out session?" Luke said. And of course this was going to make me angry. So I decided to go to my room and let Micheal deal with them.
"Seriously guys? We were talking about our plan for August. Like where we were supposed to live! We have 4 months to figure this out." I was angry.
"Dude, can we crash here tonight? I don't think we should let us drive..." Drunken Ashton does not know how to used correct grammar. He barely talks but when he does he sounds like a 5 year old trying to read a 12th grade book.
"Y'all can crash here tonight, but stay on the couch and give me the 6 pack. Addison and I need it to get you out of our heads!" I took the 6 pack upstairs. "AND DON'T EAT MY HOTDOGS!"
"So, you decided to make yourself present huh?" I said with a smirk on my face watching Micheal walk in my bed room door.
"Yes, I decided that I'm too cool for those drunken losers," he walked back out the door," but I also decided we need to join them!" He said holding up the 6 pack.
After a few beers, we laid on my bed talking about the world. Because we're those drunken teenagers. "Oh the world is so round and it has so much water on it." I didn't know what I was saying at that point. Micheal was more drunk than I was.
"In all seriousness Addison, I have to say there is a lot of... Beauty in the world... But I think... That your the most beautiful thing that it could offer." Micheal had just made my heart explode.
"What are you trying to say Micheal?" I asked him scared to know what the answer was.
"I'm trying to say that you're beautiful," he paused for a moment. He looked me right in the eyes.
"MICHEAL! CAN I HAVE A HOT POCKET!?" Luke ruined the moment they were yelling from down stairs. He wanted a fucking hot pocket. Micheal got up and ran downstairs.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY HOTDOGS!!" For some odd reason Mikey loved hotdogs. And if you tried to take one he would bite you. Yes BITE you. I didn't understand why, but I haven't touched his hotdogs since 10th grade.
I soon followed behind Mikey down the stairs. Ashton and Luke were throwing ketchup at each other. Then Micheal fell down the stairs.
"Another fucking person!? Are you kidding me. Is it Calum?" All the sudden the door swings open and there he is. Calum the Kiwi. With not one but two girls.
"Hey guys! I brought the party!" He was a lot more drunk than any of us. I think I was the most sober. "There was one more girl. I think I lost her."
"You lost a girl. Seriously Calum!? How drunk are you?" I knew I would regret asking that. As soon as I did I chugged another beer. Calum then went outside.
"I FOUND HER! She's stuck in a tree thought. Come help me!" Calum started climbing the tree and everyone went outside.
When we came inside Calum started to hand out the girls like candy— I think that's one of their names. "Luke with Candy, Ashton with Nikki, and I'm with Kokao!" I sat there for a minute and realized he didn't say Micheal.
"Can someone get me another beer?" I was about to get very very drunk.
"What about me and Addison?" Mikey you stupid bitch. I was about ready to punch him until Calum started talking.
"Aren't you to gonna do it in one of your rooms?"
Do you think they're gonna go do it in their room?!
Love y'all. 😘
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