• N i n e t e e n •
Third person POV
"Alright I'm....back..." Karma could smell the tension in the air as Nagisa faced him with a weak and fake smile. "Yeah let's get to it...." Nagisa stumbled up and walked out of the living while Sambre stayed on the couch. "Are you coming?" Sambre snapped out of his thinking process and joined the two.
The walk was silent as Nagisa kept glaring at Sambre. "Uh....so when did you guys become friends?" Nagisa flinched flashing a cheesy smile. "Back in elementary school. We used to hang with each other until he moved..." Nagisa slightly put his head down as Karma raised a brow.
"What school did you go to Sambre-Kun?" The brunette smirked as he folded his arms in a boastful way. "I used to go to ulster academy!" The bluenette quietly groaned while Karma gasped. "Woah!! You went to the highest school out there??! Why'd you come here?"
Sambre looked at the amused Karma and chuckled. "Because this school seems better plus I heard Nagisa attended so why not." Sambre looked at Nagisa from the corner of his eye only to see him groaning. "So any plans this weekend Sambre-Kun?" Nagisa's eyes flown to Karma as he mentally cried.
"Nope I'm free all week actually..." Nagisa felt something in his heart break as Karma said the following words.
"Wanna go to the fair?"
Short chapter....
Because... I dunno I'm guilty.
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