(Mark attempts to get control of his father but Nolan tells him that it's just him.)
Omni-Man: This isn't how I wanted to do this, but I don't have a choice. It's time for you to know where I really come from. I am from Viltrum, but it's not the planet I've told you about. We have created a perfect civilization, but it took all our strength, determination, and courage to get there. In order for our people to reach their full potential, we had to remove the weak from our society. It was a long and difficult process. When it was over, our population was cut in half, but what emerged from the ashes was unstoppable. By the time I was born, Viltrum was already the greatest empire in our galaxy. We decided to make it the only empire in our galaxy. Once I was old enough, I joined the war effort. It was hard, but I believe in our cause. Some species resisted, of course, but no one could withstand us for long. Soon, our empire encompassed thousands of planets. But as our territory grew, our forces were stretched thin and our expansion stopped. We needed a better, more efficient way to conquer worlds. Our most trusted officers were each given a planet to weaken by themselves. I was one of those lucky few. I couldn't tell your mother why I was here...But that time's come to an end...And now we need to get Earth ready to join the Viltrum Empire.
(Tears roll down Mark's face.)
Invincible: [sniffs]
Omni-Man: Mark, this is good news. We can finally do what we were meant to do. Be who we were meant to be.
Invincible: You lied to me.
Omni-Man: You couldn't know the truth...Not until you had your powers. Not until I was sure.
Invincible: Sure of what?
Omni-Man: Sure you were a Viltrumite.
Invincible: So if I wasn't, I'd just be one more human for you to conquer. No. This doesn't make any sense. You love me. You love mom. I know you do.
Omni-Man: Do you have any idea how long we live? The older we get, the slower we age. Viltrumite DNA is so pure you're nearly full-blooded. You'll live for thousands of years. Do you understand what that means? Everyone you know and love will be gone before you even look 30. It's not something I want for you. This isn't your world. It's theirs. But we can help them. We can stop wars. Eliminate hunger. Give them medical technology centuries ahead of what they have now. We've already been doing it. If it wasn't for you and me, this planet would be in flames. All we have to do is welcome Earth into our Empire.
(Mark looks at his father.)
Omni-Man: I do love your mother. But she's more like a...a pet to me.
Invincible: A pet?
(He places a hand on his son's shoulder.)
Omni-Man: This is the only way, Mark.
(Mark slaps his shoulder off him.)
Invincible: Don't touch me.
Omni-Man: Calm down.
Invincible: I will not calm down! This is insane! What do you think is gonna happen? That I'm gonna go enslave my friends for a bunch of aliens I've never met? This is my life! These are my people!
Omni-Man: We have a responsibility to Viltrum--
Invincible: I don't give a shit about Viltrum. And I don't care If I live a fuckin' million years. This is my home and I won't let you destroy it!
Omni-Man: You don't know what you're saying. And I can't let you interfere.
Invincible: I know exactly what I'm saying.
(He holds his fists up, ready to fight.)
Omni-Man: So be it.
(He flies behind Mark...)
(And punches him into the ground. He lands behind him.)
Omni-Man: Do you really think you can stop me--
???: Forget your son, Omni-Man. You got unfinished business.
Omni-Man: Huh? Who said that?
???: I did. Maybe you remember me.
Invincible: (Y/N)?
(Nolan flies straight for Y/N with his fist arched back. Y/N arches back a fist of his own. The two clash.)
(The sound of their fists hitting each other creates a deafening krack, the force shatters the ground around them, and the wind caused by the clash pushes Mark back a bit.)
Invincible: [yells]
(Back to the fight, Nolan punches across Y/N's helmet but this time the helmet doesn't dent or crack. Y/N lands a punch across Nolan's jaw, drawing blood from his mouth.)
(Y/N stomps Nolan's face into the ground.)
(Nolan backhands Y/N between his eyes on his helmet.)
Juggernaut: Hngh!
(Nolan attempts to rip open his helmet again but he can't sink his fingers into metal.)
Omni-Man: Grrrhh!
(Y/N headbutts him in the chest.)
Juggernaut: Rrraahhh!
Omni-Man: Hrrrhh...
(Y/N grabs Nolan by hair & backfists him across the face which turns him around.)
Omni-Man: Ugh...
(Y/N wraps a hand around Nolan's cape.)
Juggernaut: *tightens grip*
(He pulls Nolan to himself...)
(And punches him in his back.)
Omni-Man: Ack!
(Y/N slams him onto the ground.)
Omni-Man: [muffled groans]
Juggernaut: You should've killed me when you had the chance.
(He kicks Nolan across his nose which sends him onto his back.)
Omni-Man: ...
(Y/N stands over Nolan & starts pummeling his face. Between pummels, Y/N starts talking to himself in his head.)
Juggernaut's thoughts: I meant what I said. He really should've killed me when he had the chance. Because now, I'm angry. He has no idea what I am. Cyttorak's let me off the leash. And if I'm being honest, since we clashed, I disappeared for a while.
Juggernaut's thoughts: The first thing I feel as I come back is enjoying how the cartilage in his nose slides between my knuckles.
(Nolan's able to uppercut Y/N under his jaw. The blow knocks Y/N's head a bit before he goes back to pummeling Nolan's face in.)
Juggernaut's thoughts: A part of hoped that uppercut would knock me back to sense. But now, I only think "more." Regrets? I have regrets. Like him only having so many bones in his face. And eventually I'll shatter them all.
(Cut to the control room.)
Debbie: How long have you known about this...Juggernaut?
Cecil: A while. But I didn't think he was capable of this.
(Cutting back to the fight, pleas from Mark catch Y/N's attention.)
Invincible: (Y/N), please! He's still my dad!
(Y/N stops & looks down at Nolan to see him open his eyes, flies into the air which knocks Y/N off balance.)
Juggernaut: Shit--
(Nolan flies by, grabs Y/N by his chestpiece, & flies straight up into the air with him. Once high enough, Nolan lets go of him. But as Y/N gets closer to the ground, he sees Nolan waiting for him and he's close enough...)
(Nolan punches him so hard that it sends Y/N straight back up into the air. Nolan watches Y/N go up in the air before flying back down to Mark. While Y/N...)
(While Y/N is in space, we cut back to Nolan throwing Mark over the city of Chicago & Eve joins the Guardians at their headquarters. Two fighter jets engage Nolan resulting in him taking one of the jets out. Mark saves the pilot but he's not long for this world.)
(Nolan's about to take out the other jet but Mark stops him. Nolan punches Mark into the center of the city where Mark tries to hold up a building he crashed through but it still falls, killing many civilians. Mark's able to get a few punches on Nolan before he headbutts him into a subway station & holds Mark in front of a train.)
(The Guardians & Eve watch as Nolan punches Mark across the sky then decide help save lives stuck in the rubble. Nolan throws Mark into a mountain.)
(He only punches Mark once in the chest for the shockwave to cause an avalanche covering Mark & killing the people at the base of the mountain. He pulls Mark out of the snow just to punch him again, sending him into another mountain where the beating gets so much for Mark.)
(Each blow causes echoes, after a while, Nolan stops beating Mark, who is a bloody & broken mess.)
Omni-Man: Why did you make me do this? You're fighting so you can watch everyone around you die! Think, Mark! You'll outlast every fragile, insignificant being on this planet. You'll live to see this world crumble to dust and blow away! Everyone and everything you know will be gone!
Invincible: [gasps for breath]
Omni-Man: What will you have after 500 years?
Invincible: You, Dad. I'd still have you. [gasps weakly]
(Nolan looks at the blood on his hands.)
Invincible: Dad?
Omni-Man: [grumbles]
(He flies up.)
(Imagine Y/N, in space, in the background.)
(Y/N sees him fly off as he wonders how he's gonna get back to Earth.)
About Two Weeks Later
(We see Y/N entering Earth's atmosphere before...)
(Crashing into the ground.)
(Y/N): [muffled groans]
(He spits dirt out of his mouth & stands up. He's about to start walking but before he takes a step, he hears someone land behind him.)
Eve: (Y/N)...?
(Y/N): [sighs]
(He turns around & faces Eve.)
Eve: Is-Is that really you?
(He takes his helmet off.)
(He drops his helmet onto the ground. There's a silence between the two.)
(Y/N): How'd you know I was here? I literally just landed. [chuckles dryly]
Eve: Cecil was tracking you up there.
(Y/N): And how long was I in space?
Eve: Two weeks.
(Y/N): Cecil left me in space for two weeks?!
Eve: He was planning a mission to recover your...body but then you started moving back towards the planet. Once you were in the atmosphere, he called me and said that you might be alive. Explains why I'm not in costume.
(Y/N): Wow. Okay...My parents--
Eve: They...thought you were dead, (Y/N). We all did.
(Y/N): Was there a funeral?
Eve: There was. I missed--
(Y/N): Listen, Eve. Before you go any further...I have to say something.
Eve: Okay.
(Y/N): [deep breath] I'm not the same guy anymore, Eve. I made a deal with a god.
Eve: A god?
(Y/N): [sighs] I've never really told you how my powers work. That's on me. This deal I made, it gave me the power to stop Omni-Man. But in return, I had to give something up. A part of myself. In my fight with Omni-Man, I lost control. And at first it scared me. But each time I hit him, I started to enjoy it. I'm going to lose control again. I'm becoming something, Eve. Something you don't want any part of. You deserve better. Someone who can really be a hero.
(He's about to pick up his helmet but Eve stops him.)
Eve: You say that you're not the same person?
(Y/N): Eve--
Eve: Cecil told me about your fights with Omni-Man. He even showed me the footage.
(Y/N): Then you know what I'm talking about.
Eve: If you really changed then you would've killed Omni-Man despite Mark begging you to stop!
(Y/N): I remember.
Eve: You saw the look on Mark's face and stopped what you were doing. That sounds like someone in control. That sounds like the (Y/N) I know. The (Y/N) I--
(Y/N): Don't. Don't finish that sentence.
(He picks up his helmet with the intention of putting it on but before he can, Eve runs up to him, wraps her arms around his neck, & kisses him. Y/N's reluctant at first...)
(He drops his helmet, wraps his arms around her, & kisses her back.)
The Grayson Residence
(We see Mark open his front door to see William, Eve, & Y/N.)
William: Mark!
Mark: (Y/N), you're alive?!
(Y/N): Shocker, right?
William: Oh, man, it's so good to see you're all right. I mean, after everything on the TV about you and Omniiii--
(Amber appears next to Mark.)
William: Uh, hey, Amber. Uh, um...
Mark: She knows about my dad.
Eve: Oh, okay.
(Y/N): Great.
Amber: They know? And why are you so surprised that (Y/N)'s alive?
Mark: You guys want to, uh--Let's go out.
Burger Mart
(We see Mark, Amber, Eve, Y/N, & William in a booth together.)
William: How's your mom taking it?
Mark: About as badly as you'd expect.
Amber: Mark, I am so sorry.
Mark: I don't know what to say. It's like I'm hollow inside. Nothing seems real.
Amber: We don't have to do this here.
Mark: No. It's okay. I just needed to get out of the house. But can about something else?
William: We can try, but it's literally all everyone is talking about in the whole world.
(Amber & Eve glare at William.)
William: Okay. Sorry. New topic. Uh...Huh.
(Y/N): I...was in space.
(Eve elbows Y/N's arm.)
(Y/N): Ow!
(Mark gets a phone call & steps outside. A little after that, he flies away, leaving Amber, Eve, Y/N, & William in the booth.)
Eve: You know about Mark and Omni-Man now, so you might as well know about (Y/N) and I. We met Mark in costume before we realized we went to the same school. I'm, um...well, I'm Atom Eve.
William: What? Oh, my god, I see it now! You can make doubles of yourself!
Eve: No! That's Dupli-Kate. I'm the pink one.
Amber: Oh, right. Of course.
(Y/N): The word "dupli' is in her name. I guess I'm next now. I don't think we should be revealing our secret identities in a Burger Mart but I digress...I'm--
William: Don't tell me.
(Y/N): You call me "Rexplode" and I will break you in half.
William: Juggernaut!
Eve: Wow. You got his name right.
William: You're a total beefcake.
(Y/N): Ha. Thanks, William.
Amber: He really is, Eve.
Eve: Tell me about it.
RayTheRipper: And that's Season 1 of Invincible! The last time I wrote and posted anything was in March of last year and it's safe to say that it was an absolute BLAST to get back into the swing of things! Thank you all for patiently waiting for me to return and not forgetting about me. It truly means a lot. Okay, enough with the sappy crap. Season 2 next weekend! ✌🏽
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